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Suppression of Sound Scientific Ideas

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posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 07:36 PM
While one of our associates at Pegasus was doing research on a connection between Terrorism and the effect on scientific research, he happened on this document.

If you have ever wondered about why certain topics are "taboo" or just not discussed, this paper has a list you might want to read, with examples back to Galileo...


American and British history is riddled with examples of valid research and inventions which have been suppressed and derogated by the conventional science community. This has been of great cost to society and to individual scientists. Rather than furthering the pursuit of new scientific frontiers, the structure of British and American scientific institutions leads to conformity and furthers consensus-seeking. Scientists are generally like other people when it comes to the biases and self-justifications that cause them to make bad decisions and evade the truth. Some topics in science are 'taboo' subjects. Two examples are the field of psychic phenomenon and the field of new energy devices such as cold fusion. Journals, books and internet sites exist for those scientists who want an alternative to conformist scientific venues.


I have seen a lot of the topics on this list discussed in the threads... but here they are "all in a nutshell"

So what I want to know is exactly who is behind this suppression and what can we do about it?

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 08:29 PM
Partly to blame is the elitist oil and defense corporations. Think about it, we probably had the capacity to build vehicles using engines that don't require fossil fuels at least 40 years ago. But these technologies never come to the forefront because they are bought out or eliminated by the all powerful billion dollar oil companies.

As long as the oil is flowing and things aren't changing, hordes of money can keep streaming into the hands of the elitists.

The notion of cold fusion or zero point energy is such a revolutionary idea that it could threaten the removal of forms of control. The implementation of such technologies would destroy many of our societal institutions that have been created and hardened by those in control over the last century. Imagine the repercussions on our money and resources if some of these technologies were allowed to develop.

If we had free energy or even zero gravity machines we would not be spending billions on the extraction and burning of fossil fuels, we would no longer be damaging our planet, and we could remove ourselves from the endless cycle of road and power line construction/repair. Not to mention the millions of lives saved because of a lack of car accidents as well as resource wars. All that money saved could go towards improving impoverished parts of the world. Despite the enormous benefits to humanity, those in control have ensured that we remain in a state of maximum resource usage, and all simply so they can have money and power.

Great post
This article points out one of the greatest tragedies of our time. The fact is that there exist science technology that could release us of our greatest energy problems, and set us free into a new era of exploration and discovery as well as global cooperation.

[edit on 14-7-2007 by Vipassana]

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 02:31 AM
To play the adversarial role, even though I mostly agree ...

The problem with this implication indicated by both posts is the sheer amount of size of the corruption that would have to be in existence, and level of execution that would have to be applied.

I think we would be talking a level of evil that involves upwards to hundreds of thousands when you considered the length of time and world wide reach that has been achieved in such control.

Yes, we know oil companies are greedy, corrupt. They will milk the resource for everything they can and more with no morals. This also assumes that all people at all high levels are fully corrupt. Where are the leaks? Do they do those same pre-job screenings, but if people are good liars and greedy they get management positions? It just seems odd that not one has come forward on a death bed, or had a moment of regret over the last few decades if it is as bad as we are thinking it is ... but let's assume that every oil company in the world and every one privy to the information is said companies are compliant to the plan.

Now ... we are also implicating every vehicle manufacturer in the world as well. There is no room for that not to be so. This means it is all planned who will be the leader in fuel economy (Honda & Toyota) and it is more than just a Detroit scandal. There is no room for thinking otherwise, because, if a company came out with something that didn't need a current infrastructure like gas stations or could get a magical 200+ mpg figure ... they could make back R&D and profit in the first year if implemented and marketed correctly ... putting it in every vehicle line at every cost bracket. NO ONE, no matter how stubborn, would buy anything else, since even SUVs with such a technology would still be more efficient than even the famed Insgiht. Ok, so now all the scientists, all the companies, in two major industries are in on it, world wide, with no leaks ... not even on their death bed.

You see the pattern, it doesn't stop there.

While I don't doubt it is happening, how could it be on such a large scale, executed with perfection, for such a long period of time. It seems more likely that my God would create a special, pefect woman for me out of thin air and she would appear next to me as I type this (looks around ... nope). Oh, well, worth a try

Seriously, how does such suppression which is nearly unfathomable, can possibly be executed?

I can see suppressing some of it some of the time, but not everything foerever. It would be a constant nightmare of stress for those who do it, and a massive undertaking of control, that, I don't think on that level people can keep their trap shut, since, someone breaking the story, even with life-threatening consequences ... would be rich beyond their dreams for exposing such a scandal ... and greed is what keeps their mouths shut now ... but at some point, you would think someone would want to be rich in spirit, not just big pockets.

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 02:10 PM
I don't think there is any corruption or agendas behind it. You touched the answer in the first post;

> Scientists are generally like other people when it comes to the biases and self-justifications that cause them to make bad decisions and evade the truth.

With other words we talk about psycology. Scientists are people and noone can deny their human nature. People belive in themself. So a scientist who study something he will try to gather facts. But we are human and we often sort out information we get because it just seem unlikely. Scientists do that too. The end result is thus wrong.

The only way to get conclusions based on all the facts would probably be to make a computer program to make the conclusion. Feed it with all the facts and lets see what the result would be...
However, it would require that ALL the facts are fed the program and NO opinions or belives... So I'm not sure this would work eighter... :/

Scientific methods sounds great on paper, but in reality it fails when human phsyche is taken into account.

My bottom line is that science is as much about faith as religions are. None of them have all the facts. And that is a fact!

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 03:29 PM

Think about it, we probably had the capacity to build vehicles using engines that don't require fossil fuels at least 40 years ago.

Weren´t the first ford prototypes ran on hemp oil?

So you can say we actually devolved, scientifically.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 07:39 AM
Couldn’t have put it better myself, FTI. Good post.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by Vipassana
Partly to blame is the elitist oil and defense corporations. Think about it, we probably had the capacity to build vehicles using engines that don't require fossil fuels at least 40 years ago. But these technologies never come to the forefront because they are bought out or eliminated by the all powerful billion dollar oil companies.

Think about it. From the standpoint of an oil corporation or ay entity that stands to make a profit from areas relating to the production, transportation and use of conventional fuel. If I were one of these corporations, i'd find it difficult to leave billions and billions of dollars in the ground. They'll squeeze the stone until it's dry, and then make way for alternative forms of fuel. It's not right from the perception of a consumer, but it makes sense for business. It's all about supply and demand. If you bring in alternative fuels, you erase the demand for oil. As long as the supply is there, they'll keep the demand there.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by Vipassana
Think about it, we probably had the capacity to build vehicles using engines that don't require fossil fuels at least 40 years ago.

On what do you base this rather bold conclusion?

I say bold since I assume you don't mean steam engines or battery powered motors when you say "don't require fossile fuels", since these actually did exist 40 years ago.

If you're talking about cold fusion reactors, affordable, safe, reliable hydrogen fuel cells, anti-grav reactors etc., again, I ask why you think we
"probably had the capacity" ..... "at least 40 years ago"?

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 03:46 AM
Yup Steam Cars were cool

Stanley Steamer 1923

Silly Lemmings I am sure the poster meant this....

Nikola Tesla had an Electric Pierce Arrow back in 1930, the ICE engine was replaced with an Electric Motor. The power source was a black box of radio tubes, in the glove compartment. The box had an antenna sticking out. Tesla would fool with some tuners and tune in the right frequency and got 240 volts delivered through the air to his car. The car ran almost silent. He had the car stashed in a barn near Niagara Falls. He was sending the energy from the Power Plant, some how. He said this power could be made possible for everyone. J.P.Morgan did not like the idea, because where do you put the meter? Morgan stopped funding and Tesla's Wardencliffe Tower was taken down.


Tesla invented AC current that you live by, the Tesla Coil that you couldn't drive without, the Radio which Marconi stole(Tesla was finally credited) and had a patent for a flying saucer. He offered us free energy transmitted trough the air... He made Morgan and Westinghouse rich... and we repaid him with anonymity


The White Mice deserve what they get... Long Live the NWO

[edit on 15-8-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
American and British history is riddled with examples of valid research and inventions which have been suppressed and derogated by the conventional science community. This has been of great cost to society and to individual scientists. Rather than furthering the pursuit of new scientific frontiers, the structure of British and American scientific institutions leads to conformity and furthers consensus-seeking. Scientists are generally like other people when it comes to the biases and self-justifications that cause them to make bad decisions and evade the truth. Some topics in science are 'taboo' subjects. Two examples are the field of psychic phenomenon and the field of new energy devices such as cold fusion. Journals, books and internet sites exist for those scientists who want an alternative to conformist scientific venues.

It is likely that these fields, as well as many others, are ignored/derogated due to the nature of capitalism. I would imagine that after pouring in countless millions into products without recieving a single dollar in return, certain fields/topics become taboo. I would further imagine that researchers typically aren't independently wealthy - they work for a living and report to a boss. Typically bosses are hired for their managerial expertise - and ability to produce results that make the investsor(s)/venture capitalists happy. ROI (return on investment) makes investors/venture capitalists happy. Subjects that have a track record devoid of ROI are shunned by bosses because they are despised by investors/capitalists.

HOWEVER, I think that Tesla's works have intentionally been supressed -- many great threads here at ATS on this one. I agree with the other posts here that other fields of research, such as those that threaten big oil -- are quieted through political pressure, corporate hegemony, or actual physical threats --- all of which are the result of.......yep - ROI. What a great deal - oil. Almost as good as owning a money printing press...

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:18 PM
Bookmarked and printed to PDF into my mess of documents

Apart from all the Obvious BS regarding this topic and whatever the Military are up to which I can only guess as to being of what some may consider a low brow term of *small penile solar syndrome* ...Small minded Men and so called "Power" morons

I would love to listen to John Lear and Bruce Cathie over Dinner

and in saying so whilst I looking around for any info on another complete farce regarding the Shelving of a Video I would so dearly love to see of Tibetans use ancient knowledge of levitation which they clearly wanted the world to view in academia ... Dickheads

Go Bruce... Like John he changes his theory as he Learns.. not many people are inclined in that way

Google Video Link

[edit on 17-9-2009 by Somamech]

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 04:10 PM
You know, Ingo Swann explains why this could be happening perfectly, on his book Penetration (which is amazing, and everyone should read, even if you ignore the more... "out-there" parts).

The gist of what he says is that we, in order to function as a society, need to phase-lock our "knowledge base", or "reality. Ie, we need to be operating assuming the same rules, limitations, etc, to communicate, and function properly. A side-effect of this need, is that new information, especially something that potencially shatters the shared level of technology, expertise, whatever, IS SUBCONSCIOUSLY VIEWED AS A THREAT TO THE STABILITY OF THE SOCIETAL SYSTEM!

So there might not even BE any kind of a conspiracy to supress knowledge, it could just be the way we operate, and society trying to protect itself.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Hi, zorgon.
I was just taking a gander at this thread and felt that it was about time it crossed the boards again.

Many more topics can be added to this as we are certainly in a time when suppression of certain topics is happening at a staggering rate. It appears that some people fear discussions and knowledge more than anything. If you don't stay within the imaginary lines that are drawn, you get slapped on the wrist. Just as a horse becomes dead sided, those of us who seek the truth begin to lose the feeling in our hands and arms after getting disciplined repeatedly.

Suppressing thoughts, ideas, and speech is a favorite tactic used by the enemy. When censorship activities are being utilized, it should always raise a red flag with those who are seeking the truth and wanting to educate others.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 04:28 PM
Nice bump, and totally agreed. Seeing as I've spent the last half hour or so on exactly the same subject, I'm linking two things instead of typing them all out again :

First related to NASA and the Hoover paper on Alien life in meteorite fossils :

Secondly related to the Canadian government muzzling scientists :

Such incidents aren’t one-off occurrences, but instead represent a trend of “muzzling” policies being imposed on Canadian scientists by federal agencies under the Conservative government, a panel told their international peers Friday at a global science conference in Vancouver.

“It’s pretty clear that for federal scientists, Ottawa decides now if the researchers can talk, what they can talk about and when they can say it,” senior science journalist Margaret Munro, with Postmedia News, told a group gathered at the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting.

“We’re not talking about state secrets here.”

Link : Ottawa ‘muzzling’ scientists, panel tells global research community

edit on 13-4-2012 by robhines because: typo

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