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Alien force about to "correct" Earth

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posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by danx

Originally posted by Telos
Ok, I've received this e-mail too since I'm in the same newsgroup as you dntwastetime. Do I believe it?

NO !!!

With all fairness to dntwastetime he did explicitly say that he believed this to be a hoax and was only putting it here for discussion. At least that's what I understood (and hope) is intentions are.

Oh I think it's a misunderstanding. I have no doubt about the poster's intention. I just pointed out what i think about this message and Sherry Shriner. Nothing else...

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:34 PM
I wondered how long till someone tried to tie the "drone" thing to something else. Nice Sci Fi story. Shriner has whako website that I believe someone posted. Claiming bible codes talk of reptilians/aliens/invasions ect. I don't know of anything on her site that has come true. She's just hoping to drum up some "visitors". I say that loosely.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:39 PM
Sounds like a pretty cool movie. Humans caught in the middle of a war between aliens and underground reptilians. Think Will Smith would star in it?

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 01:03 PM
Well the Tibetan Monks say the ET's won't invade us, they will take action to protect us from our Government's actions...

Now I find this interesting on several levels...

Talk of invasion, hoax or not, has the government scurrying underground like rats, leaving us to fend for ourselves...We all know they have underground facilities like Cheyenne Mountain that are meant just for that purpose...

The Tibetans are the best channeler's on the planet... for them to come out openly and say ET is here to help is quite amazing really...

Wernher von Braun had in his list of 4 manufactured enemies of the USA
Alien Invasion

We here about theories of the Ancient Gods having battles for supremacy... This idea is backed up in most Religious texts

We here talk of good aliens vs bad aliens... funny thing is most consider the bad aliens to be on the side of the government
And THOSE aliens are also underground like rats...

Bible says Satan rules beneath the Earth... a place called Hell as I recall... more rats under ground...

We hear talk that 2012 is "The Day" because the Ancient Mayans said so, and everyone is jumping on that band wagon

LOL Maybe as a previous poster mentioned, sealing up those underground bases once they are all inside would not be a bad idea after all... rat control

And now the Tibetans speak up on all of this...

In 2012, the world will start plunging into a total destructive
nuclear war.

And at that time something remarkable will happen, says,
Buddhist monk of Tibet. Supernatural divine powers will
intervene. The destiny of the world is not to self-destruct at
this time.

Scientific interpretation of the monks=E2=80=99 statements makes it
evident that the Extra Terrestrial powers are watching us every
step of the way. They will intervene in 2012 and save the world
from self-destruction.

When asked about recent UFO sightings in India and China, the
monks smiled and said the divine powers are watching us all.
Mankind cannot and will not be allowed to alter the future to
that great extent.


Well I know which side I will be cheering for

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 02:08 PM
If they were in our solar system, then, they will be here in a couple of minutes or hours, becouse, they travel with the speed of light or above. The world is big, but it will happened in the mayor cities in New yourk washington, or Phoenix maybe, etc..., so there is many witness and cameras.

How, that there is not so much videos of lights of Phoenix, how many time was there light and why is there so much video or pics of the event? I that was true, then the whole city will be amazed and in the streets watching the skies.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
Whilst this thread may be a joke, i don't think the idea of "others" coming to Earth is actually too far off what may happen in the near future.. or even "others" coming from within the human population itself.

As always, the elite want to confuse you..

All the TV and films made using the alien theme should elude that something will go down involving "sci-fi" type events (from our perspective), but its nothing to be worried or afraid about. They want you to be afraid, because thats the only weapon they have (your own fear).

Just know that you are in good hands

This very well put. I don't thing something along the lines of ET contact on a large scale basis wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility. Fear is the only thing they can use to try and remain in power. And I completely agree the majority of elite really want people to be confused, that is why it is up to us to differentiate the real truth from the BS. If ET wanted us dead, we would be dead already.

I think any worth while Christian would be able to look at the 23 Psalm and understand that fear and fear tactics is not the answer to anything. The 23 psalm is funny, because it was prominently figured in JJ Abrams show Lost. I think his programs are specifically geared towards the enlightened or soon to be. I think he's sort of playing both side of the duality card to make his programs entertaining.

Another great show for the enlightened is David Milch's "John from Cincinnati," which is currently airing on HBO. I think the important thing is too remember that nothing may happen as far as end time prophesies go. It's very hard to be certain of anything, but it definitely interesting to think about. And it would be definitely be amazing if something/anything broke the populace free from the shackles of this corrupted modern society.

I don't believe though that all of the "elite" are against this and/ are going to fight it if it happens. The media is entertainment, but real "news" programs like Larry King and his recent show on UFO's show that not everyone in the media is trying to make us afraid of ET and UFO's. Buzz Adrin and the former mayor of Phoenix, who both saw UFO's, were not even remotely scared of them or ET. I haven't seen the whole thing, but that is what I surmised from what I saw. Larry King is an awesome interviewer and host, and probably the king of the "frog aliens."
I think that is funny because we do share DNA with animals.

I think raising awareness of UFO's is priority one for many in the media, because there is something to it and it is completely fascinating to talk about. And as always, they do whatever gets the ratings, and people are very interested in the supernatural/other-wordly at this time (or maybe all the time).

I agree with skyblueff0 assertion they may just be screwing with us who don't understand for the fun of it. That's is not to say that there isn't real disinfo going on for nefarious, controlling purposes. I think what's going now is more of a psychological battle than anything else, a war of words if you will. Possibly as a part of a bigger divine plan. Plus, everyone knows through constant repetition in media, the good guys always win.

Who knows for sure? I guess you might be able to say that if anything does happen on a large scale, there would definitely be a "New World Order."
I just think fear is the real enemy of humans, but is also somewhat misunderstood as far as purpose. Fear makes you more focused as an individual ask any NFL QB. They thrive on that stuff. Maybe that is the point of the current wave of political and religious fear-mongering. Fear alone is never the answer to anything.

I know this a hoax. And Sherry Shriner is for lack of better terms "bat # crazy," and probably what what shrinks would call a "paranoid schizophrenic."

My 2 cents.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 03:30 PM
Bah another one of these. Move along people nothing to see here. Its a shame people insist on making these claims. They should read the story the boy who cried wolf. Maybe one day someone with a genuine far fetched story like this is actually telling the truth and we all just dismiss this as a tall tale because of people like this. They could really be affecting a lot of lives in one way or another in the present and possible the future.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by Starwatcher
Bah another one of these. Move along people nothing to see here. Its a shame people insist on making these claims. They should read the story the boy who cried wolf. Maybe one day someone with a genuine far fetched story like this is actually telling the truth and we all just dismiss this as a tall tale because of people like this. They could really be affecting a lot of lives in one way or another in the present and possible the future.

We'll I think the whole "I'll believe it when I see it" applies when people make these big claims. It is something to read through just for the entertainment factor. For me personally, I wouldn't be basing anything thought based on what I read by a handful of paranoid people on the internet, though.

Things like this even though obviously phony, somewhat add to my enjoyment factor of reading through ATS.

War between "bad lizard aliens" and "ancients," pffff, if anything I'd speculate that they would probably be working together towards the same goals. Of course, if it did happen I would be out on my front lawn with with a case of cold ones and some hot nachos enjoying the big show, hoping that they don't hit me with their earthquake weapons.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 05:13 PM
I like the part where he says we wont notice anything on the surface. How coneiniant..LOL

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 05:13 PM
I like the part where he says we wont notice anything on the surface. How conveiniant..LOL

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by wildone106
I like the part where he says we wont notice anything on the surface. How conveiniant..LOL

....................The word is " convenient"......

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Diplomat
lol, and he even says the 5-mile ship is already in our own solar system and close to our planet. hahah, looks like it's time for the amateur astronomers to break out the telescopes. who wants to bet there is no ship there?

Actually there is something up there but its round! I can't believe it! It looks like it has craters on it and omfg! its orbiting earth right now!!!!!!

"Its the end of the world as we know it"

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Starwatcher Maybe one day someone with a genuine far fetched story like this is actually telling the truth and we all just dismiss this as a tall tale because of people like this. They could really be affecting a lot of lives in one way or another in the present and possible the future.

LOL don't you get it? THAT is the PLAN... confuse and confuddle... bury truth beneath mountains of BS..

Someone shows a picture of a UFO... bury it with fake videos on youtube and a few CGI drones

Someone from "inside" tries disclosure... shooting them will raise questions... but toss em in with 10 or 12 obviously bogus disclosures and he is silenced, no matter how loud he screams

And guess what? Its working perfectly. Not one person in here is any closer to the truth... though we have lots of circumstantial evidence :cool

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 05:50 PM
Is ATS the only site that is getting bombarded with this crap? And by no way im mean to attack the OP, but has he posted this is some other site?

Seriously I think there is an concerted effort I dont know buy whom to move people out this forum, to other places, for what reasons I dont know but I have a couple of theories:

1.People (govt or agencies) know that a lot of smart people post here and between all the different backgrounds and skills people have here we might get close to something. So they start bombarding the site with crap to put this people in conflict with each other and people leave for one of 2 reasons:

A.Tired of the atittude of others
B.Because the site is loaded with BS.

2.It could be also from some other site to get people disenchanted with ATS because of the in-fighting and rambling and as people grow tired they go somewhere else.
(I think this one is unlikely but still possible)

Any thoughts?

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 05:58 PM
Umm just a thought while you are all saying its fake and stuff but maybe english wasnt the guys first language? He could be from somewhere else and only took it so he could live here or something.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by dntwastetime
They are not here to conquer the planet. They are apparently here to battle against the non-humans that inhabit the myriad underground facilities that are in joint human/reptilian operations.

Sherry Shriner,

Oh yeah............... THEIR WARS, OUR WORLD - Transformer ( ugly movie ).

Ok let's wait for these few weeks.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by lanciau

Originally posted by dntwastetime
They are not here to conquer the planet. They are apparently here to battle against the non-humans that inhabit the myriad underground facilities that are in joint human/reptilian operations.

Sherry Shriner,

Oh yeah............... THEIR WARS, OUR WORLD - Transformer ( ugly movie ).

Ok let's wait for these few weeks.

Hey , Hey , Hey Transformers was a pretty good movie.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by danx
What is it with these hoaxes lately?

Well, every time someone starts a hoax thread, it generates a jillion response posts, so the motivation is always there. They wouldn't go to the trouble if they knew they'd be ignored anyway. Unfortunately there wasn't a way for me to say that without also posting, dang it.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 07:01 PM
Hey do you know what? I Think I smell Skunk! Gross!

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by Bunch
Any thoughts?


1) This is one of the fastest growing most popular sites of its kind anywhere in the world

2) We do find out stuff, a LOT of stuff

3) Your new here, what makes you think people are leaving?

4) We are well aware of WHO is watching us... and I doubt you will find many in here that would be frightened off by that knowledge. Matter of fact some of those "government infiltrators"
have contributed a lot

5) What US? Fight and argue with each other? Nah figment of your imagination

Sometimes though it is suggested some may not be happy here
or One line posters with smart comments usually don't last
But I don't see many leaving

[edit on 14-7-2007 by zorgon]

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