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Alien force about to "correct" Earth

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posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:07 PM
OK, I recieved this email via, Alan DeWalton (aka BRANTON) Meta Terran News Group. This is from Sherry Shriner.This is possibly a ATS SkunkWorks thread. I thought I would try it in Aliens/UFO first.
OK this is nuts and most certainly a hoax so....Don't shoot the messenger. Thanks

this was sent to me by a friend..don' t know how legit it is (everytime I hear
the words "ex CIA" or "NSA agent, insider, or operative" I just want to
laugh..but it's interesting and a FYI...

No Joke
User ID: 254160
7/1/2007 8:28 PM
Report abusive post
They are coming! Quote

I am an NSA operative and have to get this off my chest. I have never ever
breached my security clearance oath, but feel I must now. I do not expect many
people to believe me but for those few who do please listen up! In just a
matter of a few weeks, possibly two to three, a five mile long craft will enter
into what many scientists in the company have confirmed will be a geodesic orbit
about our planet. We have reason to believe that the visitors therein will not
be of a friendly persuasion. Being highly compartmentalized, I have very
limited knowledge I can add to the above seeing how most of it was leaked to me
from other sources in the company, aka NSA as well as another agency too secret
to even have a name known to but a handful.

Do NOT approach any alien craft that you may encounter within the next weeks
and months. These visitors can be quite hostile I have been told.

The second message:

NSA insider
User ID: 247966
7/3/2007 4:42 PM
Report abusive post
Prepare for the arrival because it is near! Quote

The elite have begun to settle their families into the various underground
bunkers and cities in preparation for the coming events. My wife and children
are secure in a secret facility in Virginia but I have friends in the company,
i.e. NSA, who have settled their families into such facilities as the new world
airport's underground mega-bunker in Denver. The "event" is near and stations
like the science channel have been broadcasting doom scenarios recently to
alert the discerning into action to save themselves and families. Stock up on
food and water and get away from the shores. The coming events will be
world-wide and ET connected. They have entered our solar system and are now close to
our planet; thousands of the ancient ones, we have been briefed about, to bring
about what has been termed "the first wave of correction". Do NOT approach any
unusual aircraft that may be lurking near the ground. There is a craft that
has been seen recently that has been likened to a dragon fly; this is the one
that must be avoided if possible within the next weeks and months. They are the
precursors and reconnaissance craft from the main ship that will ark itself
in orbit 1000 miles above the earth.

I know I will not be believed but by a few enlightened and discerning
individuals, but you have been warned. Most of the events will be attributed to more
prosaic and mundane causes but I assure it they are not!

Once my family and myself have been secured in Virginia I will be transported
via magneto graviton monorail systems to a facility in / under Australia to
assist COG scientists and engineers in resisting the invaders, with
technological help from visitors who have been here a long long time. Do not let
superficial explanations by the media cloud what you know is really going on. There
will be an abundant amount of unusual activity in the skies as thing unfold.

Good luck and peace to you all.
May God help us all.

[edit on 13-7-2007 by dntwastetime]

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:09 PM
The final message:

NSA-DOD Insiders
User ID: 254160
7/6/2007 2:03 AM
Report abusive post
The next couple of months you on the surface must protect yourselves! Quote

This will be the last warning we will post regarding the approaching
unbelievable times to come. You who survive on the surface will be the lucky ones. We
will have to become prisoners in our underground "homes" provided by the
continuity of government officials you never elected into office.

To be brief and to the point, the drones that have appearing around the
planet are a harbinger of things to come. The circular portion of the drone craft
are stargates. You must NOT be directly under one when they are activated. If
you are you will be whisked away into another dimension and another multiverse!

The entities will transport from and through the "wormhole" tunnels formed
within the ring. Many will be invisible to most human eyes as they descend to
the ground while some will appear further down into the underground tunnels and
cities that permeates most of the Earth's crust.

We have beam weapons that can destroy the invading army but they have
superior technology even to the ones provided by our off world friends decades ago.
Our scientists and technicians have and are still working tirelessly to offer
reasonable resistance to the invaders.

It is imperative that you on the surface never approach these drones that
have been labeled " Extraterrestrial Surveillance and Reconnaissance Hover
Vehicles" or ESRHV.

The ESRHV has the ability to appear and disappear instantly. They are
remarkable in many aspects not the least of which is their ability to respond to
changing commands with the software being encoded on the underside of the craft.
They can instantly change shape and function as the commands are transmitted
from one thousand miles above the earth. These craft are dangerous, or will
become dangerous when the word is given to deploy their intended actions.

Do not be surprised if major earthquakes and volcanic activities increase
during this time; it will be a result of scalar weaponry that will be used. Our
intel has informed us that the invaders will try not to disrupt the normal flow
of surface life during their operations. They are not here to conquer the
planet. They are apparently here to battle against the non-humans that inhabit
the myriad underground facilities that are in joint human/reptilian operations.
Sound like science fiction? Yes it does but if/when you see the ESRHV that
have now began to arrive and are uncloaking mysteriously, then you will hopefully
remember this warning.

Sherry Shriner,

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:11 PM
Sounds like some pretty good science fiction to me. Nice story...


"There is a craft that
has been seen recently that has been likened to a dragon fly"

lol is that supposed to be a reference to the C2C Drone? You gotta be kidding me... get this crap out of here...

[edit on 13-7-2007 by Diplomat]

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:20 PM
Wow that's pretty trippy

You know it's so hard to tell if posts like that are truth or hoax. Deffinately interesting though. I guess I'm not going to ignore it though. I'll put this little info in the back of my head in case

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:25 PM
So when they come and get rid of all the reptillians...........
will David Icke be out of a job?

And how will we know they're gone if we never see them anyway?

Seems highly doubtful to me.
But if they do show up, well, I'll be eating crow then, won't I?


posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:26 PM
Oh boy here we go again..

What is it with these hoaxes lately?

I'm starting to wonder if these hoaxes aren't designed to keep us busy and looking in the wrong direction..

It was said that there was a spike of 'interesting visitors' on ATS when the 'False Flag hoax' thread started.. maybe there will be really some sort of False Flag operation.. maybe it's just not the kind that we're (being lead into?) thinking.

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:27 PM
My upshot is that this was written as a prank by someone in the range of 9-13 years old. They have a poor grasp of covert agencies and an unrealistic understanding of security protocol.

Insiders don't refer to their own government organizations as the "company". Underground cities "permeating" the earth's crust? Magneto graviton monorail system under Australia? "... and get away from the shores"? The C2C drones are stargates? Etc., etc...

They probably read a few ATS posts and weaved together a little amalgamation story to see how many feathers they can ruffle. Not many, I'll submit...

Fun reading, though. Once polished, might even make a mediocre dime-store rag submission. Go for it...

[edit on 7/13/2007 by Outrageo]

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:28 PM
lol, and he even says the 5-mile ship is already in our own solar system and close to our planet. hahah, looks like it's time for the amateur astronomers to break out the telescopes. who wants to bet there is no ship there?

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:33 PM
This would be fu**ing sweet. Dont get me wrong aliens trying to invade earth isnt the way i would like it to be done but at least they could no longer be kept a secret.

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:41 PM
This seems to mimic the GhostRaven thread. I will sit back and watch this thread devleop like the other one. I performed some research into what these posting are saying, but I am feel it is all hype.

Some bored college students waiting for OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program)

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:46 PM
XD george bush senoir better watch his back. This would worry me though because he would probably get every american citezen inbetween him and the aliens that wanna get him =(.

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:49 PM
Whoever it is has also read the Isaac Material:

The ESRHV has the ability to appear and disappear instantly. They are
remarkable in many aspects not the least of which is their ability to respond to
changing commands with the software being encoded on the underside of the craft.

Has anybody ever heard of the NSA being referred to as "the company"?

Why are supposedly secret operatives in the US administration so often barely literate? I just have this idea that governments would like their secret reports to be grammatically correct, rather than reading like a school assignment.

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Rhain
This seems to mimic the GhostRaven thread. I will sit back and watch this thread devleop like the other one. I performed some research into what these posting are saying, but I am feel it is all hype.

Some bored college students waiting for OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program)

Hey! Don't blame Canada

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:51 PM

I'll beleive it when i see it- better yet, when the alien comes knocking at my door. I'll keep you all up to date.


It just wont stop.

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Karilla
Has anybody ever heard of the NSA being referred to as "the company"?

No, the CIA is.

Which is kinda interesting since he states that:

My wife and children are secure in a secret facility in Virginia but I have friends in the company, i.e. NSA, who have settled their families into such facilities as the new world airport's underground mega-bunker in Denver.

NSA HQ is in Maryland, CIA's in Virgina.

Poor fella.. must've gotten a little confused for which agency he works, with all the excitement of telling the world of the upcoming alien invasion.

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:57 PM
This hoax is pretty bad. While it uses a lot of the current UFO hot topics:

GhostRaven, C2C Drones, The "orbiting" ships being spotted by astronomers, NWO, Reptilians, etc etc.

It makes one critical mistake in terminology that to me screams that this is indeed a hoax. Just one line makes me positive beyond one hundred percent that this is ridiculous.

That line is:

"If you are you will be whisked away into another dimension and another multiverse!"

We exist in every dimension. We just can't witness them for our sensory is purely 3rd dimensional. What? We're going to start seeing the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th dimension?! Sweet, bring it on.

Another issue: "another" multiverse? The multiverse is just one. There's no other. Multiverse means: "collection of all the universes" which is what M-theory is all about.


posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:58 PM
A ghostraven type scenario now absorbing the drone craft into it plus the underground residing aliens. Someone forgot the crop circles.

I think this one is even weaker than ghostraven. Only if strange things in the sky start to happen will I even start to maybe give a thought about believing.

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 08:00 PM
I hate hoaxers just as much as people who think everything is a hoax. This could just as easily be some guy making this up or it could be real all i know is i have never seen so much stuff in mainstream on ufo's.

It seems study groups have determined that we need our veils lifted before this arrival so we don't panic. Then there are all the executive privileges the present administration are passing almost like they are preparing for something.

Larry King is doing a whole show on ufo's tonight. This ufo show, i hope, will be better than the other ones he's done.

'May You Live in Interesting Times'

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 08:05 PM
So this brings to mind another question.

With all these hoaxes going around lately, how do we know when a real truth is finally revealed? We have been so much preconditioned to discard things that even for example a real NSA memorandum would end up being called a hoax (not to say it's difficult to fake one, though I have never seen one so wouldn't know anyway

What gives more credibility to some claim over another? How much evidence is needed and what kind of evidence for that matter: real life people on TV (I know, I know, nobody in their right mind should trust the mainstream media); physical objects, paperwork, etc?

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by amigo
So this brings to mind another question.

With all these hoaxes going around lately, how do we know when a real truth is finally revealed?

You wont. Unless the Grey aliens (human looking aliens would make things complicated) land in your backyard. Funny thing Dis-Info/hoaxes are eh

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