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The NWO has been given a Death Threat it should Heed!

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posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 07:00 PM

Now I know has its critics but this kind of concept must have some validity because the Chinese and Japanese aren't stupid and can see the world depopulation plan by the Illuminati targets them directly.

What if all the Anti-NWO folks in the western world made contact with this group and gave them a footing in our society to help us eradicate this scum from the planet ? Blackwater would have some opposition and not just go around stomping on people.

It could be our only hope, think of it like the Ninja's who fought the Samurai in Japan because they were oppressed.

[edit on 30-6-2007 by mazzroth]

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 08:53 PM
So an Asian secret society wants to "kill" a Western secret society? Taking this story at face value for a moment, how is one secret society better than another?

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 09:43 PM
This is Great! Lots of people have been looking for the perfect way to weaken if not end the Illuninati, This could be it!

I agree i think we should try to make contact with this Chinese secret society and let them know there are opposers to the NWO on this side of the world!

Great Find!

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 09:47 PM
Based on my understanding of Freemasonry's morals and membership, Masonry is actively opposed to the NWO agenda. However, it seems Masonry is more committed to working behind the scenes to undermine the NWO.

It's fascinating to see what results a more hard-line strategy might produce!

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by mazzroth

Now I know has its critics but this kind of concept must have some validity because the Chinese and Japanese aren't stupid and can see the world depopulation plan by the Illuminati targets them directly.

What if all the Anti-NWO folks in the western world made contact with this group and gave them a footing in our society to help us eradicate this scum from the planet ? Blackwater would have some opposition and not just go around stomping on people.

It could be our only hope, think of it like the Ninja's who fought the Samurai in Japan because they were oppressed.

[edit on 30-6-2007 by mazzroth]

If its a real, which i have doubts about its a bad idea. Having assassins kill people as influential as those that are supposedly connected with the illuminati and the NWO would be a bad idea. Espescially teher has been no definite proof of the NWO's existance and agenda. Because all they would be doing without proof of the NWO's existance is, murder and conspiracy to murder changes.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 10:59 PM
I think the more the NWO is brought out in the public the better we have a chance of realizing the danger they pose. The problem is that the only sites or threats come from entities that could be considered "underground" or "fake". This is the real problem I see when it comes to the NWO.

Just like when George Bush and John Kerry were questioned about the Skull and Bones all they have to do is "deny" it and if it is denied by them than the sheep believe them. The sheep are many and they "conspiracy" is few. As soon as the "conspiracy" group becomes large enough than the NWO will start to become reality.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 11:12 PM
Displacing 1 tyranny with another is just plane scary. Furthermore, given the Chinese government’s complete disregard for human rights over the centuries, would you really want and Asian secret society filling the power vacuum left after the demise of the NWO?

The NWO’s main agenda is controlling the world economy and the world’s resources.
The greatest economic resource on the planet is the working class people. So if you really wanted to hurt the NWO all it would take is for every working person in the world to down tools and have a month off.

By having no work, production, manufacturing, transport of goods etc. would cripple the world economy and the NWO.

But the NWO worked this out years ago, so through their manipulation of the media and creating “the system” they have convinced people that we can’t live without the system. So in a nut shell, people are too scared to go on mass strike – even though if we all pitched in together and shared our food, water and resources for a month, we could defeat the NWO and demand our governments do the bidding of the people – not feather their own nests.

[edit on 30/6/07 by WatchNLearn]

[edit on 30/6/07 by WatchNLearn]

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 11:58 PM
What about the US human rights issues?? I don't see how anyone can focus on Chinas human rights policy without taking a look at our own.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by hoochymama
What about the US human rights issues?? I don't see how anyone can focus on Chinas human rights policy without taking a look at our own.

I am well aware of the US, UK etc etc governments lack of human rights, however i was simply pointing out that supporting the Asian Secret Society is no better than the i said, it is just replacing one tyranny for another.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 12:11 AM
Japanese? Their population has been declining forever. And the Chinese government has gone overboard trying to stop overpopulation in their own country. If anything, the Chinese would be backing for plans to depopulate areas that have exceeded their capacity and that are now causing havoc in other places. Rense lives up to it's reputation once more..... for being a bogus source of information...

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 12:43 AM
I hear so much about Human rights abuses as the main reasons we as a nation start Wars and consider another country a enemy that we need to start leaning about CULTURE and every society in General.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 04:26 AM
Article is interesting, but on a few points i was wondering about intelligence of these people. First, why do they need one man to tell them what to do? That's just stupid. Second, Putin and KGB are far from innocent and work for NWO, no need to comment on that.

And finally, why nobody never talks about Vatican? A lot of banks operated by Jews are in fact controlled by Vatican. Or do you think church just abandoned all the power they had for 1000+ years? Sure, they are all spiritual, hehe.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 12:13 PM
...Interesting article...(gives me a lot of thoughts...)

If it contains an iota of truth, then perhaps we will see some

interesting scenarios played out during the 2008 Olympics...

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
Based on my understanding of Freemasonry's morals and membership, Masonry is actively opposed to the NWO agenda. However, it seems Masonry is more committed to working behind the scenes to undermine the NWO.

To my knowledge, that is certainly true. However, you can't convince some of the knuckle head anti-Masons of this.

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 01:57 AM
To my knowledge, you have to believe in a higher power to become a Freemason. If this is true, almost all religions preach lessons of peace and humanity and loving one's neighbour, so it would directly contradict NWO plans. And because the Illuminati are linked to the Freemasons, you'd think that they would also follow the same principles to a certain degree.

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by DigitalPirate
To my knowledge, you have to believe in a higher power to become a Freemason. If this is true, almost all religions preach lessons of peace and humanity and loving one's neighbour, so it would directly contradict NWO plans. And because the Illuminati are linked to the Freemasons, you'd think that they would also follow the same principles to a certain degree.

...But if they worship "the god of this world" or"the hidden god" their objectives might be quite different...

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 08:43 AM
Have you ever seen the Freemasons directly linked to any terrorist activity? Or any wars? Or anything for that matter which would associate them with NWO?

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 01:29 PM
...Hum,...I wonder why they call them secret societies...

Could be that the outward appearance, and the inner core are quite different...

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by DigitalPirate
Have you ever seen the Freemasons directly linked to any terrorist activity? Or any wars? Or anything for that matter which would associate them with NWO?

or the illuminati for that matter?

any shred of evidence to support any of this would be greatly appreiciated but is not anticipated.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by DigitalPirate
To my knowledge, you have to believe in a higher power to become a Freemason. If this is true, almost all religions preach lessons of peace and humanity and loving one's neighbour, so it would directly contradict NWO plans. And because the Illuminati are linked to the Freemasons, you'd think that they would also follow the same principles to a certain degree.

Actually, they did, at least if we are talking about the historical Illuminati of Bavaria founded by Weishaupt.

The problem is that modern conspiracy theorists confuse the term "Illuminati", and apparently apply it to the wealthy elite and the politicians who are their puppets. I've never understood why they make this mistake: "Illuminati" means "spiritually enlightened". Why someone would think that George W. or Ollie North are "spiritually enlightened" is beyond me.

What conspiracy theorists refer to as "Illuminati" has nothing to do with the historical Illuminati, nor with kindred metaphysical and Kabalistic fraternal societies.

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