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Read the sunspots

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posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 06:19 PM

Read the sunspots

Climate stability has never been a feature of planet Earth. The only constant about climate is change; it changes continually and, at times, quite rapidly. Many times in the past, temperatures were far higher than today, and occasionally, temperatures were colder. As recently as 6,000 years ago, it was about 3C warmer than now. Ten thousand years ago, while the world was coming out of the thou-sand-year-long "Younger Dryas" cold episode, temperatures rose as much as 6C in a decade
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 06:19 PM
This article is great, I'll give a brief synopsis of the major points:

- New research using 6,000 years worth of mud core samples from Canadian waters
- Found cycles in climate change that match the Sun's various activity cycles, primarily the 11-year Sunspot cycle.
- Cites new research which identifies the 'amplifier' of the Sun's fluctuations in energy output on Earth as being the Solar Winds.
- The 'amplifier' effect happens when the Sun increases its energy output it increases Earth's Solar Winds thus preventing cosmic rays from entering our atmosphere and increasing cloud formation. This increases the effects of the Sun's heat on Earth leading to marked increases in climate temperature. When the Sun drops in intensity (like it will when the current 11 year cycle comes to a close) the Solar Winds slacken and the cosmic rays breakthrough and cause increased cloud formation, resulting in a marked climate cooling.
- Cites poll that 2/3 of 530 climate scientists from 27 countries surveyed believe that climate change isn't fully understood yet. And that half believe that so little is understood that policy makers should not even be involved yet.

This article was great! Climate change is definitely happening but assuming 'mankind' is to blame is 20th Century logic whereby man is all powerful and capable of destroying the Globe at his wish.

Global cooling is set to be the major problem in the next decade, according to this article, and its ramifications for humans is much worse than global warming. Will the entrenched dogmatic sheep herders such as Al Gore and PM Harper admit they were wrong when temperatures plummet and allow us brace our societies for food shortages and deaths from cold exposure?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 06:26 PM
That is a great article.I have always believed that sunspot cycles were the real cause of global warming and not the Al Gore version.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 06:53 PM
Yes I've always thought climate was directly related to solar activity. Whoda thought that?:shk: Unless you believe your SUV is melting the polar ice caps on mars....

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole
Unless you believe your SUV is melting the polar ice caps on mars....

It IS? Well, not mine, but my dad's?

I'm gonna email him right away!

Save the Martian ice!

Seriously, though, as a species we are so egotistical. Everything is OUR fault, all the time, like we are all powerful. We aren't, our imaginary gods aren't. We're just part of the planet, which will be here long after we're gone.

I feel the same way about extinctions. I do believe we are contributing somewhat to SOME extinctions, yes, but our lovely planet has extincted at least 95% of all species she's ever developed, all on her own, without our assistance. She'll be doing it long after she's extincted us.

Maybe our species name should be Homo Hubris.

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