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bush adored by Illegal immigrants He's their hero!!

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posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 10:49 PM
President Bush seems to love what "Illegal Immigrants" are doing and saying about America. He wishes to declare "Amnesty" for million's of "Illegal Immigrants". He acts ashamed of the majority of the American public. Because they don't stand with him on flushing our country down the third world toilet. We should all just stand by and let him proclaim "Amnesty"for all the "Illegal Immigrants",regardless of their criminal history or acts of terror they have brought to this beautiful country of ours? We should all of us be ashamed of ourselves. So you think that our country is better with them here huh!Let's take a look around maybe you live in a house that's only 5 to 10 yrs.old and it seems to need alot of work done on it.Does anyone remember the good old houses built before they took over our construction businesses?You can just about bet that it doesn' t need as much work as they do today!That my fellow countrymen is their contrubution to our housing and developments. That is what I see on a daily bases.Their craftmenship at it's very best.So they work cheap but what good is it when you have to dope another 10-20 grand in your home because they work so fast and they are ignorant of how to do it right for you, Don't look at me to teach them my trade, I will survive fixing what they mess-up.You may be misled in believing they like America. Take a real look at their protests not what media wants you to see but the real true protest they have flags that read as follows"White rastist you get off OUR CONTINENT!"or my favorite"Blank the Alamo" I can't write what they really say on the second sign but it's a strong word.A word that we don't want our children to ever use.If El Presidente was a True Texan he would "Remember the Alamo" and he wouldn't be siding with these foul mouthed "OUTLAWS".He would be calling back our troops to push them back to "mexico" and after that's done to guard our own Borders.Mr.Bush Remember the Alamo!!God Knows They Do!!This is for they that won't stand, I will stand for you!! General "T"


[edit on 6/12/2007 by kinglizard]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 11:29 PM
Does any one have a comment about what Ive written here.Stand or stand not.It's up to you!

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 01:05 AM
Looks as if people are reading your post, GeneralT.

Look, you have Four Stars. It may well have been intended as the 100% approval of Five Stars, but the machine broke.

So ---- you've been awarded a high approval rating. It wasn't by me, either.

Ergo: what you've written meets with the approval of at least one member and quite probably several.

You have to realise that people have been ham-strung and silenced, many of them, with the twin-poisons of Political Correctness and fear of accusations of 'racism'. Lol. They're afraid. Afraid of being carted of to ' US-gulags' and ' US-camps', never to be seen again and their mouths filled with soap on the hour by massive, black-outfitted Thought and Speech Police.

But then, what can you expect? Does the media support or echo your complaints ? Or does it fill your living room (and dumb you and your children down) with 'news' about Idiot Hilton, Presidential sex-lives, the gasp-shock-wet-yourselves-in-fear predictions of melting ice, rising seas, gas-less societies, killer biological weapons, 'terrorist attacks', 'dying bees', California-dropping-off-the-cliff, five year olds having sex, cloned creatures, fleets of UFOs across the suburbs, etc. etc.?

It's all part of the plan: the Zionist plan to divide and conquer and then destroy Western societies, using floods of rapidly-breeding opportunists from the second, third, fourth, etc. worlds. If you dare object, particularly publicly, you're branded a 'racist'. It's the standard response and follows upon years of people being programmed to accept and believe that it's 'wrong' to criticise any 'minority' groups ---- regardless of how deserving of such criticism they may be and are seen-to-be.

You're in the middle of a war. Did you realise that? Probably not, because the weapons are disguised. War all the same.

I guess at the back of your mind (and in the minds of millions of those around you) you sort of believe that if you say it clear and say it loud -- these newcomers will go back where they came from, huh?

Don't blame you. It happened pretty suddenly, didn't it? Suddenly, everywhere you looked, there were not two or three or ten, but hundreds of what you politically-correctely described in your post as 'illegal immigrants'. And it was like: 'Huh? When did this happen? How come so many?'

And not always the meek and polite and clean ones portrayed in movies. Nope, so many of these strangers have attitude.

They were pretty swift to capitalize and use the 'racist' accusation too, just to make you feel guilty and embarrassed and silence you.

Well, don't be mystified. They were coached. They are being coached. By the same Zionist scum who coached the black population to feel like victims, no matter what they did. No matter what any of them do to you, you can rely on one thing from now on ---- it's all *your* fault. When they steal from under your nose --- it's *your* fault for being 'racist' enough to notice that they were stealing.

If their work is shabby, it's *your* fault, you racist scum, for having more opportunity than they, more education, more natural ability, more work ethic.

It's your fault they're crowding through the gate right now. You knew that, didn't you?

Sure. You refused to undertake all that supposedly 'low paid' work your government claims you refused to accept.

And it's your fault whenever there's social unrest and community friction, too. But you knew that, didn't you? Sure. It's your fault for not 'accepting' the illegal immigrants (what an oxymoron that term is, considering Bush is virtually flying them in on his own jets, straight to your suburb).

Give it a few years and it will become even more of 'your' fault --- for not adapting to the 'illegal immigrants' culture: for being 'insensitive' to their culture: for (as always) being White Supremacist Trash Racists.

Sorry to tell you, but there's nowhere to run. Because the Zionists are pulling the same stunt, world-wide. Name a nation. Then do some research. They're all suffering from the same 'immigrant plagues'. And they're fast-breeding plagues, too. They'll out-breed you in no time.

And just in case they don't breed swiftly enough and don't adopt a militant arrogance fast enough --- the Zionists (using supposedly 'Christian front' organisations) --- are bringing in tens of thousands of natives direct from the African continent as a heh heh 'compassionate immigration policy'. So you'd better be ready to 'accept, adapt and adopt' their clearly superior cultural values as well. Honour killings, butchering of sheep and goats in neighbouring back-yards, any number of 'unusual' looking structures and houses of religion, right next to the churchs your great-great grandfathers and his pioneer buddies built.

It's the cultural soup you've heard about: the 'multiculturalism' that was begun by the Zionists as the ultimate weapon. Those Zionists knew, beyond any shadow of doubt, that multiculturalism would rip the fabric of *your* culture to shreds --- and leave you with ash in your mouth and little else to call your own or to leave to your children. Multiculturalism brought down mighty Rome, for pete's sakes --- and the Zionists were right there, at the helm, waiting to take over, which they did. Did you know, incidentally, that prior to the fall of Rome, most Romans were blonde? Not blonde any more, are they? And those 'illegal immigrants' who brought Rome down, afterwards imported blonde hair from Germany and Scandinavia and had it turned into wigs. They had hated the fair Romans and had destroyed them. Now they wanted to be like those of whom they'd been so envious -- so they wore blonde wigs and lightened their complexions with lead-based paints (which killed them, eventually, actually).

Divide and conquer. Always works. Dozens of ways to do it. And it always works.

The 'illegal immigrants' are a tool. Your life and those of your fellow countrymen will never be the same. Things will never return to the way they were. It changed before you were aware of what was happening. It's already over. The US of today is not the same as the US of even ten years ago and it will be different again, ten years from now.

The Zionist agents spread their propaganda via forums. So don't be surprised if/when you're informed that the 'US has Always been a welcoming refuge for immigrants. That's the proud history of the US. These immigrants will make us stronger, you'll see'. They'll remind you of the early Irish and Poles and Italians and Dutch, etc. etc. They'll tell you that ---in the beginning -- the Irish and Italians and Russians, etc, caused a lot of problems and crime and divisions and friction. But, they will remind you, look at those Irish and Poles and Russians and Italians today -- they're leaders in our communities and Rhodes Scholars and benefactors and police chiefs, etc. etc.

At that point, exhausted and confused, you may well decide they're right and *you* are wrong, as usual (what did I tell you). You may well decide you have been a 'little bit racist' and 'not tolerant' enough.

There you go. Easy, isn't it? You'll pick up Spanish without even realising it. You'll adapt, don't worry. That's what humans do: they adapt. You'll just have to learn to ignore the slights heaped by the 'illegal immigrants' on the achievements of your ancestors. After all, our politicians and Big Business have been sucking up to the Japanese for decades.

That's how it's done -- if you're a politician (particularly those in the pockets of Zionists). You create a war. Talk it up. Send the loyal or unlucky to die. Then you make a deal with the heh heh 'enemy'. You praise them publicly. You force the population to kiss the enemy's behind. Then you create another enemy and another war. On and on.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 01:51 AM
I reckon it's great that the US is being invaded by heaps of "illegals". The US maintains an unwanted presence in many places:- Philippines, Germany, Japan, Turkey, Australia, Great Britain, Cuba, Montenegro, Samoa, Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq, Rognerik, Bikini and on and on and on - about 150 in all.

When complaining about "illegals" in the US, think about how the rest of the world feels about having goddams on their territory. Onya "illegals"! - give the US some of its own back.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 02:11 AM
but isn't Bush's family illegal?

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 02:15 AM
As a person that had ancestors that were wiped out with the last major influx of "illegal immigration" in the 1600's-1880's, I could sit back and laugh. As a true American and not an elected official supossedly representing the people, I can not laugh.

Perhaps instead of calling W an idiot, we should sit him down and carefully explain that had this "non-amnesty bill" been ramrodded through on Sept 10, 2001 then 16 of 19 terrorists would have been US citizens as they were here illegally as well. Because 16 lacked the proper visa and documents to enter the country legally.

Personally I say go for it Congress, the American people have been long waiting for the proper reason to overthrow the government that no longer represents the intrests of the people over the intrests of individuals and corperations. I already have my contengency plans for evasion or conflict depending on what I deem is in my best interests. I would watch in great amusement when political leaders fight and draw straws for evacuation to the ISS and other hidy-holes.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 06:47 PM
This is General T and speaking for myself and others, we know about all that which has been said above and alot more.The fact is if we don't unite under one single flag we will perish! I myself have been known for years in this fight, that seems most all ohters are just now taking an interest in. I'm the one who comes up to you in the grocery store or gas station offering you some free lit. Maybe it works maybe it doesn't but I'm there on the front line. I will be there even if your not there, because the interest of the people have changed and your thinking about some other news interest. Most of what I start to type I have to change, because the Thought Police will be here quickly! Don't take that the wrong way. I've really been on their list for years now. I've just come to realize that my life and my freedom depend on what I do now.I have to just quit screaming from the roof tops and actually get in the trenches with my men and push back against this machine now in office. So don't think I'm just here to say sweet words of truth.I'm here to get you to think a new thought. Think to yourselves that I have friends out there who are willing to fight or if needs be die for my cause. That cause is worth all the trouble that we are now facing. So stay strong brothers and sisters. I will never piss down your back and tell you that it's rain. Unlike some of those in office today. Remember our cause is just! We must fight till there is no fight left in us then fight with the strengh of those next to us in the fox hole!!! The time to push is now and push hard we must. This has been your friend in this battle. General T

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 06:52 PM
This is one of the main things that I hold against Bush. He is showing that not only is he not a Republican, he certainly isn't a conservative. A conservative would have made measures to secure our borders almost immediately after 9/11. Bush obviously did not.

He is a "bleeder," in sheep's clothing, in my honest opinion. Since he is so concerned about other nations, and not the welfare of the American citizenry, why doesn't he move there when he gets out of office.

By the way, I hope he takes the house and senate Democrats with him. Maybe then, just maybe, we can then work on securing our national borders.

[edit on 13-6-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by hippichick
I reckon it's great that the US is being invaded by heaps of "illegals". The US maintains an unwanted presence in many places:- Philippines, Germany, Japan, Turkey, Australia, Great Britain, Cuba, Montenegro, Samoa, Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq, Rognerik, Bikini and on and on and on - about 150 in all.


I, as an American, would be in favor of us pulling all of our troops out of those places and placing them on our borders.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 07:07 PM
General I tried to give you the last start but it didn't let me, I guess somebody downgrade the thread already and is not letting me add more.

But I agree with your statement, the only way I can be able to help with the immigration madness was making sure that my congressmen in Washington representing my state was aware of how I feel.

It seems that it was many of us complaining because as you can see the immigration bill didn't pass . . . at least this time.

I thing that if we put presure on our politicians things can be done.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 07:19 PM
You mark my words, this issue is going to cause conflict in this country. You watch and see what I tell you. It's not about Mexico. It is about the fact that our government seems to think that it is well and good that people who are not even citizens take advantage of things that hard working citizens pay taxes to enjoy.

People, especially on th left, always want to try to turn this into some sort of racial thing. As far as I am concerned, and most people who are raising hell about this, race is not even what the gripe is.To be quite frank, it never even enters my mind until someone brings it up. Most of us couldn't care less where they come from, if they are undocumented, ship them back.

By the way, don't give me this "your ancestors were 'illegal' immigrants" stuff, uh, America was not a sovereign nation then. While I certainly am not proud of the way my ancestors treated the American Indians, there is no correlation between that, and what is going on now, none whatsoever.

[edit on 13-6-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 07:32 PM
Maybe you could post a link to a poll or something that supports your claim that Bush is idolized by illegal immigrants.

I know for a fact that most hispanics in the southwest US are not very fond of Bush and you'd think that if Bush was the idol of the largest population of illegal aliens, then that would be reflected in the legal immigrant population and the hispanic citizenry.

I think it might be that illegal aliens like the amnesty legislation, but personally, I doubt that they like GW Bush, much less consider him to be their hero.

Oh yeah. I find your post to be perfectly unreadable, because you have neglected to format properly.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 07:55 PM
in the southeast hispanics vote republican like it' s the only thing going. They get their banners, walk around all high and mighty, still get mad at Clinton and Reno over the handling of Elian Gonzalezs, and if you say anything bad about Bush they treat you as if you're evil. Strange, they don't support a man like Fidel Castro, but they back some of the worst criminals known to modern man. But then again they did give them Miami b/c of the whole Cuba incident, so it's kind of understandable.

By the way, all Castro wanted to do was play baseball, but no they had to mess with him, now look at the situation...

[edit on 6/13/2007 by acegotflows]

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by acegotflows
in the southeast hispanics vote republican like it' s the only thing going. They get their banners, walk around all high and mighty,

Yes you are right but we have different immigration groups, in Florida is mostly Cubans, Haitians and Puerto Ricans the last group are already Americans by birth right.

In the north like NY is mostly Puerto Ricans now also Mexicans.

In the west the majority are Mexicans.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
I, as an American, would be in favor of us pulling all of our troops out of those places and placing them on our borders.

Amen. Build the wall. Build it tall. Build it wide. Build it deep. And put our troops on it.

I'm in full agreement with you SOT.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Amen. Build the wall. Build it tall. Build it wide. Build it deep. And put our troops on it.

I'm in full agreement with you SOT.

Well,,Flyer, when I make comments like that,I also mean that we should secure our northern border as well. I am not partial in the slightest, when it comes to national security.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
I also mean that we should secure our northern border as well.

So do I. Both borders. Absolutely. START with the southern one because that's where the biggest inflow is. But absolutely - both borders.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 05:35 PM
If these illegals are allowed to become citizens, will they have to start paying taxes?

And yeah I agree, they believe that the American continent is theirs, they want to turn America into Mexico.

What they are too stupid to realize is that if they DO turn America into Mexico, then there won't be any benefits like free healthcare, free education, free licenses, etc...and America will be another craphole like Mexico is.

But they can vote, and thus the politicians don't want to turn against them because they provide a big vote.

It's about power.

I assume you remember when the National Guard was put on the border to "patrol" it? Did you know they were put out on patrol without any ammunition? It was just a political stunt, putting them there.

Or how about when illegals opened fire on National Guard members, and I think one had fired back one time (this one did have ammo on him). He ends up indicted, while the illegals are let go.

If I was in charge, I would put 10,000 troops on the border and a 20,000 volt electrified fence along the entire Mexican border.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 08:32 PM
Illegal immigrants, ,what a touchy subject.

I'm going to be honest and I hope i'm not going to get slaughtered for having my own opinion.

Illegal immigrants in most American minds shows us mental pictures from the tv of mexican people, dirty looking mexicans, hopping the border by the dozens.

This is a partial debate about racism. No doubt about it.
In the back of American conciousness (white america) lies an elitist attitude about the formation of this country and how most of it was created by white people. Furthermore, I firmly believe that throughout the existence of this country this thought has been in the back of American conciousness.

If it's not mexicans, it's black people, if it isn't black people it's the irish people.
How did the indians feel when the Europeans come into America??

Probably the same way, and they still feel animosity towards them til this day.

It's a very sad sad mentality that has been passed down throughout the generations.


My second thought is this, and it's towards WheelsRCool.

You say:

What they are too stupid to realize is that if they DO turn America into Mexico, then there won't be any benefits like free healthcare, free education, free licenses, etc...and America will be another craphole like Mexico is.

These mexicans are not stupid at all, these mexicans are smart enough to take advantage of an already broken down system, they know of programs we don't know of, they know how to pull the proverbial pants down off of congress. And they know how to run businesses with the money they make doing landscaping jobs, chef jobs, construction jobs, hotel maid jobs, ect.

And they run successful businesses, from restaurants, to bakeries, to salons, to convienient stores.

So they can't be that dumb. And like most American's, these ones pay taxes, and just like the other half of American's, the other half of mexicans don't pay taxes.

We're dealing with a horrible stereotype towards these people and it's not right, and it's not fair.

That level of intelligence is actually quite shameful and I can't believe people have the gall to even post small minded thoughts such as the one you displayed above.

My third thought is this:

If legal migration didn't cost so much I really believe these Mexicans would do it the proper/legal way.

Just to get a green card which gives one permission to stay in America for 5-10 years depending on if they meet certain criteria, but most of these people don't have 10,000 dollars to hand over to the INS.

I used to think that these people should be punished to the max for invading the US, but now I realise that lawmaker and the national psychology association talk about these issues in depth, with an open mind, no stereotyping involved, and no one sided view to handle these issues.

It's about the mentality of these people, where they're coming from, what they actually come here to do, and how these lawmakers can work with these people and help them accomplish and establish ways to be here and engage in a healthy prosperous life, like most Americans get to do or at least get to have the luxury of choosing.

The reason for laws in any country is maintain law and order, not to be mean, but to make sure people in society are productive members, and are taking care of themselves, their family and any and responsibility they have without succumbing to the dark side of society.

For example, in a court of law, people that get arrested for drugs end up going to court, and end up being ordered to go into a rehab facility to show the courts and their parole officer/counsellor they are doing well and trying to get out of the drugs.

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 11:11 AM
I dont know if its been stated here, but this whole immigration thing just seems so obviously important for some unobscure reason. We know Bush doesnt care about these people...lets face it.
Dont they have machines that do most harvesting?
we dont need mexican laborors here, everything is made in china & in MEXICO.
Once they are all legal watch them reinstate the draft or somthing, that will surely stop MORE illegals from coming across.
This is a big smokescreen to trap these people into fighting a war they have no involvment in? Possibly, just an idea

[edit on 16-6-2007 by Mailman]

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