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The Political Economy of Free Energy

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posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 09:02 AM

In 2004, my writings related to cover-ups were discussed in RATS:

In 2005, my writings related to my free energy adventures were discussed in ATS:

Then I joined the discussion. It has been a mixed bag, as those threads reveal. Attacks by people who do not even read my work (or skim it for five minutes) are not the kinds of responses that I am looking for. Such responses are common when I engage general public forums, which is why I rarely do it anymore. However, there have been enough honest and thoughtful responses in the ATS forums that I have kept coming back for more, and in 2006 I began a thread devoted to discussing my work:'

As you can see, it is not a very active thread. Since the 1980s, I have been looking for a group with the integrity, intelligence and curiosity to actively engage the reality of the world we live in and begin to do something about it. It has been a long walk through the desert, but I keep looking for the oasis. I don’t expect that the ATS members will suddenly wake up in unison, but some members I have been impressed with, and I have waited to make this post until after I launched my latest attempt to interest the rad left in free energy:

I have been trying to interest them in free energy ever since I began engaging Noam Chomsky in 1992. I have not gotten very far with them so far, but I always hope. American intellectuals usually trip over their ideological teddy bears when engaging the free energy issue, the kind that many ATS members have laid aside. The two I have seen the most often are:

1. The suppression of free energy is an unbelievable conspiracy theory:

2. The “laws of physics” preclude the possibility of free energy:

Most ATS members, by definition, should have gotten beyond that first objection, although it has amazed me to see responses in the above threads that adamantly deny that such activities exist (it seems that they stumbled into the wrong forum).

Many ATS members have also gotten beyond the second objection. The best way to get past both objections is to SEEK EXPERIENCE in those realms. Armchair skepticism is of no use. For instance, the best way for people to deal with UFO skepticism is to go see one. They are easy to see:

I am dragging a bunch of people to Gilliland’s Ranch again this year, with several returnees, including one of the Boeing gang.

The Big Boys know full well that the energy issue is probably the biggest leverage point over controlling humanity, which is why my partner was offered a billion dollars back in the 1980s to cease our pursuit of free energy.

I eventually discovered that we received a fairly typical treatment:

as well as what happened after my partner refused their offer:

My partner was too high profile to kill outright.

I used to be on the board of the New Energy Movement,

and people in my circle have seen the goods:

I specialized in the political economic aspects of free energy long ago, and that is what I am qualified to discuss. So, if ATS members want to discuss that subject, I am here. I have been told that the Peak Oil forum is the best place to make this post, and we’ll see how it goes. I am very familiar with the Peak Oil situation too, and Heinberg’s reaction to free energy was part of my education:

I look forward to a productive exchange.


[edit on 11-6-2007 by wadefrazier3]

[edit on 11-6-2007 by wadefrazier3]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 06:48 AM
Truly 'free' energy cannot possibly exist. You cannot put in nothing and get something out of a system. All energy must have a source, all energy comes from other forms of energy, light, heat, radiation, electricity, chemical potential, gravitational potential, kinetic. In any fundamental energy 'production' system, the energy must come from something that has had energy put into it.

The concept of free energy is, to be perfectly honest, stupid. The closest you could theoretically get to free energy is matter-energy conversion or matter-antimatter annihilation. Both are beyond the reach of modern technology.

You can't pull energy out of nowhere. All matter has its antimatter counterpart, this represents a form of potential energy. The balance of energy in the universe is in equilibrium. When antimatter and matter are added, the create energy. This suggests that matter and energy are in equilibrium.

In Summary:
Theoretically you could create energy by destroying matter, however this is beyond the reach of our current technology. I would just suggest making use of the billions of billions of joules of energy which the earth is bombarded with daily.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 09:08 PM
thespazticator has obviously fallen into the "laws of physics" pitfall, and fails to even minimally address the situation, particularly what is called “the vacuum” and other terms.

Reciting physics texts is easy to do. Come on, ATS, I know the members can do better than that kind of response.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 06:36 AM
the peak oil forum is not a very lively place on ATS, so it's unlikely you'll get much attention here.

realistically, the entire 'peak oil' is a scam by those who want to maintain and extend control. like GW, it's used to impose new taxes and enforce a lifestyle of austerity, with the basic underlying mechanism being simple fear. (a dead giveaway) for anyone who's doubting what i said.

everyone's take on the situation is of course different, so i'll simply ask, from my POV, how we're supposed to change anything as long as we are completely powerless? being right doesn't mean squat, does it?

wouldn't developing weapons which don't favor centralized power structures (use your imagination) and mass tactics achieve far more than peaceful protesting?

just an idea.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by thespazticator
Truly 'free' energy cannot possibly exist.

Maybe that is so but what do you call solar energy or wind power? Did we build the sun that provides this energy?

You cannot put in nothing and get something out of a system.

And no one is suggesting that there is no input to start with as in most devices there is a original power input to start it as well as in it's construction.

All energy must have a source, all energy comes from other forms of energy, light, heat, radiation, electricity, chemical potential, gravitational potential, kinetic.

Well we do not know what powers gravity and our scientist pretend not to understand where the energy that powers the modern world comes from. They really can not explain the source of the energy that flows from the dipoles that are created and maintained by the application of fossil fuels and other sources.

In any fundamental energy 'production' system, the energy must come from something that has had energy put into it.

The only thing we can 'produce' is dipoles or solar cells or sails and so forth and we never done anything but gate energy that is already there; 'free energy' devices are just based on methods that attempts , and frequently succeeds, in erecting and maintaining energy gates for less energy than flows from the gate.

The concept of free energy is, to be perfectly honest, stupid.

Only if you are desperately ignorant or are knowingly deceiving others to maintain this current exploitative paradigm.

The closest you could theoretically get to free energy is matter-energy conversion or matter-antimatter annihilation. Both are beyond the reach of modern technology.

It's strange how those who claim to know what the future or present holds rarely seem to have a firm grasp of even history.

You can't pull energy out of nowhere.

According to our current 'understanding' that is exactly the principle our entire energy infrastructure is currently based on it. Our scientist can not explain where the energy that flows from dipoles comes from.

All matter has its antimatter counterpart, this represents a form of potential energy.

It does? Is that not just speculation so far?

The balance of energy in the universe is in equilibrium.

Oh really? Based on what principle(s)?

When antimatter and matter are added, the create energy. This suggests that matter and energy are in equilibrium.

Well as far as i know matter and anti matter are supposed to 'cancel' out so i am not sure how energy could or would be formed in that way.

In Summary:
Theoretically you could create energy by destroying matter, however this is beyond the reach of our current technology. I would just suggest making use of the billions of billions of joules of energy which the earth is bombarded with daily.

In summary it's probably best to show you some patents and how we have known and actually extracted energy from the active vacuum for more than a century.



meg patent

Alfred Hubbard

USPO Hubbard

John Huston

USPO Houston


'Power from the Air' Patent Found! No us patent

T Henry Moray





Tesla's patent for an "Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy," number 685,957


James H. Rogers


958,829, Method and Apparatus for Producing High Frequency Oscillating Currents. J. Filed Jan. 20, 1910.

Not all of them are dead yet but Bearden seems able to keep himself alive and Kawai seems to know when to take money and shut up for a while...


posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 11:14 PM
Hi Long Lance and StellarX:

Well, seeing your posts tells me that this is a smaller forum than I thought. I was directed to the Peak Oil forum as a place where I might find a sign of life, but all I found were the stalwarts. :-)

StellarX, your posts are nothing if not thorough.

Long Lance, do you know where there are people capable of having rational discussions of the issues? I know of no place on earth where I can really have that conversation. Is there another forum at ATS that seems more promising?

On Peak Oil, I see it like I do many other areas like that. As Chomsky says, Peak Oil is an irrefutable concept, unless you believe that oil is abiotic in origin, which is far from proven (although I see many “alternative” sites treat abiotic oil as a fact, and even then, how much might be created in the mantle? Are we burning that sustainably? ). The only question is how deep the well goes, and humanity is well on its way toward environmental and geopolitical catastrophe under the “fossil fuel” paradigm. If Peak Oil is not around the corner, where is it? Twenty years out? If China and India industrialized (they are on their way to doing so), Peak Oil is not far off, and the other side of Hubbert’s curve will be insanely steep. I will not deny that various parties are going to exploit the situation, and are today, and there is the usual ferment around such controversies, but we are burning up “fossil fuels” somewhere around a million times as fast as they were created.

Thomas Brown’s article is one of many like it. Look at his sources for it. I am not somebody who readily endorses the orthodox position:

but the case that Brown makes is far from certain. His sources are VERY fringe. I entered the Velikovskyan milieu back in the 1990s, and interacted with most of the major players in the controversy – Ginenthal, Bauer, Ellenberger, Talbott, Cochrane, etc., and still have several pals from the Catastrophic field. The experience was educational, but I would not cite V’s work to support an abiotic oil argument. I really do not want to debate Peak Oil here. Free energy makes the entire issue moot. I believe that Heinberg is sincere, but free energy knocks his entire austerity paradigm for a loop.

On the violence angle, I do not know about you, but I have had to face the urge to do extreme violence to evil-minded people (and if anybody ever had “justification,” it was me), but when I overcame it, the miracle happened.

I firmly believe that the means BECOME the ends.

On our “power,” I see it very differently. We all have immense power, but we almost never use it. I see the situation how Orwell did:

But the Idiocracy has, in large measure, come to pass, at least in America. Just this morning I made a post to another forum that began discussing my work, and I have not seen much evidence that anybody there even WANTS to understand the big picture. One person authored a nursery rhyme to dismiss me, as he regressed to an infantile state rather than deal with the evidence and implications. What a long walk through the desert it has been.

When the dust settled in Ventura, I realized that 100 people of high integrity and commitment could bring easily free energy to the world. We would have had a fair chance with 50. No violence, no coercion, just sentience and action. I slowly realized that those hundred people may not exist or can be rounded up, after searching the planet for them for many years. So, I have tried another strategy, which I imagine you have read before.

It does not take many awakened people to make the difference, and I cannot imagine a bigger difference than bringing free energy to the world.

Be well,


[edit on 13-6-2007 by wadefrazier3]

[edit on 13-6-2007 by wadefrazier3]

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 04:00 PM
wrt your first question:

no, i don't know where you could get a decent amount of replies, in fact, i'm the last person you should ask, because i'm constantly killing threads and when the topic is too hot ('should we burn our food crops and raze the forets to diminish global warming?'...) i'm simply ignored.

the peak oil forum means backwater, though.

the whole concept of war and violence... well i'm not so sure that i'm willing to gore a few influential people with 'railguns', 'blasters' or whatnot, i'm not sure about bloodshed being the ultimate litmus test of violence either.

whenever people are forced into something they abhor, whenever live is taken a little at a time, it does constitute violence, imho. it's easy to see that what we regularly see of the entire civilisation basically IS violence, it's the lowest common denominator. that said, i would inflict a tremendous amount of violence on the 'maintainers' of the many wrongs of today, by simply disabling their preferred machinery. if you had a reliable way to crack _any and every_ code out there, they'd be in trouble methinks. same for surveillance equipment, one well designed DEW could be used to fry everything in the vicinity, give you a free pass and be reusable at the same time! the entire control infrastructure would fail (along with the internet i presume but only temporarily), leaving them helpless and isolated. they wouldn't even matter anymore, they'd spend the rest of their days unknown and (by comparison) powerless, jsut like the rest of us.

the only qualms i have is the distinct inconvenient fear that a majority has become addicted to this way of life and would be unable to life without being told how to live and what to do, without their status symbols and power over others (even if it's only an illegal alien doing the dirty work) or other stimuli, like fox news (or even ATS

PS: the abiotic oil debate has imho been decided since the Russians are using it to find theirs. the reason i severely doubt that oil is getting scarce is the PNAC strategy which seems more focused on denying access to oil rather than exploiting it. the caspian sea is a good example, not so sure about Iraq. that and the tendency of false theories to make surveyors look in the wrong spots. if peak oil is happening, it's purely political in nature.

this might be a PR peice but it conforms with my stereotypical, paranoid ideas, so i post it:

[edit on 14.6.2007 by Long Lance]

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 08:42 AM
Thanks Long Lance, I’ll look elsewhere for some quality responses. I would think that the energy issue might get some people thinking these days.

Yes, people have developed their survival strategies and have death grips on them. That is a big part of the problem.

I did not know Lindsey Williams was still around. He was one of my first “alternative” sources, about twenty years ago, but his audience is the trailer park crowd. Not very deep stuff.

This is a good overview of the abiotic oil issue:

with far better references than Williams, whose book does not provide even one footnote, no bibliography, etc. Again, there WAS manipulation happening with the first oil crisis, and people are manipulating events today, obviously.

I hear you that Peak Oil is a political football, but Hubbert’s work was not. Abiotic oil has political origins, too.

If your proposed “violence” is properly damage, then good luck with it. I TRY to do no harm, to anybody or anything.

Thanks for the advice.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 10:06 AM
I just made a post related to this topic on another thread:

We'll see if I can find a place to begin a worthy conversation of these issues.

posted on Jul, 8 2007 @ 09:03 AM
I have begun a free energy thread on ATS that is seeing some good responses.'

We'll see how it goes. I do not plan to post again to this thread.

Thanks again for the responses.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 01:17 PM
Patent number 3106058 Propulsion System
Figure 2 Looks similar to the Alfred Hubbard Coil Device and
Figure 4 Looks similar to Leedskalnin Magnet Wheel Generator

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 01:28 PM
Patent number 3106058 Propulsion System
Figure 2 Looks similar to the Alfred Hubbard Coil Device and
Figure 4 Looks similar to Leedskalnin Magnet Wheel Generator

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 07:50 PM
The "Ether Physics" by Lyne has only two main processes
that describe the ether process.

A Hydrogen Molecule process that uncovers ZPE 1000x input.
Hydrogen returns to an Atomic Molecule state giving off 1000x
the heat needed to separate the atoms.

A Helium process that is estimated to give off 4000x the
Hydrogen process input or 4x the 109,000 cal/gram output.
Photons generated by sparking Helium must be converted to
heat and pressure with a mirrored chamber. The Helium
returns to is its un excited state.

[edit on 6/22/2009 by TeslaandLyne]

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