Again I wonder, Who here lived in the soviet union?
Yes, well, seeing what it is like to NOT be free, one appreciates what it is TO be free. Speak with anyone from russia for instance
I think america is the most free, because it allows for the most CHOICES. We can do almost anything, and we can vote freely, the only problem is a
lot of people in america are ignorant of some of the issues, and a lot don't understand how free they really are. And so we have this "facade" of
tyranny, which consequently only helps tyranny to grow.
I'd say America is more free than Australia if only because we don't have to vote, you get fined if you don't
But Freedom is not something that can be measured, either you have it or you don't anything else is just counting beans.
The Real Question is....DRUM ROLL......WHAT COUNTRIES ARE FREE?
And Kim Just don't be one of those girls who say men shouldn't have any choice in it, if a Man doesn't want to the woman to have an abortion, then
she shouldn't, unless she was raped or some crap. This whole abortion thing stems from the damn single parent families and such, no one cares any
more they just have sex get pregnant abort and move on. There are a few cases where abortion might be warranted, but they are just that...FEW.
I know this is off topic, but I just want to say, I was appaled to see this religious booklette talk about how a single parent family CAN work, yes
they can, but most right now are only aiding the collapse of our societies in many ways.
Anyways, hmm Freedom is an invention by "higher" man. I say higher because there is lesser man, higher man, and supreme (superior whatever) man.
Lesser man has no concept of good or evil, he has no concept of freedom, or of the heavens, just what is he going to eat tomorrow.
Higher man, has concepts of everything that is around him, has freedom, has suffering, he has no choices though, because he still lives from day to
day. He is free.....but only within the prison of his mind. This is us.
Supreme man, has concepts of everything, he lives for the end, eternity, he does not die in his mind, and there fore does not think about his life
only. Supreme man is Free, he is enlightened and there for no tyranny can exist because it is anti-freedom and supreme man can not be "anti-free".
So only freedom exists, there are no boundries. Thus there is no greed, and no killing (or taking other's freedoms from eachother) *note, only of
other supreme beings though, lesser and higher beings can die if they exhibit anti-freedom* There are no supreme humans as of yet.
So with a brief over-lay of how we can percieve freedoms. Anarchy is the Lesser man, Democracy the Higher man, and leadership the Supreme Man.
We've never seen a government that actually "leads". Only governments that control, or represent. The Freest nation in the universe, would be one
where everyone is in a way a leader, and a follower, doing things that doesn't harm the other's freedoms.
I think of JFK when I think of Supreme Human, he's probably the only person to have ever brought ANY nation even CLOSE to supremicy.
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