posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 10:53 AM
Originally posted by Apollyon
I would love to sell y'all insuracnce. As much as I LOATHE Michael Moore you (collectivly) are part of the "society of fear" he spoke of in
"Bowling for Columbine" If Al Queda has nukes or a dirty bomb they would have used them at the 1st opertunity. Also there is no way to completely
sheild a nuke so that trace radiation would not be detectable and the bomb located .
Yup, its about the fear, not the actual violence. I doubt they have any weapons in the US since they would have been used if they were here.
I live in Baltimore, which is a port city and therefore an easier target, but i have no fear. Its not that I think we have no chance of being bombed,
its that i accept we are a target. I think that is the point of a lot of terrorism, not to makes us fear, but make us understand we are not immune to
violence. Sure I would be caught in a blast centered at the harbor... so? No one, no one is as safe as they think. I'm more likely to meet my end
every time i get in a car than living an entire life in Baltimore. I'd rather live a short life having fun then a long one being paranoid and scared
to live how i like, where i like.
Now, as for being able to track a nuclear weapon by its radiation, this is NOT the case. I know for a fact that U238 and Plutonium can and are
shielded from giving off much radiation. To the point where the radiation of the pullonium in cigarrettes would mask the little traces of radiation of
a bomb even from direct inspection with a good giegercounter.
Few note on Sum of all Fears. The vending machine wasn't at the stadium, it was on one of the piers about half a mile away. Also, some of those
picture weren't of Baltimore, including the stadium and most of the scenes aside from the overhead view of the city.