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The Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order

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posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 09:21 AM
Do Not under estimate the overwhelming Power of the Melchizedek influence and teachings.

They are Your Current Rulers and Masters. They hold you within the Containment Field you have your existence in, which includes the dual-alternating current action of Both Life & Death, the Lower energetic Cycle of Light.

But be sure to follow their scummy teachings, for they and their 'Space-Jesus' (sananda-banana) have a Massive Effort Ongoing, which Includes the Rapture and Ascension Activity currently going on:

Their Harvest Plan Inlcudes teachings to enable you to Ascend into the 'False Heaven' or New Womb of existence, which is their 'higher vibratory' New Containment Field.

BEWARE. Demons on All Levels.

PS - I have no use for religion or dogma of any kind: I know that jesu freaks hate space-jesus freaks, and they 'hate' each other. Ignoring all this, the Melchizedek are Your Rulers (the Guardians/Watchers of Old), and as don Juan clearly indicated, "Guardians inevitably become Jailers" for the 'good' of the 'guarded.' You Are their Crop. Nothing More, nothing Less. Real.

Watch out for these scum-bags from the 10th level of Hell (one past the 9th level).

You may not know it, but you do not always see the name, 'Melchizedeks' associated with their 'teachings.'

It is all the same: crap for the Soul-crop.

Wanna know what's wrong with this world, what Invisible Forces are Behind the hellish state of Life on Earth? Yup. You guessed it: these 'masters:' the Melchizedeks.

"Run, Forrest, Run..."

And thank you, I've met non-melchizedek aliens and teachings: and they closely coincide with the don Juan writings: Freedom. Asked by Carlos if don Juan knew o any 'masters,' he replied: "I know of no 'masters.'"

Sorry for the Rant. These are the same Watchers who have run the masons, illuminati, and all other secret organizations from the 4th dimension. You are their food crop.

[edit on 28-1-2009 by SS,Naga]

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 09:37 AM
The rebellious Son of Noah took these plates and abused the knowledge therein, they were contained within Solomon temple and have found there way in history to masonic lore and what was once pure knowledge of a holy and true nature has been twisted and made esoteric and of pagan value. careful with this knowledge evil hides inside of truth to nudge deceit into the corridors of your life.


Originally posted by SS,Naga
Do Not under estimate the overwhelming Power of the Melchizedek influence and teachings.

Sorry for the Rant. These are the same Watchers who have run the masons, illuminati, and all other secret organizations from the 4th dimension. You are their food crop.

[edit on 28-1-2009 by daersoulkeeper]

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Incarnated
The Truth is already here and it is FREE. Watch out for "Truth" that someone wants to sell you. They have nothing to sell. Truth is always free. The Truth is the Urantia Book.

Just how gullible or how desperate are we?

How can anyone believe that anyone or anything that has your best interest at heart would withhold any information that would help you or save your life or your soul?

No true prophet or minister would hold this information hostage for lack of the coin. If this information were true they would would be guaranteed more coin then they could carry and more praise, fame and love then has ever been bestowed on any man or woman before them.

The moment they ask for payment for knowledge run for they are charlatans and you are being deceived.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 08:37 AM
Drunvalo Melchizedek is NOT part of this work. He teaches the opposite expression in fact. Just an FYI not to get him confused with keylontic science material.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by SS,Naga

they do not claim to be rulers in fact much the opposite. these teachings are about us being are own messiahs. there are no saviors out there only those beings that deceive you into believing that you need a savior. and again Drunvalo Melchizedek is NOT part of the azurite press teachings at all.

[edit on 5-2-2009 by azurite]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

The translation process is a constant. she is in constant translation there is no way she could hold a day job and do this work at the same time. unfortunately this society revolves around money at the current time so she has to eat, have a roof over her head etc. she could not afford to reserve the meeting space for these workshops if she did not charge for them either. do not judge until you have either been to a workshop and seen how the process works for yourself or at least purchased and old workshop.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by azurite

Ever see a crafty trickster, able to convince folks how clever and friendly they are, casting shadows on, say, some honest, quiet, good-hearted types? They're everywhere: the american natives called it speaked with a forked tongue.

I can see you've sold body and soul to their souless teachings, with love and freedom, come hither. There are many unwary, unsuspecting, unknowing new agers who swallow their crap for promises of freedom, kinda like the users of suicide bombers and suchlike.

I don't know anything about Drunvalo Melchizedek, but since it's an alias, it's almost certain he's bought and blended his shamanistic mayan paradigm with that of the Melchizedek's 'teachings.'

You might like the way the world is today, I don't. You might like the way the Galaxy is today, I don't (Urantia, etc.). The Melchizedek's Rule, and have a place Prepared for the 'ascended,' into the new womb prepared for them (you live in the earth's energetic womb, btw).

You call them saintly freedom wayshowers: I know them personally for what they are: Your Guardians/Rulers.

Don Juan once told Carlos that Guardians invariably become jailers, for the benefit of those being guarded. You are being guarded: Earth is under massive Melchizedek Quarantine: I have seen this with my own eyes, at the age of 11, catapulted from my physical body as a lad in Sioux City, IA out into our Solar System: there, in the etheric-astral, were endless ships, like a crust on a solar system-large ring. As a lad, I was pulverized with the power coursing through me, and the scene thereof.

You may be a lost, blinded soul, along with so many others: once they have you, there is no escape: it's just the living perfection you always dreamed of, to be, to exist as, yes?

I have had the opposite shown to me, without the chains, without the rule. In fact, don Juan and his fellow group members had no where to go but OUT of this region, for it is a Taken Area, possessed by your beloved Evil Ones. Kind of like the love offered by jesu and his christians, only with the new age twist.

Feel free to offer your love and adherence where you will: It is no part of 'freedom.' Follow their ascension methods, and you'll follow them for the new womb hell they have already prepared for you and your unsuspecting kind. Fact. They have said so themselves.

Can a single post clear the evils of the world, the race, the Solar System, the Galaxy? Talk about deny ignorance: Impossible.

First, you must know Truth. You don't. Read your defensive posts.

Man, that's a pretty looking "lure," wonder if it's tasty?

I don't say they aren't powerful: They have all the doors, all the exits covered, and you live by their Rule: they are known as the Guardians, the Watchers. Only two doors remain Unguardable, but they are working diligently upon that. They will sever those ties that mankind has through their Soul-Spirit Connection, soon. Think it hasn't been done, can't be done? Think again.

[edit on 5-2-2009 by SS,Naga]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by SS,Naga

you are absolutely right. The malevolent ET races have this earth covered the astral is a huge mess. It is nasty out there and they are tricksters of the highest order. The new age movement is and was all orchestrated by them (the fallen races). I do not wish to engage in an argument here, as i have no argument with you. i only wish to discuss. but we all have our free will choice to choose our own path to the way home. we all get back to god source eventually it is the way we want to get back where the choice lies. Does one want to go back as spacedust or does one want to go back fully conscious with their memory and experiences in tact?

it's a complicated subject to talk about indigos will resonate as that is the frequency by which the information is keyed to. Indigos are the ground team and we must awaken first. These teachings don't teach us to give our power away to guardians. they teach us that we are the guardians indigos and angelic humans alike. people that look to ET's as being out there somewhere or ET's that are somehow better than they themselves are being fooled. the ground team is right her on earth and has been all along since the beginning. The power lies with in each and every one of us. The malevolents don't want us to remember that fact. so many lies and manipulations have been taught here. it is very difficult to become un-programmed by it all. it is very difficult to believe in anything anymore and understandably so.

This info is the most comprehensive i've seen so far. and i have had my own personal validations with it. that is all i can offer is my own experience with the work. everyone is responsible for their own evolution and most importantly their own discernment. if it does not resonate that is fine. i just get very frustrated when i see people misunderstanding the work (something i need to heal within myself no doubt, i am not responsible for anyone but me i have to remind myself.
they misunderstand b/c they don't have all the information or they have not taken the time to really dive into the info b/c there is so much of it just on the site alone much less all the DVDs that are full of info. there is no way anyone could make this stuff up. if you have watched any of the DVDs it is absolutely amazing the detail that is taught and there are no inconsistancies at all.

anyway enough said on my part. it comes down to you resonate or you don't either way it is all good.

much love to you on your own personal journey back to source

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 09:51 AM
I first became aware of Drunvalo Melchizedek and the whole ‘flower of lifers’ reading Jim Marrs’ Alien Agenda. He referenced a book called ‘Nothing in the Book is True- But it’s Exactly How Things Are’ by Bob Frissell, so I picked it up out of curiosity (I read a lot because I have nothing better to do). The book kind of sucked, but I hear there are more. I couldn't justify buying anymore since I didn't care for the first one.

In all honesty, that hard metaphysical turn that inevitably happens in UFO research sort of turns me off.

I’m sure Mr. Marrs has an interesting take on this.

[edit on 5-2-2009 by TheDarkHorse]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by azurite
reply to

...if you have watched any of the DVDs it is absolutely amazing the detail that is taught and there are no inconsistancies at all.

There are no inconsistencies? You are the arbitrater of those facts? I think you are referring to your own perceptions, not everyone's, yes? I once spoke to a person and told him he didn't speak for everyone on Earth. You know what he answered? "Yes, I do." So, to believe you, you have circumvented the Maze, and verify your pathway, and all may follow you to...where ever?

No fight here, just clarifying some Truth for others who happen to read.

The 'vids' are not anyone's masters, that you say are so consistent. BS. I'm 58, and have plumbed the very depths of the Cosomos through Cosmic Consciousness (that's right), and have been taught the substance of the Alive WORD. I could go on and on, but it is as nothing: your consistencies are not such. Very much of it is part of the maze: confusions.

There is a Path, called the Middle Path, which removes the grey-clouded confusions of unknowing, unsurety. Few can clear these clouds, especially not in one lifetime (think!). This Path leads to the Capstone, protected by a Bed of Pure Energy called The Brilliance: passing through to the Capstone, is the Work of Being, for which the very Gift of Life is given: it's called the Denouement of the Cycle of Light.

If people can just watch these consistent vids, synthesize their contents, and remove the Blindness of the Light of Illusion, wouldn't it be so simple, so wonderful? It doesn't work quite like that. If it has for you, get out there and continue on. However, I see from your two earlier posts that you have quite a bit of this illusion shimmering all over your energetic structure. Luck, back.

The Triplicity of Being:
The Physical Body:.............masculine matter
The Energy Double:............feminine energy
The Integrated Being:.........Pure Energy

Matter transmutes to Pure Energy: the midpoint is Not pure energy, but energy of two kinds, that of the Daughter-Son, which are connected to the One Integrated Self, or Pure Energy, immortalized.

So that the EverAll may Become EverMoreAll.

Playing in the sandbox is for kids and adolescents.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by TheDarkHorse

again the topic of this post has nothing to do with Drunvalo Melchizedek and his flower of life teachings. those teachings go against everything that The Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order Teachings, the Eieyani and the CDT-Plates are about. there is a lot behind why he is using that name and it is meant to be confusing which again it's obviously done a good job of......

The flower of life mechanics are a reversed teaching. doing merkaba mechanics in the flower of life way will reverse your monad and your energy fields. Drunvalo teaches you to spin your merkabas in the same direction. this is NOT the natural organic way merkaba works. if you want to understand more about that you will have to explore the azurite work as it is way to in-depth to discuss or explain here in a post.

just don't want anyone to be turned off by the azurite press teaching b/c they think they are tied to alo Melchizedek and his flower of life teachings. if anyone reading this is practicing flower of life mechanics i don't mean to offend as i said before to each his own free will choice.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by SS,Naga

"There are no inconsistencies? You are the arbitrater of those facts? I think you are referring to your own perceptions, not everyone's, yes? I once spoke to a person and told him he didn't speak for everyone on Earth. You know what he answered? "Yes, I do." So, to believe you, you have circumvented the Maze, and verify your pathway, and all may follow you to...where ever? "

ok fair enough. just to clarify i don't want anyone to follow me or anyone else for that matter. and i do not speak for everyone on earth nor would i ever claim to. that is not even possible. as i said we all have free will choice. anyway i'll disengage now i'm certainly not in the business of converting anyone as there is nothing to "convert" to anyway or trying to change anyones mind. i'm just sharing my own perceptions. agree to disagree respectfully.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 10:43 AM
In the spirit of denying ignorance, I must make this thread aware that the psuedo scientific religion outlined here, and its very presence on this site makes me want to vomit. I use this site because Im looking for the physical , hard, reach out and touch it with my skin truth... and heres YET another post full of hypothetical, unprovable and furthermore RIDICULOUS non information. Its not disinformation, because thats suposed to throw you off the scent of reality .This is just non information.Its information which means precisely nothing.
Quite frankly I am amazed that this thread wasnt immediately locked, burned and tortured for the amusement of intellectual people.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 11:46 AM
out of respect to the op I have removed my post.

[edit on 5-2-2009 by TheDarkHorse]

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by ExquisitExamplE

Hey has anyone tried it and are they genuine?

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by ExquisitExamplE

has anyone checked her background?

[edit on 2-7-2010 by user22009]

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