posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 01:38 PM
Hello. This announcement is brought to you by new sugar-coated frosted political bites. I remember when JFK was shot I was three years old, almost. I
carried a gun. (plastic). Unlike barney fife, I had no bullet. I carried a dirt clod now and then. I was raised catholic and I'd like to share a bit
of my political and religious views shaped by this nut world.
To be fair to the Catholic Church, I must tell you that I have not been to church since the 1970s. So don't blame them for what I say. This is my
point of view, not theirs. I don't claim to be anyone special. I just am. I can't help it. Mom and dad were joined in Holy matrimony, and passion
being what it is mom got pregnant.
I think I fell out of my crib because my neck is all screwed up. Negative curvature limited my enthusiasm for head banging sports. So I never
gained a whole lot of popularity with jocks or mountain goats.
I can tell you what my ideas about Jesus are. He was an Anarchist. He felt the "church" in his day was wrong headed. he laid it on the scribes
and pharisees because they thought they were "all that." + plus a bag of compressed corn products. They had money and disliked the poor. Jesus said
they were too much. The only time he showed a temper was when spirituality was overcome by marketing (capitalism) in the church . Tithing was ok with
Jesus, just make your money before you come to church. I guess you would call him a protestant. To the established body of Religious thought he was a
dissenter. He only had a few friends, I'm surprised he was not killed. I don't remember any stories about daring bravery such as defending a woman
from sexual attack or verbal abuse. I guess he could talk a horsefly off a donkeys butt. Maybe he made a few schoolyard bullies change their ways by
making them look stupid. When he grew up he used this skill to attack politicians and gangsters I guess. He knew he would be killed sooner or later.
He wasn't stupid. He was alot like his daddy. Once, his daddy wiped out a whole town because they were all a bunch of arrogant a-holes who were
apparently gang banging anyone they didn't like. Rape and stuff. whoa, God could only take so much. God seems to wipe out most of the human race from
time to time cause he can't stand them anymore. Maybe he's a terrorist. The bible uses the word hate hundreds of times in describing God's bad
attitude. I bet one day a bunch of arrogant a- holes will try to ban the bible because God's computer has "delete A-holes" checked in his services
This is not what Jesus taught. He said that he had not come to change God's law (change God's preferences) but to offer a way to get out of being
deleted from the hard drive. God doesn't want malicious code infecting his system. Maybe if you believe in Jesus you can live on a bootable disk
somewhere. As you can see my thinking about God and jesus is always open to odd interpretations.
Jesus used the parable to describe the ways of God's thinking. I think of myself as a malicious code sometimes. I think that I am one of those
described as a fool in the bible. I said I don't think of myself as something special. Yet I have prayed a few times, while deluding myself into
believing he is real. I was amazed to read in the next morning's paper that my prayer had come true. Several times I have prayed with an intent to
have an outcome for others and it has been shockingly apparent that this works. My results when praying for myself don't seem to work real good.
Maybe if someone else prayed for me I might do better.
I have that fear that I'm screwing up. I am tempted by sex web sites. Mostly when I don't have a woman. This is most of the time. I don't visit
them often. I am weak so every once in a while I find myself staring at beautifully arranged pixels. Who will cast the first stone? I feel that we all
need to pray for our president. Mr. George Bush maybe evil, he may be good and I just think he's evil. God knows I wish it were not so painfully
necessary to ponder the question.
Those who gripe about Christians and Christianity and Religious people must be expecting humanity to just change by themselves into some great
humble creatures. Evolution? Maybe they are waiting for that. Good luck.
Jesus as a protestant is a fact. early church leaders warned his followers against splitting into factions. Does anyone ever listen? We all go our
own way. Was it Paul who said that what it was that he wanted to do to serve Christ that he did not do. He hated himself. The message seemed to be
that you have to try. Eventually you'll get it right. But with prayer. What is prayer? Power. Tapping into tis free energy thing? I dunno.
The protestant movement. Man's protestant movement against the Catholic Church. Hmmm. I have to admit there are many good points there. But it
seems the protestants are easily led astray. Jimmy Swaggart. He really embarrassed some people I know who were trying to tell me to come out of the
Catholic Church. Swaggart -I really hated him for that. But then are we not all tempted ? If there are normal people out there I have not got to know
any. I guess I am too strange for them; Or I feel that way and don't bother them much.
The Catholic Church confuses me . The Pope claims an unbroken line of authority all the way back to Peter but at least one Pope was "unPoped"
later for corruption. So please forgive me when I say that logically the question "Who do I follow" cannot be solved. Yet I cannot forget the
powerful answer to prayer which has been proven to me by my own experience. I just exist in disappointed wonder that I do not pray more often. TV or
the X-files cannot compare. I prayed to the Father Son and Holy ghost.
Yet again I am puzzled by this question that so many dismiss as the just another pothead propaganda message- is marijuana evil? The Catholic Church
declared that marijuana was a satanic rite. That was more than a thousand years ago.
Are Popes infallible? If so , didn't the Pope say that George Bush would be a criminal if he invaded Iraq? Yet George Bush hopes to gain votes from
Mexicans of whom a large percent are Catholics?
I can understand athiests who BELIEVE there is no God must be driven quite mad by the politics and religion. Believe me I am too. Yet there were
those precious few moments of my life when I put aside everything. Prayer was answered. It was like standing next to a mountain and whispering through
the trees and having my words carried into a complex profusion of powers and e-mailed to Oz.
So to you athiests who think that Christians can be defined as insane and their point should be buried in a free religious speech zone, you are just
as wrong as G.W. and his repression of the voices of the people of America.