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Blacks Have Less Worth Than Whites

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posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 05:29 AM
America is ever more becoming "Latino". What will be these excuse of "blaming whitey" then, when "whitey" is no longer the majority in culture-as reflected by the media:
"Blacks" loose again? Will the "Latino" majority be racist against them too, if they still end up to be the most common of peoples in prisons and glorifying their ghettos?

Ack, majorities are doing better now more than ever before(some studies show)and they still feel whites put them down? Where's the logic in this?

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by Heronumber0

Is the Press racist? Yes, subconsciously it treats white life as sacred and non-whites as a lower life form. It subconsciously propagates stereotypes whilst on the surface it strives for an objectivity which is ALL illusion.

Actually, I'm going to disagree a bit. I don't think it treats certain races as being of lesser value, but I do think it treats people differently according to their NET VALUE....and yes, I mean dollars in their pocket. So, for example's sake, let's say it is a tragedy with a working middle class family, their story would seem to get more media coverage than if the exact same tragedy happened to an impoverished family. In fact, we probably don't know most of the tragedies occurring to the extremely impoverished folks...but we darned sure get to hear how all the financially irresponsible middle class who have been living beyond their means is now is "dire straits" over their self-induced overly inflated mortgage payments.

bah - leaves a bad taste in my mouth just thinking about it.

[edit on 9-4-2007 by Valhall]

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 08:34 PM
there is racism all around. ALL races have racism, in fact most of the racism is against whites since all the minorities tend to 'gang up' (no pun intended) on the white race. Yeah slavery was wrong but as minorities you have to accept the fact that the WORST racism crimes were against Native Americans. Minorities seem to forget about them, how strange.......

anyway i'm really tired of hearing all this stuff about how whites have it easier than blacks. I am in public school and I look around and see more white kids actually applying themselves to their work so that they can MAKE those oppertunities for themselves. Now im not saying that only white kids apply themselves because plenty of white kids dont apply themselves and plenty of minorities do, it's just that in my experience minorities tend to be more focused on image and being "gangsta" (when they really dont know anything about the gang life) than working hard. Then once it becomes an issue they play the race card.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
Don't worry; whites still have things like legacy and more money, on average, for college...

Whites don't celebrate white history for a month, for if we did it would be racist. What happens if the Mexicans want to celebrate Mexican history month; and then the Asians? Will blacks consider that fair, or will it take away from the fact that blacks get an entire month devoted to their history?

Whites lose out on lower-middle class jobs due to affirmative action despite qualifications. I know this for a fact because I witnessed a certain customer service company's job fairs each month. I know that city governments propagate this through tax breaks for minority hiring quotas.

Whites face discipline quicker at their job than do minorities. I know this for a fact because I witnessed this at the same customer service company. Phone reps were allowed to miss 3 days of training. Whites that did were terminated. Minorities that did, well, they were not terminated. Why? The company didn't want to lose its tax break status with the city. Some of you from Tampa may know just what I'm talking about.

Whites from middle class families cannot get grants for college because they go to minorities whose family is often better off. I know this for a fact because I was very good friends with a girl at FSU whose parents were prominent doctors in south Florida. Yet she had grants, not scholarships, but grants. She was an only child. I was one of three children and prepared a three page explanation of need. Who got the grant? Not whitey.

As for whites experiencing racism, have you ever stopped at a convenient store in a black neighborhood? Have you gotten the dirty and threatening looks for being white in a black store? I have even been cut in line and watched as that person and the cashier proceeded to talk for several minutes.

Want more examples? "Whites" don't have it as easily as is claimed. I am so sick of this crapt. Racism goes both ways, it's just more convenient for certain groups to use it as leverage to get something.

[EDIT]: Capitalized Asians for fear of being called racist towards them by using a lowercase "a" by mistake.

[edit on 9/24/2007 by titian]

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 09:52 PM
Actually Americans and a few other countries value life more. We can spend a week worring about a black girl who we do not know other than she is American, but another country hardly blinks when they see 100s (1000s)of their people die.

This is one of the reasons we have failed in Iraq, for we just can not comprehend this type of thinking.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by dreamingawake
America is ever more becoming "Latino". What will be these excuse of "blaming whitey" then, when "whitey" is no longer the majority in culture-as reflected by the media:
"Blacks" loose again? Will the "Latino" majority be racist against them too, if they still end up to be the most common of peoples in prisons and glorifying their ghettos?

Ack, majorities are doing better now more than ever before(some studies show)and they still feel whites put them down? Where's the logic in this?

In Texas the white population is less than either the Latinos or blacks.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 10:23 PM
I'm going to jump out on a limb here. Why is that when anything happens to a black person they cry raceizm, poor me, cry Jessy Jackson or who ever it is. It seem's the black people have some more right's than the white's do. I am not a racist person but I do see alot of whinning from black's when they are in trouble then the ACLU comes along trying to save them because they were treated unfairly. Give me a break!. Quit the whinning and crying and face up.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by Heronumber0

Im hearing you bruv! your not paranoid! In London, England, its pretty weird. roughly 60-70% of the population are black and asian or immigrated but in the news, locally and nationally the only headlines we get are negative. If a white male commits a crime he is simply referred to as an undisclosed male but if he is otherwise, the media will make a point of mentioning his name and race.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by titian

Study white history- what a ridiculous comment. history has been written by the white man, the slave owners, the people who sent black regiments into wars to get slaughtered instead of massa...the same people who have sent young black boys from the poorest American districts off to war to fight the Muslims and steal their oil, whilst their white sons stay at home. How many sons of your politicians have gone to fight this 'just' war for 'freedom'. Don't make me laugh. History has been written in the blood of the black man, the brown man and anyone who dares to stand in the way of the WHITE bankers and multinational owners who run the world. White history has had a thousand years and 11 months per year, why grudge us one month?

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 12:04 AM
For the past how many decades who has been at the steering wheel of this form of entertainment? Its just called targeting an audience, for whatever the reasons. They probably have done studies as to how many non white housholds have a television with a cable connection.

Its like a kid playing with a toy and not wanting to share. TV hasnt been around for all that long, and is just now seeing a golden age of info distribution. Though you could say the internet could be making the TV obsolete. I have noticed quite recently a surge of more race targeted channels on my cable provider anyway... there was one spanish channel now there is 3 or 4, BET has been around and is true to its name, as far as usually having exclusivly black people on whatever program they air. Among a few other channels the push alot of black programs.
There is 1 or 2 asian channels, an arab channel that funky singing and dancing is strange but at least the women are pretty.

I dont think theres a big conspiracy to this, If you have to work at a job you dont really like for not enough money to barely pay the bills.. we are basically all the same race and does anything else really matter?
being white you see the other side of the coin from said races, blacks are notoriously stuck on themselves and their culture, I wont even comment on Puerto Ricans. The attitudes are prevelant, the same can be said for every race.
Also I think the whole idea of mass media is to make everyone feel like "family" You know, how they try and talk to "you" in the mornings. its really not in their best interest to just cater to whites, like you claim.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 12:28 PM
The thing about this topic is that it (IMHO) arose directly from the European colonial mindset, which seems to me still meddles in America's culture. It was the idea that the European definition of civilization (i.e. living in cities, using a written system of communication, field farming and herding animals, Christian religion) was the correct way to be and people who didn't match that ideal needed to be taught and corrected.

The thing is, people in Africa and the old Americas had complex systems of their own.. guys, field farming in Africa doesn't work. Folks, there were no wool animals to make textiles from in North America. If you get past the idea of the mindless savage you will see evidence of the thriving, vibrant cultures that were destroyed in pursuit of the ideal. The poverty you see today is people trying to live a European lifestyle in an environment that won't support it. Imagine if we went to Japan and forced them to convert their rice paddies to wheat fields.. the tiny dismal crop would rot with ergot within a month and send them into famine.

Also, differences in skin color directly relate to your absorption of vitamin D from the sun. Less sun=paler skin=get the vitamins you need. Nothing to do with gods or demons or chosen people, as some would have you believe.

So when you talk about being brainwashed by the Man, this is one of the biggest doozies he is trying to pull. He is trying to tell us that one person's LIFE is of more value than another. He perpetuates that myth by stereotyping, by homogenizing, and as we saw in the original news quote on this thread, leading by example. If you're never used to thinking of someone as your brother, then your life might seem more valuable than his.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 05:31 PM

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by HooHaa

You are mentioning people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.....These men are a part of an era called the Civil Rights Movement..Ever heard of it? These men were conditioned to fight for African American rights because in their time, we had none. Yes things have gotten better, but we still have a long way to go. Whit people are no better than black people. Let us not forget where civilization started...In Africa...So even caucasians may be of "black" descent...

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by Heronumber0
i think that if san francisco or major city that has majority of whits you bet your white behind that george W would have already had that city back up and going. However since the poor black section od new orleans was affected you know the rest

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