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WiseSheep's Story

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posted on May, 16 2007 @ 02:29 AM
I'm one who is raised around very strict holiness christian family. Very judgmental, well pharisees, plain and simple. Roll the clock on me back 2000 years and my family would have likely been the ones chasing Jesus around toting the law books under their arms, criticizing him.

Picture that, and it'll get you a good start.

Anyhow, starting at the beginning. The biggest thing I dreaded as a kid was going to church. There were a lot better things to do. Yep, a lot better things to do, like nothing. I never really cared. I heard so much GOD this and GOD that. Every other conversation was about Pastor this and Church that. I rebelled from it. Never denying GOD. Always had this underlying "respect" for him. I cannot describe that, so don't ask. I think a major bearing on that was I was never affected by a bunch of atheist "friends" growing up.

To keep this really on topic. Concerning my knowing Jesus, and him knowing me. I'll cover what led me to him, exactly. Rather than my sins and how wretched a human I am, which I am, and we all are.

As I was growing up, I heard all about end times prophecies. Interestingly they all stuck in my head, for the most part.

I ended up becoming friends with a guy, who was old enough to be my granddad. They guy appeared quite bright. He taught me a lot. Interestingly, I always found myself wondering about this ring he was wearing, with this as I later learned, square and compass with this "G" in it. I asked him about it a couple times and he'd say "Oh, I'm a master mason." Wouldn't elaborate, what so ever. That got my gears turning, but I never questioned him much, because he was so secretive.

OK, so like a year goes by and he hints at me every now and then, "You know, you oughta join the masons when you turn 21." Most of the time when he'd bring it up, I'd change the subject, because he wouldn't tell me much anyhow.

I had this weird feeling about the deal from the beginning. I have this gift of being able to read people like a book. Motive that is. Anyway that could go into another story entirely.

SO, I know right off the bat, he's trying to weasel me into a trap. I knew it was a trap from the beginning. So I wouldn't play into it much. I guess it was the last time he made the recommendation to me to join, I asked him why. I asked what's so great about being a mason? He said, awe it's about learning how to help your fellow man or some garbage. Then the next thing you know, he's telling me about how one day they will rule the world and rebuild Solomon's temple. That sent a chill down my spine.

I ended up eventually changing the subject, acting as though I showed no interest and was clueless.

Let's fast forward about four years. That puts us about 2004. I go into major depression, nearly suicidal. No reason to live, want to die. Know I'm dying. I'd do everything I could to sleep the days away.

Somehow, I got this urge to look up freemasonry online. Oh boy did that open a can of worms! Then I happened to remember my old friends statement about solomon's temple being rebuilt. I knew that, that was part of prophecy. Part of the end times deal. I get to digging around on that and run up on the 9/11 deal. Not to mention the lump that rolled up in my throat when I find that the president which I look up to as a "good man". The one I previously pulled the lever in favor of TWICE, is a satanist working to further along this process. I hit all this in the period of about a month or so. One incredible experience.

I put two and two together and start making sense out of this thing. GOD is indeed real. The "END" is indeed extremely close, as in a few years and not thousand years, and I gotta do something quick.

I start looking into salvation, interestingly. I felt this pull, to want to look into it. I didn't have an understanding of sin, or anything. The last thing I wanted was to be a slave to religion, but I was dead and knew I was dead (nearly physically too). I don't even remember the prayer, whether I asked GOD to forgive me or what, but sometime in the fall of 2004, I was "saved".

The fun begins.

About a year goes by and this old friend calls me. I show him what he is evolved with. Sometime later he calls back to inform me he has renounced freemasonry and no longer wears the ring, but guess what? He knows nothing. He has no answers to questions. Knows nothing about how they were "going to rule the world". Isn't that odd? I trust him about as far as I can throw him, same goes for nearly any other human being.

As far as the "fireworks" of salvation, there were none. There was no warm and fuzzy, dancing around screaming "free at last", oh no. Anything but that. Life actually went down hill for awhile, but the LORD has shown me a lot. Things are continually getting better.
Slowly with patience, the seed is growing.

My battle here lately is trying to get it through my thick head that there are those who cannot "see". No matter how much you beat them over the head. They will not see.

My latest lesson that I've learned well mind you. Is that the kingdom of darkness attempts to use darkness to understand light, it's an impossibility. They despise light. Don't want light because it exposes them. Once in the light, the understanding of darkness is stupidity. Darkness sees the light as stupidity. They cannot reason together. That's why debates profit nothing between darkness and light. That's why darkness will never agree with light, because it flees from light. Cannot be in it's presence. Few can see what I'm saying here, it's just the way it is.

If all one can see is darkness, the things of the light have no effect. Two separate worlds, one opposing the other.

Darkness, says I'm brainwashed, or whatever other foolish understandings of man there are. Darkness cannot see what I see. I cannot make darkness see what I see, because when I hit the lights, darkness flees. That's why it cannot see the things of the light because it forces it away.

If the thing of darkness humbles itself and exposes itself to the light, it'll become of the light. No longer dwelling in darkness. This is foolishness to most, but some can hear this.

Know thy enemy, comes to mind. I've likely more knowledge of the enemy than the one who saved me. I continue learning.

There we have it. Short, sweet and to the point.

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 03:04 AM
...Wow that must have been an experience. Im glad to see you shared your testimony. It must have been rough.
I am glad you never completly lost sight of God. I like how you talked to your, " friend. " That can be very hard to do especially after somone is born again. Thank you Wisesheep for sharing your testimony.

God bless

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 08:41 AM
Yes, thank you for telling how you came to your belief.

I will refrain from debating any of the points in it here; it is enough for me that you came to the table with this after you were asked.

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction
I will refrain from debating any of the points in it here

The point is, is that it's pointless. Whether you debate with me or any of us. GOD has to be sought out. We cannot make you see what we see. It was designed this way.

The only chance you have is to ask him to reveal himself to you. Don't expect miraculous signs and wonders. If you get miraculous signs and wonders, don't be led astray by them, they are lucifer.

Expect to be mysteriously led to truth that you once could not see, even if it was written before your eyes previously.

It is in no ways any form of brain washing, it's reality. I know this because I've made it a point to stay far from the fraudulent religious institution.

Not only do I know it by faith, but I've seen too much with my own eyes to deny it. The change in myself alone is enough not to deny it. The kingdom of darkness has proven to me the reality of the kingdom of light.

[edit on 16-5-2007 by WiseSheep]

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by Wisesheep ...Whether you debate with me or any of us. GOD has to be sought out. We cannot make you see what we see. It was designed this way.

I dont know how many times this can be said but its very true.

God bless

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 04:17 PM
Very nice story. More people should do their own searching and studying instead of being lead around like sheep. I'm glad that you found your own special path in the end... keep on trudging.

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by WiseSheep

The only chance you have is to ask him to reveal himself to you.

I have. There is nothing there.

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 04:32 PM
So does that mean you gave up MMF? Not to sound pushy, mean or anything but, you gave up after trying once?
If at first you dont succeed try again.

God bless

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction
I have. There is nothing there.

Indeed. Plant an apple seed and demand a bushel of apples of it.

There is nothing there.

With patience, one day there just may be.

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction
I have. There is nothing there.

Yes there is. In your heart. I know that, just from what I feel from your heart.

And we have known and believed the love that God has to us. God is love; and he that dwells in love dwells in God, and God in him.
1 John 4:16

It is not as complicated as the religious would have you believe. And this I KNOW for a FACT and if ever you want me to tell you why I know, I will be most glad to. Just send me a message!

love you!

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by followerofchrist
So does that mean you gave up MMF? Not to sound pushy, mean or anything but, you gave up after trying once?
If at first you dont succeed try again.

God bless

Why assume I tried "just once"? I searched the first 30 years of my existence.

Nothing there.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

I find no god. Therefore for me there is no god. What am I supposed to do, sit in my closet and pray until I see the light? Fugeddaboudit.

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 09:23 PM
To balance Wisesheep's story, I've been searching to understand for my entire life (seventy-six years). I recognize that the universe is far, far more complex than I can ever comprehend. I can see and accept only a tiny portion of it, and that is my truth. Each person sees his/her facet of truth. In addition, each of us may have different explanations for those things that don't have an obvious explanation. Some of these are accurate, and some of them are inaccurate, but it's extremely difficult for any of us to recognize inaccuracy in ourselves, and almost as hard to do in others.

Of course, our own misapprehensions may cause us to misidentify errors in the beliefs of others.

I believe that there is no intrinsic meaning to the universe, but that we each bring our own meaning to it by our actions. My job is to be a good person, to help others whenever I can, and to avoid hurting others. When I succeed in doing this, I bring positive meaning to my life; when I fail, I diminish myself and make my life less positive.

Just as Wisesheep has examined existence and seen his facet of truth, I have done the same (over 76 years) and seen a different facet. His includes a Christian god, and mine doesn't. Does that make either of us wrong, or either of us bad? I don't think so. We both have to accept that we see different parts of the universe of life.


posted on May, 16 2007 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Occam
Does that make either of us wrong, or either of us bad?

It makes one of us dead in sin. Dead in sin means the road to hell. There's no nicer way to put it.

There's only one way to the father, through Jesus Christ. Because of his sacrifice. There is no other route.

John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Accepting or denying that is your choice.

[edit on 16-5-2007 by WiseSheep]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by WiseSheep

Originally posted by Occam
Does that make either of us wrong, or either of us bad?

It makes one of us dead in sin. Dead in sin means the road to hell. There's no nicer way to put it.

No, if I'm wrong, and your version of Christianity is right, then your description would be correct. However,if I am right it means neither of us will be damned. We will just live our lives to the best of our abilities then cease to exist.


posted on May, 17 2007 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by Occam
No, if I'm wrong, and your version of Christianity is right, then your description would be correct.

It's not my version. It's GOD's version. The ONLY GOD's version. Jesus Christ.

Originally posted by Occam
However,if I am right it means neither of us will be damned.

"Will we be" is not in question. All of us ALREADY ARE without Jesus' sacrifice.

No point in me continuing to beat you over the head. I've told you what you need to hear, what's required of me to tell you, by the one who created you. The rest is between you and the creator. His word is truth.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 08:52 PM
I've tried to discuss it, but I get only conclusions from WiseSheep, so I'll give you MY conclusions.

1. There is no god.

2. There is no afterlife.

3. Jesus Christ was just a nice guy who had some good ideas, but who was fairly mentally unbalanced.

4. The bible is a series of fairytales written by various rabbis to present their ideas a morality tales.

5. You may disagree with these but you are wrong.

I would far rather have had a reasonable discussion, but it seems that you have managed to get me to respond in the same vein as you have been responding in all your posts.


posted on May, 17 2007 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Occam
I would far rather have had a reasonable discussion

There is no reasonable discussion with a blind man concerning things which can only be seen. Not only would it be a total waste of my time, but also of yours.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by Occam

4. The bible is a series of fairytales written by various rabbis to present their ideas a morality tales.

I'll go you one further on this: many of the Old Testament tales were borrowed and re-written from earlier religious stories, such as the Sumerians'.

That which hath been is that which shall be, and that which hath been done is that which shall be done; and there is nothing new under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

[edit on 17-5-2007 by MajorMalfunction]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 10:07 PM
But if we say,

1. Diseases never existed. Its all in the mind.

2. Reality does not exist.

3. Camelot was like the legend, or the myth. There is some truth, but not much.

4. The lost city of Atlantis is real.

We would be getting way off topic. Another to me they are totally false. Now, if any of you believe in that which I just put up there, fine. Who am I to sway your belief all I am put on this earth to do is Glorify the Father in everything I do. If that means God wants me to share something to any of you I will be the first to do it. Because then it would not be my Flesh talking, it would be God.

Wisesheep is really set in his ways, like the Pharisees back in the day.

This seems like we could take this to a new thread discussion.

God bless

[edit on 17-5-2007 by followerofchrist]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction
... many of the Old Testament tales were borrowed and re-written from earlier religious stories, such as the Sumerians'.
[edit on 17-5-2007 by MajorMalfunction]

Can you give me an example of a story borrowed from Sumeria that appears in the bible?

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