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A Study of Structural Integration from Neuromuscular, Energy Fields and Emotions

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posted on May, 15 2007 @ 08:45 PM

Read the PDF file at the link entitled A Study of Structural Integration from Neuromuscular, Energy Fields and Emotions by Dr Valerie Hunt from UCLA and a specific fascial therapy I happen to practice. this is an important piece in the puzzle of consciousness and body fields and fascia.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 08:49 PM
UCLA Department of Kinesiology; five year study conducted by Dr. Valerie Hunt and Dr. Wayne Massey; completed in 1977. There were measurements before and after Rolfing of anxiety states, brain hemisphere activity, energy field photography, DC recordings of energy flow in electrical voltage readings, EMG recordings from sixteen separate muscles, electromyograms of neuromuscular patterning of energy, and electronic auric field study.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 08:52 PM
It will take me a bit of time to read the 18 pages. Is it saying the body is a hologram? I am very interested in bio-mechanics and such. Could you please summarize what this report says to you?

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 08:57 PM
Its proof of my post on biopysics and consciousness being effected by the connective tissue of the body.

They had an auric reader and all the scientific equipment. The colours seen by the auric reader were specific waveforms on the instruments.

Another interesting finding was that the therapist (who was not being monitored with equipment) would change energy fields based on the response of his work on the patients fascia and the corresponding change in the patients energy field. It seems the energy field blending although thats not what we do, was an interesting phenomenom never seen by the auric reader before.

We work via pressure, we are NOT energy workers by trade like Reiki...but rather we treat via direct heavy pressure (up to 40pds) via the elbows and knuckles to the fascia with no lotion. I assume some of what she sees is Pizoelectric effects. Maybe not though.

But the auric reader said that the change of colours reprsented the blending of fields in a contiuous fashion as the fascial adheasions and high leverage points in the Tensegrity Structure are being balance in gravity as the two people patient and therapist work togther...its a very patient active therapy. She stated that it seemed we manipulated our field to blend with theirs. I find this interesting as I have done this work for over 10 years now.

Interesting that bit on the interplay of energies.

At the end of the study each patient was bathed in creamy coloured white light the auric reader had never seen before. Six months after the study she bumped into one of the patients and they were still covered in that creamy white light.

She later learned from a auric reader with more experience that what they were demonstating in their fields was a focused and aligned field in gravity...which is what we do.

The thing is the way you stand effects the way you feel emotionally.
This study makes direct connects between this wonderful therapy, biophysics, consciousness, emotions and fascia via gravity.

I cannot remember if all that was in the report but I know the information I stated is factual concerning the auric reader and her experineces after the study.

I hope you enjoy it.

[edit on 15-5-2007 by junglelord]

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 09:33 PM
Gee I am pretty proud of this post after the spelling "peer review" my Biophysics and Consciousness thread got.

I wanted this to be a seperate thread. Most of this stuff is unheard of except in my circle. Its valid and comes much earlier then the 1996 study I took a racking over for a typo. The presence of embyonic smooth muscle cells is a important consideration from a clinical point of view...but the biophysics of fascia and the collegan content, the pizoelectic effects, so much to learn.

my other thread with my research.

and my comprehensive integrative take on medical manuel therapy

I hope some people take the time to read the review.


[edit on 15-5-2007 by junglelord]

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 09:50 PM
One thing I do know and thats why I believe in my theory is that I have had many psychic events while giving treatment.

I would say 10 times over 10 years I have given the patient a question about a event concerning an significant injury not reported in the case history and not mentioned. I have outlined and detailed the event from a flash I get in my mind of the event through their eyes. I have never been wrong in detailing the flash to a patient. Its always a new patient...someone I have never met.

So whats up with that?>

I am not psychic.

I also know that many traumas are only remembered when I treat that area. Whats up with that. We are talking injuries they have forgotten. They feel no pain there. I feel fascial tension and balance it as they describe the injury. This many times has a emotional release of tears. Now they had no pain and had forgot the injury. Yet the fascial tension I can feel and no thats not muscle tension. Its all releated, fascia, emotions, bioenergy fields, consciousness, subconsciousness.

Facisa, Gravity, two things most know very little about
basicly cause no one knows what gravity is and few work with it except engineers. And fascisa is the bodies largest system and not included in chapter one of medical books as a body system.

I hope you enjoy this...questions welcomed, and check out my post on Visceral Manipulation. Another fascial therapy. The chinese say the liver holds the emotions. I wonder...

[edit on 15-5-2007 by junglelord]

[edit on 15-5-2007 by junglelord]

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 10:11 PM

This five year study produced many results:

greater physical skill
emotional calmness; decrease in anxiety state
improved sensory awareness
improved social interaction
feelings of well being
memory recall
enhanced ability to access different states of consciousness
increasing right hemisphere brain dominance when needed for right brain activity
evidence of changes in ways of processing data and the nature of thought processes that ensue
greater movement efficiency
more energy; less fatigue
improved neuromuscular balance
greater energy flow and balance distribution of energy

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 07:26 PM
The Beginning Science of Bioenergy Fields

Dr. Hunt is Emeritus Professor in the UCLA Department of Physiological Sciences. For 40 years she has been a physiology researcher and university professor. She was the first to discover through research the relationship between changes in bioenergy fields and human behavior and experience.

In mapping the bioenergy fields, Dr. Hunt has found that each individual has a unique resting pattern. She calls this the Signature Field.

The Signature Field of a healthy human being is composed of balanced, coherent energy patterns across the full spectrum of frequencies. This coherency shows up on a graph as smooth, gentle, shallow waves evenly distributed throughout the frequency spectrum.

The Signature Fields of human beings who have (or are soon going to develop) disease are of two kinds: deficiency patterns, and hyperactive patterns. These show up on the graph as thick, jagged waves concentrated in the high- or low-frequency bands. Deficiency diseases like cancer and fatigue syndrome have anticoherent patterns in the high frequency ranges, with almost no energy at all in the lower frequencies. Hyperactive conditions like colitis, hypertension, and skin problems show anticoherent patterns in the low frequencies, with absent vibrations in the high frequencies.

An isolated truth is not that important. A truth is only important if you make a concept out of it. Once we make a concept we build models, and each one of us is operating on models. I’ll ask you to build some new models. The model I am after is a new model of a human being based on health, consciousness and evolution.

Here are 3 models that make up our belief system:
1) The physiological model has to do with disease: we treat symptoms of disease because we do not know what health is, and we accept the fact that health is the absence of disease.

2) The biochemical model: you’ve read that life started from a chemical soup and then progressed to protozoa. It is not so. It takes an electrical spark: you can have all the chemistry in the world, but if there is no electricity, no power and no charge there is no life. Even the DNA can be altered by the change in consciousness of a human being.

3) The behavioral model has to do with perception, experience, ego, personality, emotion, and brain hemispheres. This model only answers a very small part of human behavior and only memory of life in the current times.

These models are not incorrect, but they are incomplete. Hence the need to find a new model rather than trying to fit our behaviors into a model that does not fit: the current model cannot explain some selections we make or things we perceive. The final instructions are in the new model: the human energy field or the mind of man, a field of energy that incorporates all behaviors, even to the highest level –the level of the soul.

The soul is the apex of the energy field, which holds the memory of everything that has ever occurred to that soul, including other lifehoods. It is also the source of intuition, insight and creativity. These higher-level capacities are not found in the brain (the brain is a dandy computer with a lovely switchboard, but it is not the source of high level creation).
The human field is also the source of mystical experiences.

We have believed in the past that when we have mystical experiences the brain is in alpha or theta. Do you know how narrow alpha and theta waves are? One to two frequency cycles apart! The most creative thing the brain does in alpha or theta state is to get out of the way, so that the mind can take over. As soon as the brain gets out of the way the field of energy expands, soars, catapulting in frequencies. In the field of the brain we may have some psychic experiences, but these do not soar, and they never reach the spiritual experiences or insights. Spiritual vibrations of the field are the highest vibrations I have ever recorded in the human being: here there are no agnostic or atheist; your background may be Jewish, Christian, Muslim or Buddhist, but the spiritual experience is identical when your field advances to a profoundly divine state.

There are some real problems connected with the energy field. The ancients had similar experiences but they did not have scientific answers, so they gave answers based on intuition and referred to parts of the field calling them the emotional body, the spiritual body, the etheric body and the physical body. Scientifically fields are all inside and outside of the body. Bodies have the rigidity of material substances, and when you apply a body concept of layers, you encourage the same rigid concept. But people say: “I see the field”. While it is true that the eye has the finest perception of our five senses, it is also the most distorted: visual information tries to make sense of everything it sees by layering it. Fields do not layer: they fuse, they blend, and they have a rolling effect. I encourage you to stop the layering thinking about the field. We could not understand the field during the material age, but we can now in the atomic age, the age of consciousness.

Everything that exists in space is atomic. All the energy in the world comes from atoms, and energy becomes organized: the atom of my desk and the atom of my ring are exactly the same as my atom; they are only controlled and organized in a different way.
Lightning is organized energy.
A rock is organized energy.

The human energy is organized around emotions. When emotions become disturbed and distorted the energy field suffers, it becomes anticoherent, flighty. Also the old concept about auras, emotional bodies, etheric bodies gave the idea of something from the inside going out, while the field is both inside and outside. It comes from inside the atoms of the body, it manifests outward and transacts with the atoms of the world. Everything that exists in space has an aura, but the human aura is peripatetic: it changes, it flies around, it colors, it becomes quite stationary and rigid at times and it is the most dynamic of all, more than animals or plants because we have capacities that come from higher organization: it is living, changing and growing because we have a soul. And when the soul enters the body (somewhere around the first trimester), it does not come in neutral, it carries the experiences it has had throughout all of its lifehoods.

this work is very important in the scheme of manuel therapy and orthopedic injuries let alone a new model of biophysics and consciousness

[edit on 18-5-2007 by junglelord]

[edit on 18-5-2007 by junglelord]

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