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Which Religion can save the world? Christanity,Islam,Judaism,Buddhism or something else?

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posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 12:43 PM
Christ already saved the world, its up to you to have faith. Sure theres war and death but it was here before christ, buhdda or mohammed.
Christ death had two roles, it made him a spiritual bridge to help us defeat evil in ourselves, which is the only and true war, and he bridged the gap of heaven and hell, becoming our salvation from lucifers temptations. And his life and teaching shows us that there is always going to be people willing to crucify the guy who says the hard truth people need to hear. People dont like to hear that you need to believe in some man to go to heaven, they want to choose for themselves what will get them to the next life or heaven. Thats the flaw, you cant choose god, god chooses you.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 02:11 AM
Humor will save the world!

Originally posted by carnival_of_souls2047
Atheism will save the future. All principle religions will vanish on December 21, 2012 during the harmonic convergence. Also, people will stop wearing any colours and stick to variations of gray/silverish spandex bodysuits.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by NGC2736
Religions, and their clashes are the major cause of war.

I love it when people claim this absurdity, it usually gives me a clue to them. Which God did stalin serve? Mao? those two alone get the credit for over 100 million of their own. Could you tell me when a so called religion war killed anywhere near that amount? The fact is most wars have nothing to do with religion but rather power, money, and control. And most so caleld religous wars are nothing close to true. For instance they claim Hitler was a christian and did it for God. I have two responses to this nonsense. First just because someone says they are doing something for God doesn't make it so, particularly when they say they are killing for God. God can take out 200,000 with a wave of water if he so wishes, he don't need no help. Secondly Hitler wasn't a christian, he was an evolutionist and a racist any reading on Hitler would reveal this not the least of which was his own book mein kampf. Hitler wasn't raised an evolutionist or a racist but ole Charlie's book showed him the real nature of man. Hitler said that by taking out Jews, Blacks, and other "close to or mostly ape races" he could speed up evolution. You see Charlie Darwin wrote this trash and Hitler read it, how many of you know the name of Carlie's book? And not the name they like to use today, what was the real published name of the book?

So let's not spread your hatred of some religion, or all of them, into the realms of fact. Religion is NOT a major cause of war, at least not the religions you are talking about. The religion of Evolution has killed more than anthing and if they get their way will kill about 5.5 billion more.

On to the Original topic... I think that I should tell ya where I sit beofre I tell ya where I stand on this. I am a Bible believing non denominational follower of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and his Son, our Messiah. I believe every word of the bible is true and inspired of God and is infallible.

I think the question actually could get a broader answer than you may expect from me. I think there are many religions that could save the world if the people actually followed the tenets of the religion. For instance, the christian Jesus said Love God above all and Love your neighbor as yourself. If everyone loved God and their neighbor as themselves how much war would we have?, poverty?, rape and murder? But is not this tenet in many religions? I believe that the Buhdists have a do no harm kind of tenet. So the answer is many of them could save the world if they were followed by everyone.

I want you to understand that I took the phrase "save the world" as a fix the problems of this world and give us peace and such in this life. For the Son of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the Savior unto the world in the literal meaning of "Save the World".

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 05:31 AM
Jesus will save us at his Second Coming! No, wait Al-Mahdi will come back too and convert entire planet to Islam. Oops, one more, King from always elusive and secret kingdom of Shambala will come back when all of the world is evil and start Golden Age, converting most people to Buddhism (hehe, Jesuits would go nuts). Wait there is more. Krishnamurti will come back too and also don't forget dozens of kings who sleep under mountains, ready to be awakened when injustice and lies are the norm of the day.

It will happen soon, it will happen fast and it will be painful for the wicked. King to come is from no religion, he will unite the world and show people how to live in prosperity and cooperation.

Every religion expects final prophet to restore that particular religion, but how can you expect this for all religions at once except by uniting or replacing them? Pure logic tells us final prophet is the Antichrist and this also tells us he is not evil. Reason for people to expect bad from Antichrist is because what he does is to unite the religions and all the world. This of course is against what theocratic movements and religions want you to do today. No wonder he is perceived as the ultimate evil, because he destroys religions and their little system of power and scaremongering.

[edit on 30-6-2007 by sb2012]

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 05:24 AM
I have been doing some research in to the religious texts of major religions to find out the weight that they give to qualities like tolerance,peace,humility,love etc, which according to me would help save all of us in the end. I'am truly shocked (read appalled0 by my findings about Islam and hence for all practical purposes,I don't think Islam can be a religion which will save anything at all. Please read what the Quran has to say about various things :

There is a strong evidence that Islam as a religion is barbaric and was formed keeping in mind the narrow political interests on its founders.
Below are some of the verses taken directly from Quran which form the bedrock of the intolerance which has become part of everyday life of muslims. These examples have no parallel in any other religion of the world. I have included the references, for ex., Q.2:191 , for easy reference to Sura (2) and Hadith(191):

Quran tells Muslims to kill the disbelievers wherever they find them (Q. 2:191),
to murder them and treat them harshly (Q. 9:123),

slay them (Q. 9: 5),

fight with them, (Q. 8: 65 )

even if they are Christians and Jews, humiliate them and impose on them a penalty tax (Q. 9: 29).

Quran takes away the freedom of belief from all humanity and tell clearly that no other religion except Islam is accepted (Q. 3: 85).

It relegates those who disbelieve in Quran to hell (Q. 5: 11),

calls them najis (filthy, untouchable, impure) (Q. 9: 28).

It orders its followers to fight the unbelievers until no other religion except Islam is left (Q. 2: 193).

It says that the non-believers will go to hell and will drink boiling water (Q. 14: 17).

It asks the Muslims to slay or crucify or cut the hands and feet of the unbelievers, that they be expelled from the land with disgrace and that “they shall have a great punishment in world hereafter” (Q.5: 34).

“As for the disbelievers”, it says that “for them garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowls and skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods” (Q. 22: 9).

Quran prohibits a Muslim to befriend a non-believer even if that non-believer is the father or the brother of that Muslim (Q. 9: 23), (Q. 3: 28).

Quran asks the Muslims to “strive against the unbelievers with great endeavor (Q. 25: 52),

be stern with them because they belong to hell (Q. 66: 9).

The holy Prophet demanded his follower to “strike off the heads of the disbelievers”; then after making a “wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives” (Q. 47: 4).

As for women the book of Allah says that they are inferior to men and their husbands have the right to scourge them if they are found disobedient (Q. 4:34).

It teaches that women will go to hell if they are disobedient to their husbands (Q. 66:10).

It maintains that men have an advantage over the women (Q. 2:228).

It not only denies the women's equal right to their inheritance (Q. 4:11-12),

it also regards them as imbeciles and decrees that their witness is not admissible in the court (Q. 2:282).

This means that a woman who is raped cannot accuse her rapist unless she can produce a male witness. Muhammad allowed the Muslims to marry up to four views and gave them license to sleep with their slave maids and as many “captive” women as they may have (Q. 4:3).

These teachings of Quran are far from any civilisation. In the modern world where everybody is talking about civil liberties, Quran openly denies civil liberties and equal status to women.
The whole world changes according to the times and the Islam should also change without sticking to the tenets of Quran blindly.

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 02:52 PM

peace. There are lot of people saying that WWIII would not be fought between countrie but between Civilizations. Which civilizations are we talking about? Is it not Christanity and Islam?

I think in the years to come religions will become much more organized.

I certainly agree that civilization level conflict is involved. And, I would label it as between

AUTHENTIC CHRISTIANITY--Bible more or less literally; Jesus Coming again in the same era Israel became a Nation again in; One World Government; Armageddon etc. as truth most likely to be observed in our lifetimes. . . .


initially . . . Radical Islam.

Islam is likely being wound up to help destroy all other religions--particularly Christianity--Evangelical, Bible-believing authentic Christianity . . .

But at some point, the world government will destroy whatever's left of Islam


Indeed, one will not be able to receive the computer chip implant ID at some point unless one is willing to bow down to and worship the world ruler and/or his image.

I think that much is very clear in Scripture.

Edit to say: By the way, AryanWatch--thanks tons for your excellent posting of many facts related to the Jihadi's etc. Their own texts incrimminate them quite exceedingly . . . though there's lots of slipping and sliding; playing games; running and hiding about such textual and behavioral facts.

[edit on 15/7/2007 by BO XIAN]

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 06:29 PM

No religion can save anything.

Freedom from religion and dogma is the only way.

Don't ask a book for answers, ask yourself...

Look inside and you will find all you need.

Meditation is the key.

Every answer you could possibly want to know lies within your Self.

Open yourself up to all possibilties, and everything falls into place.

[edit on 15-7-2007 by biggie smalls]

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 08:35 PM

Every answer you could possibly want to know lies within your Self

It's not my construction on reality.

I think the Scripture . . .

'The heart is deceitfully wicked; who can know it?'

Is a much more accurate reflection of reality as I've found it.

It seems to me that a Jihadi seeking knowledge within himself would merely arrive at more elaborate ways to bomb women and children and others to further smithereens in greater numbers.

A hedonist would merely seek greater and greater wallowing in endless pleasures at greater and greater expense to others . . .

A power-monger such as Billary would merely seek greater and greater realms of power with which to enslave more and more people--such as via the global government.

A pathological liar--well--Hillary being the best vivid example--would seek greater and greater skills at more and more destructive lies.

When the rot is in the core of man . . . seeking knowledge within and expecting a good outcome seems foolhardy to the max.

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 08:45 PM
When following religious dogma has created millions of deaths over the years, I think I'd rather ask myself questions than follow a book that hasn't caused overtly positive behavior in people.

We have the Crusades Part 50 happening right now. Fundamental Christians and Jews want the Muslims dead...Yes dead.

That doesn't really sound much like love to me.

Hindus are fighting Muslims in Pakistan and India and have been ever since the two religions met.

Religious wars are what fuels the ferverous mentality of fundamentalism.

The heart itself is not rotten, it is the person who has caused the heart to rot (in your terms, not mine).

I believe you have a pure heart as you are doing your best to find answers. You are not spreading lies (from what I can see) intentionally and helping others along the way.

While I have no problem with your belief system, you must understand that it is not mine.

That is a problem with some religious people, they don't know when they have crossed the border. Its ok to tell people that 'God will judge you' for doing this and that, but its not ok to tell someone to look within?

I'm sorry, but I don't need a few thousand year old book to tell me how to behave. I have my own set of morals and they seem to line up pretty accurately with any 'holy book.'

I do not kill, I do not steal. I treat every piece of life with respect. I love, I do not hate. And I try not to judge.

Those are pretty simple rules to follow and I have learned them on my own, not through bible study/ Qur'an study.

You DO NOT need a book to tell you how to behave. You can do it too if you wish to.

Then again, you can keep following a book that doesn't make particular sense in the kind of society we live in...This is capitalism remember.

Yeshua ben Joseph said to leave all material treasures behind...I don't see much of that in religious people's lives.

He also said something along the lines of not needing a church of God (house of worship) as 'I lie within'...God's home as it is written in the bible pertains to your body, the house of Spirit.

I do not need to go to church to get to know my God.

Neither do you.

Try it some time, you may find some answers that you couldn't find in a book or from a preacher.

I highly recommend it

I am spiritual, but not religious. I believe in the ONE God. There is only one, everyone worships the same Deity. Why fight over it?

Why can't we all just get along

[edit on 15-7-2007 by biggie smalls]

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by AryanWatch
Look at the world around you...What do you see...? War? Destruction? Genocide? And all this for what? Oil? Control? Religion? The war of the civilizations is just about to destroy our home that we call EARTH. Where is the prophet Mohammed? Where is Jesus? Where is Buddha? Does this madness have an end? When? Is there a religion which can guide, not you and me, but the Humanity -out of this threat of extinction. What is your two cents?

Religion at this point in history is destroying the world and many 1000's of it's inhabitants on a daily basis. Religion save the world?? Puleeze!!



posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 09:04 PM
quick reply. i haven't read any posts just the headline..

No religion and i mean no religion will save the world. common sense ,

being thoughtful of others and live in peace will save the world. no praying , no worshiping a god, just being nice to everyone and helping out will do just that.


posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 10:27 PM
Hmmm, well I have read every post in this thread, and I'm surprised that you all missed the only two correct
answers to AryanWatch's question.

Watchful and Biggie smalls have it right. Biggie with his reference to meditation being the key, and Watchful for naming the religion that could save the world. Taoism.

There is no deity who demands sacrifices of it's followers, no dogma, and not one single conflict is attributable to followers of the Way. That is what the word Tao (pronounced dow, out of interest) means. It is the Way the world, no - the whole universe, works. It is the reason, the impetus and the only hope we have is to be aware of and act in accordance with it.

Many people in the West use the terms Yin and Yang, without understanding how fundamental the concept behind those terms is. Taoism is the only "religion" that can encompass science, and the only "religion" that is close to being capable of helping us understand what is happening to our world.

The Tao Te Ching is one of the few books that attempts to explain Tao, and in fact starts with this:

The tao that can be described
is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be spoken
is not the eternal Name.

What this means is that our conceptual frameworks and language, as Human beings, are incapable of communicating the enormity of the concept. Taoist practice consists of meditation practice in a certain way, distinct from Buddhist practice, that enables us to silence the inner voice and gain an understanding of Tao that is beyond language. Or as Lao Tzu put it:

If you can empty your mind of all thoughts
your heart will embrace the tranquility of peace.
Watch the workings of all of creation,
but contemplate their return to the source.

The Tao Te Ching also provides the perfect template for good governance:

If a government is unobtrusive,
the people become whole.
If a government is repressive,
the people become treacherous.

Please read this translation (the easiest I have found for the Western mind to comprehend - you must understand that our dualistic philosophical traditions have not really equipped us to deal with these concepts, but persevere!)

Taoism also gives us a way to find out the way the Way is working, the I Ching. I have lived my life by this book, and I have never known it to be wrong when used for divination. Here's a link to the Legge translation:
However, personally I like the Richard Wilhelm translation for divination, and the Thomas Cleary for meditation and as a manual for development.

If anybody is interested I would be glad to point them in the right direction to find out more, but I'm sure that you will find that you KNOW these ideas on some level.

I'd like to end with this:

One who seeks knowledge learns something new every day.
One who seeks the Tao unlearns something new every day.
Less and less remains until you arrive at non-action.
When you arrive at non-action,
nothing will be left undone.

Mastery of the world is achieved
by letting things take their natural course.
You can not master the world by changing the natural way.

[edit on 15-7-2007 by Karilla]

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 09:00 PM
To Saturn,

If people cared less about the beliefs of others and more about the actual problems with this world, this world might be a much nicer place to live in.

I find this the MOST outrageous, clueless, unhistorical, uninformed statement of that whole perspective.

That's a little rude don't you think

Perhaps you are right . . . let me reconsider . . .

Probably in strict terms, it is at least a little rude but still . . . let me reconsider . . .

If people (in general, I assume) cared less about the beliefs of other people (again, in general, I assume) and more about the problems with the world . . . (in general, I assume) it might be a nicer place to live in . . . (in general, I assume)

Actually, beliefs, constructions on reality--hinged on, founded on . . . beliefs about reality--determine everything else.

The beliefs of the paranoid certainly determine tons about their lives.

The beliefs of the hedonists certainly determine tons about their lives and sadly about the lives of those merely used and abused for their pleasures, as well.

The beliefs of the power mongering politicians certainly determine tons about their own lives and sadly about the lives of most of the rest of us.

The beliefs of the armed robber certainly determine a lot about his behavior . . . and too often determine a lot about the lives or sudden lack thereof--of his victims.

The beliefs of the Machiavellian propagandist certainly determine a lot of his behaviors and the influences on the masses.

Shrillery Klintoon's beliefs about Marx certainly resulted in her glowing praise of Marx's postulations in her Masters' thesis as well as her globalist, socialist goals, aims and methods ever since--as though 130 MILLION deaths due to Marx and beliefs related thereto were not enough.

Now they brazenly want to reduce the world's population to 500 million or 200 million depending on which globalist one is reading--all as soon as possible, of course--and since humans are nothing more than a rat, pigeon, radish or rock . . . according to their beliefs . . . the depth of the rivers of blood are of no consequence.

Napoleon's beliefs sure determined a lot of his behaviors and the resulting traumas of a lot of other people. Ditto for Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot . . .

Jeffry Dahlmer's beliefs certainly resulted in a lot of choices for cuisine and recreational torture which a number of other families were not that happy about.

. . .

By the way, My PhD dissertation was about beliefs and their related behaviors. I suspect your postulations are going to appear chronically weak upside my beliefs on such matters as beliefs and resulting behaviors.

In any case . . . given the above, I find your assertion wholesale lacking--to be charitable.

And, in terms of the consequences of that list of lacking . . . perhaps my earlier rant about the perspective asserted is not that far off the mark.

I think it would be MUCH MORE RUDE to allow anyone to suffer from the illusion that the assertion held a lot of water and had a lot of solid impact in the real world.

We've had quite enough Hitlers and Jeffry Dahlmers, in my opinion.

It's well past time that folks learned what true right and wrong are . . . and how to behave accordingly, by God's Grace and help.

Love God wholy and others as one's self is the best start, middle and finish.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 03:51 AM

Watchful and Biggie smalls have it right. Biggie with his reference to meditation being the key, and Watchful for naming the religion that could save the world. Taoism.

Karilla - Your response has the same spirit which any religious scholar of any religion will have. This is exactly the problem. you are also trying to propound your religion as the most superior. In my opinion,no religion is bad.If they were bad,why do they have millions and even billions of followers? Do you think people are foolish not to try and analyze their religions. I agree that Taoism is a great way of life;but when it comes to saving the world - It's not sufficient.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 04:20 AM
Didn't have a chance to read all the other posts, but I'm sure it's been said...

I don't believe any religion will save the world. Religion unites some, but I believe that it divides even more. In my opinion, religion has always and will always, as far as I can see, do more harm than good. People have been killing people because of religion since the beginning of time, and it has always been used by those in power as a device to control and manipulate the people.

Now, that being said, I believe if everybody kept their relationship with God personal, it would benefit the world greatly. Though, I'm not saying it should be taboo. As a matter of fact, some my favorite discussions with close friends deal with God/spirituality/etc, but I do not enjoy going to a church and having someone tell me how to experience and interpret God.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 05:16 AM

People have been killing people because of religion since the beginning of time, and it has always been used by those in power as a device to control and manipulate the people.

Well said evilod. The mixture of the religion and state is quite inflammable. Religion,if used as a vehicle towards reaching higher spiritual realms can be very helpful but if used for control and manipulation can be quite devastating.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 05:42 AM
If any religion saves the world, it most likely isn't going to be an Abrahamic religion. Notice that thats the religious group causing most of the wars today.

I'm of the belief though that no religion is gonna save the world... while I respect certain religions over others, no matter what I do, deep down inside I just know they are all fake...I'd go into more details but I'm sure you've all heard the same things from the typical atheist.

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 07:03 AM

If any religion saves the world, it most likely isn't going to be an Abrahamic religion. Notice that thats the religious group causing most of the wars today.

Kacen - This is exactly what a lot of other people on the thread have been debating. But what do you do with the huge followers of these Abrahamic religions? It's not easy to cinvince anyone to believe that their religion cannot save thie planet.

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