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Are Reptillians From Sirius?

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posted on May, 9 2007 @ 10:26 PM
Hello everyone in the Alien sections of ATS. I'm not a big UFO/Alien buff, so if this stuff has already been brought up, or it sounds rediculous - sorry! I figure this is a good place to get some comments on a few ideas I've had floating around in my head for the past couple of days.. so here we go.

Alright I have read that the secret rulers of our planet are Reptillians or Insect-like humanoid aliens, or at least have a blood line which is referred to as being "reptillian" possibly from the infamous reptile in the garden of Eden, the other race god created.

Reptillians from another planet are found in alot of sci-fi movies/ shows; like "They Live" (my fav!) and "V: The Original Miniseries."

Knowing this I found it interesting when I was watching the original miniseries of V, that the Reptillian aliens claimed to have come from the fourth planet orbiting the star Sirius. (There are at least 3 stars, Sirius A,B, and C; it was not specified which one.)

Let me guess? You thinking "be serious ViolatoR!" Well maybe you should be serious or... Sirius B?


The Dogon of West Africa worshipped their ancestors and spirits called the 'Nommo.' The Dogon are famous for their astronomical knowledge taught through oral tradition, ...referencing the star system, Sirius.

from my goddess thread:

The Dogon priests said that Sirius had a companion star that was invisible to the human eye. They also stated that the star moved in a 50-year elliptical orbit around Sirius, that it was small and incredibly heavy, and that it rotated on its axis. The Dogons calendar is quite non-traditional in that its fifty year cycle is based neither on the Earth's rotation around the Sun (as is our Julian calendar) nor the cycles of the Moon (a lunar calendar). Instead, the Dogon culture centers around the rotation cycle Sirius B which encircles the primary star Sirius A every 49.9 - or 50 years. ... Since 1844, astronomers had suspected that Sirius A had a companion star. This was in part determined when it was observed that the path of the star wobbled. In 1862 Alvan Clark discovered the second star making Sirius a binary star system (two stars). The Dogon also claimed that a third star Emme Ya - sorghum female - exists in the Sirius system. It is described by the Dogan as "the seat of the female souls of living or future beings."

Author Robert Temple describes the Nommo as amphibious beings sent to Earth from the Sirius star system for the benefit of humankind. They look like Merfolk; Mermaids and Mermen. They called the Nommo 'Masters of the Water', 'The Monitors', 'The Teachers or Instructors', 'Saviors', and 'Spiritual Guardians'. The Dogon elder, Ogotemelli, describes Nommo as having the upper part as a man and the lower portion as snake; or as having a ram's head with serpent body.

To reiterate: The Dogon knew about Sirius B and C despite them not being visible to the naked eye or even astronomers. They knew of the 50 year orbit of Sirius B as well. They believed their ancestors came from Sirius and had a reptillian appearance.


The earliest Egyptians believed Sirius - 'Sothis' - was the home of souls that have crossed over. It is the brightest star in our night sky. This belief is also shared with the Dogon.

Some of the ancient Egyptian temples, such as the Temple of Isis at Denderah, were created so that the light of the helical rising of Sirius would travel down the main corridor to place its red glow upon the altar in the inner sanctum of the temple. When that light reached the altar, the beam of light from Sirius was transformed into Sothis, the Star Goddess, Isis.

I'm sure we all know by now that the Egyptians paid close attention to Sirius; at least in part because of the flooding of the nile.
Andjety in his anthropomorphic form was originally worshipped in the mid-Delta in the Lower ninth nome. Andjety (meaning 'he of Andjet', i.e. the town of Busiris) was the precursor of Osiris at the cult center of Busiris. The iconography of this god persuasively argues for his being the forerunner of Osiris. Andjety holds the two scepters in the shape of a 'crook' and a 'flail', insignia which are Osiris' symbols of dominion. Also his high conical crown decorated with two feathers is clearly related to the 'atef' crown of Osiris. .. In the Underworld too there is an obvious identification between Andjety and Osiris, as ruler.

Since Andjety is the early Osirus, I'll give you some Osirus info:

Other Names: Oser, Aser, Asar, Usire
Patron of: the Underworld, the dead, past Pharaohs, agriculture (old form), fertility (old form).
Appearance: In his original form, a green-skinned man dressed in the raiment of a pharaoh. Following the Legend of Osiris, he appears as a green-skinned man in the form of a mummified pharaoh. He is often depicted wearing the atef crown with a pair of ram horns at its base.

Now incase you missed it: Andjety, the precurser to Orirus was worshipped at "Andjety (meaning 'he of Andjet', i.e. the town of Busiris)" where the cult of Osirus was later centered. The town name "Busiris" is a perfect anagram of "Sirius B." And Andjety/Osirus is called a "green-skinned man."

wiki: Busiris
Busiris is the Greek language name of a place in Egypt, which in Egyptian, was named djed (also spelt djedu). The location was a centre for the cult of Osiris, thus the reason for the Greeks choosing the name. The word Busiris was also used as shorthand for chief god of Busiris, an attribute of Osiris.

In the Sumerian Civilization, predating the Egyptians, their epic poem Epic of Gilgamesh describes a dream of Gilgamesh where the hero is drawn irresistibly to a heavy star that cannot be lifted despite immense effort. This star descends from heaven to him and is described as having a very 'potent essence' and being "the God of heaven". Gilgamesh had for his companions, 50 oarsmen in the great ship, Argo, a constellation bordering Canis Major, where Sirius is found.

The "God of Heaven" Sirius B is slightly larger than Earth, but is 90,000 times as dense as our sun. The 50 oarsmen of Gilgamesh remind me of the 50 year orbit of Sirius B.


Some people believe that humans were genetically modified by extra-terrestrial DNA. And that the double helix shape found in ancient art revleals this to us. I do not hold this opinion, but Sirius A and B do remind us of this idea, when we view their double helix orbit:

Translations of the Qur'an, Chapter 53:

YUSUFALI: That He is the Lord of Sirius (the Mighty Star);
PICKTHAL: And that He it is Who is the Lord of Sirius;
SHAKIR: And that He is the Lord of the Sirius;


The star Sirius is also known as the Brightly Radiating or Shining One. Which brings to mind the other alien myth I've heard about, some alien gods known as the Shining Ones. (Who I think are equated with the Watcher/Gregori choir of angels that came down to earth?)

crystalinks again:
The Egyptian Book of the Dead - 1240 BC - 'The Chapters of Coming Forth By Day' - makes reference to the "Shining Ones" - "Behold, oh ye shining ones, ye men and gods..." Chapter 134 - 15/17. Also ....."Behold, oh ye shining ones, ye men and gods..." - Chapter 134 - 15/17

The Shining Ones appear in many myths and cultures - by different names. They are ethereal entities from a place of creation and light. They appear tall, as giants, that which is 'above'. They are the source of light energy from which all began and to which we all soon return.

One might also think of the Shining Ones as aliens.

I have heard of the shining ones but do not know much about them, so If anyone has anything to add pelase do.


Modern day:

Ok, heres the thing that made me want to post this thread. But first let me start you off with some recent histroy so you understand why what I'm about to say has any bearing on the modern world.

The Lucis Trust.
Alice Ann Bailey, a leading disciple of the Russian theosophist Madame Helena Blavatsky, formed the Lucifer Trust in 1920. 1922 saw the organization's name changed to Lucis Trust though the advancement of the Luciferian beliefs remained true. Beliefs that in Blavatsky's words: “oppose the materialism of science and every dogmatic theology, especially the Christian, which the Chiefs of the Society regard as particularly pernicious.”

Lucis Trust promulgates the work of an "Ascended Master" who was working 'through' Alice Bailey for some 30 years. The Lucis Trust Publishing Company and their many fronts and organizations worship an "Externalized Hierarchy" of "Ascended Masters," who carry out the work of a Luciferian "master plan" for the establishment of a permanent "Age of Aquarius" ruled by one "Sanat Kumara", the "Lord of the World."

Bailey learned, through her channeling, of several classes of spirits coming to earth, one of which was a "master race" or the most highly spiritually advanced one. Although she said the master race was not the one that people commonly believed (ie: aryans, I would assume).

The Lucis Trust is the official consultant to the delegates of the United Nations, and they publish everything for the U.N. They also maintain a pyramid shaped (minus the capstone) meditation room where people can "become as gods" by meditating on a large black loadstone. (magnetic stone) The black stone has been called "the Image of the God of humans" by an UN secretary.

Moving on.. The Lucis Trust has designed a New Age Symbol:

Here is the description;
The symbol is set in a limitless field of blue, which signifies the sphere of life expression of our solar Logos, who is said to be a deep blue, second-ray Logos. The potency and quality of his pervading life maintains and conditions all within the solar system including the life and destiny of our planetary Logos, Sanat Kumara. It is the most powerful factor which we are able to touch mentally.

(ViolatoR: Sanat Kumara is Bailey's "Lord of the World" and is also an anagram of Satan.)

The golden disc, against which the triangle and the star appear, symbolises the all inclusive background of our life on this planet. Sanat Kumara may look through it. We look at it, being aware of its reality. It is spoken of in that most ancient of all mantrams, the Gayatri: "Unveil to us the face of the true spiritual Sun, hidden by a disc of golden light, that we may know the truth".

Behind the entire symbol, extending beyond the disc of golden light, emerges the cosmic cross, which is found in the consciousness of the great ones on that distant sun, Sirius. This cosmic cross is the origin of all the cross symbology as perceived and used by humanity down through the ages.

What!? The "Great ones" from Sirius gave us the image of the Cross? And these people are part of the U.N.!

We are concerned with only one subject, the ushering in of the new world order.

...the present world order (which is today largely disorder) can be so modified and changed that a new world and a new race of men can gradually come into being. Renunciation and the use of the sacrificial will should be the keynote for the interim period after the war (WWII), prior to the inauguration of the New Age.”
- Alice Bailey

"No one will enter the New World unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation." - David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nation

Alright so thats all I got. Im sure most of it is written off as coincidence, but I dont believe that coincidences are meaningless. If anyone has anything to add about alien mythology especially when it comes to Sirius, please add it!

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 04:22 PM
I tell yer... there's no such thing as Reptoids.
It just seems more and more people struggle
with the difference between TV and reality.

I know there are people who deliberately feed on
folks yearning for knowledge, the 'what REALLY
happened in history' stuff that's posted here
everyday shows that.

I'm sorry if I've upset you, but we don't know what
if anything, is on Sirius and using fantasy, vague
interpretations of old text or stories to imply that
we're an important piece of a universal jig-saw
belongs to a movie with a guy, a hat and a whip.

I know I'll get 'dissed' for my view, but heck!
hidden texts that indicate that several TV series
are based on real occurences and that only a few
know the real truth... ON THE INTERNET!!

Maybe we should all get outside more and do a
little growing up. Again, I apologise if I'm brusque.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 04:24 PM
I agree that there is no such thing as Reptilians.

Is there proof of strange objects flying around in our skies? Of course.

Is there any proof at all that intelligent extraterrestrials even exist? Not really...

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 05:07 PM
Yes we have reptiles on earth therefor they are reptillian. They had there chance to evolve into a sentient species but didn't make it. Reptiles are related to birds according to fossil evidence. If this fourth planet is so much heavier than earth the gravity would be a lot higher. Bones would be a lot thicker and bipeds would be very rare. I don't think your idea holds much water.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Diplomat
I agree that there is no such thing as Reptilians.

Is there proof of strange objects flying around in our skies? Of course.

Is there any proof at all that intelligent extraterrestrials even exist? Not really...

Yep, there it is.
I agree, there's plenty of funny looking stuff moving around in our skies
and I'd bet it would make any average person ponder that life from elsewhere
may be visiting here, but it's just that leap of 'I don't know what that thing is
therefore it's a space craft and the Government must be in on it' cliche
makes me smolder.

I'm no dis-info agent or whatever some people accuse some of us of, but
I draw the line at aliens ACTUALLY posting on here and discussions of
Stargates and Star Councils.

Well, as long as they don't vote I suppose.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 05:26 PM
this has always intriged me as the other member posted

The Dogon of West Africa worshipped their ancestors and spirits called the 'Nommo.' The Dogon are famous for their astronomical knowledge taught through oral tradition, ...referencing the star system, Sirius.

quote: from my goddess thread:

The Dogon priests said that Sirius had a companion star that was invisible to the human eye. They also stated that the star moved in a 50-year elliptical orbit around Sirius, that it was small and incredibly heavy, and that it rotated on its axis. The Dogons calendar is quite non-traditional in that its fifty year cycle is based neither on the Earth's rotation around the Sun (as is our Julian calendar) nor the cycles of the Moon (a lunar calendar). Instead, the Dogon culture centers around the rotation cycle Sirius B which encircles the primary star Sirius A every 49.9 - or 50 years. ... Since 1844, astronomers had suspected that Sirius A had a companion star. This was in part determined when it was observed that the path of the star wobbled. In 1862 Alvan Clark discovered the second star making Sirius a binary star system (two stars). The Dogon also claimed that a third star Emme Ya - sorghum female - exists in the Sirius system. It is described by the Dogan as "the seat of the female souls of living or future beings."

Author Robert Temple describes the Nommo as amphibious beings sent to Earth from the Sirius star system for the benefit of humankind. They look like Merfolk; Mermaids and Mermen. They called the Nommo 'Masters of the Water', 'The Monitors', 'The Teachers or Instructors', 'Saviors', and 'Spiritual Guardians'. The Dogon elder, Ogotemelli, describes Nommo as having the upper part as a man and the lower portion as snake; or as having a ram's head with serpent body.

To reiterate: The Dogon knew about Sirius B and C despite them not being visible to the naked eye or even astronomers. They knew of the 50 year orbit of Sirius B as well. They believed their ancestors came from Sirius and had a reptillian appearance.


posted on May, 10 2007 @ 05:36 PM
Good post ViolatoR!

Although I have to point out that the Dogon do say that the inhabitants of Sirius B are half men half fish, definitely amphibian not reptilian.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 05:41 PM
No, the Reptilians are from New Port Richey Florida, where Robert Reptilian and his wife Rebecca are raising three adorable chameleons.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Diplomat
Is there any proof at all that intelligent extraterrestrials even exist? Not really...

No proof against it either. Do Reptilians come from Syrius? Nobody knows for sure. Do they exist? Nobody knows for sure.

Sure, the possibility is almost nill, but it's still possible. The only way to prove Reptilians don't exist in the Syrius system is to go there and search every planet. Even then the possibility still exists because for all you know they may be underground or who knows, maybe a different dimension. So never say never.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by ViolatoR
The Dogon are famous for their astronomical knowledge taught through oral tradition, ...referencing the star system, Sirius.

That stuff about the Dogon knowing stuff about Sirius they only could've heard form aliens is bunk. Here's a wikipedia article here that references the problems with the story.

But of course it's more fun to believe aliens (reptoids, whatever) taught them some stuff than plain old Europeans. And people like to believe what's fun, not what's more likely.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by ViolatoR

The Dogon elder, Ogotemelli, describes Nommo as having the upper part as a man and the lower portion as snake; or as having a ram's head with serpent body.

To reiterate: The Dogon knew about Sirius B and C despite them not being visible to the naked eye or even astronomers. They knew of the 50 year orbit of Sirius B as well. They believed their ancestors came from Sirius and had a reptillian appearance.


The Lucis Trust.

The Lucis Trust is the official consultant to the delegates of the United Nations, and they publish everything for the U.N. They also maintain a pyramid shaped (minus the capstone) meditation room where people can "become as gods" by meditating on a large black loadstone. (magnetic stone) The black stone has been called "the Image of the God of humans" by an UN secretary.

Moving on.. The Lucis Trust has designed a New Age Symbol:

Here is the description;

Behind the entire symbol, extending beyond the disc of golden light, emerges the cosmic cross, which is found in the consciousness of the great ones on that distant sun, Sirius. This cosmic cross is the origin of all the cross symbology as perceived and used by humanity down through the ages.

Ok, I realize that it takes some effort to read my long posts. However, you should give it a try once in a while. I never said I believed in Reptillain Aliens, but that some people do and I want to hear their ideas. Apparently the Alien/UFO forum was a bad place to post my Alien thread.. (?)

Alice Bailey = Luciferian Trust = UNITED NATIONS

Ten Seed Groups

Early on, Master DK informed Bailey of the Hierarchy's plan for "The Ten Seed-Groups". These seed-groups were to infiltrate all sectors of society, and be "esoterically anchored" with "new approaches to divinity." ... The Ten Seed-Groups consist of, and carry out their mission in following ways (excerpts from THE NEW GROUP OF WORLD SERVERS):

Group 5) Political Organizers - Summary of Work

International understanding through communication of the divine (political) Will into races and nations, linking the department of the Manu (the Ruler of the human race) with men.

The Bible already tells us that "the ruler of the human race" is Satan (John 12:31 & 14:30; Ephesians 6:12; Luke 4:6-7; 2 Cor. 4), then it follows that "the department of Manu" must be but another name for the deceiver. ... In Frontier Science/Social Change, Paul Von Ward relates, "Hermetic Principles...comprise part of a body of knowledge allegedly given to humans by an advanced being more than 5,000 years ago. He has been known by various names, including Thoth or Seth in Egypt, Manu in India, Hermes in Greece, and Lucifer or Satan in the Judeo-Christian tradition."

Get it? The one-world religion of the United Nations is Lucifer Worship, brought to us from a woman who claimed to have channeld a Tibetan monk. And the "Great Ones" or gods, of this religion come from Sirius. (Lucifer - snake - reptillians - sirius)

The new world order must be appropriate to a world which has passed through a destructive crisis...

We are concerned with only one subject, the ushering in of the new world order.

...the present world order (which is today largely disorder) can be so modified and changed that a new world and a new race of men can gradually come into being. Renunciation and the use of the sacrificial will should be the keynote for the interim period after the war (WWII), prior to the inauguration of the New Age.”

Above Quotes by: Alice Bailey, Lucioferian Trust, religious consultants to the delegates of the United Nations, maintainers of the Pyramid (minus capstone) shaped "meditation room," with the 4ft tall black stone altar - the symbol of the gods of Man. (Gods which came from Sirius)


IronMan, I see you hold the same opionion as myself. I do not belive in Reptillain Aliens either, so dont worry about upsetting me. Infact I dont really keep up with the whole alien conspiracy at all. I've just read a couple of things here or there, and thought that the people who are interested would like to hear about it, and add their own info.

MYSELF: I'm not a big UFO/Alien buff

Anyways, "DuncanIdahoGholem," the planet around Sirius is of unknown density and gravity, if it even exists. Sirius B, the star, is massivley dense. I would assume that the aliens do not live on the star, but rather a farther out planet...

Dae, thanks for being the only person who actually has something constructive to add.

I got this info from Crystalinks, so its prolly as accurate as wikipedia..

The Dogon said of the Nommo that they were: " 'Masters of the Water', 'The Monitors', 'The Teachers or Instructors', 'Saviors', and 'Spiritual Guardians'. "

And the Dogon Elder said of the Nommo as having the upper part as a man and the lower portion as snake; or as having a ram's head with serpent body.

Author Robert Temple describes the Nommo as amphibious beings sent to Earth from the Sirius star system for the benefit of humankind. They look like Merfolk; Mermaids and Mermen.

There seems to be a mixing of fish and serpents, like the Loch Ness Monster perhaps, scaley and with long tails and fond of water. The snake tail and rams head described by the Dogon elder sounds more like this: than a normal fish.

There's been plenty of Gods/Goddesses who were assiciated with water+fish right up to John the Baptist and Jesus. Heck, for a carpenter, Jesus spent alot of time around water and fish.

But I think your right Dae, the "Reptillian" aliens that Alien-theorists believe in, arn't found to be constantly submerging themselves in water (as far as I know). That's why I hoped some more people would respond with something constructive to add, so I can get a sense of what all the reptillian jibber-jabber is about.


posted on May, 11 2007 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by Sophismata
That stuff about the Dogon knowing stuff about Sirius they only could've heard form aliens is bunk. Here's a wikipedia article here that references the problems with the story.

I had a read of that article. The critique of the Dogon knowledge is basically calling them liars. Apart from that I couldnt find anything that gave a good reason.

According to Oberg, the Dogon's astronomical information resembles the knowledge and speculations of European astronomical knowledge of the late 1920s.

They are trying to say that the Dogon took European knowledge and inserted it into their beliefs - basically calling them liars.

ViolatoR, yeah the submerging in water is the giveaway, something I havnt heard about reptillians at all - unless they are corcodile men!

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 05:43 PM
Dogone It!!
A tribe in Africa have a traditional story that visitors from a
star that they can indicate, comae to them,we check it out
and sure enough, the star exists.
They also comment about another star close to the former and
we looked and heh presto, there's evidence that it might well be

It's a story, that these people believe is true... that's all.
sheesh!! any straw, we'll grab here and vow it's fact.

I really believe that people on ATS shouldn't view the postings
here as if they are the star of a Sci-Fi series and they've a quest
to travel along. Discovery of facts will not be found by taking huge
leaps of.... hope.
Please excuse the rant.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 06:01 PM
I wish people on this site would reply "i dont believe that reptilians exist", instead of "no, reptilians.. they dont exist". Members are constantly forgetting the motto of this website!


posted on May, 12 2007 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by IronMan

Who is talking about belief? Both ViolatoR and I have discussed Aliens, in fact ViolatoR even said, "so I can get a sense of what all the reptillian jibber-jabber is about." So tell me, why are you really ranting? Is ATS not the perfect place to discuss the notions and beliefs that people have about aliens? Are you sir on a mission to enlighten us on the real use of ATS?

PS I am She-Ra, the Princess of Power! The star of a cartoon series...

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 07:25 AM
So if some believe that the Dogon tribe was influenced and that they are liars, then what about the Sumerians who actualy knew how many planets were in our solar system and what they looked like? They described the size and colors of Uranis and Neptune far before we sent probes.
The largest most powerfull civilization only confirming the knowledge of the very first. So how did this happen? Was it all a good guess? Was it simply coincidence?

The Sumerians also tell us that a reptilian race of beings called the Anunnaki came to Earth and created mankind as a race of slaves. These Anunnaki came from a planet called Nibiru.

This is truth interwoven with lies to confuse mankind into believing something other than God. The Anunnaki as they called themselves were actualy the spirits of the fallen angels who left with Lucifer from Heaven. They possessed a race of creatures living here that were evolved from an Earth dominated by Dinosaurs. The reptilians let themselves become one with Satan because they both despised man.

The planet Nibiru the reptilians claimed to have come from was Heaven. Heaven as described in the Bible is a physical world just like Earth but it is Earth perfected. It is much larger, and the way this planet works is different from Earth because it is heated from an internal Sun. God literaly powers and protects this planet.

This is why you find references of satanic connections with reptilians. When Eve was suduced by the serpent, it was not a snake that she talked with. It was a reptilian man who was possessed by Satan. Not only did she talk with him, but truth be told she had sex with him and produced Cain.
This is why God favored Able's offerings and didnt care much for Cain. Cain's reptilian fury came forth and he killed his brother.

The Sons of God vs the Sons of Satan. That is what you have found.

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