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Another Canadian death in Mexico...What is going on?!?

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posted on May, 19 2007 @ 02:21 PM
The largest market for Sex Slaves - - happens to be the US. So lets not go that route.

Basically - Mexico is run by drug lords. Money - Power - Control - corrupts absolutely.

Politicians that have tried to make a difference - are killed.

If you are of no use to the drug lords - - you are nothing. It has become a lawless land of survival.

Too bad they aren't an oil rich country.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 06:35 PM
A few years ago, after buying some Mexican blankets and stuff, I was setting in a Nuevo Laredo Bar having a drink when the police came in.
They walked up to me, grabbed the money I had on my table and demanded my ID. As I took out my wallet, they grabbed it from my hands and opened it up. He then dropped a pill in it, pulled it out and arrested me for having pills without a prescription.
The next morning as they were preparing to take me to the federal facility. He asked me how much I wanted to avoid that and I asked him how much it would cost me.
5 minutes later I was driven to the ATM to withdraw the money for the bribe, it cost me 100 bucks per officer for a total of 400 bucks. I was released and have never gone back.
True story

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 03:16 AM
The only organised crime in Mexico is the police. They have been doing stuff like this for years.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by closettrekkie

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 11:17 PM
I have alot of stories about Mexico. My parents and some of my siblings were born and raised there. My uncle was told to leave mexico and never come back otherwise he and his family would be killed in 1992. So they left and came to Canada to live with my family for a little while. When his father died a few years ago in Mexico, he was too scared to go to the funeral because he knew he would be killed. Since then he had turned to alcohol and is basically in a vegetative state.

One of my cousins who had lived in Mexico all of his life witnessed a murder one day while he was at work at a lumber yard. He too was threatened with his life and moved to Alberta with his wife.

Some of my uncles that still farm there are telling us it is getting pretty bad in some areas and have had alot of their equipment stolen.

I have many many more stories. It is what it is. My relatives have no intentions of moving as they refuse to bullied be by such antics. Alot of the people you see crossing the border into the US are families that are wanting a better future for their family and will work any job neccessary to accomplish that. They want their kids to have the opportunity to get an education and grow up in an environment where their work will not be stolen by thieves.

As bad as I made it sound, there really are some good parts in Mexico and alot of hard working people trying to make a difference. The problem is the lack of integrity of those who have the power to change things. I am optimistic that things will get better in the long run as the people start getting sick of living in a place where shortsightedness trumps integrity.

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