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ancient nanospirals found. Alien connection?

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posted on May, 8 2007 @ 11:37 PM
I dont know if this topic belongs here or in alien section, but im posting it in both just incase because they incorporate both. Has anyone heard of nanospirals? mainly the ones found in the Ural Mountains? Im staring at a book with them in it with pictures, yet i couldnt find anything online about them after a brief search. Apparently, these nanospirals which range between 3cm and .0003cm are not organic, because when looked at under an electron microscope, they have a regular smooth structure and even perforations in it that can only be man made. Problem is these date back to 300,000 and 100,000 BC and we only developed the technology as early as the 1970s. Also theyre made of tungsten or copper, with cores of tungsten and molybdenum.

Sooo, people argue that since these cannot have been produced in nature, and the only creatures were neanderthals which would have no way to create these, they were reminants of alien life. They also say that the majority of these parts were used in receiving/sending antennas. Possibly to serve as a communication port.

Does anyone have more information about this? it only gives it a 2 page spread in the book "Mysteries of the World"

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 06:29 PM
I think what you may have is something that's been misidentified (this is a known problem with that book.) "Nano" means something that at best is 500 atoms wide, and you can't see that under the microscope. You need an electron microscope.

This brings up the problem then of "and how did they find them if these things are too small to see with an ordinary microscpe?"

I see these described here: but I also see some problems with this.

In the years 1991-1993, gold prospectors on the small river Narada, on the eastern side of the Ural mountains, have found unusual, mostly spiral-shaped objects. The size of these things ranges from a maximum of 3 cm (1.2 in.) down to an incredible 0.003 mm, about 1/10,000th of an inch!

Let me cite from a site about human hair diameters:

"Flaxen hair is the finest, from 1/1500 to 1/500 of an inch in diameter … and black hair is the coarsest, from 1/450 to 1/140 of an inch."

So they're claiming to have found (in the field, in dirt) something that's 40 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair.

Take a hair from your head and trim it to a length about 3 times as long as it is wide (yes, a tiny section). Now -- imagine that it's 40 times thinner than what you are holding...

That's what they claim they're finding "in the thousands" in a gold prospecting site (mud, dirt, trees, rocks, river, clay.)

To date, these inexplicable artefacts have been found in their thousands at various sites near the rivers Narada, Kozhim, and Balbanyu, and also by two smaller streams named Vtvisty and Lapkhevozh, mostly at depths between 3 and 12 meters (10 and 40 ft.)

...and they're finding them 40 feet underwater.

By now, your Skept-O-Meter should be falling off the charts, laughing hysterically.

So what are the photos showing? Well, gold wire actually does form and does extrude naturally, and some of those objects are natural extrusions (you can see the striations (stripes) of formation on the wires. However, gold can be bent with the fingers and you're simply trusting a photo that people SAY is circular wire... circles that they didn't bend.

The tube wrapped around a second tube... dunno what that is. However, given the claims of the situation, I don't think I'd accept it as authentic or evidence without a lot of other explainations and reassurances that it's natural or found in nature and not something that someone rather easily cooked up in the jeweler's workshop.

Gold wire, by the way, can be drawn out to be thin as a human hair. That's an ancient technique...they used to make thread from gold for embroidering clothing. The Chinese have been doing this for over 2,000 years.

[edit on 9-5-2007 by Byrd]

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 06:47 PM
This is a strange case, for sure.

From my understanding,the origin of these spring like pieces of tungstun and copper is currently being described as refuse from USSR technology manufacturing/disposal.

I don't know about the validity of that reason...but that is the last I heard about it.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 02:16 AM
well the topic is being more discussed here thread
and just to wrap this one up:

well i didnt hear much about the underwater finds, i read that these were being found above ground in the mountains in the dirt, unintentionally. Geologists were doing routine mineral deposit investigations and came upon these things. If geologists are doing mineral investigations, id assume they had instruments at their disposal. Plus they were found as little rods and they were only found to be spirals when looked at under an electron microscope, and too clean and mechanical to be organic.

The gold is interesting, yet these are composed of tungsten and have tungsten and molbdyium cores. Some were copper. no gold involved.

And i also heard about the waste dump, but it would be much more valid if more refuse was found. I doubt only these nanospirals would be there, and i would think the scientists would know about a possible nuclear waste dump.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 08:37 AM
Aha. So they're lightbulb parts. I'd heard about the gold but not the tungsten. Amusing and interesting.

[edit on 10-5-2007 by Byrd]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 12:28 PM
Well if some of them really are .003mm in width then that would rule out light bulb parts I would think, thats IF. I can't say I'm up on my varieties of lightbulb parts, but they look like none I've seen before?
But reading the above post I have to agree the size is far fetched so it does cast doubt on the whole thing. Would be nice to have some solid evidence of something like that.
Can anyone confirm these are lightbulb parts? pics of existing ones perhaps?
There are few links available for these things and they're making some big claims with various institutions confirming to be technological in origin and thousands of years old.

I'm a little more stubborn, I'd would like to have some confirmation one way or the other, internet hoax or not.


[edit on 11-5-2007 by squiz]

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 02:04 PM

get the report, then post.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 03:28 PM
the report by Hartwig Hausdorf
hes a well known crank
everything he looks at aliens did it

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by Marduk
the report by Hartwig Hausdorf
hes a well known crank
everything he looks at aliens did it

And others too have been associated with dubious behavior...i.e.,

Why are some people so quick to point that stubby little finger of "I told you so" whever they see something that doesn't seem normal or possible?

Oh, yeah. Its got something to do with closed mind syndrome. Nothing in, nothing out...except for

I looked at the report. So what if these are genuine? Are the people who first said these were "light bulb parts" or from the likes of a "crank" going to then attack the people who found them...on accident?

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 12:40 AM
personally I'd be quite happy to believe they are shavings from an aliens spaceship gearbox after some alien dude was teaching his daughter how to drive and she was too heavy with the clutch
as soon as I see some evidence that these pieces of rubbish are anything out of the ordinary
until then

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 02:28 AM
The most famous of these types of artifacts, the Coso Artifact, has been positively identified:

Coso Artifact

It ended up being a 1920’s champion spark plug used in early mining equipment. I guess aliens drove a lot of Model T Fords...

[edit on 7/3/2007 by defcon5]

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by Marduk
the report by Hartwig Hausdorf
hes a well known crank
everything he looks at aliens did it

I looked up his references (which should be the first thing anyone does).

I can't find any mention of "Scientific Assistant Mme. Dr. E. W. Matveyeva" except in conjunction with this article of Hausdorf's. No Dr. Valerii Ourvarov (there's several V. Ourvavovs, however). No "Central Scientific Research Institute for Geology and Prospecting for Precious and Non-Ferrous Metals ". The acronym, "ZNIGRI" for this research institute doesn't appear anywhere, either.

There is a Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, but they have no such division and no such people associated with them.

So I looked up the publication and the names... in Russian. There is no "research institute for geology" anywhere in either scholarly papers or public websites.

I may have overlooked something here, but at the moment his references simply don't exist, which suggests that he's just making this up.

posted on Jul, 3 2007 @ 01:16 PM
he wrote a book "the chinese roswell" about how aliens were responsible for the chinese mausoleums because they were in china in 14,000bce
most of the details were way off, he dates some of the tombs to 3000bce
he claims that the reason that this isn't well known because of course the chinese govt has covered it up

heres two of his reviews

Hausdorf approaches a fascinating subject without any serious understanding of Chinese mythology and culture. He unfortunately gives equal weight to the hallucinatory poetry of James Merril, dated pulp fiction stories of Western travelers, and second and third hand accounts of strange goings on in Asia. His high seriousness combined with gross inanity make it a very funny read, though.

This book consists primarily of retellings of a variety of esoteric stories legends and myths from the far east. There is very little original material in the book. There is certainly nothing startling or memorable. Far inferior to the works of David Hatcher Childress.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 07:30 PM
reply to nanospirals ural mountains : I am reading the same book . There is nothing on this subject. Please note the book was on sale.
post by I Am The Influence


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