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New Bigfoot photo

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posted on May, 7 2007 @ 01:50 PM
I browsed the web for a couple of hours and find an interresting site with some photo's and history from a new photo of bigfoot.

There are only 2 photo's of bigfoot, and some extra info about 'Ray Wallace', he was the one who maked these photo's and he is searching all over the world to find any footage of bigfoot.

Hope you guys enjoin it, if its already posted, pleas admin delete it.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 02:32 PM
i would have to say thats less than conclusive

the bigfoot on the messing with bigfoot commercials looks more convincing

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 06:37 PM
Looks like the bigfoot is bending down and doesnt even notice the photographer. Why didnt the photographer snap more photos? I mean, the whole point of his expedition was finding bigfoot and taking pictures of it, so why only 1 photo?? I call this a hoax.


posted on May, 8 2007 @ 12:55 AM
Yeah, he couldmake more pic's so i think its a hoax to.
I go with your opinion

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 03:10 PM
This could be an authentic picture IMO.

Very hard to tell.

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 05:03 PM
Photo is really too dark to tell.

Interesting that there were only two negatives to purchase apparently.

Cool photo, though.

The possible story behind is just too cute though. Pregnant mama bigfoot, just needs to take a break, and that warm sunshine felt sooooo goood. *snore*... Photographer is lucky she didn't wake up while he was there, it mightn't have been pretty.

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 08:52 PM
who was the photographer ?

it is not a trick question - read the [ badly written ] article

here is my annoted qoute mining :

The photograph was sent to Strange Magazine contributing editor Mark Opsasnick, accompanied by a letter from Raymond L. (Ray) Wallace of Toledo, Washington, dated September 21, 1993. Ray Wallace wrote the following about the photograph:

Here is a picture of a female Big Foot... I bought it, the negative, from a photographer who was up near Mt. St. Helens in March taking pictures when he saw this giant sized female sitting on a log asleep as she was so heavy with a baby inside of her that she could not move very fast, he said she would have [been] easy to capture while sleeping on this log on an old abandon[ed] loading site where they loaded out logs several years ago. He said she was just sitting out in the warm sun and went to sleep.

in the quote above - wallace claims to have bought the photo from a third party

however later :

In a letter dated "January" (postmarked January 13, 1994), however, Wallace writes: "I just sent [Ray Crowe]... a picture of a pregnant female sitting on a log alseep on a warm sunny day that I took in 1990 west of Mt. St. Helens on an old abandoned logging road..."

now wallace claims that he personally took the picture

what is it ? who took the picture??? wallace or the anonymous camera man paid $10k

reading it literally one could argue that 2 seperate photos are being discussed in the two quotes - but that requires the acceptance that two preganant bigfoots were - at seperate times photographed in near identical circumstances

PS - the article bemoans the lack of credit accorded to wallace - maybe wallace is not credited in bigfoot reseaech because he has not released any photos / footage from his claimed " vast archive "

why has wallace not released any ??- if he actually wants credit - he must publish - it is not rocket science

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 07:23 PM
well im calling bull pucky on the photo. It looks like crap and whoever clamed it to be bigfoot should be ashamed of themselves. I slap them. *SLAPS THE PERSON THAT DID THAT*. Thank you for showing us another hoax and getting it out of the way. I'm meaning that sensearly.

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 07:25 PM
I don't by it, sorry. They would be an animal and smell you a mile away so no photos that close.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 10:35 AM
If it is Sasquatch, and notice I did say if, she's pregnant, she's tired, she's not at her best...its completely plausible, if unlikely, that someone with a camera got lucky.

I've been within feet of wild animals that could have killed me rather easily and messily. It can be done...

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 06:14 AM
I found the following from the web site to be rather interesting..

The Patterson Connection
In Bluff Creek, California on the afternoon of October 20, 1967, a rodeo rider named Roger Patterson and his partner Bob Gimlin filmed a Bigfoot, an event hailed by many as the single most important event in Bigfoot history and proof that the creature exists. This footage is one of the pillars of belief for the existence of Bigfoot. Ray Wallace, in conversation with the author, has said that he told Roger Patterson exactly where to go to shoot his film on that fateful day. Did Wallace, who was held in high esteem by Roger Patterson, know of Patterson and Gimlin's agreement that they would not shoot at a Bigfoot if they found one!

Could there be a connection?

P&G always denied any involvement in a hoax, what if they were never aware of it being a hoax? Hmmm.


posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 03:08 PM
I dont see any connection with that, so someone knew where this bigfoot was around or still is?

But it always keep me thinking, what if there really is something out there, why we never have clear shots of it or didnt catch it?
Its the same with Nessie from Lochness, never clear video's/photo's.

So strange..

Keep your chin up,

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 10:49 AM
Kinda looks like a tree stump or something like that. Perhaps a black bear digging for food in a stump? Although at first glance you can see somewhat of an outline of a large hominid.


posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 05:34 PM
Seen this photo year ago or more, it ain't 'new'.

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