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for those "awakened or awakening"

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posted on May, 2 2007 @ 11:34 AM
many ancient cultures projected 2012 to be an imortant date in the future thousands of years ago, step back from the doom and gloom MISINFO,and DISINFO

see the understanding of time from different perspectives i.e linear and nonlinear so you can better comprehend that this was already understood to be a time of great potential based on 2012 being the time when the sun and the earth became FULLY emersed in the photon belt and that the process of becoming emersed in this belt has been occuring for the last few decades, (the awakening period to a changing consciousness for those who seek it) and also the battle for the dark forces (that coincidentally and ironically where conjured up by fragments of our psyche over 10's of thousands of years ago, that were necessary for the 6 billion souls incarnated on earth a LOOONNNG time ago to come full circle and be taught all the lessons they need) to try to enslave mankind which they (cross breeds and advance being race) have tried to control for thousands of years within there creative manipulations that had to respect DIVINE LAW. they have been trying to create an electromagnetic prison of sorts to surpress the knowledge of and abilities of the for a lack of a better term "(souls/people/forces of good/light" (haarp chemtrails multi purpose gWEN toweres help as well, not to mention manipulating other energy/grid points in an effort to manipulate the divine laws they must follow enough to blind us/ and INFLUENCE OUR FREE WILL ( and who is they)? in the last sentence. well they are the son of the "gods" i.e advanced beings that took advantage of 'earthling vulnerability during our process of evolving ten's of thousands of years ago,however they were subconsciously allowed to manifest/and interfere in order for US to come full circle (which is the tuff part to comprehend) these son's of god's are the cross breeds of the advanced being with the daughters of man. remember any person that isn't religious (me included) can still believe there are teaching and story's that have great value scattered in parts of the bible.

it appears to me that the number of enlightened humans of higher consciousness will determine the amount of turmoil associated with the transition of "the old system falling as the new age of unity begins" as well as determine the actual downfall of those lost souls still trying to hold on to there power, possibly blind themselves from the fact that based on the "latest numbers the good side is winning" and for them to save themselves some future enjoyment they should be open to let go of there ego, forgive themselves, accept the forgiveness others are open to give them, and re-connect with there heart and higher selve's, and find a way to transcend there fears of doing so with the help of angles' of there higher selves and a strong will combined with the new found power that is found in there hearts ( this power however can only be activated and used thru perspectives that can be seen as part of a giving and loving intention)

if this resonates as truth to the awakening out there just do your best to find the time to listen to your own intution and do what it takes to use your creative mind to further the process of a truly worthwhile cause we are one

forgive them for they know not what they do and they also represent the very limitations or weaknesses in the human condition, which could have been me or u eon's ago.

[edit on 2-5-2007 by cpdaman]

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 07:09 PM
i think due to the fact human behavior change/ and to a lesser degree attitudes change depend heavily of the pain/pleasure axis

when/if things start falling apart more people will be willing to open there eyes

when people come across things in there life that differ from what they had believed for so long, they usually (if the difference caused a powerful emotional response) become curious as to what else may be different than what they thought and they begin there long search for the truth

thankfully not all must go through such a loss to open there eyes some have the intuition and openmindedness made easier thru there upbringing and enviornement

i think othersouls just wait for the right moments depending upon a person's indivdual choices up until that time

[edit on 2-5-2007 by cpdaman]

[edit on 2-5-2007 by cpdaman]


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