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Who is the Islamist group Al Muhajiroun and Omar Bakri Mohammed

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posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 10:14 PM
Who is the Islamist terror group Al Muhajiroun and Omar Bakri Mohammed.Should the world be worried this is the next Al-qeada but in Britan?


The above link is to a BBC show about Islamist group Al Muhajiroun and their Al Qaeda-linked leader Omar Bakri Mohammed.
It explains the links between 9/11, 7/7 and terror around the globe. It is very interesting to see something from a non US point of view that shows the interlaced network or terrorists once known as Al-qeada and splinter groups has emerged as a well funded and in your own homwtown threat.

This shows the extent of radical Islam and how it is spreading with the recruitment of new membersin Britan. Watching this I remembered back to NY a few years ago with the pamphlets and the young American Muslims denouncing the US blocks from ground zero.

It brings up good points with a ISI officer who states that he knew Bin Laden, lived with him and waged the Jihad with him. These are the same people that we msut deal with to capture Bin Laden and people wonder why he has not been caught.

the interview in the last minute is very good. With the recent threats to bring HIroshima to England and these leaflets handed out in Britan to Muslim

It would seem easier to smuggle a weapon into Britan then the US, so is the time at hand for England? Harry is going to Iraq and he is a traget. Imagine the death of a prince and them simultaneous terror attacks across Britan. Food for thought for the other side of the bay.

Remember 9/11
Remember 7/7

thanks for reading...

[edit on 30-4-2007 by esdad71]

[edit on 30-4-2007 by esdad71]


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