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Now Britain is to release UFO files

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posted on May, 3 2007 @ 08:16 PM
I, for one, would be more suspicious of what is happening.

Disclosure of this material seems to me, to be a good way of making more people aware of the UFO situation, past or present, for a coming revalation.

Absolute conformation in the near future of worldwide UFO/alien sightings and encouters can leave no doubt of life on other planets, but must be taken with a serious caution.

If there is a benevolent alien presence, whether here now or in the future, we must accept that it could cause problems for the "powers that be" and their designs for this planet, and we must be aware that the visitors may not be presented to us as harmless by those powers.

A few strikes by the secret UFOs that the "powers that be" have and we are fooled into thinking the visitors are to blame.

How often are we told the truth?

Maybe the controlling powers of this Earth recon they are ready for "them" with some new weapon for the big contact to happen and have plans to begin a false defence before "We", the people have a chance to see what is going on and decide for ourselves. Therefore, continuing thier ever tightening stranglehold on the masses.

So we are back to square one: Hunt the truth!

Time to look for the signs me thinks! Disclosure is just the beginning.

The biggest conspiracy in the history of our planet.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 09:03 PM

Originally quoted by nerbot...
Absolute conformation in the near future of worldwide UFO/alien sightings and encouters can leave no doubt of life on other planets, but must be taken with a serious caution.

Back in the 60's I thought that disclosure was just around the corner, just get a few more people aware of the phenomen and voila! Now I doubt that it will ever happen. An awareness of our place in the universe is not a part of the agenda for planet earth. There is an agenda and the powers that be are well in control. Think of the people as being just simple children and that is the way the powers in control view us. Look at the media, all we get is constant dishing out of the latest killing, disaster and political drivel. And the endless sports coverage, oh my! No, we have a lot to learn before any government hands out real proof in the form of pictures or artifacts. All governments seem to be in on the coverup and marching in lock step.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 12:57 AM
Point taken "plumranch", but maybe I should have stated that my point of view was that of "inevitable and unavoidable future contact".

Thus: the "powers that be" would have to engineer a stratergy now, for what they cannot avoid in the future.

Problem, reaction, solution.

[edit on 4-5-2007 by nerbot]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 12:27 PM
Yes, you are correct. Disclosure will never happen. The only way they will ever admit to ETs existing is if they (the governments) are dragged to it kicking and screaming. It will have to be some kind of event that threatens their control over the world such as an Independence Day type scenario.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 08:27 PM

originally by nerbot
: the "powers that be" would have to engineer a stratergy now, for what they cannot avoid in the future.

Don't you think that governments have thought the contact synario over pretty well already but aren't about to tell us about it? That is what MJ 12 was all about. I remember President Reagan in one of his last speeches talking about preparing for a threat from space. Of course the media swept that one under the rug real fast!
I imagine the strategy for our government would be that in case of contact by some ET species they would do all they could do to burry it, deny it, make fun of it and publicly ignore it.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 11:20 AM
Yes, but, my point is.............................;

If they had no control over a mass alien contact happening soon!

They would have to do something to take control of their unwanted situation

Good alien= our friend, their enemy. We gain, they lose. Big change.
Bad alien= our enemy, their enemy. We lose, they win. No change.

We shouldn't be fooled into thinking they're hostile by a fake attack!

If a contact is inevitable the "powers that be" would surely try to fool us.
Or maybe you think that would be unthinkable.

[edit on 5-5-2007 by nerbot]

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 01:51 PM

by nerbot
Good alien= our friend, their enemy. We gain, they lose. Big change.

There is evidence that ETs are working outside of government with individuals to bring about disclosure at least for the individuals involved.

We shouldn't be fooled into thinking they're hostile by a fake attack!

Not much we can do to stop our governments from being aggressive toward ETs. But it seems like a big mistake if they do so. I imagine ETs will only take so much then it is payback time. We are probably not the first little peons they have delt with and I'm sure they are highly capable of retaliation to teach a lesson. It does seem that there is plenty of paranoia in the governments about ETs. One wonders why they are so paranoid??

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 02:49 PM
Tesla broke, Scherff (i.e. Bush) family rich.

If enough of those Tesla electric rigidity notes were taken seriously then
the WWII saucers from Germany might be true.

The latest UFO babble is set to emanate from all dis info sources.

They are all devious little monkeys like "Curious George".

[edit on 5/5/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 09:56 PM
Anything yet from British Intelligence yet on UFOs, or is that an oxymoron.

Say is what they say the law or the truth, I mean can they suspect things
or give opinions that make sense.

Like why did Tesla have to be killed.

Just have something on it, even court cases have deserting opinions,
nowhere in the annals of science there is no clue.

OK what about Tesla's rigid aether demonstration he gave to the British
in 1892? Nothing pertaining to saucer from Germany or central Europe.

Tell them to shove it, they're dumb.
Any Brits here in the know or do we wait for the official word.

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