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So, if this NWO does take place, what will the extermination list look like???

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posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 01:09 AM
So, if this NWO does take place, what will the extermination list look like?

With the talk of global depopulation, and desire for a controllable slave population, obviously this will happen.

But where will they draw the line?

What's the initial cull/ extermination list gonna look like?

Here's what I think will be on the list.

1) All prison populations.

2) All convicted felons.

3) All violent offenders.

4) All persons with physical and mental handicaps.

5) All persons with terminal diseases.

6) All persons of geriatric age.

7) High profile dissenters.

Then what's next on the list???

minorities? the obese?

I realise this is not going to be a pleasant thread to think about, but I believe this to be part of the reality of the NWO if it comes to fruition.

I am interested in hearing others' opinions on this terrible topic, and any inclusions to the list I may have overlooked.

Again, my apologies for starting a thread on such a horrible topic, but I couldn't help but wonder what will happen to alot of people in a NWO scenario.

anyone willing to discuss??

Later, Ausable_Bill

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 01:16 AM
I think you have a good point,but not sure people will want to discuss.
I have often thought that to survive long term as a race NWO would need to remove the 'weaker links' in our civilization.
Maybe they already have the 'perfect cast of human' that are being kept away from the main stream until the time is right.
Maybe they are the ones who live in all these 'underground bases & cities' we here about.
Maybe they will just nuke the top of the planet will all the worthy stay benethe until they can 're-claim' the surface.
Maybe it's rubbish and NWO is really just our own concept of whats really needed and as a race we are slowly getting there through natural progression ?
Who knows - not me for sure.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 02:57 AM
Hi Global consciousness,...

Interesting hypothesis, but where would all the "slave labor" come from?

Besides, what do you think all the "detainment camps" are for then?

I picture the NWO scenario to be "royalty and peasants" or in clearer

terms, "ruling class and slave class" similar to times in history where the

priviledged few exploited and oppressed the general population for the

benefit of the privelidged.

I believe this is the objective of the NWO.

Someone please correct me if I am mistaken.

Later,... Ausable_Bill

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 11:22 AM
Slave Labor, guess we better have a profession or a job when it go's down as not having either may be where the slave labor volunteers originate.
Wonder what's done the existing criminally incarcerated?

Great thread Ausable_Bill


posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 11:31 PM
They have more respect for dissenters than those who lick the boots, and do as there told without question, or the sheepole, or purposly manipulat others to the will. its total psych. Think about this, do you think the nwo would put up with someone trying to destroy them? No , they would be a dissenter as well. Inteligent beings always , always have respect for enemies than servants. Just because a person questions opression does not mean they are and enemy. enemys are like equals, the yin yang, the black annd white majic. the illnwo, use non judgement and let alot slide believe it, they hear it all. intelligence of the highrest level.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 02:05 AM
I think some of the people on these boards will be on watch and some even sent to camps to be killed along with the other people that might rebel against the govt.


posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 02:31 AM
This, so called "list" of people to be wiped out would probably be loosely modeled after Hitlers to a point
Old people, mentally and physically handicapped people would probably top the list. I wouldnt necessarily consider all felons to be on this list because that would wipe out half of our politicians

I actually hate seen people refer to Nazis and Hitler when talking about these things but hes the best example we have to go by at this time
I dont think this "list" will include any minority race per se, especially not the jews as they probably make up some of the leadership in this NWO but who knows.
If anyone is ever rounded up and you are given a new set of clothes at your re-education camp but you must shower before you can put them on.. dont do it lol, stay away from the showers.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 01:28 AM
STOP worrying about a small ass bunch of people "in power" taking control of you.
The people WILL revolt, and overthrow the govt...or have some of you forgotten what our fore fathers stated to us in the declaration of independance?

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 11:39 PM
I've never beleived in the NWO untill today. A german tourist came int my shop, she spoke fluent english. She placed her cell phone on the counter and told me she had been trying to contact the network customer service line for three days. I dialled the number and was promptly connected and politely told my position was three in the que. I handed the phone back to her and she scoffed and said "I don't talk to machines!". (The cellphone was not purchased through me and I have no dealings with the network she was connected to) I politely said: "Unfortunately you may have to wait in a que if you want to speak to a customer service operator." She started yelling abuse and said: "I would expect that response from an asshole and a subhuman piece of # like you" I was in a state of shock(By the way her skin color was the same as mine and I am not Jewish so I don't think it was a racist remark). This lady was genuinely expecting me to solve her problems because she couldn't be bothered. She genuinely saw her self as a superior being and that I was part of some sort of slave class. I wish I had of thought to remind her who won the war but I don't think it would have helped matters any. How is it that people can walk around and perceive others as subhuman and only useful to do their dirty work? How many people have this attitude? Is it only Germans or has anyone had this experience with other cultures? Did she know something I don't? Maybe the list is already drawn up and my name is on it!! I am still mortified by this personal attack and I am fuming. What can I do? Nothing. I hope nobody else has to endure this type of treatment. Especially not from a one world government.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 05:52 AM
Maybe Germans still hold some German values (from the war). Any Germans care to comment?

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 06:59 AM
I should probably clarify, I can't use DuncanIdahoGholem at work, I use orthisguyoverhere while at home. If this breaches T&C tough.

[edit on 14-5-2007 by DuncanIdahoGholem]

[edit on 14-5-2007 by DuncanIdahoGholem]

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 04:04 AM

Originally posted by MichaelMyers
STOP worrying about a small ass bunch of people "in power" taking control of you.
The people WILL revolt, and overthrow the govt...or have some of you forgotten what our fore fathers stated to us in the declaration of independance?

I somewhat agree with this statement. I mean it only takes a handful of vigilantes in each area to really screw with you. (Think Iraq) Coordinated or at least some type of experienced leadership (like ex-military and such) would be able to lead such a revolt. But of course this is somewhat of a movie-ish scenario. The only real point in time to worry is if they somehow get a psuedo gun ban in place.

Also the forefathers went up against muskets and cannons not tanks, helicoptors, assault rifles, tear gas, bullet proof armor, etc...

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 01:57 PM
It would be highly unwise to wipe out everyone, highly. They already have control areas settup so to just nuke the planet would be folly, by the time the radiation goes down the sun will be almost dead. To boot whatever lived would be so mutated they would have a horrible time getting rid of it. If they wanted to populate the surface sooner: 2 inches of topsoil, every tree, bird, animal, human, building, road, EVERYTHING must be removed and put in underground siloes for the next couple of billion years due to radioactivity. Not to mention the air would have to be purified. Them nuking the planet is the least likely scenario seeing as how they would only kill their only future hopes of taking over, and after all they already control most governments.
Slave class, well unfortunalty for all of us, unless your a major stock holder, CEO of a corporation, a politician, family of the before mentioned or the figureheads themselves if not the NWO people, your on the list already. As for people who will be working for them, well they already have prisoners doing that in California, some corporations have paid prisons to handle their tech-support lines. Michael Moore did a very brief introduction of this system, so when you call tech support and you get a guy in California remember this: 50/50 for criminal or non-criminal. Also they will be handling your credit card numbers...

ALRIGHT! Now for the NWO itself:
The camps are for a reason, but there is not enough for everyone, fact. Due to this little fact (just think about how many camps there are vs. population) they will only be taking out the most dangerous people to their control. The ones who are the most dangerous are the leaders of organizations that fight them, think greenpeace, veterans for peace, ladies in pink, etc. They will be the first to be hit, but their leadership is what will "dissapear" in the night. The idea being if you can scare the organizations enough they will shut up and not act, if they continue to act... well who will mind a couple of bullets missing from your arsenals? No one. If they cannot scare them into submission they will just make sure certain ones who are more vocal meet "tragic ends" such as being shot in a robbery, car crash, etc. It is easier to take out leadership than the heard that follows.
What will they do in the camps? Who knows, make bullets, bombs, your guess is as good as mine, but granted it will be something.
Subhuman: already this is starting to appear, think to the people who want the middle east "nuked till it glows" as one person told me should happen. Seeing others as subhuman has been going on, it has festered in anti-Latino groups, anti-Asian, anti-black, anti-white, and then the anti-everybody but themselves like Aztlan. Anti-black being some militia groups, KKK, neo-nazi, skinheads, white seperatists, etc. Anti-asian being those who still harbor hate for Asians such as the Japanese since the end of WW2.

To give you a grander idea of the "executioners list" just think about leaders of organizations that dissent, figureheads who fight them (Ron Paul), individual dissenters classified as a danger to them which could be anyone who goes out and REALLY starts to sling mud. Older people are not worth the bother, nor are the cripples and potatoes. Not worth the bullet since they could not and would not harm you. So let me give you the grander idea now: Stop and think logically about the list, who would be worthwhile? Who would not? Who is the biggest danger? Who is not? Who can be taken care of WITHOUT actually having to be "removed" from society? Remember they have time scales to work with, so they will address the list with an importance scale. Think of where YOU would be on the list! How important are YOU then think of someone else who is more vocal than you right now, who is the more likely to get hit or "dissapeared?"

This IS something to worry about, they have already settup the house of cards and only need to take one card out and have the whole thing fall down. It is like dominoes, you have the line settup, but it comes down to when your going to push the first one over and have the rest fall in a neat little line. So it is a matter of WHEN and WHERE will it start, not IF it will start. My bet is on soon, they have gained so much power so fast and have not had it truely challanged yet so they are free to continue.

Remember this always: To kill a weed, you do not cut off the plant, for it will grow back, you must grab the plant and pull out the ROOTS, for the ROOTS are what keep the plant alive.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 02:22 PM
8. homosexuals

9. intellectuals

10. Liberals

11. conservatives

12. Artists

13. cat lovers

It's a brave new world; welcome to the monkey house!!


posted on May, 18 2007 @ 02:46 PM
Remember this always: To kill a weed, you do not cut off the plant, for it will grow back, you must grab the plant and pull out the ROOTS, for the ROOTS are what keep the plant alive.

This is the NWO though mate the old adage about weeds taking away the nutrients flowers need and cause them to wither, but it's not enough to just remove the weeds; the flowers will still die unless one also plants a flower that consumes what the weeds need. Will be the sly way the NWO would probably take people out.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 06:55 PM
SR you have apparently NOT hear about one creeping vine that is a hybrid in the South Pacific. I visited someone I knew on an island called Tinian and had the most INTERESTING introduction ever: a weed that cannot be killed by regular methods. This little sucker was so hardy that it could grow on sand due to moisture in the air, and herbicides did not dent it. Whatever it was, it had choked out almost all life on some islands and had apparently come from Asia and mixed with something from somewhere else. The strain could only be identified to a point from the leaves, but still they were hybrid.
So how did they kill it? They pulled it out by the roots, bulldozed the area clean, poured gas all over the area and lit it up. That was the ONLY way to kill the plant. This was in 1999 by the way.

Sometimes planting other flowers, trees, herbs, etc does not work. Sometimes you have to dig the plant out and set it on fire to kill it. The NWO is one plant that cannot be choked out easily, its roots go deep and touch all government, all corporations and political parties that have any meaning in the world. This is one weed that is not easily choked out, it is one that needs to be yanked out, dug out, and burnt. Burnt before it creeps its way to the point of no return. Also they have armies blocking you from trying to choke them out.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 05:16 PM
I decided to dust off this old thread since there's all types of talk of martial law on the board.

Anyone have opinions on the original question?

Do you think they have a list?

Later,...... Ausable_Bill

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:56 PM
anyone with tech skills ,anyone who says no, they'll have a sheet of of 'trick' loyalty questions answer wrong your gone, illness you're out , old you're out, women always do the most dying in a holocaust ,so lots of us will be raped to death,there will all kinds of criminal gangs that the military will turn a blind eye to so they can terrorize helpless citizens by a kind of proxy,so I'm guessing the most harmless among us will be the first to go,women with young children to protect and the children,just saying this because that's how these things usually work out,historically

I cite
Cambodia killing fields
China's revolution
Russia Bolshevik revolution and following WWII Stalins gulags
Darfur genocide now
Iraq civil war now
Colombia Farc rebels now
Chile whatever that whole disappearing business was all about
Congo now

the list is endless it will happen here the same way,for the same reasons

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 11:19 PM
I will not submit nor let go of MY constitution. I will fight until my death.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by Ausable_Bill
So, if this NWO does take place, what will the extermination list look like?

With the talk of global depopulation, and desire for a controllable slave population, obviously this will happen.

But where will they draw the line?

What's the initial cull/ extermination list gonna look like?

Here's what I think will be on the list.

1) All prison populations.

2) All convicted felons.

3) All violent offenders.

4) All persons with physical and mental handicaps.

5) All persons with terminal diseases.

6) All persons of geriatric age.

7) High profile dissenters.

Then what's next on the list???

8) All members of ATS forum.

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