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When 2012 rolls around, and nothing happens . . .

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posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 11:33 PM
By the time 2012 rolls around "they" will have already picked a new date somewhere down the road and we will all get to wait on that new day to come and go. This is what happens. You can search ATS and find 100 or more special dates that have ended in disappointment for anyone who had high hopes.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 11:35 PM
Obviously, 2012 is significant for the believers that something will transpire.

And for all the skeptics, if they truly didn't care or feel anyway threatened by the year 2012, they wouldn't even worry about it or comment on it.

If something that I feel is non-threating or significant, I pay absolutely no attention to it, so why if your a skeptic waste your time?

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 11:49 PM

you obviously are too skeptical to read up on the MASSIVE amount of info from MULTIPLE Scientific/Paranormal fields describing changes in our Earth/Existence to direct us to our next transcendance.

Hey, that's the point of this thread, right? I'm just a closed-minded skeptic, naively living my life unaware of my impending doom or level up to a new plane of existence, or whatever it may be. I'm saying that on the slim, tiny, tiny chance that perhaps I am right, that nothing will happen out of the ordinary, will you admit that skepticism was the correct way to approach this particular prediction? Here's some real evidence: every single attempt to predict the end of the world has failed, and there have been many, what makes 2012 so special is just the fact that it hasn't happened yet. After 2012 I guess we can all agree on 2036, but maybe next time the people who are so inclined to predict such matters should pick a date outside of their own lifespan so they don't have to worry about dealing with those pesky skeptics.

in fact no prophecy is absolute , it is method by forces above us to help us choose the right or wrong path

Wow, isn't this just way too convenient? So you're actually telling me that any prophecy, no matter what it says, is completely untestable, unfalsifiable, unverifiable, and may never come to pass yet can still be considered a true prophecy? I hope you can understand what is wrong with that picture, if not, may I recommend some basic logic textbooks for you to read?

I know for a fact that things are changing. Most of you reading this problably cant see the effects before you and thats totally alright. Just remember its all happening out of LOVE!

Thanks for the tip! I know for a fact things are changing as well, I just changed my underwear this morning, in fact, and I definitely did it out of love for hygiene, so I think your prediction is coming true. Honestly, quite fascinating! Wait, that's not what I mean, I think the word I'm looking for is vague.

Anyways, no need to be harsh on the believers, just another way to spice up life a bit.

I'm not so sure about that, if we ever want to "transcend" to a higher conscious, then perhaps the first thing we all should do is stop clouding our minds with aliens, predictions, conspiracy, and religion.

There needs to be a counterweight to the medieval, superstitious thinking of the true-believer mentality. When you're so open-minded that your brains fall out, it is not a positive characteristic. Humans can make progress, I would like to try and do what I can, little by little, to fight back against things like this that hold us back from that progress. Let the believers trust in a magical cure-all that will occur in 2012 while the scientists and thinkers attempt to truly move consciousness forward.

[edit on 25-4-2007 by Densha82]

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 11:59 PM

And for all the skeptics, if they truly didn't care or feel anyway threatened by the year 2012, they wouldn't even worry about it or comment on it.

If something that I feel is non-threating or significant, I pay absolutely no attention to it, so why if your a skeptic waste your time?

Nice try, but this doesn't pass off as an argument against the skeptic position.

You are correct that I "truly don't care" or feel "threatened" by 2012, what I do care about and do feel threatened about is the very fact that my fellow human beings can waste so much of their thinking power on such things. It's both fascinating and baffling to me what people will convince themselves to believe. I simply want to take part in a certain kind of discussion and offer my own point of view. Surely one does not have to feel threatened by something in order to offer their opinion on it? And who are you to say that this is a waste of my time? It is an exercise in thought, perhaps debate is a hobby of mine, perhaps I was once a true believer myself and I want to help others see the power of science and logic?

So again, nice try, but your post is null and void of any point or argument, perhaps you could try again with a thoughtful post?

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 12:13 AM
The only thing that I can say about 2012 is that, the Mayan long count calender will start from the beginning and the age of Aquarius will be here for 2600 years(I think). Also, I am eligible for retirement.

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 01:43 AM
If you think 2012 is just like all the other past dates onwhich a significant prediction was made, you obviously haven't done much reading into it. Because if you did, you would know 2012 isn't just based on a persons word... but rather various advanced civilizations - backed up by current events and science etc. If you cannot see all the "coincidences" linking up, or don't see the significance in any of them, than thats fine. But don't go around acting all high and mighty like YOU know better than us, trying to convince everyone (or yourself for that matter
) that it's all just a dream.

Yes, maybe we're just 'wishful' thinking... or perhaps you're ignorant of your reality, a typical "sheeple"... seeing as you're not even into anything alternative yet you bother to come to an open minded community in a sad attempt to bring us down.

In anycase, if you don't want to believe, thats fine. If we choose to be open minded about such possibilities, great! - better safe than sorry, right? Most of us around this community are bright enough to not take such narrow minded individuals seriously, so your objective with this thread is pointless. The reality is, you're a hypocrite making just as much - if not more - "baseless" predictions as we are.

There may or may not be truth to the 2012 predictions. The fact is, no proof we provide will convince you, just as no proof you provide will convince us. To make threads like this is just childish.

PS. Oh and just so you know, it's only a very small minority that think 2012 will be the 'end of the world' or anything like that. Don't know why so many connect "doom" with "change".

[edit on 26/4/07 by Navieko]

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 05:09 AM
i agree with realtruth why are you so worried about 2012?maybe because big changes dont need gods hand just some of us,free your mind help those beside you,dream and work for something good instead of sitting and scratching your balls

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by Densha82
. . . who will be the first to admit the skeptics were right?

Well, here's waiting for the gloriously average year that 2012 promises to be, and I look forward to all the explanations you guys are sure to come up with for why something Earth shattering didn't happen. So, as I asked before, will anyone stand up on January 1, 2013 and admit the skeptics were right, since in all likelihood we will be? Or is undeniable, slap-in-the-face evidence still too little to convince people these days?

[edit on 25-4-2007 by Densha82]

I just learned a valuable lesson from a skeptic the other night, after he decimated the whole "kenedy being shot by his driver BS", but according to Amitakh Stanford, the year 2012 is just a diversion. She believes the do-do will hit the fan next year, in 2008.

So while everyone is feeling good about another 5 years, bam! LOL!!!

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by eyespy2
I just learned a valuable lesson from a skeptic the other night, after he decimated the whole "kenedy being shot by his driver BS", but according to Amitakh Stanford, the year 2012 is just a diversion. She believes the do-do will hit the fan next year, in 2008.

I would take everything from that website with a big grain of salt..

The Kennedy driver thing is just plain retarded. Simply pausing/going through the video in slowmo will reveal that it is merely an illusion of the light. As for 2012 being a diversion, its an interesting possibility no doubt.

In terms of doom n gloom, i think it will come down to what the fundamentalists in the Whitehouse, Israel and Islam decide to do (and maybe others), and also if we (the public) let them.

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 07:40 AM
Interesting thread. It shows that the OP is one of 3 basic sort of people I've found who frequent ATS.

There are those who think differently than your average Joe Beercan. They tend to want to believe in something more than the mundane existence that we are forced to live every day. They have a firm belief that something is happening, something will happen and that the clues are all around us. Inherently harmless, sometimes kooky, but always interesting if you like to read that sort of thing. These are not your fanatics who rave about exodus and armageddon, but people who simply have different ideas to most others.

Then you have those who just like the whole idea of things like 2012, UFOs, Aliens, Ghosts, etc. They dont put a lot of effort into believing most things, but enjoy reading up on all sorts of things, entertaining the idea that something might be different to how we are led to believe, but all in all, carrying on with daily life as usual. Harmless, but interested. These people tend to be as skeptical of obvious malarky as they to enjoy entertaining the ideas of things like 2012. I fall into this category.

Then you have those who seem to take pleasure in intimidating people of the first group, and denouncing people of the second group with an obvious gusto. They spend great amounts of energy on attacking with vitriol and snide remarks, belittling anything and everything with narcissistic rants. These people worry me. They're the sort who would find problems with people who simply dont agree with their opinions and engage in campaigns of verbal abuse to quieten everyone down so as to appear the only valid option. In my opinion, the OP falls into this category.

But interesting thread, nonetheless.

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 08:16 AM
There's is a lot of noise surrounding the 2012 thing no doubt. I am deeply interested in Indian culture in particular the mayans. While I am reserved about my thoughts regarding 2012, it's plain to see many skeptics don't know what there skeptical about, Look to what the mayan elders are saying first and not some theorists who combine many things into the mix like nibiru etc.. It's not a doomsday prophecy, although with whats happening in the world today who knows. It's not another y2k this end date for the great cycle has been there for centuries. What it truly means is up for debate though.

As for those who see no truth in prophecy you should look into the Hopi prophecies.

If your interested in a bit of speculation or maybe food for thought then have a look at John Calleman stuff or Ian Lungolds vid. It's long but really a nice theory, I don't agree with everything he says, but some of his projections or predictions if you want to call them that are interesting and some do seem to be happening.
If there's any truth to all of this we won't have to wait till 2012, there will be many indicators over the next couple of years. IF not then it is just a atrological marker for the beginning of the next cycle, without event.

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 08:34 AM
2012 is the next year of the tiger - it's sure to see some conflict unless the present competition for resources that is heating up is somehow offset.

I don't give entirely too much literal interpretation to prophecies made long ago - but the understanding of planetary systems in Mayan calenders shows some special knowledge. One of the things stated is that all of the things designed to serve humans will turn on them - so I'm not waiting with bated breath to have my toaster invite me to plug it in and poke it with a metallic instrument.

Maybe an electromagnetic storm that will interfere with our power sources and machinery. Perhaps the onset of the 'singularity' of artificial intelligence and its interference with all the aspects of human life that depend on computers and central databases.

Maybe 2012 is the year the 'tiger that has grown wings' decides to assert its need for access to oil in the middle eastern regions.

Then again the venus conjunction that's part of the 2012 prophecies, if the planets do indeed have an influence of humanity - a micro/macro example - then the problems presented by current global circumstances also have a solution that we are advantageous to exploit.

Who knows - if it comes around and nothing happens, it will be a relief, just like every other time the end of the world hasn't materialized. I'll likely attribute the continued survival not to our own resourcefulness, but to a presiding universal encouragement for the ongoing evolution of man.

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 09:24 AM
All right, all right.
I've got a question.... now, im not saying that the mayans were fools or anything, they obviously had advanced knowledge of maths and astronomy which is respectable to say the least for an ancient civilization but..... If they could predict that the world was going to come to an end in 2012, why could they not see the coming of the spanish to wipe out thier civilization???? Why are the Mayans not still here and going srtong if they were so learned about the future of the human race?

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by badw0lf
Interesting thread. It shows that the OP is one of 3 basic sort of people I've found who frequent ATS...

And if we were to judge by your post, which category do you think you fit in?

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Densha82

You are correct that I "truly don't care" or feel "threatened" by 2012, what I do care about and do feel threatened about is the very fact that my fellow human beings can waste so much of their thinking power on such things. It's both fascinating and baffling to me what people will convince themselves to believe. I simply want to take part in a certain kind of discussion and offer my own point of view. Surely one does not have to feel threatened by something in order to offer their opinion on it?

And who are you to say that this is a waste of my time? It is an exercise in thought, perhaps debate is a hobby of mine, perhaps I was once a true believer myself and I want to help others see the power of science and logic?

So again, nice try, but your post is null and void of any point or argument, perhaps you could try again with a thoughtful post?

Relax take a depth breath.......... I didn't say this is a waste of your time. I merely asked a question "Why waste your time?" If you don't think it's a waste then wonderful.....but then you condemn yourself with your statements.

Your comments are actually quite amusing, because in one instance your judging your fellow humans for wasting their time thinking and you are baffled in what they convince themselves of, thus doing exactly what you are accusing me of. I would say that you are taking a hypocritical stance by contradicting yourself in just a few lines, thus making your argument and comments invalid.

So perhaps you could take your time and try again and think of a thoughtful and valid post.

P.S. in my original post I was only being sarcastic, my eye roll
for some reason got deleted from the post.

[edit on 26-4-2007 by Realtruth]

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 10:21 AM
I'll most probably buy a DVD (2012: The war for Souls)and watch it on the day it should happen... and laugh myself into a coma, and sleep/wait until the next doomsday comes.

If it does happen... sh*t happens, right?

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Chonx
If they could predict that the world was going to come to an end in 2012, why could they not see the coming of the spanish to wipe out thier civilization???? Why are the Mayans not still here and going srtong if they were so learned about the future of the human race?

#1 Mayans still exist
#2 If you knew that the rise and fall of nations was part of the cycle, would u try to stop it? knowing that it would negate others belief in the cycle system?

just a thought....

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by 12SeVeN34
#1 Mayans still exist
#2 If you knew that the rise and fall of nations was part of the cycle, would u try to stop it? knowing that it would negate others belief in the cycle system?

just a thought....

I understand that decendants of the mayan people survive to this day but what I meant was that the Mayan civilization has not. And if I knew that something was going to happen which would end lives and there was some way I could change it, of course I would do it, wouldn't you???

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 10:53 AM
Not neccesarily, some things aren't meant to be changed by people like us.
And i'm not talking about fate or what not, i'm talking about logic.

If someone holds someone else at gunpoint and the only thing you can do is to jump between the two, would you?

Would you rather sacrifice your life to get both of you dead, than flee, hide, w/e, to only have one person ending up dead?

It's called caluclating your chances.

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by clearwater
2012 is the next year of the tiger -

Actually 2012/13 is the year of the Dragon

Maybe it will herald the coming of our reptile overlords!

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