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Is it illegal to have a homemade silencer?

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posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 12:41 PM
Growing up, i had a friend that got a lawn mower muffler from wal-mart, threaded the end of his .22 and tryed it, he said it worked great.
never tryed it myself. But in a situation never underestimate a .22
very overlooked.
There are even silet shells you can buy, they only travel at 370ish fps, but
the mfg claims they are totaly silent. combine that with something on the barrel and it would surpass what you see in the movies.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 12:48 PM
It's not illegal to make or have a silencer. It is illegal to have a silencer, and a gun. Like extreme felony type of illegal.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:06 AM
It really amazes me the ignorance and prejudice surrounding silencers; or rather suppressors, as the term "silencer" is itself both misleading and politically sensitive.

There seems to be the impression, predominantly in the USA, that such items can only be used for dubious purposes and, as mentioned in previous posts, the notion that they are far more effective than in fact they are.

In the UK silencers are completely legal, which considering our draconian gun laws may seem surprising, but actually is one of the few things we have right [usually our laws are retarded compared to the USA] as they have a valuable use in all sorts of shooting activities.

Suppressors are both useful when hunting [to avoid scaring multiple target prey] and a very valuable safety item on the range [reduced muzzle flash, quieter shooting] to reduce the REAL possibility of [potentially permanent] hearing damage.

As for the notion that silenced guns are great for crooks; just check out Youtube for a realistic assessment of the acoustic inadequacy of any `silenced` propellant discharge guns and you will soon realise they offer much more benefit to responsible shooters than they ever could the bad guys.

Silencers are both cheap and easy to make, or buy, and are an easy DIY item. There is no magic or secret in them, just the staged cooling and discharge of propellant (or in the case or air-guns; expanding) gasses. Anyone shooting a firearm should use one, especially when on the range and to avoid nuisance (noise pollution) when hunting.

As for any would be criminals, don't bother wasting your time, check out Russian silent cartridges if you want real sound reduction (those guys know a thing or two), better yet if you don't want a "bang" don't use a gun!

Effective suppressors rely on physics not magic, and to work effectively one will be both LARGE and HEAVY[on a firearm] and are NOT as convenient for criminality as the movies would imply. For example a rifle suppressor could be as long and heavy as a rifle itself and still emit quite enough of dB's to get attention.

The earlier post that suggested heavier sub-sonic bullets is by far the best suggestion for criminality [if that is your thing and I am not condoning it!], and IS perfectly legal and easy to achieve, simply because the supersonic boom of a bullet is both loud and distinctive and arguably a heavier bullet is better at inflicting trauma at close range than a faster lighter bullet which may pass right through its target [and incidentally risk collateral damage]. Most important criminals DON'T care if silencers are legal and will use them if they want! It is rounds that should be controlled, though as this is impractical controlling guns is a short-hand, a suppressor is just an accessory and does not need controlling, any more than a torch simply because both can be attached to a gun.

I've been shooting a suppressed air-gun for a year now and I wouldn't go back. It's not silent, but makes practising without hearing protection a reasonable proposition. Do yourselves a favour and lobby to remove the silencer legislation in the USA as it is irresponsible and reactionary; similar in stupidity to the anti-body armour legislation in Australia.

It is your right to protect your hearing when shooting, your lungs from inhaling particulates [firearms] and your responsibility to avoid being a (noisy) nuisance to others, so demand legalisation to de-criminalise suppressors - 'nuf said ;-)

edit on 29-11-2010 by GunControl because: Added point re:criminals don't care about the law!

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:13 AM
Who care if it's legal or not??

If you need a silencer why not make one yourself?


edit on 29-11-2010 by Korg Trinity because: to add links

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:23 AM
It IS illegal to manufacture or possess a homemade silencer, You can buy a manufactured silencer, but you need some kind of tax stamp.
The reason I know theyre illegal is because I play airsoft, and the silencers you can buy for those are now illegal, you have to label them as 'barrel extensions' and the barrel has to come at least halfway thru the suppressor

Just to add...
if youre CAUGHT with a silencer without the stamp, or have a homemade one, youre probably looking at federal charges...
Here's where is IS illegal to have even FAKE silencers on replica firearms (airsoft guns)

This is taken from yahoo answers:

There are no federal laws banning silencers. However, civilians must have BATFE authorization to buy, sell, own or make silencers. This is routinely given to anyone who is 21 or older, not a felon, and otherwise allowed to own firearms. I have never heard of any ATF form 4’s (to buy, sell) or ATF form 1’s (to make) being rejected by the BATFE as long as they were filled out correctly by a person living in a state that allows civilians to own silencers.. Civilians in 36 states are allowed to own silencers. Some states (like Texas) require that the silencers be registered with the ATF, but this is required in the entire USA anyway. There are no permits or licenses required to own, buy, sell or make a silencer, just the $200 tax stamp. Silencers are actually title II weapons, the terms class 1/2/3 are for importer/manufacturer/dealer FFL/SOT’s. Some people who lack brains like to claim that you give up your right to unreasonable searches if you buy or make a silencer. Nothing on the ATF form 1 or 4 requires that you give up this right. Dealers and other FFL/SOT’s are subjected to one unwarranted inspection each year during business hours only. A warrant is needed at all other times. As long as you do not become a felon in the future, no ATF officer will ever care that you own a silencer. If you want to buy or make a silencer, check and see if your local sheriff is willing to sign the ATF form before you buy. If he/she is unwilling, then you can form a corporation or trust; this means you do not need to supply photos, fingerprint cards or the sheriffs signature, but the corp you own will actually be the owner of the silencer.

edit on 11/29/2010 by HomerinNC because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
It IS illegal to manufacture or possess a homemade silencer, You can buy a manufactured silencer, but you need some kind of tax stamp.
The reason I know theyre illegal is because I play airsoft, and the silencers you can buy for those are now illegal, you have to label them as 'barrel extensions' and the barrel has to come at least halfway thru the suppressor

The only legit reason I can think of to own a silencer is for hunting where the the noise would normally scare away multiple tagets.


posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:18 AM
The only reason you would use a silencer, is to kill someone,without anyone else hearing it happen.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Dr Love

Just cover your gun with a pillow.

What do you need a silencer for anyway? You want to be a assasin?

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 08:32 PM
are potatoes illegal?
what you may ask?
NOTE though viable as a silencer to a certain
extent don't be a fool and try it!

cant remember the film now? but it had Robert denero in it.
thats what he used,just plonked it on the end of his revolver.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 10:10 PM
My friend tried making one out of a big maglite. Needless to say it didn't really work, but he did look into it. There are some decent info and designs on the net.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 10:58 PM
As long as the "homemade" sound suppressor is not FULLY assembled, you can own all the components.

You fully assemble it, and get caught, it's urass.

If you want a "package," you can legally purchase a factory suppressed Ruger .22

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 07:45 AM
Way back in the day when the UK had sense
and before Dunblaine school massacrer i held
my fire arms licence.
I had an old break barrel .22 live.It had one
of the heaviest and thickest barrels i have
seen for such a small round.
the barrel must of been just under 2 inch
in diameter and this baby was as quiet as
any silenced gun.
cannot remember the make but also note it
had a sight i was not familiar with too.

very strange set up, it had no rear sight
just the fore sight and this was like an iris, like
in a camera a tiny round pin hole that opened
a little when you turned it, it opened a little more.
most probably a Parker Hale setup.
i think the sights are called aperture sights?
i know most will think "match rifle" but no, the
stock for one was just wrong,way to short.
gun id?

point of post, go for a heavy barrel too this seems
to make a hell of a difference. well in .22 anyway.just a tip.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 08:00 AM
Suppressors make shooting sessions a LOT more enjoyable. They soften the recoil slightly and dampen the acoustics considerably. And depending on where you live, are legal to own, it's just a big tax bill and some paperwork to get one.

It kills me how much incorrect "common knowledge" is thrown about regarding the legalities of gun related stuff...self defense, suppressors, automatic weapons, etc. My favorite is "If you shoot someone outside your house, make sure to drag them inside before you call the police!" Yeah, try that.

Making your own supressor and attaching it to your gun yourself though, (unless you're a licensed manufacturer), big time No-No. Don't get caught doing this.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by whipsandchainsamerica
The only reason you would use a silencer, is to kill someone,without anyone else hearing it happen.

Why would you even say that? My friends, family and I shoot with suppressed guns all the time, and none of us has ever killed anyone. Like I said above, it makes the experience a lot more enjoyable, and neighbor-friendly as well.

You're totally wrong.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by Royal76
It is illegal to buy, sale, or own any kind of silencer. Since the only reason to use one is well bad.

But just for note its only illegal if you get caught.

Wrong. It's still LEGAL in some States to own machine guns and silencers. They just have to be made before 1986.

You just have to live in one of the free States still allowing such.

Silencers only lower the decibals of the shot. You must use sub-sonic (less gunpowder) ammunition to get rid of the supersonic sound...prevent it from breaking the sound barrier.

You can buy those South Korean 45 caliber air rifles that must be charged with high pressure air from a scuba tank air pump and put lead balls thru concrete blocks very quietly...and very cheap...and it's legal everywhere's.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:09 AM

You can buy those South Korean 45 caliber air rifles that must be charged with high pressure air from a scuba tank air pump and put lead balls thru concrete blocks very quietly...and very cheap...and it's legal everywhere's.

sorry were stuck with a 12 ft lbs limit

UNLESS you have your fire arms licence

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:13 AM
I always prefered photonic radiation


posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Pervius

Originally posted by Royal76
It is illegal to buy, sale, or own any kind of silencer. Since the only reason to use one is well bad.

But just for note its only illegal if you get caught.

Wrong. It's still LEGAL in some States to own machine guns and silencers. They just have to be made before 1986.

Silencers, or more correctly suppressors, are legal in AL, AR, AK, AZ, CO, CT, FL, GA, ID, IN, KY, LA, ME, MD, MS, MT, NE, NV, NH, NM, NC, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI, and WY. Only 15 states prohibit civilian ownership.

Suppressors do not have to have been manufactured prior to 1986. NFA items that are of current production that you can own are suppressors, short barrel rifles and shotguns, handguns with vertical forward grips and a few other items.

These are subject to the $200 "tax" and submit the Class 3 or Class 2 form to the ATF.


SBR's or SBS's:

Any reputable gun shop will have a case of suppressors and plenty of SBR's on the wall. You can buy any of them.

Fun (assinine) fact: You can have an AR pistol with a 7" barrel but if you stick a stock on it it magically becomes an SBR and you are going to jail. Think it's funny to put a VFG on that rail on your Glock? You're going to jail.

Welcome to the assinine world of firearm laws.

Edit to add: It's upsetting to see how many responses are apparently based on assumptions and ideas of what posters believe the laws should be. We're all sitting in front a computer with access to infinite info and maybe 5% bother to look anything up or at least check their source.

edit on 16-12-2010 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)


posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:48 AM
Wow there is some serious knowledge gap on suppressors.

The actual legality of a suppresor varies from state to state As far as the Federal Law. Supressors are 100% legal, commercial manufacture OR personal homemade ones. The catch here is that you have to Fill out BATFE form 1 prior to making it. If you make it before you apply and get approved, then you are in violation of the NFA and you are in deep doodie. However, once you complete form1 from the ATF and give them your $200 tax fee, assuming you can also pass the background check (the same process for purchasing a handgun or getting a CCW) They will send you the paperwork that makes you legal to posses the suppressor. Now, this is on single item basis, meaning you have to complete the process for each supressor you purchase or manufacture. There is no limit on how many you can own or manufacture. If you sell them however, that also puts you ito deep doodie. The fee is also a one time fee, you pay the $200 once and thats it. The BATF also has a little clause in the law that states if you manufacture a replacement part for a supressor, then you manufactured a new supressor therefore have to do the process all over again. The reason that Suppressor Manufacturers can make replacement parts is that they are treated slightly differently since they have a Type 07 FFL with SOT (Special Occupational Tax) paid for manufacturing Suppressors. This means that they don't pay an individual Tax on each part they make, they pay an overall yearly tax that covers all parts made. Otherwise they would also have to pay Tax on each part made. Now, each state may or may not have regulations regarding a supressor. Such as Washington state, it is illegal to own one. In Georgia, as long as I have a copy of the atf form 1 that has been approved, it is 100% legal. To the point that I can carry concealed with a supressor.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Dr Love
Does anybody know the laws regarding silencers?

I have a friend who collects guns. He told me that you need a Federal Class 3 Collectors License to own a silencer.

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