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Are Cell Phones Wiping Out Our Bees?!

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posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by deaman88
I also don't see how this story isn't being covered globally by the big news agencies

People are under the stupid,naive opinion that it's not important. Perhaps they will see the importance of it when our food supplies start to diminish. Nah, we still have genetically modified foods.

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by deaman88
I also don't see how this story isn't being covered globally by the big news agencies

Food supplies were a major contributing factor to the Great Depression, along the parts where it was engineered (by chance) with the transformation of society ito mass consumers and stock investors, and where it was engineered on purpose with the Federal Reserve inflation system. Usually they only mention the part with the food shortage. It was all 3.

When things do go down the tube it actually benefits the elite as they get all of the spoils like the recent housing boom that many believe was engineered. I havent taken the time to investigate that so I hold no strong opinion, but in any case the bankers and the elite get the spoils when we all fail.

So in short don't be surprised when we dont get fair and proper warnings about the things that really matter.

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 06:25 PM
For those reading this thread and perhaps think that: "cmon, cell phones! They arent doing anything negative, we know what cellphones produce scientifically and in no way would this affect the bee population". Well a valid opinion however, how can we know what effects cellphone radiation has on BEES is we don't really even know what effects cellphones have on HUMANS.

After all us humans are the most important species, to us, in a egocentric way of course, relatively speaking.

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 09:06 PM
Been out of the loop on the whole bee thing completely.
This is very disturbing (regardless of the cause)
This deserves a lot more attention in the media.. I haven't seen anything on bees in papers here. (hence out of the loop)

Bees are so integral. Definately gonna go do a search on bees here ad on google now that I'm aware bees are in trouble.

Could technology have such an impact on bees? elctromagnetic disorientation?
One thing, why are other pests on bees like parasites stay away? what's making them stay away?

I'll read up on everything sometime in the next couple of days.. off to bed now

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes
For those reading this thread and perhaps think that: "cmon, cell phones! They arent doing anything negative, we know what cellphones produce scientifically and in no way would this affect the bee population". Well a valid opinion however, how can we know what effects cellphone radiation has on BEES is we don't really even know what effects cellphones have on HUMANS.

After all us humans are the most important species, to us, in a egocentric way of course, relatively speaking.

That maybe, but that still doesnt' explain the wasteland of the hive after the bees have left/died. There must be something in the hive or honey that prevents others from taking it over/eating the honey. Mere Cell phones can't do that i think.

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 11:49 PM
Here is a great site that focuses on research to the issues:

A image map of the affected regions

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 08:13 AM
As there are so many people on this site who are discerning thinkers and reporters, why doesn't ATS create like a Naturewatch Phenomenon Forum where people could post any strange or odd happenings in relation to plants and wildlife in their local areas?

This way there could be a catalogue of news stories reported at local level - that sometimes never make it to the big press which could be used to see if there are similar events in other states or even parts of the world????

I think that the birds falling out of the skies was an important event, and now the bees, whatever next?

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by deaman88
As there are so many people on this site who are discerning thinkers and reporters, why doesn't ATS create like a Naturewatch Phenomenon Forum where people could post any strange or odd happenings in relation to plants and wildlife in their local areas?

Well, we sort of have this with the "Fragile Earth" forum. Although, i don't think that is necessarily what you are proposing.

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 11:23 PM
Bees have been around for millions of years and have endured pole flips, CO2 changes, ice ages, volcanos. They have survived and thrived. The new variables are Bt toxin, Roundup resistance engineered into plants which are then sprayed with super high concentrations of Roundup to kill all the other plants, and cell phone radiation. The roundup has been shown to damage bee embryos and is probably a big part of the problem. I doubt we will convince the consumer to give up the last, but the first 2 could be banned just like DDT was when we get a progressive in the white house. Bees, however, will adapt; I don't think it is possible to wipe out a species of insect--look how we've tried with mosquitos and cockroaches. They just keep coming back even tougher. Bees are no different and they reproduce quickly. In the meantime, food will be a lot more expensive as we will be importing a lot of it from South America where they have not yet poisened their bees.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by deaman88
As there are so many people on this site who are discerning thinkers and reporters, why doesn't ATS create like a Naturewatch Phenomenon Forum where people could post any strange or odd happenings in relation to plants and wildlife in their local areas?

Good call

It seems that by now the katrina forum could maybe be merged with a related forum and create the one your suggesting. Or something like that. Unless people still keep that one active? This is all assuming your idea would be shot down to keep from having too many forums. I dunno, but theres an active poll-thread right now about ideas for a new forum.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Well, we sort of have this with the "Fragile Earth" forum. Although, i don't think that is necessarily what you are proposing.

Yeah, his idea could very well be direected into that, and i suspect several of the mods would suggest that too. Hopefully there wont be more major issues besides this bee thing anytime soon...

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 09:23 PM
Some media coverage finally, here's one on ABC

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 11:13 AM
I would be very interested if any members here are in Scandinavia, Iceland or Finland. I think I saw a couple of years ago where one of the countries were 100% Cellular. Wonder how their bees are doing.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 11:58 AM
hi folks ,

well here in Europe we too are affected, it was first reported last year in France,Uk,Spain,Portugal,Italy,Greece,Belgium and even as far away as Morroco.

def seems that it is widespread and not an isolated event.

the shear amount of radio waves and EM that is floating around in the air surely has to be a possability,

as a previous poster stated bees have coped with chemicals before , but a def new occurance around the affected countries is the huge rise in mobile phones usage,


posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:31 PM
where do you think RF emissions are denser, in Europe or North America? where did CCD start? in the US, of course, then it spread like a disease, most likely through trade. how do you reconcile these facts along with untouched, empty hives with an externally induced, non-persistant phenomenon, ie. radiation?

don't get me wrong, if cellphone towers irritate bees they are a problem, which probably extends to other species, including us, in fact they might be a contributing factor, but there has got to be more to it.

a couple of thoughts: spread from hive to hive would appear rather slow, so there might be alternative vectors, with longer reach, that might be affected themselves or not. the agent itself appears to leave toxic residue, but has the ability to spread on its own.

imho, a microbe capable of living in or on many species insects, including, say parasites in migratory birds, would fit the bill perfectly, large colonies would quickly accumulate enough toxin to cause symptoms.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 04:50 PM
As far as cellphones etc in the USv EU, there are two major differences to be taken into account.

1) Population density in the EU is far far FAR greater than that in the US. While there are areas of the US that have high population, anyone that's ever actually driven around the US knows you can go for miles upon hundreds of miles without seeing more than a soul or two.. And if you're in ohio, probably around 400 churches (Tangent, why does ohio have more churches than grocery stores? it always mystifies me)

2) Because the US adopted cell technology quite a few years ahead of the EU for the most part, in many cases the infrastructure of the EU cell systems is more advanced - I used to work for a company that designed and constructed cell towers, so this is something I have at minimum passing familiarity with. When technology over here began to outpace the infrastructure, it was something of a challenge that was actually easier for the EU, because their infrastructure was newer, and learned from mistakes made over here. It's possible, therefore, though not likely, that the EU system has adopted certain things differently, or sooner, or is simply not using antiquated technology...

In all likelyhood, if this *was* the case the EU would have worse issues than the US, not the other way around.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 05:09 PM
Posters here seem to think that the cellphone energy affecting bees would be immediate, like your taking a microwave oven to 'em or something. Who says that the effects would be immediate, its possible that the radiation affects the bees on another level (genetic?) that takes time to see the effects.

Its akin to hazardous substances, whether its carcinogen or any other toxin, we may not be aware of a certain substances danger until years down the road, then finally label it carcinogenic or hazardous to humans. Of course this is related to our lifespans, the substances take time to develop symptoms.

The bee however has a lifespan of 50 days, a queen 2-5 years. However the radiation from cellphones may still in fact be acting on the bees in ways we are not aware of as yet.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 11:21 PM
Electromagnetic radiation and "radiation" are not the same thing..

The reasoning behind cellphones being a cause of them disappearing is that our use of the electromagnetic spectrum is essentially polluting the systems bees use to navigate.. Not that it's actually *killing them off* by mutation or otherwise.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 11:32 PM
Im using the word radiation meaning cellphone wave propagation or emanation of the electromagnetic waves. Sorry for the confusion. I am not certain that an electromagnetic frequency cannot mutate or change the genetics of an organism. Granted we arent talking about nuclear material here, but we're learning all kinds of new things about the quantum world every day.

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by mizzu

I would be very interested if any members here are in Scandinavia, Iceland or Finland. I think I saw a couple of years ago where one of the countries were 100% Cellular. Wonder how their bees are doing.

I believe that in Finland (home of the Nokia cellphones), nearly 100% (at least more than 90%) of the population have a cellphone. However, their population is not that big. Only 5.2 million according to UN, 2005. I would think that the number of cellphones are more important than how much percentage of the population have one. I don't know how the finnitos' bees are doing. I would think that places like China, Korea and Japan would have a lot of cellphones in total. How are their bees doing?

I really do not like cellphones. I believe they make people stupid. Radiating the brain, Sms'ing (destroying the language) and generally require too much attention from their owners. I got a cellphone, but I have it switched off most of the time. I prefer to have a digital camera for audio/video recordings and snapshots. An mp3 player or radio can provide the music. It's also easier to track your movements when you got a cellphone.

Also note this multispecies deadly fungus. Maybe it can attack bees too?
Exported Deadly Fungus Across The World - Inside His Lungs

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