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How can people be so brainwashed

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posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole
How will restricting voting rights help anyone?

Not restricting anything.

Everyone should be given equal opportunity to make thier voice heard, but there should be a price paid in one form or another. Free has no value to someone who has no values.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 01:53 AM
I dont want to change the system, I want the system to stop being corrupt. I want a return to following the laws of the constitution, and actually abiding by them.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole
I want the system to stop being corrupt.

Dream on.

All that can be done is to limit the corruption.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 02:01 AM
Well as long as people accept corruption there will be corruption. People should be outraged at what goes on in the world today. Most people dont care.

If you dont like the ideals this country was founded on then most people are going to disagree with you. You sound downright unAmerican right now. Otherwise, lets try and fix what we still have before its gone.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole
If you dont like the ideals this country was founded on then most people are going to disagree with you. You sound downright unAmerican right now.

The founders thought about this issue.

Allow the right [to vote] exclusively to property [owners], and the rights of persons may be oppressed... . Extend it equally to all, and the rights of property [owners] ...may be overruled by a majority without property....

- James Madison

[edit on 12-4-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 02:23 AM
We have had enough of our rights taken away already, I still fail to see how taking even more away is going to improve the state of our nation.
This thread is about 9/11 truth and getting people educated on the subject if they are for it, or against it. Lets keep it on topic please.

[edit on 4/12/07 by AcesInTheHole]

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 02:26 AM
My cheese just slip of my cracker!

please read:

ABOUT ATS: Warnings for one-line or short responses

[edit on 12/4/07 by masqua]

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole
This thread is about 9/11 truth and getting people educated on the subject if they are for it, or against it.

Tell them that they will no longer be allowed to vote, for thier own safety, because they are too stupid to think for themselves.

[edit on 12-4-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 10:23 AM
Ace, don't worry about what others think or refuse to see, it's a complete waste of time. Take care of yourself and the people who matter in your life. Americans unfortunately are the most manipulated populous on planet earth. We have four companies, zionist controlled, who emit 95% of the garbage called news. The average American gobbles it up like a panda to bamboo. The realization of the facts about their own country is too much to swallow for the masses. They sustain the fantasy that is imposed upon them with denile. Think about it, if they all of a sudden came to the grim realization of 9/11 , then the JFK murder,the Federal Reserve, the war on drugs, the attempted coup in 81' with GHW's attempt on Reagan's life to the successful coup in 2000 of GW when he was appointed unconstitutionally to the office of president would have to be addressed. The media circus in this country provides the necessary bells, whistles and flashing lights of distraction. There is a day coming when a resounding "Nobody Told Me!" will echo through this land and that will be when it's far too late to affect any change.

[edit on 12-4-2007 by YIAWETA]

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by GwionX
I couldn't disagree more, and just to prove you wrong I am going to go buy a HK Assault rifle tommorrow,maybe a Wather p99-- put it on my credit card, then I will buy a 5 acre tract of land (in any state I decide) then I will book a flight to Thailand...or perhaps I will drive to Cabo San Lucas, or Seattle, while I am in Seattle I will go downtown and start yelling BARNEY IS KING! DOWN WITH 9/11 TRUTH!!! I won't even worry about being arrested AT_ALL..Yeah, it will be a bitch paying that stuff off--but who cares I get to prove the point of I am free and I live in a free myself..Who cares what anyone else thinks!

If you live in a nazi police state-- Then I really feel sorry for you, because you are blowing an opportunity of a lifetime

As far as I am aware, in NAZI Germany, the citizens could buy anything they wanted and travel to any place they wanted. Would those citizens also be considered "free and living in a free country"? Didn't think so. Lie to yourself all you want, but we are far from being free.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by GwionX
"No, the US Federal Government, specifically, the overblown Bureaucratic system before 9/11 was simply riddled with incompetence and complacency."

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by GwionX
First of all you are talking about events that happened in 2001. Most people know what they saw

What I saw is 3 buildings collapsing completely and totally, millions of tons of steel and concrete turning into powder within mere seconds and all of that allegedly due to a plane impact and an hour of smoke and fire ....what did you see?
I saw WTC7 collapsing perfectly straight down and into it's own footprint like a perfect demo job ....what did you see?

and moved on.

You've already moved one from the most serious, most brutal crime to happen in this century?

Do you remember the Hare Krishnas all trying to convert people at airports back in the 70's? People hated those pushy Hare Krishnas.

How do you propose to draw a parallel between the Hare Krishnas freaks shaved up and dressed in robes with me?

Most people don't want someone else's obsession to be forced on them. It is that simple.

We just share our views here, nobody ties you down and force feeds you his opinions. Merely writing about our views on a public forum does not translate to forcing our views onto you. I don't force my views of 9/11 onto you anymore than you are forcing your views of 9/1 onto me. If you don't like the thread, why are you getting involved here?

All in all, life is too short to obsess over fantasy. If the events of 9/11 were indeed a government conspiracy, believe me, massive amounts of people would know it by now.

I don't base y views on what others think and I don't decide to believe in something just because it is the popular thing to do.
But anyway, there ARE a lot of people who question the events of 9/11 but because a tree falls in the forest and CNN doesn't report it, does this mean the tree didn't fall?

All indications I have seen show that .000129 percent of the US population is active in the 9/11 truth movement. In cities of about 200,000 or more you get about 100 ppl at a "truth convention" More people show up to see Barney on Ice.

You are wrong, 1 out of 3 people inside the USA already believe the gubment is lying to them about the events of 9/11.
But even if I was the only person on earth to think the way I think rest of the world would not be able to convince me that this was due to fire alone:

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by Lexion

What "research" ?

The internet ? Great. Good show. You've become more of a sheeple than
you were before.

Show us, our dear readers your research. Not some website. Not someones rant against our government.

Your RESEARCH. The hard facts. The EVIDENCE that you proclaim to have.

Just because some websites are not credible that does not give license to discredit the whole internet.

How about showing us some of your own research and hard evidence to support your story? The official version has been changed so many times, which version do you support and why?

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 02:38 PM
I like some of the things the OP has said. I don't like how alot of people out there still aren't thinking outside the box. That they still think the government loves and worships the ground the citizens walk on.

But really we can't do anything to change it. It's set in stone now. When the time comes we can fight and we will but there is very little we can do until the hammer falls.

There is most definately nothing we or anybody can do about the US economy and it's inevitable collapse. Bush has racked up such a huge debt that even the next 3 presidencies would still be feeling the fallout. But there won't be another presidency. Before Bush is set to go it'll be Dictatorship time.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by GwionX
Do you remember the Hare Krishnas all trying to convert people at airports back in the 70's? People hated those pushy Hare Krishnas.

Most people don't want someone else's obsession to be forced on them. It is that simple. If you got to know all of the people you think of as "mindless zombies" you might find they too are obsessed with something...just not what YOU are obsessed with. That doesn't make them zombies, or sheeple.

[...] In cities of about 200,000 or more you get about 100 ppl at a "truth convention" More people show up to see Barney on Ice.

True 'nuff. But imagine for a moment the HKs or truthers/twoofers are actually onto the truth, and what thie means is a majority of people, thrusome confluence of factors, don't want the truth forced on them. Zombie or no, this is crippling for an informed populace, to be severed from possibilities. Not that I don't understand why - since Loose Change has blown up, awkward, scripted-seeming tirades about controlled demolitions and obscure defense contractors has gone through the roof. This has not done so much good for the "Truth" as many would like to think.

To understand why there are zombies in an information age, in a media-saturated and informed populace, we must understand one fact: People in power like to stay there. They like their plans. In a democracy, there are channels for, and a spirit of, citizen particiption - consent of the governed, vigilance against tyrrants, etc. But what we think affects what we do. So they can allow us our freedoms and powers so long as we remain uninformed enough to not weild it effectively. Tho the methods are often almost invisible to most, MIND CONTROL is thus an essential part of a dishonest democracy.

Any wonder then we've been divided into raving paranoid "truthers" and shambling "zombies?"

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic

To understand why there are zombies in an information age, in a media-saturated and informed populace, we must understand one fact: People in power like to stay there. They like their plans. In a democracy, there are channels for, and a spirit of, citizen particiption - consent of the governed, vigilance against tyrrants, etc. But what we think affects what we do. So they can allow us our freedoms and powers so long as we remain uninformed enough to not weild it effectively. Tho the methods are often almost invisible to most, MIND CONTROL is thus an essential part of a dishonest democracy.

Any wonder then we've been divided into raving paranoid "truthers" and shambling "zombies?"

Yes this is part of our problem. Sometimes it seems like no matter what, our government always find ways to divide and conquer, always making sure the people attack each other instead of attacking the real problems.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 03:02 PM
Yep. But you're part of the problem. And mee too. Once the herd gets moving it all kind of takes care of itself. Simply being aware you're in a cattle pen (to switch from the zombie metaphor) is not to have escaped the pen. It's just a vague sense of "hey! we're in a pen." To even start to get out, if possible (it's a well-constructed pen for sure with walls within walls and captivities beyond that look like freedom), we need to start watching the walls and fences that keep coming up - how high are they? Can they be scaled? What happens when you get to the top? Plop on over to freedom or get shot by the guard tower? ??

Most are happier to just keep ambling towards the grinder.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole
Ok its your right to believe the official 9/11 story, and thats fine. I personally don't. But at least research the topic for awhile before coming to that conclusion. I'm sick of how people just dont want anything to do with it no matter whats the truth. Many people i talk to just don't care, and believe the country is goin down the tubes but there is nothing they can do about it.

I get the feeling that people are turning into zombies, people only care about buying products that are fashonable and expensive and being one of the crowd. I also believe this is done by design, so that the elite can just watch the proles go into a catatonic state.

Any helpful tips on waking up the zombies that don't care about anything? Maybe I should just move on to the next person, but no matter which side of the story you believe you should research the subject extensively, so you can intelligently debate it.

My friend, I understand your frustration. However, what you have to realize is that most people are pretty much programmed to swallow everything that they see on the news or hear from the government as FACT without thinking for themselves. Kids are being taught this in school (funny that the government runs all schools except a few private schools) to trust the authorities without question. Hmmmm, kind of sounds like a...never mind. Anyway, it's a matter of pscyhology and it is a practice that has been used for many many years.

People are lazy when it comes to figuring things out for themselves. To them the thought that they were lied to about 911 would simply be too much of a strain on their minds to even consider. It would mean that they cannot trust their government and then fear sets in. So, in order to keep the boat from rocking, they stay inside their safe little box and continue to swallow everything that the media has to spew out.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by dariousg
People are lazy when it comes to figuring things out for themselves. To them the thought that they were lied to about 911 would simply be too much of a strain on their minds to even consider.

My theory is that 9/11 Truthers are so exhausted after hours of patting each other on the back for being so brilliant that they don't have any energy left to actually flesh out a logical theory of what happened on 9/11.

But hey...I probably just think that way because it's too big a strain on my feeble mind to consider otherwise.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Essedarius

Originally posted by dariousg
People are lazy when it comes to figuring things out for themselves. To them the thought that they were lied to about 911 would simply be too much of a strain on their minds to even consider.

My theory is that 9/11 Truthers are so exhausted after hours of patting each other on the back for being so brilliant that they don't have any energy left to actually flesh out a logical theory of what happened on 9/11.

But hey...I probably just think that way because it's too big a strain on my feeble mind to consider otherwise.

There you go bud, putting words in my mouth. Never said anything about feeble. People don't like to disrupt their lives so they will continue to try and live it the way it always has been. If something groundbreaking happens they will say 'cool'.

This will not apply though to the people that debate this topic. There wouldn't be a debate if you or any other believer of the official story were feeble minded. At times I have seen brainwashed statements get vomited out by some believers of the government but you have not been one of them. You actually come at us non-believers of the official story with some solid thought provoking questions and arguments (most of the time except when you want to try and twist meanings around like in the quoted posting).

Anyway, my belief is that there are too many holes in the official story and that there should not be ANY classified 'national security' documents or information about the events of that day. No one should be allowed to testify unless they are under oath and never with their mouthpiece sitting next to them correcting everything they say.

However, in regards to the 'many' truth movement theories that are out there, I must agree. Many of them are BS. However, I am also a fan of psychology and the easiest way to muddle a subject up is to create multiple stories and theories about it. Well, who's to say that the people trying to hide this aren't spreading some of the more ludicrous truth theories out there?

Either way, my belief is that people tend to believe what they hear in the news and almost always believe what they hear from the authorities. That's how we have been groomed.

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