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Are you prepared to dine upon your neighbors?

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posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 04:34 PM
I can't remember when it was but I saw a Discovery Channel (maybe) program that discussed magnetic pole shifts. It claimed that the fields don't just flip but sort of slide into and past each other. The program had fairly good graphics showing this and you could see how any creature dependant on magnetic fields for navigation would be in for a difficult time.

But yes, the breakdown of the ecological cycle is likely to make things get really ugly. If you ask me, western society is about 3 days from total chaos anyway, so if anything interrupts the supply chains, like no supply, then people will start looking at their neighbors in a different way. Ya never know, dating that fat chick down the street may pay off after all...

As for Soylant Green, well, we already do that with our pets, don't we? Just a matter of time for us.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 04:43 PM
link posted by Rockpuck
Sorry speaker. I will completely disagree with that statement..

First off.. Trees in ubran centers are typically extremely small, very unhealthy and spaced far apart. How that study found 27% canopy I am at a loss for..

Just think, originally, almost half of the United States, three-quarters of Canada, almost all of Europe, the plains of the Levant, and much of the rest of the world were forested. The forests have been mostly removed for fuel, building materials and to clear land for farming. The clearing of the forests has been one of the most historic and prodigious feats of humanity.

Global Change

Today, forests cover more than one quarter of the world's total land area, excluding polar regions. Slightly more than 50% of the forests are found in the tropics and the rest are temperate and boreal (coniferous northern forest) zones.

Seven countries (Russia, Brazil, Canada, the United States, China, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) account for more than 60% of the total.

Please.. do NOT tell me that city centers are good for forest..

When a forest is burned down or cut down, it takes almost 100 years for that same forest to return to its formal state before the clearing.. and most likely it will be destroyed well before it becomes a mature forest..


There are over 25 countries in both North and Central America. Each one has its own reason for deforestation in their place. Some of such countries are Mexico, Canada, Dominica, Costa Rica, Honduras, and the United States which are examples of the ones considering deforestation in their areas. In all of North and Central America there is 549,304 hectares of forest area in 2,136,966 hectares of total land area. Of all 17,533 hectares is plantation area. Seven of the forests existing in these continents are are in danger of being deforested. Mostly they are threatened by logging, mining, and pollution. There are many cultures that are being vanished along with the forests. Along with all of that could be a plant that could give a cure for cancer or even help end world hunger.


It is of course not limited to the United states..

Africas rainforest are dissapearing as well..

Forest fragmentation by roads in Central Africa. This study shows that 42% of forest area in the six countries is within 10 km of a road and more than 90% is within 50 km of a road (Source: WRI Earthtrends).


In Europe, The German highway, the Autobahn, along the Black Forest has been questioned.. should the speed limit be lowered around the forest? The reason is because at higher speeds automobiles burn more feul, the forest in surounding areas of the Autobahn are dieing because of the exsessive polution..

Resort back to the map of the Congo region Rainforest.. and the effect even the simplest roads have on forest..

Historically, Europe has over cut their forest to the point of no return.. much of the forest on the British isles where cut down and have been slow to come back.. timber was a huge industry in the New World because there was little of it in the Old World.. Ireland has little forestation left, most of it cut down rather recently a few hundred years ago by foriegners, and has been slow to return.. as is the same in Spain, Italy, Germany, Russia, China .. huge industrial nations that take down forest for expansion, will suffer in the future because it will not grow back..

Most people assume that global warming is caused by burning oil and gas. But in fact between 25 and 30 percent of the greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere each year – 1.6 billion tonnes – is caused by deforestation.

About 200 experts, mostly from developing countries, met in Rome last week to address this issue in a workshop organized by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and hosted by FAO. “We are working to solve two of the key environmental issues – deforestation and global warming – at the same time,” said FAO Senior Forestry Officer Dieter Schoene.

Trees are 50 percent carbon. When they are felled or burned, the C02 they store escapes back into the air. According to FAO figures, some 13 million ha of forests worldwide are lost every year, almost entirely in the tropics. Deforestation remains high in Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia.

Deforestation Causes Global Warming

Interesting.. we blame cars and their emitions, but the effects of just burning a forest are far more reaching, not including of course the fact that trees turn green house gasses into oxygen as a biproduct, which we live on.. no trees green house gases stay in the atmosphere..

I feel this is also very relivant to this discussion as well, as stated from

While the magnetic shift if most likely causing the bees to loose there way, global warming and climate change could also be a culprit, and there are many reasons for global warming. The magnetic shift very well could be responcible, coupled with deforestation and human polution..

[edit on 4/10/2007 by Rockpuck]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 05:10 PM
I've been seeing a LOT more bees here that I would see normally at this time of year, various types, other things as well - in particular, I have had zillions of ladybirds around the garden, more than I'd normally see in a whole summer. Although, it has been a bit warmer that it usually is around this time here.

Anyhow, this still worries me - but if it is due to a magnetic polar shift, it's happened before and the birds and bees survived then - so there must be some way that they find to cope with the effects of it.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 05:31 PM
From a great site called One Heart Books

Check out this quote:

"Because of how many beekeepers are treating the bees to produce more honey they are causing them much damage to their health. Bees feed on honey which is an alkaline food. Instead of giving the bees the honey they need from their hive that they gather with all their hard work, their honey is being harvested and in turn they are being fed sugar water as a substitute. Sugar is an acidic burning food and it is destroying the health of the bees."


"Other causes that are effecting the bees are electromagnetic frequencies that are being pumped into the air by all the cell phone towers and military technologies such as HAARP"

Doesn't it make complete sense? Phone calls over food. That's the human way. There's really no mystery to the bees disappearance at all. And I'm sure you've seen the Albert Einstein quote: "When the honey bees disappear, humans have 4 more years.

Add the honey bees not pollinating, to the big freeze of the crops in the Carolinas, are trouble is up ahead in a big way. Those who know, prepare!

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
... rockpucks forest maps

Oh geeeze! That's amazing. Thanks Rockpuck... I'm going to have nightmares tonight. Seriously. Those are frightening when put together like that.

[edit on 4/10/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by eyespy2
From a great site called One Heart Books

Check out this quote:

"Because of how many beekeepers are treating the bees to produce more honey they are causing them much damage to their health. Bees feed on honey which is an alkaline food. Instead of giving the bees the honey they need from their hive that they gather with all their hard work, their honey is being harvested and in turn they are being fed sugar water as a substitute. Sugar is an acidic burning food and it is destroying the health of the bees."

Yeah, I heard about this one - also, I heard this beekeeper in Poland talking about how he reckons it's being caused by beekeepers using some kind of artificial sugar substitute - no idea what that might be, but if it's true it doesn't sound good, indeed, it sounds real dumb.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 07:10 PM
This is a very serious matter and it should be taken as such. Bees are one of those 'indicator species' and if their decline continues we're f*$!#&. In addition to the bee thing I'm recalling a post made not too long ago concerning food crop seeds that have a 'suicide' gene on any subsequent seeds produced from the 1st yield(Sorry, I don't recall the poster) It would only take a sec. to look up though. I remember reading somewhere else around here that some country(I'm thinkin' Switzerland??)has store of a gazillion seeds 'just in case' of a major food shortage or other disaster where food would be scarce. It's supposed to be enough to sustain the whole world for a pd. of time. I'm pretty sure if it comes down to it that the common people won't see any of it but those in control will be very well fed for a long, long time. How better to control the population than through food? Everybody's gotta eat. It's the one thing We all need, the one thing We all have in common. There goes My no meat diet.

p.s.- just adopted some chickens, eggs for everyone!

Peace. K*

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 08:07 PM
We live in a period experiencing mass extinctions not seen since the times of the dinosaurs. The changing weather patterns pose as much of a threat to crops as the bee die off. The environment is becoming more hostile to supporting our interdependent ecological life cycles. The bees are one more species on an exhaustive and ignored list.

I find the bee die off especially symbolic. Bee medicine, more than many others, represents God's anonymous support. Bees engage in very intricate and communicative flight patterns, a kind of dance. No one teaches them how to do it, they just know.

To call upon bee medicine is to turn over all the problems and dilemmas in one's life to faith in God's plan. They're extinction might be staved by just such behavior in man. But these are the times of self-reliance, no need for bee medicine or the humble interdependence it embodies.

Scientists are working on a bee that is resistant to the mite that is currently killing off the bee population. Perhaps in a couple of years, bees in their souped up armor will pose more of a threat to car windshields than vice versa.

In times of famine, the devil eats flies.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 08:29 PM
I really hate to sound sarcastic, but I hate bees, hornets, wasps, UUUGGGHHH.

Some people hate sankes, spiders, I HATE BEES!!!

The world has lived throught countless extintions, we will be fine, I for one am all for this!!

Sorry, just my 2 cents!

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 08:45 PM
fortunately the bush administration and the neo-con's (ultra right wing conservatives, funnymentalists etc) that support it have shot their proverbial load. They are a dead end politically, intellectually and socially and it is just a matter of time before their whole house of cards comes tumbling down. In case any one hasn't noticed the combination of massive tax cuts and massive deficits (taken with the pending retirement of the baby boomer's) and more importantly the refusal to significently address social security (bushes plan doesn't count its nothing more than another giveaway to wall street) all but assures the bankruptcy of the American government and a massive depression over the next twenty years. We have reached our apex and our children's future has been pawned so that a handful of the truly greedy could become even more wealthy. We will see a roll back of the military over the next few years and I fully believe that by 2020 the only military bases we will have are stateside which is how it should be. If the projections of the impact of continued global warming are to be believed, the next century will mark the equlivent of the early 400's of Rome, and we will fall harder too.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
ROCKPUCK .. excellent info. If I had a WATS left I'd give it to you.

I did it for you!

Excellent info Rockpuck!

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by redseal
I really hate to sound sarcastic, but I hate bees, hornets, wasps, UUUGGGHHH.

Some people hate sankes, spiders, I HATE BEES!!!

The world has lived throught countless extintions, we will be fine, I for one am all for this!!

hmmm ??????

Have you heard of a food chain? It is a very big circle and everything and everyone including you are in it. If we lose the bees, other species/flora/fauna dependent on them become endangered, extinct.

Who is going to pollenate the flora? hmm? Perhaps you can, eh?

You can't just take one thing out of the food chain... wake up and smell the roses while you still can!!

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes
Also, we are all taught that the Earth continents drifted apart from each other, all from one main continent, Pangea it is called. There are now some theories that say the Earth is expanding, has been for millenia. That THIS is what caused the expansion of the continents, not continental drift. Interesting stuff, I will try to find the video that outlines some of this.

Here is the video:

[edit on 10-4-2007 by greatlakes]

Amazing video, Im not aware if any of that has been discussed here, but it makes perfect sense to me.

Nice post !!

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 09:47 PM
Ready, willing, and hungry.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by rrahim1
whats next, will this magnetic field make my pubic hairs stand up


posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 10:11 PM
This is a mystery. In Europe, tons of bees have been found dead in the hives but in the US, they just disappeared and didn't return to the hive at all. If there are less bees in my area, they'll have a lot less to pollinate this year since almost all the peach crop and a number of other things were killed off in the freezes here in South Carolina. I'm wondering if only honey bees are affected or if African killer bees have been affected as well. I don't know if anyone keeps track of other insects though.

I suppose as soon as a state or country experiences huge crop losses due to a lack of bees, the experience will be as alarming as a killer freeze. However the question will become how do you get more bees?

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 11:17 PM
I plan to watch this Bee alert closely. It is coming into the Spring/Summer season for me in the Northeast. I am always freaked out by the Bee's and can't forget them that easy (just a fear I have of them) and I think I will notice a difference. I believe I read last month that this area alone lost over 70%
I heard Ed Dames on C2C say the Bee problem is due to the increase in UV radiation which has degraded pollen and because of this bees are having problems with their vision and becoming malnourished.

As for us eating our neighbors I would have to say we are intelligent enough to work around this problem to prevent Cannibalism.

I would also like to give greatlakes a
for bringing Neal Adam's videos to the board today. I've watched his videos, and read his reports. I am not a Geologist so I would rather not debate his videos, but I do find them interesting. If he is right then can you imagine what that would do to science
... with that said I hope Earth is not ready to have a hissy fit, and that the Bees continue to pollinate her.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 11:42 PM
very nice idea and graphics; just one question...what is increasing the volume of the earth? is the mass increasing as well or is the inside just growing a big bubble that is due to pop...also, where did all the new water come from to fill the new oceans? this idea may prove to be true, but you have to explain all the inconvenient details to call it a theory...then you still have to prove it.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by eyespy2
From a great site called One Heart Books

Check out this quote:

"Because of how many beekeepers are treating the bees to produce more honey they are causing them much damage to their health. Bees feed on honey which is an alkaline food. Instead of giving the bees the honey they need from their hive that they gather with all their hard work, their honey is being harvested and in turn they are being fed sugar water as a substitute. Sugar is an acidic burning food and it is destroying the health of the bees."

Actually honey is acidic, I'm not sure where they got the idea that it was alkaline..

2.1.2. Acidity
Honey is characteristically quite acidic, its pH being between 3.2 and 4.5, which is low enough to be inhibitory to many animal pathogens.

Still, I don't imagine giving them sugar water would be very healthy.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by j_kalin
very nice idea and graphics; just one question...what is increasing the volume of the earth? is the mass increasing as well or is the inside just growing a big bubble that is due to pop...also, where did all the new water come from to fill the new oceans? this idea may prove to be true, but you have to explain all the inconvenient details to call it a theory...then you still have to prove it.

Hold on there buddy..

The Earth does not "gain mass" ... it is an oval shape, being that it spins, its mass is therefor projected outward on the equator, making the earth a little more ovalish, though hardly noticeable really..

it is not "growing a bubble" that is impossible..

The "New" water is from ice caps melting around the poles. The Earth does not gain nor loose water.

It is a hypothesis, you are correct, not theory.. though there is at least scientific evidence backing it.

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