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plane crash

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posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 11:06 PM
Even though this dream felt weird i still feel like it is my duty to post anything about planes that i have in dreams because i for one am terrified of planes, the fact that you have no control and flying in them.

If something were to happen i would like to have warning about it, maybe this is just a dream but if it is not i hope i do some good in that someone will find this and stop the pain that could happen.

Ok so in my dream i was just walking out of a huge school, and there was a parking lot infront of me..i do not know where this was, but anyway i looked up and a saw a small jet plane, with 2 engines on its wings start to go up into the clouds. It looked like it was getting stormy and dark and that there were mass arras of lighting in the was a storm, the plane went up and got hit by the lightning, this didnt seem to far from the ground but it was still up high near the storm clouds. So i could see the plane loosing control and it decended down with still soem control but it crashed and seemed to split up into to parts. It was weird becasue i was there and it crashed infront of me, i ran to help the people, one guy in a very thick coat managed to run out of the plane, but somehow he exploded or cought on fire. He looked dead or passed out, i then ran to the plane the front part that was detached from the rest of the plane, there was a pregnate women there and i dont remember what she said but i helped her out of the plane...oh and i believe she asked is my baby alive or something. it was a very small plane, and i dont remember much but i think that no one survived in the other half of the plane...

hope that proves to be of some use...again maybe it has some meaning to it or maybe it is just a dream...

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 01:44 PM
When you say a small plane, do you mean a 737 or something smaller, like a prop plane?

And how exactly did it hit the ground, a nosedive or less steep, out of interest?

I'm interested in such things, hence such questions.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 03:20 PM
I dont really remember, its funny when you can see something in your head but you cant explain it or just...its just there but i would think the plain is something like this

the second one in the picture but alittle bit smaller...also the plane didnt go for a nose dive, it was more of a belly glide on the ground, i guess in the dream the pilots had some control over the plane.

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