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Talmud, and Freemasons.

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posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 04:29 PM
First of all, to answer your question I have to agree that those who read and revere the Talmud are evil , and I do not. If I do not agree that Talmudist are evil then I can not agree that they use Masonry to further the evil that does not exist.

You are spinning your wheels...and I dont believe you even know why.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by RWPBR
First of all, to answer your question I have to agree that those who read and revere the Talmud are evil , and I do not. If I do not agree that Talmudist are evil then I can not agree that they use Masonry to further the evil that does not exist.

You are spinning your wheels...and I dont believe you even know why.

Modern anti-Masonry is closely linked with anti-semitism. This is due to the fact that most of modern anti-Masonic conspiracy theory is derived from the Nazis. Every time a conspiracy theorist talks about "Zionists" or the "Protocols", they are actually carrying on the work of the Nazi conspiracy theorists, although of course most are not aware of this.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

Originally posted by RWPBR

Modern anti-Masonry is closely linked with anti-semitism. This is due to the fact that most of modern anti-Masonic conspiracy theory is derived from the Nazis. Every time a conspiracy theorist talks about "Zionists" or the "Protocols", they are actually carrying on the work of the Nazi conspiracy theorists, although of course most are not aware of this.

Yes, I read somewhere, where Hitler knew about the Talmud Jews and that is what his final solution was all about. But he also attacked the masons too, I wonder why.

Modern anti-Masonry is closely linked with anti-semitism
Thats news to me, thanks for sharing. Ill look into it.

More to consider

Kill the Gentile Who Studies the Torah

"A heathen who studies the Torah deserves death … it is our inheritance, not theirs … he is as guilty as one who violates a bethrothed maiden." (See Exhibit 60) This is sound Talmudic thinking, since knowledge of the anti-human criminality of the Talmud Torah must inevitably put non-Jews on their guard. The footnote explains (Exhibit 60):

"This seems a very strong expression … it is suggested that Rabbi Johanan feared the knowledge of Gentiles in matters of Jurisprudence, as they would use it against the Jews in their opponents' courts … the Talmud places R. [page 21] Johanan's dictum … immediately after the passage dealing with the setting up of law courts by Gentiles."

It is further explained that study of the Oral Law (Talmud) is what is feared and that the same R. Johanan said "God's covenant with Israel was only for the sake of the Oral Law [ie. Talmud]."

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 05:40 PM
I am not going to participate in your anti semetic exercise in mental masturbation any longer. The longer this post goes on, the more venom you spew and the uglier you get.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye

Yes, I read somewhere, where Hitler knew about the Talmud Jews and that is what his final solution was all about. But he also attacked the masons too, I wonder why.

Hitler believed in the "Illuminati Conspiracy". It was the doctrine of the Nazis that the Illuminati had never died out in Germany, but still existed as a form of Masonry. They linked Masonry with the Protocols and - ouila! - they had a recipe for genocide.

Thats news to me, thanks for sharing. Ill look into it.

I usually divide the anti-Masonic crowd into 2 separate camps: the religious and the conspiratorial. The religious ones tend to be anti-Semitic because the Jews follow a different religion. The conspiratorial ones tend to be anti-Semitic because they believe that the Protocols are authentic.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 11:41 AM
[Whom virtue has united, death shall not separate]

Masonic Light, thank you for your professional, non emotional and mature replays. It is refreshing to find a member of your caliber. You are an asset to this board in its quest for the ultimate truth.

I did find some information on Hitler and the Nazis. But I will have to try and find it again.

I am neither anti-Semite nor anti-Masonic. I have become neutral because of the vast amount of information. It appears we have a system of manufactured ignorance we are all part of, whether or not we can see or accept it. It also appears that this ignorance pits one against another, one group against another, one religion against another, one nation against another. My quest is only for the truth, and not being put into one of these adversarial groups. I am not a Semite, I am not a Mason, I'm a Iconoclast.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye

The Babylonian Talmud, the accepted and preferred version, further teaches that Adam committed bestiality.

"Yebamoth 63a. States that Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals in the Garden of Eden." 27.

It doesnt say this. This is deliberately mistranslated. What it does say is that Adam "daas" all the animals in the garden. The verb "daas" means understood not intercourse.

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye

"Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old" 30.

No it does not say this. It says that if a boy is raped by a man that the BOY is not held accountable for a homosexual act because he is a child. At the time the penalty for which was death. The man would have been put to death, and the child is rendered blameless.

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing." 31.

Once again, a gross misinterpretaion. What this means is that if a girl is raped by a man that she is still considered a virgin so that she may marry later on. No one is permitted to have sex with children. This only deals with her virginity status for the purposes of marriage if a rape occurs, nothing more. If you would read the text it is clear on this.

I am digusted by the fact that someone obvioulsy took their time to actually go through the Talmud and find things they could distort into something evil. Things would be a lot clearer if you would actually READ IT instead of allowing someone else to do your thinking for you.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 09:33 PM
kokoro, please provide some link to material that will aid your position.

Masonic Light, I found some info on some minor connection between secret societies and Jews.

The Illuminati: Also Founded By a Jew

You know how the founder of communism, Karl Marx, was Jewish-by-race, but his family converted to Christianity to hide that fact? Well, Adam Weishaupt, the guy who gave birth to the prototype of communism called the Illuminati, was also a Jew whose family converted to Christianity Here.

In other words, two Jews invented the New World Order which is currently destroying the White West [1].

[1] ..."men of Jewish race are found at the head of every one of them" [the secret societies, such as the Illuminati]. -- Benjamin Disraeli in the House of Commons, 1852. Source: the book "The Controversy of Zion," by Douglas Reed, 1978/1985, Dolphin/Veritas, page 166, softcover.

and a history of Adam Weishaupt.

Footnote: John Robinson, a professor of natural philosophy at Edinburgh University in Scotland and a member of a Freemason Lodge there, said he had been asked to join the Illuminati. After consideration he concluded that the Illuminati were not for him. In 1798 he published a book called "Proofs of a Conspiracy" in which he wrote: “An association has been formed for the express purposes of rooting out all the religous establishments and overturning all existing goverments. . .the leaders would rule the World with uncontrollable power, while all the rest would be employed as tools of the ambition of their unknown superiors”. “Proofs of a Conspiracy” was sent to George Washington who replied that he was aware that the Illuminati were in America and that they had “diabolical tenets”. Ed.

Link to the book "Proofs Of A Conspiracy"

WWII Nazi info will follow.

[edit on 3-4-2007 by All Seeing Eye]

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye

Masonic Light, I found some info on some minor connection between secret societies and Jews.

The Illuminati: Also Founded By a Jew

You know how the founder of communism, Karl Marx, was Jewish-by-race, but his family converted to Christianity to hide that fact?

I do not consider the Jews a "race", but a religion. For example, both George Burns and Sammy Davis, Jr. were Jews, but did not belong to the same "race".

Marx's family did not seem to convert in order to hide Judaism. Marx's grandfather was a well-known and respected rabbi in his community. Marx's father had some sort of epiphany and converted to Judaism before Karl was born. Karl was raised in a Christian household, but eventually came to reject all religious beliefs, considering religion as a tool invented by the wealthy elite to oppress the masses.

Well, Adam Weishaupt, the guy who gave birth to the prototype of communism called the Illuminati, was also a Jew whose family converted to Christianity Here.

But the Illuminati in no wise go birth to any prototype of Communism. They were in fact what historians refer to as "classical liberals". They believed in the free market capitalistic system, as was the Enlightenment ideal prior to the Industrial Revolution. It was the Industrial Revolution's rampant poverty, not a secret society of eccentric liberal intellectuals, that gave birth to modern communist theory.

In other words, two Jews invented the New World Order which is currently destroying the White West

With the exception aforementioned Sammy Davis, Jr., every Jew I can think of is white. Also, it should be noted That Weishaupt was not Jewish, nor was any of his immediate family ever Jewish. They were "Nordic" Germans, and Weishaupt's entire family was Roman Catholic.

Weishaupt rejected Catholicism and became a Deist, and a strong proponent of Enlightenment philosophers such as Locke and Voltaire. Toward the end of his life, he re-converted to Catholicism, although he remained a political liberal.

Footnote: John Robinson, a professor of natural philosophy at Edinburgh University in Scotland and a member of a Freemason Lodge there, said he had been asked to join the Illuminati. After consideration he concluded that the Illuminati were not for him. In 1798 he published a book called "Proofs of a Conspiracy" in which he wrote: “An association has been formed for the express purposes of rooting out all the religous establishments and overturning all existing goverments. . .the leaders would rule the World with uncontrollable power, while all the rest would be employed as tools of the ambition of their unknown superiors”. “Proofs of a Conspiracy” was sent to George Washington who replied that he was aware that the Illuminati were in America and that they had “diabolical tenets”. Ed.

Robinson is not taken seriously by scholars of history, and his book is considered Jesuit propaganda. Even the modern Catholic encyclopedias admit that Robinson's works are flakey, and that the Illuminati were not a dangerous sect. Indeed, some of the most respected non-Catholics of 18th century Germany were members of the Illuminati, including Comte de St. Germaine, Johannes Von Goethe, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

[edit on 3-4-2007 by Masonic Light]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 11:57 AM
Hitler, like any politician, had to keep the people happy, or at least try. Any understanding of WWII and the Nazi point of view must start by looking at what he was dealing with. It seems that the “Communists” wanted Germany first, but Hitler didn’t let that happen and were forced to conquer Russia, first.
Jewish Communists and Socialists In Germany

What Were The Nuremberg Laws All About?
Berlin Was A Sewer
Berlin went from the most cultured city in the world, to a pit.
When you need to pass a law forbidding the domestic employment of women under 45 years old in Jewish households, then things are out of hand.
In 1935 The German People Have Had Enough
Hitler passes the Nuremberg laws.
· No cross-racial marriages
· No sexual relations between Jews and Germans
· Jews were not allowed to have German women under 45 as domestic help

“Hitler blocks communism and Jews declare war on Germany”
“What Really Happened During the Crystal Night

Heydrich orders SS to protect Jews
Himmler ordered Reinhard Heydrich to prevent all destruction of property and to protect Jews against demonstrators. The telex communication of this order still exists. It is in the files of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg. However, during the Nuremberg trial this telex order was presented in three different forms, with forged amendments to change the original meaning. In my book Feuerzeichen I undertook to restore the original text.

Hitler was furious
Adolf Hitler joined the midnight celebration at the Feldherrnhalle. It was only after he returned to his apartment about one o'clock in the morning that he learned about the demonstrations which had been taking place in Munich, during which one synagogue had been set on fire. He was furious and immediately ordered the police chief of Munich to come see him. Hitler told him to immediately stop the fire and to make sure that no other outrages took place in Munich. He then called various police and Party officials throughout the Reich to learn the extent of these demonstrations
Finally, he ordered a telex message sent to all Gauleiter offices. It read: "By express order from the very highest authority, arson against Jewish businesses or other property must in no case and under no circumstances take place." Synagogues were not specifically mentioned, apparently because Hitler was still unaware of the burning of synagogues, apart from the one in Munich.

Reason for fine
Because of the Jewish boycott against German goods, the Reich was short of foreign exchange currency. Goering therefore decided that because this shortage was caused by the Jews, it was they who would have to pay for the broken glass. He imposed a fine of one billion Reichsmarks on the German Jews. It was certainly unjust to force Jews to pay for damage which they had not caused. Goering understood this. However, in private he justified the fine by citing the fact that the 1933 Jewish declaration of war against Germany was proclaimed in the name of the millions of Jews throughout the world.
Therefore they could now help their co-religionists in Germany bear the consequences of the boycott. It should also be pointed out that only German Jews with assets of more than 5,000 Reichsmarks in cash had to contribute to the fine. In 1938, when prices were very low, 5,000 Reichsmarks was a small fortune.
The Reich confiscated all insurance payments that were to have been paid to Jews whose businesses and homes were looted or destroyed and the Jewish owners were made personally responsible for the cost of all repairs.

Hitler, beyond any rational thinking, attacked Russia, why? Anyone who studied WWII realize it was an act of suicide, but he still perused it, why?

I suspect it is because he realized that Russia was being controlled by the vary same forces that tried to overthrow Germany, and declared war on Germany in 1933. Looking at this way, makes perfect sense.

I in no way support the actions of this secret society dupe, patsy. But he was the first “Communist” fighter, he must be given credit for that. Remember, before the war Germany and America were good friends and the relationship between the two countries didn’t start to decay until after the “Jews” declared war on Germany.

Hitler learned too late that you don’t want the people who create the money, as enemies…..

Further reading material

Why did Hitler invade Poland ?
Was Patton Murdered?
Video Of Treblinka's Archeological Exam
Removal of Jewish teachers from German Schools, video
Red Cross Tracing Service Opens Their Archives
Who Really Sunk The Lusitania?
Homeland for the Ashkenazi Jew
The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case
Cyanide Gas Is Explosive
Hitler and Dunkirk
A look into WW2 leaders and their bloodlines
Declaring War on Germany in 1933 A Look at Samuel Untermeyer
from The Hidden Tyranny, by Benjamin H. Freedman
Nazi Gold And Oradour-sur-Glane, France
General Mark Clark
Belzec Concentration Camp
92 Year Old Sandor Kepiro Caught For War Crimes
World War II Issues
The First Holocaust of the 20th Century
Jewish Communists and Socialists In Germany
The Talmud: A Jewish-Supremacist Doctrine
Jews and Judaism
Who Rules America?

The final question is, is that war declared on Germany, by the world Jewry, still being waged?

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye

The final question is, is that war declared on Germany, by the world Jewry, still being waged?

Come on, ASE...although we disagree on a lot, I've certainly never questioned your intelligence, and I do not do so now. You know as well as I that no "World Jewry" declared war on Germany.

We know that Germany, in blatant violation of the Versaille Treaty, first occupied the Rhineland, then Austria, and then the Sudenland. After Hitler saw that Chamberlain and the Allies weren't interested in stopping him he became bold, and on Sept. 1, 1939, ordered his troops to perpetuate an all-out attack on Poland.

This attack was completely unprovoked, and resulted in the death of innocent thousands within the first week. Hitler's blind lust for power and world domination then led his assault on Eastern Europe and the USSR, much more so than any political ideology did.

The captured Nazi documents used as evidence at Nuremberg prove that the Hitler's plan was to exterminate the Jewish population in a bloodbath, and to follow this with the Slavs. The Nazis had intended to enslave the entire Russian population, and use them as slaves until they all died out.

Plans had also been made to, after the Nazi conquering of the UK, to enslave that population, and export all able bodied men to the continent for slave labor.

Finally, plans were in the works for the attack and occupation of the United States, which would have reduced Americans to German slaves as well.

The Nazis were not the "good guys". The leaders of Nazi Germany were among the most corrupt, vile, and putrid criminals in the history of the human race, and if anything should be lamented, it is that they could only be hung once.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 09:21 PM

Come on, ASE...although we disagree on a lot, I've certainly never questioned your intelligence, and I do not do so now.

Masonic Light, thank you. I believe this comes from your heart.

To the question of war being declared in 1933.

Declaring War on Germany in 1933
A Look at Samuel Untermeyer
from The Hidden Tyranny, by Benjamin H. Freedman

"In 1933, when Germany refused to surrender to the world conference of Jews in Amsterdam, the conference broke up, and Mr. Samuel Untermeyer, who was the head of the American delegation and the president of the whole conference, came to the United States and went from the steamer to the studios of the Columbia Broadcasting System and made a radio broadcast throughout the United States in which he in effect said, "The Jews of the world now declare a Holy War against Germany. We are now engaged in a sacred conflict against the Germans. And we are going to starve them into surrender. We are going to use a world-wide boycott against them. That will destroy them because they are dependent upon their export business."

The E version can be seen here

Why did Hitler invade Poland ?

WW 2 was started over the Danzig corridor which was part of Germany until the Versailles treaty gave it to Poland

The post WW 1 Treaty decimated Germany - causing a depression enabling Jews to buy up vast amounts of German industry and left Germans bitter.

International Jewry ,who represented 80% of those attending the Versailles treaty forced Germany to give a portion of their country ( Danzig Corridor ) to Poland.
Edward House( right ) was Jewry's lead man a Rothschild employee who previously helped form the Fed Res.

Hitler was pleading with Poland to give Germany a 1 mile access to their providence of East Prussia . Both parties were in agreement when in 1939 Poland suddenly broke off all negotiations.

Roosevelt gave Churchill assurances that the USA would be brought into war against Germany.

March 31,1939
Britain and France guarantee Poland's defense (Anglo French Assurance Pact) They secretly made a pact with Poland to come to their defense if Germany attacked.

Poland threatens war

Emboldened by Roosevelt and Churchill guarantees Rydz Smigly and Ignacy Moscicki , the head of Poland's army and it's president were saber rattling .

Smigly said -- "Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to." He threatened to overrun Germany in three days.

The 1939 Danzig Massacres

The Polish Bolsheviks kill 58,000 German Nationals in the Danzig corridor

In the months leading up to the German invasion the Polish Army and independent Bolshevik units had been slaughtering German nationals in the Danzig corridor. Mass killings of thousands of civilian ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) by both civilian and Russian NDVK Jews, who were confident that Poland would quickly defeat Germany. Many apparently expected to take possession of German farms and businesses. An estimated 58,000 German civilians lost their lives in the massacres carried out prior to the 1939 invasion.

Poles had been merrily slaughtering anything or anybody German since at least as early as April 1939, with smaller incidents stretching back to the close of WW I -- you haven't been told that by the Mass Media, or the fact that these atrocities were one of the main causes for the German invasion of Poland.

Germany had protesting in writing to the League of Nations literally dozens of times with no results. Hitler's speech.

Bromberg Bloody Sunday
On one day alone - Polish Jews, under the protection of the Polish Army, attack a small German town and viciously kill 5500 Germans

On 'Bloody Sunday' 5500 Germans were murdered:

The "Bromberg Bloody Sunday" is perhaps best known. Polish Jews were confident they would win against Germany and went on a rampage of ' Blood Lust ' that was unmatched. Groups of Bolsheviks attacked from Ponz, Lotz and Warsaw approached the town and started killing the farmers on the outskirts. Children were nailed to barns, women were raped and hacked to death with axes men were executed where they stood.

Bolshevik leaders of the Ponz, Warsaw and Lodz Jewish groups

On Bromberg Bloody Sunday, thousands of ethnic Germans were slaughtered like pigs in an alley because the majority "poles" (the "slavic", non-Teutonic types, really Turco-Ugaric, Hunnic, Tartar and Mongoloid residue from the old "Dark Age" invasions) knew they could do so with total impunity

Who benefits
The 5 ' 6 " Jewish Stalin and Bolsheviks now have their war and British, French, American, Canadian, etc blood will be spilt all over Europe to decimate Germany and open the world to the Jewish swindle called communism.

Its a sad thing to say, but history, is, written by victors.

Yes, yes, Hitler had some of the most vile and filthy vermin around him to walk the earth. Say, how is that Scooter Libby thing coming in the courts? How many of our fine upstanding politicians have been charged with crimes? Scandle after scandle plague our headlines. Different day, same sh...

[edit on 4-4-2007 by All Seeing Eye]

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 03:09 PM
It has come to my attention that the major players, Churchill, Eisenhower, Stalin, Hitler, were all 1/2 to 1/4 Jew.

I am not anti semitic, I have nothing against people from the middle east. And I am not ant-Jew.

It appears that there is a group of 100% Jewish blood, who follow the Talmud, who I am against. They are the ones who sacrifice the Jews of lesser bloodlines. They are the ones who financed the wars and put the lesser bloodline Jews in power to be sacrificed.

I have now read some material that states the Bush family is one such family, having a percentage of Jewish blood. Anyone watching from the outside can see he does, in fact study the Talmud. Will he end up as the other "Polluted" bloodlines? Its looking that way. He will be sacrificed to bring down the United States, just as Hitler was sacrificed to bring down Germany.

To the masons, friend and foe, on this board. Your beloved brotherhood was started by Talmudic cabalist, who required a hidden passport from country to country. Rothschild himself said that the power of the Jew lay in the fact that they were dispersed threw out the world. I believed he was referring to the Talmudist, not Jews in general. you, the brotherhood are hoodwinked into this by being taught complete tolerance. As the Talmudist believes in a God, you open your arms to the enemy from within, furthering his world domination by rebuilding the temple. After all, Hyrum, was a Jew, and most likely, a Talmudists.

Why did Hitler remove the brotherhood? It contained good, god loving brothers!

What kind are you? Will you be betrayed by everything you thought was good and just? Is your oath to God, or a Talmudist organization? You decide!

May God be with your every thought, and action.

All Seeing Eye.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
Talmud, and Freemasons.

As some of the old timers here at ATS can attest to, I’ve tried desperately to understand the world we find ourselves in. Sometimes it can be quite confusing and being misled is a thing that happens routinely. But non-the less, I’ve continued.

The saying “Follow the money” seems to be the most appropriate direction, but only a direction. But in researching the current monetary system one will find it was created by Rothchild, who happened to be of Jewish decent, and said to be a Satanist, or better yet, a Talmudist.

Okay, I’ve followed the money to a Jewish Satanist. Researching the Jewish history I found a Book by Elisabeth Dilling titled “THE JEWISH RELIGION, Its Influence Today. Formerly, Titled THE PLOT AGAINST CHRISTIANITY

The divisions within the jewish communities are widely known, not every Jew supports Israel or Zionism

Could it be that the Rothschilds group are the Vatican Jesuits banksters and take their instruction from them??? Are the Rothschilds working for the Jesuits?

[edit on 11-4-2007 by golddragnet]

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 04:41 PM
Since the Talmud predates, goes back beyond the Catholic church I would suggest that the Jesuits are nothing more than Talmudists in Catholic robes. The Jesuits report to the Talmudist, Rothschild's. It is the Talmud that attacks Christ, and the Church.

It is becoming known that even the present Pope, is in fact 1/4 Jewish, and will be sacrificed like all the others who dare to mate with a Jew (Talmudist).

The CFR is manned by 80% Jews. I haven't seen any numbers on the buiderburg.

And I side with the Jews (Torra) who see the truth and are continually used by the Talmudists.

This is a passage from Theodor Herzl, Founder of Zionism in 1897:

“It is essential that the sufferings of Jews. . . become worse. . . this will assist in realization of our plans. . . I have an excellent idea. . . I shall induce anti-semites to liquidate Jewish wealth. . . The anti-semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-semites shall be our best friends”.
-- From Herzl's Diary "

The Jews who suffer this calamity, are the Torra Jews. No doubt in my mind that Herzl was a Talmudist!

It is Talmud Jews who run present day Israel, it is the Torra Jews they rule over. And the mossad's motto is "By Way Of Deception" Read the book about the Talmud.

I love Alex Jones, and wish him luck. He is correct about the Builderburgs, the CFR, and especially the Grove. But he needs to go a bit further. In the above mentioned book there are references to Moloch, and child sacrifices which will have a direct impact on his position. The Talmud allows Moloch worship, and child sacrifices (Goyim), that is. Hollywood is full of Jews. They make some of the best actors the world has ever known.

By his own research he stated that the grove was started by news paper men and artisans. What is the identity of these people who started the Grove and its mock human sacrifice? Who owns Hollywood, and the news media. Alex, tell me who they were, tell me their ancestry, their true religion. Alex, you are free to contact me.


The 6-pointed star is not a True-Torah Israelite symbol, but a Babylonian symbol which Israel adopted in the wilderness due to their apostasy. It is now the symbol of the Rothschild (red-schield) family and the Masonic State of Israel. It is a symbol of apostasy, the mark of the beast, 6 edges, 6 points, 6 lines.

1. There is no such thing as a "superior chosen people with the God-given right to own and rule the World from Zion (Jerusalem)". It is contrary to other teachings of monotheism. Thus, the concept of "chosen people" has been introduced by the Luciferian Satanist to claim themselves a superior position among people who believe in God but have been misled and fooled by the Masonic preachers.

2. The Tribe of Judah was one of the 12 tribes of Jacob whose other name is Israel.

2. 95% of the people who call themselves "Jews" or "Judeans" for short are not Israelites, i.e. they are 90% Khazar/Ashkenazi from Southern Russia and 5% Sephardic from Spain.

3. The faith of the Israelites was monotheism. Judaism today is not True-Torah Monotheism but rather, it is Babylonian Talmudism.

3. The descendents from Gog/Magog from Babylon infiltrated the tribe of Judah and pretended to be Judeans. They practice the teachings of the Elders of Babylon/later to become Zion and are referred to as "The Synagogue of Satan" [Brotherhood of the Snake] by Jesus-Yeshua-Issa in the Bible, i.e. they are Luciferian Satanists practicing the Zohar/Kabbala/Talmud.

[edit on 11-4-2007 by All Seeing Eye]

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 08:33 PM
I'll be the first to admit I've never read all of the various Talmuds. I've tried, but it seems rather pointless to me. A good analogy is Marx's "Das Kapital": the guy spends upwards of 400 pages explaining the effect of corn production on market economics. It ain't exactly Hemingway.

If we can put aside for the moment the obvious fact that the Talmuds, like Marx's book, are boring beyond belief, and don't even seem to have a point, I will hearken to Albert Pike, who referred to the Talmuds as a diamond in the rough.

Yet, with all due respect to General Pike, and alluding to the fact that I don't usually like to throw out the baby with the bathwater, I sincerely doubt that there's anything any the Talmuds worth knowing that can't be found more directly in other places. If some of the Jews want their traditions and Talmuds, so be it, by I fail to see why they would interest Gentiles.

If someone wants some interesting metaphysics, I suggest Nietzsche, Plato, Kierkegaard, and Kerouac. The Talmuds just seem to me to be more "religious" fiction designed to warp peoples' brains.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye

To the masons, friend and foe, on this board. Your beloved brotherhood was started by Talmudic cabalist, who required a hidden passport from country to country.

Actually, it was started by English stoneworkers. Indeed, Jews were not even allowed into Masonry until 1717. By the time the Kabalah was incorporated, it was de-Judaized. The Hermetic Kabalah is not the same as the Jewish Kabalah.

For example, Pike believed that the Hebrew Kabalah was simply a corrupt version of the original and pure Kabalah of the Magi, which was of Aryan origin. According to Pike, the Jews learned it during the Babylonian captivity, but didn't really understand it. Regardless, it is obvious that the origins of the Kabalah are not to be found in such a non-philosophic and barbaric religion as classical Judaism.

After all, Hyrum, was a Jew, and most likely, a Talmudists.

Actually, Hiram was not a Jew at all. He was a Gentile from a Tyre, a Phoenician. Also, there were no Talmuds in existence at that time.

What kind are you? Will you be betrayed by everything you thought was good and just? Is your oath to God, or a Talmudist organization? You decide!

From years of study, practice, and experience, I have come to the conclusion that the basic principles of the Hermetic Kabalah are the core truths in this universe in which we have found ourselves. Where the Jewish Kabalah has truth, it follows the Hermetic. Otherwise, it is in error.

On a side note, while considering the implication of Judaism in the Kabalah's birth, you may be interested in reading Aleister Crowley's introduction to his own "Sepher Sephiroth", although of course, it was possibly meant as a joke.

[edit on 11-4-2007 by Masonic Light]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 04:10 PM
Please provide a link for the Sepher Sephiroth, you speak of, and I will be happy to review it.

Is this the Hermetic Kabalah you speak of?

Personally, I find more truth in the Merkabah than all the rest combined.

As you have noted, the Talmud is long and boring, but if researched gives clues as to certain mindsets at work today. But if your argument is that it should not be looked at because of it being boring, I must disagree with you. It contains some of the most fascinating, and astounding material I have seen to date.

And again, I find that the Kabbala

is nothing more than a very old religion that is continually updated, and repackaged to "sell" to the newer generation of gullible goyim. Most certainly all religions have a grain of truth in them to make them believable, and therefore "bought" by the masses.

Regardless of what actions were taken by Freemasonry to distance itself from Judaism by name changes, it is still an organization that can be looked at as an organization of "Honorary Jews". At its core are two Jewish principals, the "Temple" and the "Kabbalah".

This by no means is an indictment against all Jews. For the vast majority of western "Jews" are in fact imposter's, posing as Jews for their own personal gain. They have taken the principals of the Talmud to their fullest and discarded the Torah, and sell the Kabbalah as a product, to which, the Freemasons are its most numbered "Buyers". The Talmud states vary clearly that if you are not of Jewish blood, you are nothing! You are less than an animal. You are to lied to, cheated, stolen from, and your children sacrificed for the (impostor)Jews. This bloodline view themselves as "God" himself, the "chosen people". To them, Freemasons are nothing more than cannon fodder to be sacrificed as any goyim. Your oath to the brotherhood means nothing to them!

Yiddish does not come from Hebrew, and the true Jews, it comes from Kazaria, the home of the impostor!

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
Please provide a link for the Sepher Sephiroth, you speak of, and I will be happy to review it.

The book can be read here Dr. Israel Regardie, Crowley's former secretary and a Jew, deleted the preface from the two printings that he himself published, calling it "nasty". Crowley, of course, could be nasty when he wanted to, and some Jew must have really pissed him off earlier in the day in which he wrote that preface.

Just to fair to Crowley though, he was not a general anti-Semite. He had Jews (Regardie for instance) among his friends and students.

Is this the Hermetic Kabalah you speak of?

Sort of, but not exactly. It is impossible to grasp the concepts of the Kabalah from a chart. Indeed, after years of study and practice, one sometimes thinks he's only just beginning to acquire understanding.

A reasonably decent introduction to the Hermetic Kabalah is "Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons In The High Magickal Arts" by Donald Michael Kraig. The book is a bit on the fluffy side, but is geared toward beginners, and provides a good overview. A much better introduction is the beginner's material for Aspirants in the Builders of the Adytum, but this material is available only to members of the Order.

As you have noted, the Talmud is long and boring, but if researched gives clues as to certain mindsets at work today. But if your argument is that it should not be looked at because of it being boring, I must disagree with you. It contains some of the most fascinating, and astounding material I have seen to date.

If you found something fascinating and astounding in it, I'd be happy to take a look. The only thing I've ever seen in it is a bunch of long-winded gobbledegook about nothing.

And again, I find that the Kabbala

is nothing more than a very old religion that is continually updated, and repackaged to "sell" to the newer generation of gullible goyim.

Actually, the Orthodox Jews are strongly opposed to sharing the Kabalah to Gentiles, as they believe it is the divine inheritance of Israel. However, as I mentioned previously, there is really no evidence that the concepts of the Kabalah originated within Judaism. It is much more likely that the Jews learned of it from the Gentile Magi, and simply adopted portions of it, and then gave it a Jewish name.

Most certainly all religions have a grain of truth in them to make them believable, and therefore "bought" by the masses.

True enough. Yet the Kabalah was never meant for the "masses". The Kabalistic doctrines were preserved in secrecy: by Jews, through oral rabbinic traditions, and by Gentiles through secret societies.

Regardless of what actions were taken by Freemasonry to distance itself from Judaism by name changes, it is still an organization that can be looked at as an organization of "Honorary Jews". At its core are two Jewish principals, the "Temple" and the "Kabbalah".

The Temple is just as important in Christianity as it is Judaism, and Freemasonry was founded by medieval Christians. As for the Kabalah, as mentioned, it is not a "Jewish principal". Most Jews are not Kabalists...and indeed, most Kabalists are not Jews.

The Talmud states vary clearly that if you are not of Jewish blood, you are nothing!

Doesn't all religious books say basically the same? If you're not like I am, you're a hellbound infidel...same old BS, different day.

To them, Freemasons are nothing more than cannon fodder to be sacrificed as any goyim. Your oath to the brotherhood means nothing to them!

It doesn't mean much to many non-Jews either. But what non-Masons think about Masonry does not effect Masonry as a source of truth.

[edit on 14-4-2007 by Masonic Light]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 09:04 PM
My verdict on the Victoria Polin Video? A load of crap. Since when is Oprah a font of any sort of wisdom or truth anyway? I found her story less than convincing. Plus, she admitted to having several mental disorders.

I suppose from one point of view, Judism in general can be considered evil. After all, it gave birth to Christianity and Islam, two religons that have spent the past 2000 years making life hell for everyone. Its all about ones perspective. Just like your opinions on Freemasonry. perspective.

And while you see Freemasonry and Talmudic Judism as dangerous to America, I think that Christianity and Islam are both threats to the future and well being of the country. Again, perspective. Its all about what one sees through their own shades. What is right and wrong? depends on who you ask.

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