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The new third world

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posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 10:32 AM
Illegal aliens turning US into a third world dump. "They feel comfortable here; it's like being back in Mexico." How nice,can't you just wait til it happens next to you.They blame to park owners,but is it really their fault? I don't think so.If they close the parks,the idiots will scream the usual,racisim,where will they go ect.Maybe they should send them back to Mexico,but Mexico does not care what happens to them,their too busy dealing drugs to worry about their citizens.The bottom line:US taxpayers will foot whatever bills there are.Soon they will be US citizens and entitlements will follow,again US taxpayers footing the bill. Thanks,Mexico.


posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 11:13 AM
It was always going to be inevitable but as usual the immigrants get blamed. Seriously though how long do you think the economy and prices can keep going for Capitalism is like an elastic band it stretches and stretches until low and behold one day it does infact break!!!!

We have the same kind of things said in the UK: 'oh all the immigrants are turning this country to the dogs' etc. etc.

But here's the thing what do the UK and USA have in common???


And now people are moaning because countries such as India, Pakistan, China etc. will be the richest countries on the planet well why it was us after all that gave them the model of industrialization and capitalism to follow after all it's how most of our countries became powerful economically so what favours do these countries owe us when they infact become wealthy and powerful??? We will become Third World Countries inevitably no matter what anyone cries and moans.

In relation to your post it's nobodies fault apart from America it's self i.e the great inflation that was caused by American companies in Latin America which in turn means most of these countries have to sell alot of there natural resources to America when they have hardly money at all themselves and then have to sell most of what they need for themselves of course they're going to be dirt poor.

Then we come to the 'Great American Dream' come to our country and make something of yourself well lol ok you said it. But at the end of the day we know it's an illusion but most people struggling to feed there families daily and have nothing to lose would rather take the chance for any kind of life that's better than they already have and buy into the illusion.

It's not your average taxpayer like yourself who is to blame so don't take this personally but honestly if you were in some of these people's shoe's and seen the great American life advertised on the TV 247 of fancy cars, nice homes, clothes etc. then it is inevitable people are going to want that especially if they haven't got it.

America whores itself out at the end of the day and half of these people that turning the US into a 'dump' get paid peanuts compared to what your average american makes and yet do half the jobs no one else will and America needs them to and will continue to so the rich can stay rich and the poor can stay poor.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by SR]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 12:33 PM
So,because America is prosperous,is ok for Mexico to allow it's citizens come here illegally ?. God forbid Mexico takes responsibility for it's people. As far as US "ripping off " I guess it's ok for Mexico to do.


posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by rdang
So,because America is prosperous,is ok for Mexico to allow it's citizens come here illegally ?. God forbid Mexico takes responsibility for it's people. As far as US "ripping off " I guess it's ok for Mexico to do.

Exacatly and why not??? America can't claim the moral high ground or say ok we'll do this but you can't.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by SR
Exacatly and why not??? America can't claim the moral high ground or say ok we'll do this but you can't.


Mod Edit: Please Review The Link Below.

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[edit on 3/31/2007 by chissler]


posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by rdang

Dude if the shoe was on the other foot it would be the exact same situation. If someone has something you want it's very likely you'll want it to.

Mod Edit: Adjusting the [quote] [/quote] tags.

[edit on 3/31/2007 by chissler]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 01:55 PM
I think the employers that actually go through the trouble of bringing in the illegals to work for them, are the ones that should be held responsible. Many of them will hire coyotes to bring them accross the border. It's the truth, like it or not. The source of the problem is not being targeted, so as long as it's not, illegals will continue flooding into the U.S.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 02:00 PM
I'm with SR.

Here's a thought, rdang: maybe it's not the illegal's fault, but OUR and THEIR GOVT'S fault!

BOTH govt's like stealing from their common folk. The Mexican govt also likes to send the serfs up here, so they don't have to share their money with the serfs.

The US govt says sure, we'll take your serfs. Our serfs won't like it, but SCREW THEM, who cares? We'll pretend like we're being tough on the border while y'all pretend like y'all are upset about it. Meanwhile, BOTH of our serfs will NEVER figure out that we have a North American Union planned for them all.

Is it an accident that Bush called the Minutemen vigilantes? Is it an accident that Bush wants total amnesty for the illegals? Is it an accident that rich white men are funding racist, radical Mexicans who scream Aztlan and La Raza, while hailing the Plan of San Diego?


posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by laiguana
I think the employers that actually go through the trouble of bringing in the illegals to work for them, are the ones that should be held responsible. Many of them will hire coyotes to bring them accross the border. It's the truth, like it or not. The source of the problem is not being targeted, so as long as it's not, illegals will continue flooding into the U.S.

That's exacatly it!!!! It's why these people are entering the US that has to be dealt with if you don't want them there then punish every single employer who hires them because thats what it comes down to at the end of the day these people wanting a better life.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by SR

Dude if the shoe was on the other foot it would be the exact same situation. If someone has something you want it's very likely you'll want it to.

So, that's how you justify the destruction of our nation,eh? Wow, we really need some more bleeding heart liberal minded people in the country like you to speed up the process of America's destruction. YEAH!!!Go Team,Go!!

Liberalism makes me sick.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

[edit on 31-3-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]


posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
I'm with SR.

Here's a thought, rdang: maybe it's not the illegal's fault, but OUR and THEIR GOVT'S fault!

BOTH govt's like stealing from their common folk. The Mexican govt also likes to send the serfs up here, so they don't have to share their money with the serfs.

The US govt says sure, we'll take your serfs. Our serfs won't like it, but SCREW THEM, who cares? We'll pretend like we're being tough on the border while y'all pretend like y'all are upset about it. Meanwhile, BOTH of our serfs will NEVER figure out that we have a North American Union planned for them all.

Is it an accident that Bush called the Minutemen vigilantes? Is it an accident that Bush wants total amnesty for the illegals? Is it an accident that rich white men are funding racist, radical Mexicans who scream Aztlan and La Raza, while hailing the Plan of San Diego?

Oh exacatly it!! i couldn't believe my eyes when i read about the NAU and as you've said the peices of the puzzle start to make more sense!!!

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
So, that's how you justify the destruction of our nation,eh? Wow, we really need some more bleeding heart liberal minded people in the country like you to speed up the process of America's destruction. YEAH!!!Go Team,Go!!

Liberalism makes me sick.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

[edit on 31-3-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

Ah ha ha HA!

The effects of brainwashing are quite strong. Instead of blaming your govt, who gives a flying FLUKE about you, blame the illegals. After all, the illegals created the amnesty plan, spent Congress-approved money on something other than Border Patrol, and created the plan for the NAU. Gotcha.

Keep waving that American flag, brought to you by Chinese demi-slaves.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 02:09 PM
It's funny to me how a certain group in this country, and you know who are, couldn't give a damn about the nation they live in. Yet, they have GREAT concern about people who we shouldn't even be involved with. It's damn funny to me, and not ha ha funny either.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]


posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

Originally posted by SR

Dude if the shoe was on the other foot it would be the exact same situation. If someone has something you want it's very likely you'll want it to.

So, that's how you justify the destruction of our nation,eh? Wow, we really need some more bleeding heart liberal minded people in the country like you to speed up the process of America's destruction. YEAH!!!Go Team,Go!!

Liberalism makes me sick.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

[edit on 31-3-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

I don't justify it all look i'm no expert on the case i'm just pointing out basic human nature and if your government gave more of a damn then it would be alot tougher like i said earlier it's not the taxpayers fault your just expected to lie down and take it.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 10:52 AM
Illegal aliens destroying the country..,

I agree that North America is turning into a third world country, but I don't blame the Mexicans. Third world economies don't do a lot of manufacturing and export raw goods. Since the globalization treaties, all the manufacturing is being shipped to countries in the third world where there are no environmental or labor rights to interfere with profit margins. The influx of cheap labor is really good for reinforcing unemployment rates and degrading wage expectations further. The infighting among the hostage classes doesn't hurt in deflecting attention away from economic and political practices that might interfere with making about 4% of the population richer than any king or railroad baron of old. The theory is that eventually globalization will lift everyone up and increase wealth throughout the world, but I doubt the little girls working in sweat shops for starvation wages under machine gun holding guards feel very liberated. Prop up military dictatorships and eventually they come for you. What would be nice is if the manufacturing that has been shipped to Mexico was paying a decent salary and respecting environmental laws, then maybe they would stay home, which they would probably prefer to do. Instead, the plants are gated with barbed wire, the workers are over worked and underpaid and the land and water is being destroyed.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 11:40 AM
You got it, clearwater.

It's simple. Even the average American, who doesn't know who the vice prez is, will eventually figure out something's up. The elite knows this. So, they use their space age chess to get the average American to blame the illegals. Never mind that the elite are the VERY ones facilitating illegal immigration.

So, as the elite turn America into a 3rd (really 2nd) world country, the average American will blame the illegals. After all, you can't have an uber powerful nation like the US if you want to have global government with a MASSIVE serf population...

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka

It's simple. Even the average American, who doesn't know who the vice prez is, will eventually figure out something's up. The elite knows this. So, they use their space age chess to get the average American to blame the illegals. Never mind that the elite are the VERY ones facilitating illegal immigration.

So, as the elite turn America into a 3rd (really 2nd) world country, the average American will blame the illegals. After all, you can't have an uber powerful nation like the US if you want to have global government with a MASSIVE serf population...

I don't disagree with this. However, you cannot justifiably insinuate that the illegals are not somewhat to blame. After all, the government doesn't force them to trash their neighborhoods.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
I don't disagree with this. However, you cannot justifiably insinuate that the illegals are not somewhat to blame. After all, the government doesn't force them to trash their neighborhoods.

The govt could care less if they trash their neighborhoods, assuming this is even true. All they care about is the cheap labor they can exploit out of illegals, which translates into bigger profits. They also care about driving down the wages. So, they'll pay Americans less due to lower wages, and illegals less STILL due to the situation in Mexico.

Either way, the elites put more people into the lower classes. Meanwhile, they're working doubletime to destroy the middle class, their only legitimate competition. We'll have to see if their greed eventually causes them to destroy themselves...

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 12:57 PM
And of course, the illegals are the ones sneaking over here.

But, I DON'T blame them. If I were a Mexican serf, living under the corrupt Mexican govt, I'd sneak here too.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
Meanwhile, they're working doubletime to destroy the middle class, their only legitimate competition.

I completely agree with you on this. The government wants two classes, the super rich and the super poor. They want to cut the middle man completely out of the scheme.

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