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4th grade history report

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posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 09:29 AM
Blahhh. Remember these horrid things? Outlines, roughdrafts, references? My son is in the process of creating a biography...on George H.W. Bush. He's done a few reports before but was able to choose the subject of the matter Himself. I try to sway Him away from any political figures or events because the truth is sooo not what they read in their textbooks. This time the teacher assigned a different person to each student. My problem is- Do I allow him to write this report with the misinfo./falsehoods given to Him by the public school system? I am always looking for ways to have them (My kids) challenge mainstream thoughts/beliefs. Of course any info. he uses will be backed up with references and hard proof, no Bohemian Grove craziness or anything of the sort.
I don't want to perpetuate what I think are lies that are taught or neglected to be taught in the system. What do You all think? What would be TMI in this case?

Peace. K*

[edit on 3/27/07 by Demetre]

Edit by Me. Took Sr. off.

[edit on 3/27/07 by Demetre]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 10:30 AM
My thoughts?

Allow him to read all of the material and decide what he thinks for himself. Obviously at this point in time, he might not be able to fully comprehend everything that is being said, but the ground work can be laid. My thoughts and opinions on political leaders, political issues, etc., do not have to be evident in my children. If I strongly opposed this administration, but my son were to read a book and feel that it has been a successful administration, I would support his notion. If he reads the material, something neutral ideally, it is up to him to decide what he or she thinks.

The most you should do, in my opinion, is provide the material. Do not tell him what to think or write. Just provide material to be read, and the rest is up to him.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 10:36 AM
What a great opportunity to teach your child that the truth is the most noble approach! Obviously avoid the wild-eyed conspiracy theories that surrounds Herbert-Walker and stick to those facts that are known and documented. Discuss his association with the Bilderbergers, his questionable heritage, his promotion of the NWO, his disinitegration of the American economy etc... all very documentable from reliable sources.

What will be interesting is if this "teacher" (Indoctrinator) will do his/her job and grade your child on the mechanics of the project - which is as it should be - or the content. My guess is your child will be penalized for deviating from the recommended propaganda. But still, an excellent teaching opportunity in many, many ways. Good luck.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:58 PM
chissler's advice is good.

At age 9, there's no need to introduce speculative history into the equation.

[edit on 2007/3/27 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

Originally posted by Demetre
My son is in the process of creating a biography...on George H.W. Bush Sr.

Actually, there is no such person.

Corrected what needed to be even though it didn't change the context of My post what-so-ever. Any advice from You?

Peace. K*

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 11:37 PM
Well for 4th grade I would'nt think that a report needed to have anything
except the basic facts, where/when he was born, what positions he's had,
when he was president, what he does now a days, I really don't think that
anything in a 4th grade level report would really be lies, so I sday just let
him do it his way unless he asks for help on something.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by iori_komei
Well for 4th grade I would'nt think that a report needed to have anything
except the basic facts, where/when he was born, what positions he's had,
when he was president, what he does now a days, I really don't think that
anything in a 4th grade level report would really be lies, so I sday just let
him do it his way unless he asks for help on something.

I think You're right on this one. Being 10 y/o His report should include just basic facts. I think anything more would be too deep for Him and definately too much for His classmates to grasp. I take any chance to incorporate info. that's left out in school texts and I'll still due so but His report doesn't have to include it. He is only 10, still a little kid yet. Any other non-mainstream info. can be done on any other of the gazillion reports He's sure to do in school. Thanks for everyones advice!

Peace. K*

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 08:23 AM
At that age I would let him find out these things for himself.

I am no parent but he is young and development needs to from him on a subject like this.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 11:50 AM
I don't think a grade 4 history report would be that big of a report, like mentioned above, it would probally only require basic information such as where he was born, who the first lady is etc... but I wouldn't expect anything much more, I would say to let your child use the mainstream sources because at grade 4 he probably isn't building any huge opinions on the government yet, or at least i wasn't when I was 9

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