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France releases UFO files

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posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP

Originally posted by TheBandit795
Hey I heard on the radio that somebody in this case of disclosure got locked up and that the French government is blocking access to the site. Is this true!!?!?!

No, it's not true, I have already seen the site and I even had time to do a search and download three documents.

Right now it is more difficult to have access to the site, I will try it tomorrow morning.

Today is Monday, March 26, 2007 and i still cannot git onto the site. You said you got 3 documents from the site how about posting them so others who cannot go on the site can still read what you got. Thanks

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 07:28 AM
I tried the website earlier this morning and managed to get through but none of the links were working, so maybe they are fixing it up to try and get it to run smoother, since they were probably recieving alot of hits.
guess all we can do is wait ey haha

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 08:07 AM
I still haven't been able to get on.Maybe during the early morning hours will be better.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 08:36 AM
List of PDF documents that I was able to see the other day.

Cometa.pdf [Rapport] Rapport COMETA. Les OVNI et la défense. A quoi doit on se préparer ? 1999
Doc_travail_2.pdf [Document travail] Document de travail n° 2 Eléments d'études sociologiques
Etude_psycho_1981.pdf [Etude] Elaboration d'indicateurs d'indépendance entre témoins dans le cas d'observation d'OVNI F. Askevis - F. Cavé 1981
Etude_psycho_1981_2.pdf [Etude] Les OVNI dans la presse. Etude des quotidiens nationaux. F. Askevis - F. Cavé - D. Ludwig 1981
Etudes_stat.pdf [Etude] Résultats d'études statistiques P. Legendre 1979
Memoire_fin_etudes_1983.pdf [Etude] Mémoire de fin d'études ENSEEIHT. Ecoulement hydrodynamique autour d'un cylindre en présence d'un champ de forces de Laplace. M. Aguavo - J.M. Cazaux 1983
Memoire_gonin_1998.pdf [Etude] Mémoire de fin d'études IPSA Etude des phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés en vue d'une avancée dans l'expertise physique L. Gonin 1998
Note_info_1.pdf [Note d'informations] Note d'information n° 1 Observations de phénomènes anormaux en URSS Etude statistique
Note_info_2.pdf [Note d'informations] Note d'information n° 2 Observation de phénomènes aérospatiaux au Etats-Unis 1ère partie "Enigme des OVNIS" M.S. Smith 1976
Stage_ENSTA_1983.pdf [Rapport] Rapport de stage étudiant ENSTA Projet de système de détection de phénomènes aérospatiaux rares P. Cathala - T. Flament 1983
cnes_gepan.pdf [Plaquette] Plaquette CNES GEPAN
detection_louange_1.pdf [Etude] Etude sur la détection des phénomènes rares. Volume 1 F. Louange 1982
detection_louange_2.pdf [Etude] Etude sur la détection des phénomènes rares Volume 2 F. Louange 1982
detection_louange_3.pdf [Etude] Etude sur la détection des phénomènes rares Volume 3 F. Louange 1982
detection_louange_4.pdf [Etude] Etude sur la détection des phénomènes rares Volume 4 F. Louange 1982
detection_louange_5.pdf [Etude] Etude sur la détection des phénomènes rares Volume 5 F. Louange 1982
doc_travail_3.pdf [Document travail] Document de travail n° 3 Programme de recherche 1981 / 1982 B. Zappoli
doc_travail_4.pdf [Document travail] L'étude des phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés. 1977 - 1981 Résultats et perspectives
doc_travail_6.pdf [Document travail] Document de travail n° 6 Quelques expériences en psychologie de la perception
foudre_en_boule_78.pdf [Etude] La foudre en boule. Document de synthèse 1978
gepan.pdf [Plaquette] Plaquette GEPAN
journees_etudes.pdf [Note] Recueil des communications aux journées d'études CNES / GEPAN 1983
memoire_JJV_1983.pdf [Note] Outils et procédures de recueil, de gestion et traitement des informations concernant les phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés. J.J. Velasco 1983
note_35_1977.pdf [Etude] Détermination de l'ordre de grandeur d'une puissance lumineuse à partir de l'examen de clichés photographiques C. Poher 1977
note_43_poher_77.pdf [Note] Exemple d'analyse de cliché d'OVNI : L'étude des photographies de Mc Minnville (USA) C. Poher 1977
note_esterle_83_1.pdf [Etude] Les phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés sont ils étudiables ? A. Esterle 1983
note_esterle_83_2.pdf [Note] Les phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés sont ils étudiables ? Annexes A. Esterle 1983
note_info_3.pdf [Note d'informations] Note d'information n° 3 Etude de phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés aux Etats-Unis 2ème partie : Les premières études officielles
note_info_4.pdf [Note d'informations] Note d'information n° 4 Les études des phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés aux Etats-Unis 3eme partie : La fin des recherches officielles
note_poher_1977.pdf [Note] Les rapports d'observations d'OVNI correspondent à des observations réelles et non à des phénomènes imaginaires. C. Poher 1977
note_tech_1.pdf [Note technique] Note technique n°1 Analyse du problème de prétraitement des données.
note_tech_10.pdf [Note technique] Note technique n°10 Les phénomènes aéro

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 08:46 AM
excerpt from the cometa.pdf

2.4 Russie ( 21 mars 1990)

Ce cas s'est produit de nuit dans la région de Pereslavl-Zaleesskyi, à l'est de Moscou.
a été rapporté par un article du général d'aviation Igor Maltsev, commandant les forces de
défense aérienne, paru dans le journal "Rabochaya (Tribune des Travailleurs) le 19
avril 1990 : "Des OVNI sur des radars de défense aérienne" (cf. l'ouvrage de Marie Galbraith
cité au chapitre 9-1). On y mentionnait l'envoi d'avions de combat en mission d'interception
des OVNI détectés. Le général Maltsev, qui a fait la synthèse de plus de 100 observations
visuelles, collectées par des commandants d'unités, a déclaré :

"Je ne suis pas un spécialiste des OVNI,et donc je ne peux que relier entre elles les données
et exprimer ma propre hypothèse. Selon les données rassemblées par ces témoins,
était un disque d'un diamètre de 100 à 200 mètres. Deux lumières clignotaient sur ses côtés ...
De plus, l'objet tournait autour de son axe et effectuait une évolution en forme de S à la fois
dans les plans vertical et horizontal. Ensuite VNI restait stationnaire au-dessus du sol, puis
volait à une vitesse 2 à 3 fois supérieure à celle des avions de combat modernes ... Les objets
volaient à des altitudes allant de 100 à 7000 mètres. Le mouvement des OVNI n'était
accompagné par aucune espèce de bruit et se caractérisait par une stupéfiante
manoeuvrabilité. Les OVNI paraissaient complètement dépourvus d'inertie. En d'autres
termes, ils avaient d'une façon ou d'une autre maîtrisé la gravité. A l'heure actuelle, des
machines terrestres ne pourraient guère présenter de telles caractéristiques.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 09:05 AM
Thanks Canceredge
At least I can see whats on there now.Thank you!!

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 10:50 AM

those files are just background material it seems. I downloaded all of those and theres no ufo stories in them.

To get the good stuff goto the site click on "reserche" , it takes you to a search engine. You can search by date,region or category- Category D are the ones you want - i only manged to get a few files before the site went down.

theres pages & pages of Category Ds (objects unidentifiable) and the ones i clicked on looked to be EXTREMELY well documented they have things like pictures & video from the area they were investigating etc. This looks like a good job by the french

the files i got seem to be about a man who lives in the countryside and saw a ufo hovering above his house. CNES even sent a helicopter to take photos of the roof and surrounding area- all photos are included. Im still trying to translate the newspaper articles to get more info

[edit on 26-3-2007 by yeti101]

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 11:32 AM
I was able to get on and get through some links but I thought I saw somewhere that it is one of the hardest hit sites over the past week. Their servers are crashing on them because of the traffic they are getting. It's not a matter of fixing links and such. It's about bulking it up so they can handle the massive number of hits.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 11:44 AM
Could it be somebody is blocking or flooding it?

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 11:53 AM
I know but one of the pdfs contains detail info of recovered ufos, I think there are some picuteres of ufos on this particular doc.

Détermination de l'ordre de grandeur d'une puissance lumineuse à partir de l'examen de clichés photographiques

Google Translation:
Determination of about size of a luminous power starting from the examination of photographic stereotypes

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 12:00 PM

contains detail info of recovered ufos

sorry but it doesnt, if that were the case the french wouldnt say they dont know if ufos are ET craft or not. I have 19 documents but not that one so cant check. Do you have the whole document?

[edit on 26-3-2007 by yeti101]

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 12:19 PM
then you probable dont have the pdfs I have.
I just finished downloading 2 more and one of them is an extensive 79 pages doc explaining 2 negatives of a Ufo, as well an account by 2 witneses

take a look.

Orginal Text

En ce qui concerne l'origine de le second témoin remarqua, aussi bien en 1967 1950 qu'il pensait qu'il s'agissait d'un avion secret ( ) ,.vous en entendez tant propos de ces choses ., je ne croyais pas toutes ces histoires de soucoupes volantes auparavant, mais maintenant, 'ai que sait ce dont il (3). Le second témoin se souvient avoir terminé son rouleau de pellicule le jour de la fête des Mères (4) et qu'il le fit ensuite développer A Mc (1) -seond témoin mentionna son et montra les photos quelques ne cherchait publicité A propos des photos, admettant était en quelque sorten et "effraye qu'ils puissent avoir des ennuis avec le Gouvernement et bousculés par la Publicité (2)". Cependant, le Reporter Bill POWELL du Journal Local téléphone registern apprit de cette observation par deux banquiers de la Ville, et Franck et se mit sur la piste de l'histoire trouva les négatifs le plancher, sous un secrétaire des témoins avait joué avecn (2) le Registern publia l'histoire le jeudi 8 juin un article de première page accompagné des deux photos. La note de disait : cause de la variété des opinions et rapports concernant les soucoupes volantes pendant les deux années, tous les efforts ont été pour vérifier l'authenticité des photos des TRENT des témoins). Les experts en photographie déclarent que les négatifs n'ont été retouchés. Ils ont été développés par une firme locale. Après un examen sérieux, il pas de possibiliter de trucage ou d'hallucination en rapport avec les-photos. le téléphone Register croit sont authentiques

Translation: (Google)

With regard to the origin of the second witness noticed, as well in 1967 1950 that it thought that it was about a plane secrecy (), .vous understand such an amount of of it matter of these things. , I did not believe all these stories of flying saucers before, but now, 'have what knows that of which it (3). The second witness remembers to have finished his roller of film the feastday of the Mothers (4) and that it then made it develop A Mc (1) - seond pilot mentioned its and showed the photographs some did not seek publicity In connection with the photographs, admitting was in some sorten and “frightens that they can to have troubles with the Government and hustled by Publicity (2) “. However, To defer it Bill POWELL of the Local Newspaper telephone registern learned from this observation by two bankers from City, and Franck and put himself on the track of the history found the negative ones the floor, under a secretary witnesses had played avecn (2) it Registern published the history it Thursday June 8 an article of first page accompanied by the two photographs. The note of said: cause variety of the opinions and reports/ratios on the flying saucers during both years, all the efforts were to check the authenticity of the photographs from the TRENT witnesses). The experts in photography declare that them negative do not have summer improved. They were developed by a local firm. After a serious examination, it no the possibiliter of faking or of hallucination in connection with the-photographs. the Register telephone believes are authentic

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 12:22 PM
can u post the part about recovered ufos?

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 12:54 PM
People are going to be demanding the proof and reports that they have been denied from seeing for years.

As I understand it, we are in store for disclosure that we will have a hard time accepting the reality thereof. Guess what? We have always had the ultimate control if we ask for disclosure as a group.

There are about 33% of the worlds population who are responsible for all of the hidden agendas prevalent in the world today. We just need to be firm in our position that we aren't going to take it anymore!

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by win 52
There are about 33% of the worlds population who are responsible for all of the hidden agendas prevalent in the world today. We just need to be firm in our position that we aren't going to take it anymore!

I believe it is time, except no one is forming a group to protest the border of Area 51 or other areas. If there is ever one, I'm in.


posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by 7Ayreon

Originally posted by win 52
There are about 33% of the worlds population who are responsible for all of the hidden agendas prevalent in the world today. We just need to be firm in our position that we aren't going to take it anymore!

I believe it is time, except no one is forming a group to protest the border of Area 51 or other areas. If there is ever one, I'm in.


Not to derail the topic - but don't go barging in to Area 51 territory and protest: those security guys won't take any crap, and they have license to kill without any government jurisdiction over them. Even if thousands showed up and stormed that place - those thousands would either be killed as 'terrorists' or imprisoned for breaking the law. They have GUNS and god knows what else... it would be lambs to the slaughter.

As for the keeping to this topic (sorry OP) - I hope disclosure is just around the corner - it would serve the world good in these times of strife. Perhaps France is just one of many countries that are planning to come forward with their material... I just wish all this stuff was translated LOL...
anyhow who wants to bet Mexico and Belgium come forward?


posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 02:42 PM
Found this in 000717A.PDF

here it is zoomed a bit:

The original picture looked like it was processed on dirty equipment, this may just be a bit of dirt...

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 02:49 PM

thats one of the photos the cnes team took while investigating. Its just dirt on the film- u can see other specks like it in other pics.

unless they were lucky enough to capture the ufo returning just as they are investigating ...i doubt thats a ufo.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by yeti101
Its just dirt on the film- u can see other specks like it in other pics.

I agree, but it is good that someone is getting through...

good job!...

please post more if you get anything...


posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 03:34 PM
image on archive

there's also a negative but I ran out time to upload it..

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