I was wondering if there could be a slight change in the order of the chat rooms in the ATS Chat? Switch the positions of Overlord's Tin Room, and
Springer's Whiskey Room.
It seems like everyone who goes into the chat, goes straight into the first room at the top, which is SkepticOverlord's Conspiracy and Alternative
Topics Chat Room. That is fine, however (and I mean no offense to anyone at all), there is never any conspiratorial chat in there. Everyone in there
only chats about off topic general items relating to their own personal lives, for example, what they had for supper last night, or what they did with
their girlfriend earlier, or how the weather is doing, etc.
Obviously there is nothing wrong with these topics, however it is in the "wrong" chat room. Springer's OffTopic general Chit Chat Room is never
used at all, eventhough that is all the topics anyone ever talks about. Myself, I don't mind these topics either, but sometimes I would like to get
into a chat room and just talk about some conspiracy talk or ATS related subjects, and it "tricks" me into entering that forum to see what the chat
subjects are, only to find out that there is no conspiracy talk going on at all...
If Overlord's Tin Room, and Springer's Whiskey Room were to swap positions on the chat room list, then I am sure that the rooms would be filled with
more appropriate-related content. For example, the off topic general chit chat would actually be in the off topic general chit chat room, and anyone
wanting to talk conspiracy could make the extra effort to go into one of the lower rooms to wait for someone to talk conspiracy stuff...
I hope that kinda makes sense, and at the same time does not offend anyone... Like I say I enjoy the off topic chats too, but I wish it was in a more
appropriately labeled room, i.e The general chit chat room, and that the Conspiracy chat forum was left for people to chat about conspiracies...
I feel I must repeat again, no offense to anyone or their chat topics, just a minor issue that could be improved for "easier flow" (for lack of the
better more appropriate term, whatever that should be)...