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posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 10:56 AM
Now this may not seem "paranormal," but I assure you it is.

I am aware of certain things that most people would only dream of, as I'm sure a lot of the posters in the paranormal forum find "normal."

I exhibit certain Indigo and Crystal characteristics, but it is much deeper than that.

We are all frequencies vibrating at different levels. I am no better or worse than anyone else, I just happen to be more sensitive to different frequencies.

I am a very emotional person, have been particularly self-centered at times due to the information overload I receive daily.

I have to withdraw pretty much everyday for extensive periods of time and have not been able to function in society properly probably...forever.

I would like to stop being so sensitive, but I know it is not all my fault. It is not an excuse to say I was born this way, because its true.

I had eczema as a child, continually have sensitive skin throughout my life which I believe to be a reflection my inner being. I am a very sensitive being, words can hurt me in a very deep way.

I try not to judge, but like everyone else I'm still human. However, when I am judged, I take it very very personally...

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
Certain individuals experience subjective symptoms while using or being near electrical appliances. The most typical symptoms are skin rashes, but also nervous system symptoms such as headache, anxiety, neurasthenia, etc. are reported (see Bergqvist et al., 1997, for a recent overview). In the absence of clinical diagnostic criteria the observed symptoms are attributed to "electromagnetic hypersensitivity, EHS" since the common denominator would be exposure to EMF.

Hypersensitive people
We should see ourselves as a leaf connected to a big tree. A tree who sucks its energy from the earth. A tree that is “affected” by the touch of the sun and the rain and then releases oxygen. Many trees give life to the earth and its inhabitants. The world is part of a cosmic scene.

Hypersensitive people are very aware of this. They sometimes cross the border between individuality and the collective and know things without using their senses. They can then hear or see things that nobody around them is aware of. But they are also unaware of the fact that others don’t see or hear what they see or hear. That can be very weird! They seem to switch between individuality and the common soul among people, without their knowledge. Other people might think they are crazy. But you would have to be crazy to be able to live in a world like that!

Some people think it is due to the paranormal. But how paranormal is paranormal? I am eager to think that everyone has the ability to experience extrasensory perception. It is something we were born with. Babies and little children live on the common soul until they become aware of their individuality. It's somehow connected to the true self. But most of us lose the ability to live a sense-less life, when we sense that we have the power to mislead the outside world by putting on a mask, a face that is acceptable (even though it is false). We are shaped according to the wishes of the parents and of the society we live in. We lose our true inner self and trust upon our senses to experience the world outside.

People vary widely in their response to toxins. Some people tolerate a room full of cigarette smoke easily while others react with coughing or a stuffy nose, and a few with severe shortness of breath. Different people react differently to solvents, pesticides, and other common household and industrial chemicals too. An exposure to pesticides that has no immediately measurable effect on most people can cause significant effects in some, ranging from allergic reactions to a mild case of 'the flu'. But, for about a thousand hypersensitive people in the Ottawa-Carleton region, even low concentrations of some substances can trigger disabling health problems ranging from severe asthma or migraine to anaphylactic shock.

The reactions of these hypersensitive people seem to be the result of a breakdown of some normal body function - we don't know yet what breaks down. Such breakdowns can be caused by viral or fungal infections or by an overexposure to toxins such as pesticides or solvents; long-term exposure to toxins at moderate levels may be involved as well. After the initial breakdown, individuals become hypersensitive to many low-level chemical exposures. They can have many widely varied reactions that impact upon each other.

A victim of hypersensitivity feels terribly alone, and helpless. Worse, they are easily dismissed as 'just' psychosomatic by those of us who are unaware that most of the emotional turmoil is a result of the illness and our reaction to it, not the cause. These are real symptoms, terribly real.

I'll post more later, I have to find a few more sources

I hope this helps you understand, maybe find some incite in yourself if you feel the same way I do.


posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 11:04 AM
Here's some more reading, enjoy friends!

New research on fluorescent lighting indicates that light modulator ("flicker") at invisible frequencies from conventional fluorescent lighting may induce discomfort in humans claiming hypersensitivity to electricity. If this turns out to be true, it would make the flicker-free electronic ballasts even more attractive.

Emotional instability: Almost every Indigo I meet struggles with this at some level. Many are, or have been, substance abusers of some sort. Others take medications such as anti-depressants and tranquilizers to help them function or to "dull the pain."

Reason: Indigo's are hypersensitive. They feel everything. They feel all of the energy around them whether it is people, books, pictures, neighbors, EMF waves - everything. This is one of their gifts, and at the beginning, one of their greatest challenges. It is through the heart that great things are created, and this sensitivity will become Indigos' greatest skill as they awaken. Lisa, Todd and I are here to help you through this, because we have gone through this ourselves. Let us be of service to you!

Feeling Overwhelmed: This is another very common challenge that I see fairly often. This is especially common in children. This particular discomfort can have both physical and emotional aspects to it. This discomfort also very often results in the adult or child being medicated and labeled as "hyper." Both children and adults with these feelings will find themselves crying and just "not being able to handle" the task at hand.

Reason: The reasons for this are the same as the reasons above. But, let's explore this a bit further. Because Indigo's can feel everything, their surroundings must be kept simple and free of clutter. (For more information, please see my article on The Indigo Home) Often, Indigos are overwhelmed by too much information. Lets take the example of a classroom setting. On the way to school, the Indigo has felt everything such as the energy of all the children on the school bus and that of the driver. Not knowing how to "clear" the energy, the Indigo will then enter a classroom in which they feel all the energy of the others in the room. In addition, the energy of all the information being "taught" to them makes them "energetically overwhelmed." Result: an individual who can't handle any more information or energy.

Autism or Crystal?
Let us explain some of the immediate challenges these higher vibrational beings may encounter. Having a base of crystal form they have what you would consider to be loose ethereal bodies. This is what you will first see as hypersensitivity. This is the second attribute that we described as extreme vulnerability. Once mastered, this sensitivity allows them to travel inter-dimensionally. Ultimately this will lead to inter-dimensional movement and what you currently envision as time travel. At the present, however, those entering with even small amounts of crystal energy may find themselves unwittingly being pushed into other dimensions. There are currently instances of what you call autism. These are actually Crystal Children who have been pushed into other dimensions and are unable to recover. These gentle beings are extremely sensitive to their surroundings and to outside stimuli that are not in harmony with the higher vibration they themselves hold. This actually gives them the appearance of being weak, when in reality they are advanced, powerful human beings. We ask that you begin to observe and to question all outside stimuli, even those that may have been previously used to promote health.
Vibrational Hypersensitivity
You will also find that the Children of Crystal Vibration are sensitive to all vibrational input. Vibration in all forms such as sound, color, ambient electromagnetic fields and environmental pollutants can have unsettling effects on the Crystal Children. Their hypersensitivity to vibration can be felt on many levels including magnetic, electromagnetic, environmental, aroma, sound, color, and various other forms of vibrational energy. These children are hypersensitive to their environment and are particularly vulnerable to pollutants. Even today you are finding that certain color combinations are having strange effects on some Crystal Children. We tell you that even what you have referred to as "gang colors" was an unconscious attempt to control this input to lower levels of vibration. It is these lower levels of vibration to which the Crystal Children are ultra sensitive.

One form of vibrational energy that the Crystal Children are having difficulty with is electricity. Electricity is a form of energy that occurs naturally in nature, yet your adaption of it, and particularly your use of alternating current, will take some time for the Crystal Children to adjust to. This is humorous, as this form of electricity was actually developed by one carrying a tremendous amount of Crystal energy (Nicolai Tesla). The Crystal Children must learn to adapt this form of vibrational energy. In the interim, if they come into contact with an electrical device when they are off center, angry or confused, it is highly possible that they will not only reflect back the energy, but also amplify it as they do so. This will effectively melt most electrical devices in use today. With practice, the Crystal Children will adapt to this man made waveform of energy. In the meantime typical home life may be rather interesting.

I am not making any new claims, Jesus (Yeshua), Buddha, Mohammad, et all prophets are highly sensitive people. They were aware of multiple dimensions other than our 3D/4D reality and were also able to access them. I have not came to that realization yet, but I am beginning to realize my self as my HIGHER SELF (Holy Spirit in Christianity).

We are all ONE!

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 11:08 AM
I'll keep em coming, read on folks!

The Children of the Light are usually the ones who are mislabeled ADD and ADHD. Instead, they are actually highly gifted and creative children. Now I don’t want to put any blame on anyone. These are not the easiest kids to raise, so I’m not pointing a finger of blame at the children’s parents or teachers. What we need instead of blame is a new paradigm, a new model for looking at these kids. I’m even working with an astrologer right now who is looking at separating the children who are fire and air signs, getting them out of the classrooms away from the more placid earth and water signs. So, we’re coming from a lot of different angles on this. We’re definitely looking at supplements such as blue-green algae, which provide a lot of help. Definitely, there is a nutritional aspect. Across the board, one thing we can all agree on, no matter what background we come from, is that these children are hypersensitive. The medical model shows they are hypersensitive physiologically; in tests, they tend to show faster and larger brain-wave reactions to stimuli.

The Crystals hypersensitivity to chemicals, food coloring, pesticides, processed foods, and other toxins can cause severe food allergies. Compounding the problems of allergies is the associated behavior problems that these toxins can cause in these creative youngsters. The Crystal can also be strongly reactive to pollutants and EMF’s in their environment. The combination of internal and external stressors can impact the hypersensitive Crystals exponentially. The closer their diet is to the source of their food, the better off it is. Thus if their diet is organic, unprocessed, and raw food, many of the hypersensitive issues decline or disappear. Even if they are organic, wheat, corn and dairy products can present a strong allergic reaction. Needless to say, white sugar, caffeine, and white flour should be on the banned foods list.

Another common issue for Crystals is insomnia. These children have a high level of energy and unless the environment is consciously administered, adequate sleep may be an issue. The use of Feng Shui principles may be beneficial in providing a harmonious and peaceful environment, both energetically and physically. In addition, the introspective nature of the Crystals is receptive to meditation. Their relative maturity can be engaged to create energetic exercises that are useful in calming their highly active minds. Thus, the creativity of the Crystals can used to “self treat” the sleepless issue.

The Crystals have no fear that sometimes places them in harms way. Yet they are extremely sensitive and emotionally vulnerable. This apparent dichotomy comes from their trusting nature and having a very open heart. They not only have affection for all humans, but also have a strong affinity for all living things. They seem to have a strong understanding of the interconnectivity of all life that far exceeds their tender age. With careful nurturing, their loving nature will serve the planet well.

In observing children that display Crystal characteristics, we find their focus and self-awareness to be extraordinary. Quite often they appear to be like any other child, yet under closer observation, their loving nature seems to shine through. When the Crystals speak, they tend to say things that are thought provoking, rather than mundane. It appears they have much from which we can learn.

Like the Indigo Children, the Crystal Children seem to have attributes our planet can use. Centered on love, they are bringing a new caring focus to the planet. At a very early age, they display a thinking that is way beyond their chronological age. As parents, grandparents, and society in general, our role in this great unfolding of potentiality is to create a safe environment for all children including the Indigos and the Crystals. These wonderful children appear poised to teach us unconditional love, are we ready to follow?

they are much more sensitive and negatively affected by things that don't seem to bother the majority of the adult population. Specifically, they are hypersensitive to environmental pollutants, electromagnetic stress and negative emotions. Actually all of us are sensitive to those things and they negatively affect us. It's just a more subtle sensitivity for most adults.

How it shows up for them is an inability to concentrate and fits of rage, thrashing about, beating up things, and gunfire. Discipline, religion, more parental love, psychiatrists or someone else who can "understand them better", and drugs can't completely fix this problem. First of all it's not a problem. It's who they are and how they are. They are hypersensitive to environmental pollutants, electromagnetic stress and negative emotions.

You can believe or not, but you surely won't change reality or how I feel.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 11:15 AM

Good post, yes the sensitive, sensitivities, ohh what a burden and a gift.When mankind frees up its DARK MATTER a little more they will be processing at light speed and trying to process what they feel through their hearts first because its the only alignment that can hold.Little by little they will have to free up that empty space in between the brain and the heart and start FEELING the world around them.

Children of the Sun have fun with your hearts desire and create the heavens within then without.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 12:19 PM
I was once told by a psychic that I was an Indigo child. I'm not sure how much I believed her, or do at this time in my life even still. But I can relate to you my friend with some of the symptoms listed above.

How do you remove yourself from the situations though is what I'm curious of? It sounds like you have a great deal of stress constantly wracking you and a sense of depression as well? How do you escape it all?

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by acapablemind
How do you remove yourself from the situations though is what I'm curious of? It sounds like you have a great deal of stress constantly wracking you and a sense of depression as well? How do you escape it all?

Ah yes, quite a conundrum. It is not very easy, but I would suggest taking 5-10 minutes break from your activity to find your balance.

I have found Reiki healing to help balance me if I am ungrounded.

Depression is a funny thing you know. I wouldn't call it that, I would call it a deep concern for our current situation on planet Earth and a feeling of helplessness involved with it as well...

Escape does not always come easy. I like to find a quiet place in my house, go for a walk in nature, or just listen to music for a little while if I'm stressed.

It is not easy being me, but I'm sure its not easy being anyone else either. Life wasn't meant to be a cake walk. If it was, what would be the point anyway right?

I don't pretend to hold all the answers, which for sure I don't.

I suggest looking inside yourself for most of your responses, you'll find it much more personal and correct than any outside help.

We hold everything we need within us. Do not go searching for the truth over here, out there, etc. as it was always within you!

Get in touch with who you really are. Take chances, make mistakes. You need to test the waters and find out who you are. If you don't know who you are, there will never be the time to help anyone else out.

Remember, by helping yourself you help others.

It also doesn't hurt to hold the door for people when you see they need a hand!


posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 12:39 AM
Biggie Smalls - you're not alone on this issue. I too, am so overwhelmed by the majority of the modern world and it's mentalities (vibrations) that I cannot function in my current environment as I would in a more enlightened area.

Even though I do my best to cope, I still fall into insurmountable depression - because I know I'm not in the right place at the right time.

Were it up to me in it's entirety, I would be somewhere else.

Alas, that not being the case - I can only surround myself with as much positive associations as I can muster, and fight through to the day I can release myself from this metaphorical prison.

More power to you, stay strong and never give up. It can't stay this way forever.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 07:36 AM

I completely sympathize with your plight and have suffered the same issues throughout my life... my parents/friends/lovers have always told me I need to be 'less sensitive' as I do take things to heart very easily, both in a personal and broader sense.

Now I believe that it's because I'm more spiritually tuned-in than most and very much aware of my true nature (although I'm learning more every day). I find it impossible to function in normal jobs and spend as much time by myself as I do with other people, and usually feel just as alone in either case. When I'm with my friends and family I feel like I have to switch a lot of my functions 'off' just to appear 'normal'. I've always had skin problems, always been sensitive to touch and I cannot stand bright lighting or loud noise.

You are not alone my friend. Remember, this is just a ride and it is exactly what we make it. Things will eventually make sense, but for now, do not worry that you are abnormal or anything like that. We're simply part of a greater whole.

That's not to discount the idea that we're just nuts of course

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 08:37 AM
Sadly I know we're not alone...People don't need to feel this way.

We can change things, we must give power back to the people; the politicians are worshiping their almighty dollar.

Human lives no longer matter, it is up to a fringe group to take back what was stolen!

Reclaim your birth rights as KINGS on Earth, no longer shall we clean their crap from the toilets, toil in their fields, and take minimum wage for work the elite would never do themselves. COWARDS I say they are! Deception is their biggest weapon, so let us all be informed of their cruel ways!

We are lions among men, they are snakes!

How do you slay a snake? WITH A MONGOOSE!

Open your minds and your hearts my friends, the time has come and it is TODAY!

Carpe Diem, Seize the day.


[edit on 17-3-2007 by biggie smalls]

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 03:03 PM
Thanks for this valuable information Big. I've been reading these documents over and over again, you really helped me get to know me even better because of it. I realize more and more everyday why I can't relate to many people. People talk about petty things, and I just can't join in. Sometimes I feel like people in my family and friends are so lost and unaware of whats really important in life I almost feel likey they are dead already.

I think that there is a severe problem going on in this world right now. The Earth is in the process of re-setting. Lots of things reset themselves, the economy is, the stock market is too. Another thing the govt is re-setting isthe workforce. The middle class is being wiped out. It's like they are being "pushed" to the brink.

Corporate lobbyists are basically the government. 45% of lobbyists in washington work for pharmaceutical companies. America is on drugs now. Not good drugs. Bad ones. Legal they might be, but as harmful as any of the hardcore drugs.

Reason why people work and build an overdependence on government is because of things like medical benefits , which are useless and their prescriptions that come along with them. Middle society is living paycheck to paycheck. 70% of middle class which constitutes of families making 35-150K a year. Personally, there is no such thing as middle class anymore. The new serfdom is on it's way now, since the Subprime decline happend last Monday. Housing market is crashing, or has crashed. People won't spend as much ,the economy will decline. Values of homes are going down.

What to do? Start saving now. Use money wisely, do not spend. Or life as an american will not be easy.

But I feel that after all is said and done, and the world re-sets itself, the world will only be better. Cosmos from Chaos.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 09:16 AM
I had an epiphany last night...

There are TWO kinds of people:

1). Those who care

2). Those who don't

Type 1- Awakened and/or Enlightened about who they are (Spirit in a human body) and treat all other beings as such

Type 2- Sleep walking and unaware of anything other than their own personal reality

This is what is know as Homo Sapien Sapiens and Homo Noeticus (evolving consciousness).

If you do not know what I'm referring to, this is a person who is AWARE, aka probably everyone reading this right now fortunately (so you may know what I'm talking about).

If you see people going through daily routines and not questioning what they do, accepting ideas and truths that are not their own for no reason...this is TYPE 2.

Type 1 does not want ANYTHING to do with type 2 and the rift between each is becoming larger and larger EVERY DAY!

Wake up and know who you are, a Spirit having a human experience and you will find your soul inside yourself!


posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 03:40 PM
I was always in tune with myself, my spirit and was probably held back from distractions. Most distractions came from friends.

I actually awakened 2-3 years ago. I began to dislike things I used to like and like things I never thought I'd like. I really find it difficult to get along with people. I question people's routine's all the time. What motivates people to do the dumbest of things, and most of the time it's so easy to disect a person and see what causes their effects.

I know what you mean about the 2 types of people in this world. It really is true people. I have an easy time shutting people out now, distractions and Im on my path now. My naturual duties are being fullfilled. I was born with a job. I need to help people break out of their illusion. People are delusional, sleeping their entire lives.

The 3rd eye is in everyone. It's just that some people like crystals or indigos are awakened easily. I guess astrological forces affect us differently than most. But everyone has the potential to unlock their inner conscious and connect them selves. You will then start to see all the signs that come before you everyday, and you will see how god speaks to you.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 02:53 PM
I felt this needed to be bumped, along with some new info friends

Bob Marley's son Ky-Mani Marley's song Freedom:

"Many men were called, but only few were chosen and out of these chosen men, only one remained outspoken
Revolution's at the front door so you need not seek it anymore"

For while it's hard to imagine a future planet earth dominated by anything other than Homo sapiens, it is perhaps equally hard, given our current course of multilateral destruction, to imagine just what kind of future the earth will have if Homo sapiens continues to dominate. In our quest to find out if and how enlightenment might resolve our global predicament, we came across one intriguing thinker who has dared to stretch his own imagination through and beyond this apparent double bind and has arrived at a solution that is nothing short of evolutionary. According to consciousness researcher John White, despite all trends to the contrary, humanity and the earth do indeed have the makings of a promising future together. But the form of human being that will be here to participate is a primate of a very different order than the human as we know it today. He calls it Homo noeticus—the next step in human evolution.

Richard Boylan, psychologist, clinical hypnotherapist and secretary of the Academy of Clinical Close Encounter Therapists (ACCET) in America, not only acknowledges the evidence for Homo noeticus, but also has a name for them. He calls them 'Star Kids'. He believes they exist in sufficient numbers to run workshops for both them and their parents. These workshops are called 'Helping Children Explore their ET Encounters' and are designed for those 'special children and their parents, who have been touched by a heritage from the Stars. They often seem like little adults in children•s bodies. They often have a gaze, a knowingness that belies their years. Telepathic down-loading, often during the night, in what are made to seem like 'dreams' increases the range and perspective in which these children operate. The children seem at home with complex devices, which their parents struggle to master. Some of these children are what I call Star Kids. Defined as a child with both human and extraterrestrial origin. The extraterrestrial contribution to the child•s make-up may come from reproductive material, from genetic engineering, from biomedical technology and telepathic consciousness linking, as well as from directed incarnation of an ET into a human body" (Boylan, 1999).

Something unprecedented is happening in the world, something transformative. The human condition is changing, thanks to the human potential-our potential for self-transcendence and growth to enlightenment. In its grandest dimension, I see a higher form of humanity emerging. I've named it Homo noeticus.

That evolutionary advance is occurring right now, in accelerated fashion, all over the planet. Various lines of activity are converging, albeit in an uncoordinated fashion and at varying rates, to produce a "new breed." The burgeoning interest in psychic and mystical phenomena, in psychotechnologies, spiritual traditions and sacred lifeways especially indicate a deepening and expansion of awareness going on around the globe-a Great Awakening to Ultimate Reality. That change of consciousness defines Homo noeticus and the New Age.

Given the noetic nature of our present evolutionary leap, new-paradigm philosopher John White has proposed homo noeticus as the most appropriate name for our successor species.14. This designation is also a worthy one, insofar as homo noeticus can likewise be perceived as the species to which we may finally acknowledge ourselves to be the so-called “missing link” between the apishness of tribally-minded humankind and the civilized refinement of its custodial successor.

Regardless of what name our successor species may be given, it is important to recognize that the collective perceptual makeover of Homo sapiens sapiens now being called forth need not compromise our already long-standing noetic quest for the autonomous self-dominion that serves as the foundation of all effective individuality. It instead embeds our individuality within a larger empowerment of human purpose, as we honor and participate in the shared dominion of lifekind overall.

Homo Noeticus meditation:

People are no different on many levels, but it is the CONSCIOUSNESS that is evolving. The "new" human has been around the whole time, but it is merely a changing consciousness from SERVICE-TO-SELF based to SERVICE-TO-OTHERS. All of the great prophets of old have been this type, ALTRUISTIC by NATURE!


posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 02:43 AM
Big, this is the most fascinating stuff I've ever read in a while. I thank you for the links.

Films like the Last Mimzy is the first of many on the topic of Indigo and Crystal children. Many people world wide are feeling a change and are basically becoming born again. I have high hopes for the future. I don't know where I get the guts to say such a thing but I do. I have high hopes. My only fear is the apocalypse, but I doubt that would ever happen if there are good people left in the world. I mean good people. People who don't lie, or can't lie for that matter. Somehow, we will be saved. The Mayan prophecy is not possible. We are 4th dimensional beings trapped in a 3D world. 4th dimensional beings cannot die out. We can only move onto the 5th root, its pure math.

I don't think man was created equal. Not one bit. But I do believe everyone else can make that conscience connection and become in-tune with themselves. Everyone can unlock thier analytical minds and release inner fear. However, some people are destined to be men of god, and some people are not. Some people might feel god within him once a year, or 3 days in their whole lives.

Then you have the people who never give into temptation. People who block out negative and welcome positive daily. These are the priests and shamans of the world who posess the tap into this universal power .

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 08:44 PM
Basically, some people automatically serve god. Their destiny is sealed. Then you have others who have the potential to reach their destiny. But some might go down the wrong path one too many times. Miss too many boats.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 07:38 PM
Streetcorner, glad to see some other people are on a similar page. I did some research today and it's sad to say a lot of the information regarding Indigos and Crystals come from a relatively few and rather...shall we say, "untrustworthy" bunch who are out to make a few bucks off our success.

The books being released seem to be written by new agers in an attempt to profit off of people's gullibility. This is not to say we are not a reality, just the ones in the forefront seem to be frauds...Sad sad fact...

That movie does seem interesting, I am looking forward to taking my girlfriend to see it. I believe she is in the same spot as I am, but not as aware of different dimensions. She is quite amazing really, before sleeping she enters dreamworld and can tell me vividly, "oh they're taking me away now." Today she mentioned that people of different countries were trying to eat her...I think she meant dimensions and this could be lower vibrations trying to suck energy from our 3rd and 4th dimensional realms. Do not forget there are infinite amounts of realms above AND below, so I can understand why she would feel drained...Trying to suck our energy. I told her to tell them to F-off because this is our place, not theirs.

I believe we (indigos and the like) have already transformed for the most part into the 5th dimension. I feel much less grounded than I used to, seeing childhood experiences and visions come back to me much more readily now. I seem to have a flashback almost every single day, like I'm in a constant ACID trip...but I've never done that stuff...

As for man being equal...we are all ONE, equality means we come from the same place. We are all different, but I also believe we're equal.

Some people are still sleeping, this does not make them bad people though; just asleep. We are no better than the ones who don't know who they are, just awoken. This does not make us any "better" persay. The most humble people are in fact the "best." Be humble my friend...

True about feeling God. I have spiritual thoughts about 95% of my waking life. That other 5% or so is spent doing mundane tasks such as going to class, reading homework, etc. For the most part though I am in the higher realms where bliss is much easier to attain.

Good, good, glad to see your progress my friend, keep it up. I like your idea:

"some people automatically serve god. Their destiny is sealed. Then you have others who have the potential to reach their destiny. But some might go down the wrong path one too many times. Miss too many boats."

You hit the nail on the head!


posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 12:10 AM
I have vivid memories of my life when I was 2 years old. I remember my mother changing my diapers and certain instances when I was in my crib staring up at my mother. I remember when my newborn sister came home and the jealousy I felt at the age of 3 !

Acid is no good, I use psychotropic herbs to help get over writers block . I invest money now, and I will go back to college if necassary. But most of my daily thoughts revolve around my writing even when im trading commodities. I

I write automatically. I get cases of automatic writing where I feel like god is writing with my body. I sometimes look back at what I wrote and feel like Im reading someone else's words.

Autistic children are the way they are because of dimensional trauma. The travelling between dimensions can cause the mental delay and chronic fatigue. I suffer from both. I've been plagued by nightmares since I was a child and used to hallucinate? when I was 5 years old. Perhaps they were not hallucinations at all.

I also consider them nightmares because of the realism. I feel like im going on vacation every night when I go to bed. They are not necassarily bad dreams but they are so vivid that I lose sleep and jump out of bed. My last nightmare was of me being electrocuted by greys. It's the scariest dream I've ever had in my life, and it happened about a month ago.

My parents call me E. T because of my unique character. I cannot hold a relationship with a girl here in NY. Most of the beautiful women here step on nice guys. I also hold grudges and have a hard time forgiving people. I cannot tolerate human weakness and it causes fights. My longest relationship was 9 months. I'm celebate now. I do not wish to have intercourse unless it's for reproductive purposes only.

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 02:53 PM
Streetcorner Philospher, I think you misunerstood me...

I have never taken acid before, I was merely alluding to my life being a constant waking dream and random occurrences not being so random if you catch my drift.

I also have vivid memories of childhood, which are just now coming back to me after years of being suppressed. I believe I wasn't quite ready to understand certain experiences and now after reaching a level of "maturity" I am ready.

Ah yes the nightmares...I still have them on occasion and I never enjoy them. A few months ago I had a dream of my girlfriend and I sleeping in bed and being pulled towards the door with a bright light shining behind it and then all of a sudden I woke up. What made this particularly vivid was that I felt my body move towards the door as if we were lifted off the ground...Very scary stuff when it seems real...

I agree with the woman thought, but that is people in general. If someone sees a nice person (in general) they will try to take advantage of us. It is in most of their nature to live on the surface and may never be able to comprehend anything other than their head life. I really pray for these people as they are only cutting themselves off. Good for you for staying abstinent, I am not quite as strong...


posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 03:05 AM
Hey Big, curious.....

When you leave your TV or Montior on auxillary or on a component setting where there is nothing playing on screen can you tell it's on? if a radio with no lights is on and the volume is down, can you tell the device is on?

I have been told its heightened awareness by friends. They shut the playstation off but leave TV on. I can tell despite being rooms away.

I also took a FDNY test while working as a medic and the physical required a hearing test and the instructor said I pressed the correct buttons and heard sounds that I'm not supposed to hear! He was shocked when I came out of the booth.

[edit on 3/27/2007 by StreetCorner Philosopher]

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 10:55 AM
I feel sort of odd to share, but it's the only way to learn.

First of all, my daughter is hypersensitive, and I took her out of a school recently because she said she didn't want to use the bathroom there.
I found out, quite by accident (google search) that 10 years ago, abuse occured there. They have a new director now, and settled a one million dollar lawsuit.

Question - what are some tips to handling hypersensitives?

Question 2 -

Sometimes, especially during the rain, I get an urge to chant. Should I refrain from this? It feels very cleansing and pure when I do it, but I have noticed very bizaar weather usually follows. Is this okay to do? It feels purifying, and I usually feel better.
In addition, the last time I did it, my liitle hypersensitive daughter said "Well, I guess the lights will be off, but I figured maybe she has experienced that at school or something. However, the lights did go out the next day. We were without power for hours.

Is chanting a bad omen, or is it okay? It feels so good and refreshing, but I don't want to do it if I shouldn't. Any thoughts on this???

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