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Mental Illness, is the government the cause...

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posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 12:44 PM
don't know if this has been mentioned but tony blair wants all children fingerprinted.

bush scans all citizens for mental illness , and finger printing

they are looking for the anti-Christ.

he is coming

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by tombangelta
don't know if this has been mentioned but tony blair wants all children fingerprinted.

bush scans all citizens for mental illness , and finger printing

they are looking for the anti-Christ.

he is coming

I thought the anti-christ was supposed to appear in Iraq/Iran or some other middle eastern country?

Thats what i read somewhere but i dont know if its true.

Wheres the link to blair wanting all children finger printed?

I know about Bush wanting this but i didnt know Blair wanted this aswell...

It cannot happen.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by tombangelta
don't know if this has been mentioned but tony blair wants all children fingerprinted.

bush scans all citizens for mental illness , and finger printing

they are looking for the anti-Christ.

he is coming

How is this supportive of the intention that our government is going to use the guise of mental illness against it's own people?

The Anti-Christ for all legend could have it won't show up until 2033 when the 2000 year mark of Christ's life ends

Originally posted by markjaxson
I thought the anti-christ was supposed to appear in Iraq/Iran or some other middle eastern country?

Thats what i read somewhere but i dont know if its true.

Wheres the link to blair wanting all children finger printed?

I know about Bush wanting this but i didnt know Blair wanted this aswell...

It cannot happen.

Why not? It of course will be done under the guise of safety and security. So that if anything happens to your children it will be easier to find them.

Bush and Blair often work side by side and copy one annother in policy is this such a suprise?

[edit on 3/19/2007 by whatukno]

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 07:42 AM
The FDA and the pharma industry are deliberately trying to get the majority of society on medication. They have lied and massively covered up the truth for decades about the dangers of antidepressant (and similar) medications.

Investigative reporter Robert Whitaker, author of the groundbreaking book Mad In America, is now pursuing a fascinating line of research into how the mammoth psychiatric drug industry is endangering the American public by covering up the untold cases of suffering, anguish and disease caused by the most widely prescribed antidepressants and antipsychotic medications.

Whitaker exposes the massive lies and cover-ups that have corrupted the Food and Drug Administration's drug review process, and co-opted research trials in order to spin the results of drug tests and conceal the serious hazards and even deadly side-effects of brand-name drugs like Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil and Zyprexa.

The story becomes even more frightening when we look at the aggressive tactics these giant drug companies have used to silence prominent critics by defaming them in the press, and by using their money and power to have widely respected scientists and eminent medical researchers fired for daring to point out the hazards and risks of suicide and premature death caused by these drugs.

Whitaker starts by debunking the effectiveness of these massively hyped wonder drugs -- antidepressants like Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil, and the new atypical antipsychotic drugs like Zyprexa. His research shows how they often are barely more effective than placebos in treating mental disorder and depression, despite the glowing adulation they have received in the mainstream media.

But he goes on to make the startling claim that these new psychiatric drugs have directly contributed to an alarming new epidemic of drug-induced mental illness. The very drugs prescribed by physicians to stabilize mental disorders in fact are inducing pathological changes in brain chemistry and triggering suicide, manic and psychotic episodes, convulsions, violence, diabetes, pancreatic failure, metabolic diseases, and premature death.

Psychiatric Drugs: Chemical Warfare on Humans - interview with Robert Whitaker

They even make up diseases and conditions in order to get more people on these medications. ADHD is nothing more than a nutritional problem caused by the chemicals in processed food and sugar, but the FDA and Big Pharma makes you think it's a disorder that requires medication.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, has a simple cause: poor nutrition and food

The root cause of most all of the conditions we have are based on chemicals in the food we eat.

The health dangers of trans fats have been known for decades, yet food companies still poison customers with hydrogenated oils

This interview describes "the synergistic reactions of two or more chemicals in the body. When they interact, it is much more powerful than any one individual chemical can do on its own." About halfway thru the interview, you find out the neurological damage that's done by eating a bag of doritos and drinking a diet pepsi because of the mixture of aspartame, MSG and two food colorings.

Interview with Randall Fitzgerald, author of The Hundred-Year Lie, on the prevalence of toxic chemicals

Fitzgerald: We looked at some of the studies done in the later part of 2005, examining the synergistic reactions between aspartame -- the synthetic sweetener that is found in thousands of products now -- and MSG, along with two common food colorings. This was a study done in England at a university in the later part of 2005. The result was found that when MSG, aspartame and these two food colorings were mixed together, they create a synergy that kills nerve cells. It causes neurological damage. We are only now at the threshold of medical science beginning to do any systematic examination of synergies.

Mike: Just to put in a real-world example of that, I would like to add that you can get that combination by drinking a Diet Pepsi and eating a bag of Doritos.

Fitzgerald: Absolutely. It is a children's meal. In fact, these researchers, at the University of Liverpool, wanted to examine what children commonly consume every day. That is why they picked aspartame, MSG and these two food colors, because they are so commonly found in all of the junk drinks and foods that children consume. The results should alarm us all.

My boyfriend and I have been researching this information a lot lately and are completely changing our diet. We've already cut out all processed (packaged foods, sugar, soft drinks, snack foods, etc.) and are starting to grow our own organic vegetables.

I have also got off of my antidepressants and replaced it with St John's Wort (an herbal supplement).

Call me paranoid if you want... but I feel much better and clear-headed already.

The chemicals are also in all of the personal products we use. If you research the articles on that website (, it will enlighten you and disturb you at what is being done to us.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 09:46 AM

Statements and opinions by Mike Adams

• ADHD is an utterly fictitious disease that was invented by drug companies and the psychiatric industry to generate profits by drugging children. This so-called "disease" has no biological test, no physiological evidence and its diagnosis is based entirely on the casual opinion of a psychiatrist or doctor, most of which have been heavily influenced by drug company lobbying efforts.

• The FDA continues to ignore the real dangers of ADHD drugs and seems to be intentionally dragging its feet on admitting to any safety problems whatsoever. This latest warning is only due to a reluctant FDA being forced to admit to a few safety issues for a class of dangerous drugs that should be banned entirely.

• Selling street drugs to schoolchildren is illegal, but when those same chemicals are packaged as pharmaceuticals, they are not only legal, they're actually promoted by doctors and school administrators.

• Public schools are financially rewarded for diagnosing their students with ADHD. For every student in their school with an ADHD diagnosis, the school receives extra funds from the government.

How nice, the schools get money if the child is diagnosed with ADHD and who from.... The Government.

Wow, why doesnt that surprise me.

If you can diagnose your child students with a non existent Dis-Ease, you will get extra money. What a nice game to play.

Hey it wouldnt surprise me if the Government started Inter-state competitions between the schools and eventually International competitions!

[edit on 19-3-2007 by markjaxson]

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 11:18 AM
During these types of conversations, I always like to throw a link:

and also add in; should you be yanked in (which only requires that a well(ill)-placed statement be made of you), a good lawyer can argue out of the situation, for about $500-$750. Which would well be compensated for by not being within the system.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 11:27 AM
That link about Bush wanting to test every one in the US for mental illness is well scary - talk about population control!

Any one here familiar with the very interesting 'Thud test' from 1973?

One academic psychologist D.L. Rosenhan came up with a very simple idea. He enlisted the help of 12 of his friends - all with abersoultly NO history of mental illness. All 12 then went on to present them selves to 12 different mental intuitions, the rules of the experiment were simple, The testers gave false names and occupations but otherwise accurately reported their histories, which did not include mental illness, each reported that for several weeks he or she had been distressed by voices saying "empty," "hollow," and "thud." In all 12 instances they were admitted to a psychiatric ward. At that point, they stopped pretending to have symptoms.

Nonetheless, they were held for an average of 19 days (their stays ranged from 7 to 52 days) and were all released with a diagnosis of "schizophrenia”

Fellow patents even commented that the testers were not supposed to be there, although doctors continued with treatment.

After the details of the experiment were released there was more than a few red faces! A challenge was issued by one hospital to Rosenhan, over the next 3 months he was to repeat the experiment with an undisclosed number of testers – he accepted, at the end of the 3 months the hospitals proudly reported they had caught 41 of Rosenhan’s testers! Rosenhan informed them he had sent none!! Talk about egg on your face!

I would find this little story very amusing if it wasn’t very scary – loosing your liberty at someone’s naff judgement is bang out of order. A lot of ‘mental illness’ is a way to further population control. Sic.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 03:39 AM
For what it's worth...

My mother was the head psychologist for a large city school system. She was also very open-minded and a true rebellious "hippy" type person who was always questioning the government. She walked away from her job, quit almost overnight, when the school board told her she'd have no choice but to hand out meds to students who needed it. She had been refusing for years and years due to her moral stance against medication, and the school nurse kept the students' meds in a locked cabinet and handed them out as needed. Well something finally gave way and when they told my mother that, she simply quit. They begged and pleaded with her to reconsider, but she refused to work for a place that promoted treating mental illness with drugs. And she was no dummy, in fact she was a part-time professor of graduate-level classes at a local university and was well-known for two studies she did. I hate to sound so biased, but I believe that if my mother was against medicating, then I should be as well, and after reading threads like this it only reinforces my viewpoints.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by therainmaker
For what it's worth...

My mother was the head psychologist for a large city school system. She was also very open-minded and a true rebellious "hippy" type person who was always questioning the government. She walked away from her job, quit almost overnight, when the school board told her she'd have no choice but to hand out meds to students who needed it. She had been refusing for years and years due to her moral stance against medication, and the school nurse kept the students' meds in a locked cabinet and handed them out as needed. Well something finally gave way and when they told my mother that, she simply quit. They begged and pleaded with her to reconsider, but she refused to work for a place that promoted treating mental illness with drugs. And she was no dummy, in fact she was a part-time professor of graduate-level classes at a local university and was well-known for two studies she did. I hate to sound so biased, but I believe that if my mother was against medicating, then I should be as well, and after reading threads like this it only reinforces my viewpoints.

Your mother is a smart lady! This whole issue of medicating society is on the brink of becoming totally out of control. I am in the process of expanding my own website to include tons of information about this, plus I'm starting a blog to spread the word even more.

I am majorly pissed and disgusted at the government for wasting my time, my money and putting my health in jeopardy. I will do anything in my power to get this information out to as many people as I can.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 06:32 AM
again, for what its worth:

while i think that medication is handed out too easy to too many people, in some cases its the right thing to do.

if it wasn't for SSRI's [Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors - i think] i'd have hung myself a decade or so ago, after 10+ years of adult life witha millstone of mental health issues hanging round my neck

sometimes medication is the solution

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by shackleton
again, for what its worth:

while i think that medication is handed out too easy to too many people, in some cases its the right thing to do.

if it wasn't for SSRI's [Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors - i think] i'd have hung myself a decade or so ago, after 10+ years of adult life witha millstone of mental health issues hanging round my neck

sometimes medication is the solution

I used to think that about myself until I realized that the majority of my diet contained chemicals that was causing my depression and anxiety. I am still in the process of getting off my antidepressant medication that I've been taking for over 6 years. I used to think my meds would be with me for life because they totally saved me from killing myself.

The majority of my anxiety and depression disappeared when I stopped using powdered coffee creamer. It contains hydrogenated oils, which are nothing but dangerous chemicals (same as trans fats).

I stopped eating frozen packaged meals. I noticed that when I come home for lunch each day, feeling a bit of anxiety, I feel 100% better after eating a salad with dark leafy greens, broccoli, tomatoes, and other fresh garden vegetables. Adding superfoods such as blueberries, almonds, walnuts, flaxseed oil, sprouts, spirulina, kelp, etc., can heal practically anything. Not to mention it's safe and way cheaper than drugs.

I never realized the healing properties of food. I'm amazed at how it can instantly change how I feel.

There are TONS of articles on the health benefits of these foods at Here is a link to the healthy foods list of articles:

Don't let Big Pharma control your life.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
... creating bogus mental illness and diagnosing people with said illness, like Anti-Government Phobia boy that would make it easy now wouldnt it?

Something like this was tried before. A mental health diagnoses of "arevolutiona" was created for those who were opposed to the French (?) Revolution. Unfortunately I can't find a link for it, I am just recalling the information from a Deviant Behaviour course I took in college. Perhaps someone else recalls more than I do (or can find a link.)

Post revolution leaders used this diagnosis to help deal with supporters of the former leaders. It was claimed that failure to support the revolution and the new leaders was clearly a sign of madness.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by annestacey

There are TONS of articles on the health benefits of these foods at Here is a link to the healthy foods list of articles:

Don't let Big Pharma control your life.

thankyou, genuinely, for that.

i'll go and have a look/put some thought into it [diet and exercise i do take more and more seriously...]

a related thought: spent the last 18 months improving my diet step by step, trying to follow a simple rule of only eating stuff that i bought as it came outthe ground/off the tree etc and the difference in general 'well-being' has been truly remarkable..

i'll go and have a look round at other threads, 'Big Pharma' may rule my life but if the problem was triggered/exaggerated by 'Big Food Companies' i'll be as mad as hell! ;-)

i suspect we eat total rubbish [well, i did...

thanks for reply, and honesty, thats given my motivation to go and do the next step of research. :-)

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 08:36 AM
I believe that it was the team of Olen and Clower (sociologists) who said that it is the American Dream itself that is responsible for much deviant behavior. Deviant behavior in this case could include various mental health issues and personality disorders. While I do believe that there are other factors involved, I think that this somewhat determinist perspective on the American Dream does contain some merit.

Since I began my freshman year in college as a thirty-something non-traditional student, I was often perplexed by the behavior of the 18 to 20 years olds that surrounded me. In an informal poll taken that year (about 2001) an overwhelming majority of the first year students said that they were in support of a grossly unequal distribution of wealth. They were in favor of this because it gave them hope that someday they would be rich. Even when they were informed that about 10% of the people controlled over 90% of the wealth in the US, they continued to believe that if they worked hard enough, they would inevitably reach that top 10%.

They were firm supporters of the American Dream: Everyone has the same chances so if you just work hard enough, you’ll make it big.

What is going to happen to the minds of those students when they finally realize that it isn’t true? Some may accept it, some may blame themselves for not being rich (“I just didn’t try hard enough.”), some may become bitter, and a few may turn to crime or develop some form of mental instability.

I personally know of two individuals who have engaged in deviant life-styles when they found out that they were not middle class as they had imagined. They were in the lower class in spite of years of back breaking work. The first individual became an alcoholic, the second became a delusional, paranoid, extremely unstable bum who now lives out of his van and believes that he has a high tech invention that the governments of the world are trying to steal. He believes that he has invented hydro-power. Telling him about Hoover Dam sends him into convulsions.

While I don’t believe that this Dream alone is responsible for mental illness, I do think that the Dream is crazy-making in some ways. While common folks can become highly successful, the chances of us all reaching that top 10% are obviously zero. The system has us working hard at jobs we often don’t like so we can be consumers of products we don’t need - products that we consume, sometimes conspicuously, in order to mark our status in the world rather than to fulfill our actual needs. It’s all a part of the American Dream, a Dream that I think is one part control of the masses, and two parts delusion.

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