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Israel in Egypt.... "Pharoahs and Kings"

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posted on Nov, 21 2002 @ 12:30 PM
There is an awesome book that talks about evidence for Israel being in Egypt, Its amazing to read ....
here is a link to some of the sites that talk about it...

google search

The statue is suspected to be of Joseph ...
David Rohl is an Egyptologist who has uncovered some startling information for those of us who are interested in biblical history.

After studying apparent contradictions in traditional Egyptian chronologies, he began to put together a theory of a new chronology for the Third Intermediate Period. The result was a shift in the dates of the reigns of many of the pharaohs.

To test his theory, Rohl began to investigate nearby cultures for historical records that might coincide with the history of Egypt.

While not a student of the Old Testament, he turned to the Hebrew scriptures for potential verification of his new chronology. What he discovered was that the traditional chronology of the Bible had never been a good fit, and that his new chronology not only matched the biblical account on major events, but also shed light on some previously obscure passages.

Among the conclusions of significance

Ramesses II is not the pharaoh of the Exodus, but rather is the biblical Shishak (a Hebraization of his name) of I Kings 14, who conquered Jerusalem and Rehoboam.

Biblical King Saul is King Labayu (and David a leader of a group of Habiru mercenaries) as mentioned in the Amarna letters. This makes Saul and David contemporaries of Amenhotep III, Akhenaten, Neferneferuaten (Queen Nefertiti), Smenkhkare, Tutankhamun, Ay and Haremheb.

Further identified by name in the Amarna letters are the biblical characters Ishbaal, Joab, Baanah, David and Jesse.

Moses was born during the reign of Khaneferre Sobekhotep IV (1529 - 1510 BC), and the Exodus was under Pharaoh Dudimose (1448 BC).

Joseph served as vizier in Egypt under Amenemhat III (c. 1662 BC). Extremely high Nile floods occurred for several years during this period, which would have resulted in the "seven years of famine" referred to in the Bible.

Both the house and tomb of Joseph have been unearthed by archaeologists, and are located at Tell ed-Daba.

Needless to say, the book is fascinating reading.

If you know nothing of Egyptian history, the book will at times be a tough read. But interspersed with very difficult transliterated names are compelling stories of significant archaeological discoveries. By looking in the right time periods for evidence of Israel's presence in Egypt, much is uncovered that matches biblical history.

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 06:52 AM
Does this have anything to do with Ahkenaten (Tutankamun's father) who moved the Egyptian capital to Amarna and established a monotheistic culture. After his death most references to him were defaced and removed from Egyptian history.

P.S. Excuse spellings.

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 08:48 AM
did usher in the age of monotheism...
and yes khemet could have been the original israel...
at least thats where the original "real" jews came from...

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 01:45 PM
Interresting. I always believed it was Rhamses Moses faught with. With this new information, how does this fit with when the pyramids were traditionally built? Could the Jewish slaves have been working on the pyramids? And does anyone know whether the stone blocks of the pyramids contains traces of flower (as in wheat flower)? Could the stones have been moulded on site? And was this the work of the Jews? It would seem almost absurd to think that they built the pyramids the way tradition wants it, through quarreling stones off site and then dragging them to the site, and further placing the stones of up to 20 tons with millimeter presission on top of eachother. What if they instead pulverised sandstone and added flower to make it into concrete, and moulded the stones where they were meant to stand? We know that this was how the Jews worked from the book of Exodus. In the Prophets we learn that one of the endtime Witnesses (a man like Serubabel) will make the Great Pyramid into a plain when he brings forth the cap stone. Will he spray the GP with something that will make the "cement" desolve and the Great Pyramid falls to the ground like grains of sand?

Remember how the False Prophet rose from the soil/dirt/dust? Inside the Grand Gallery the walls are inscribed with prophecies written in geometric code, hewn into the wall. Is the Great Pyramid the False Prophet? And is the Americas the Beast coming up from the sea and the origin of the Atlantis Myth? It sure is a hydra-headed beast with mixed features. And what is the official position of the Vatican about the Book of the Dead and the prophecies of the Great Pyramid. Osiris was killed but came back to life. The only Part Isis couldn't find when she collected all the parts of his body which Seth had cut him up to, was his sexual organs. She had to clone him to get a child with him, Horus, who ruled in his father's place. The Osiris/Isis/Horus story is almost identical to the accounts of Revelation, but they differ in many important cases. Like who was the God of Osiris: The Sun God, not the Creator God etc. Jesus doesn't represent the Sun cult centralised in the Vatican today, but the Father in Hebrew Scriptures who created the Heaven, the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. In Egyptian mythology the Creator had a name which was unspeakable, just like the Hebrews teach. In Egyptian tales he is called Hu or Hu-Hu, from the sounds of his first and last breath. The name of Jesus in Hebrew is YesHuAH. Yes, Hu is A/The First, . Is this why Jesus was killed the way he was? For everyone who trust Egypt will be pierced. Everyone who use the broken reed for support will be pierced by it. The prase "Word of God" is an ancient Egyptian title. God counts Egypt and Babylon among the ones who know him. Just a thought. Makes good sense to me....


[Edited on 23-10-2003 by mikromarius]

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 02:16 PM
its about time that some serious researching & rethinking was done to the 'enlightened-aristocrats' as Aegyptian Discoverers' heories/mindset was questioned...and their theories,time lines. [ tailored to prevailing religious teaching]---was put to the high-tech test

much like the 'enlightened' dinosaur theorists of the 1830-1930s===were taken to task

PS: you mean that college $$, spent on Egyptology 101 was a waste of time/money??? where's my lawyer !!

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 02:25 PM
It's also interresting that only German egyptologists are allowed in to the "holy of holies" of Egypt's monumantal mysteries. Has this soimething to do with back payment from the Pope for the ten horns' (kings of the Ten Empirial Circles) supposedly sweared allegiance to the Beast itself, the eighth giving it their power? In one hour the Eighth received his power, in one hour it will be taken from him.


posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by riffraffalunas
much like the 'enlightened' dinosaur theorists of the 1830-1930s===were taken to task

About dinosaur theories, is the prophecy about how the Great Dragon is cast out of Heaven a prophecy about new knowledge disprooving that the dragons/dinosaurs evolved in to birds/came to Heaven? I have thought about this as the solution to this prophecy for a long time.


posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 06:28 AM
I see it was made into a three part Tv series

Is there a way of finding out who owns the rights now and if there are any more plans to show it?

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