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Another Meassage From Daleel Almojahid?

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posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 03:13 AM
Man this 'entity' gets around....internet and all.

The latest "message" is indicitive of a possible nuclear threat. You decide:
"Is al Qaeda Threatening a Nuclear Attack?"

"A letter to the Bush Administration containing a list of demands from an alleged representative of the Islamic Jihad Brigade Black Death Squad says failure to fulfil those orders will have deadly consequences.

The document reads in part (sic), "We will give you a prior few minutes notice before our blessed attack so that you will be able to watch your destruction with your own satellite, as we would be by then have passed the skies of the seventh sky to heaven and your nation to the fires of hell."

While this document, written by alleged al Qaeda operative Daleel Almojahid, appears to indicate some sort of nuclear attack, it does seem to mirror closely other terrorist information that is being broadly circulated.....

Almojahid wrote that even though the Bush Administration knows well the demands being made by al Qaeda (sic), "We will put them down again so that the world will forgive us for what will happen soon due to your arrogance and childish acts of dictatorship and your love of being under the Jewish rule being slaved under them under all kinds of names.....

Almojahid said his group understands the importance of water and oil and is willing for the current situation to stay as it is, with a qualifier. "The pricing of oil is left to us and we promise you to make it available at a reasonable price for poor and for rich nations."

Almojahid wrote that while the situation is critical it is not too late for the Bush Administration to change the course of impending disaster. However, if the Administration fails to give in to terrorist demands, then his group's apparently predetermined plans will go into effect.....

Almojahid apologized to the American people and the European community for what he claimed will be an imminent attack, writing "The coming operation ... will ... destroy them forever, although we apologize from now to the human race from the hardship that will affect them as an aftermath to the attack. It is a less hardship for us than to see continents slaved, we apologize in advance to the American people and to the European communities but you have stood hand in hand with your governments and let the Jews take control of the rest of the world."

Credible or not?
Is this credible to the extent that it can not be dismissed as garbage?
Just because a terrorist attack hasn't happened 'supposedly' since 9/11, does this make this threat less credible or simply to be dismissed?

I would imagine some very serious ramifications if such an "act" does, at home, and abroad.


posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 03:18 AM
And just recieved this link pertaining to his "yahoo" activities:

"Most Recent Messages View all Messages (32)

Dec 22 An Urgent letter to the American administration from Al-Qaida.2 - daleel_almojahid1
An Urgent letter to the American administration from Al-Qaida.2 In the name of

Dec 20 An Urgent letter to the American Administration from Al-Qaida - daleel_almojahid1
An Urgent letter to the American Administration from Al-Qaida In the name of Go

Dec 20 Praise be to Allaah. an advice before its too late. - daleel_almojahid1
Praise be to Allaah. Our advice to negligent youth is to repent before it is to

Dec 19 We have Warned you! - daleel_almojahid1
To all the crusaders, we have warned you alot of times to get out from our musl

Dec 19 Al-Faroq Brigade ,Regarding the Leader Saddam Hussein - daleel_almojahid1
Al-Faroq Brigade An Announcement regarding the Leader Saddam Hussein Announcement"


posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 03:25 AM
Well... do you think it's credible? Or not?

Answering that question here may end up reducing the number of ATS members who are frequently pointing to these kinds of posts you make as "disinformation".

Why post something if you don't believe it? Remember the definition of disinformation I posted for you, and how being "vague" is an important test of disinformation.

Over to you!

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 03:28 AM
Like I wasn't already on edge, thanks for scaring the crap outta me. I wouldn't be supprised...and here's a theory for ya...I would bet the nukes came from Libya...sold to Al Qaeda before this "deal" with Bush.
If it is true, I just hope it is one city, far, far, far away from me.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 03:30 AM
Thats really good MA...thank you for your benevolence.

I'm asking for opinions thus the question!
Disinformation.....dude, your using that word like a bad habit or something.....
Thank you for answering the question though with a question....."over to you".

On another note, found this:
"Radical Muslim Claiming al Qaida Affiliation Back Online"

"While Yahoo finally deactivated both the personal e- mail and Yahoo group account of radical Muslim Daleel Almojahid, he resurfaced about 24 hours later having set up a new Yahoo account by adding the number "1" after his name.

Almojahid, who has posted such topics as "How to Run a Good Death Squad" was proud of his efforts and defiant of any attempts to get Yahoo to take him off line."


posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 03:35 AM
I think we are talking about a Nuke in its purist form? I wrote a small short story (its in the short story area called dark cloud) about a dirty nuke that fits in with this concept. What can I say? like the man said its not a question of "if" but rather, "when". I hope the individuals responsible for our safety are doing their homework rather than counting retirement points!

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 03:38 AM
That last one sells me more on the person's status as a creative writer and entertainer and angry young man.

I hope you can feel the same way.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 03:42 AM
MaskedAvatar I am sorry but I didn't catch your meaning on the last post, would you be so kind and please clarify?

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 03:44 AM
Jim....I don't believe MA is directing his "vague" comment to was directed at me...which is par.


posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 03:46 AM
Sorry, thought it was in reference to my story.

[Edited on 23-12-2003 by Jimcrispi]

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 03:47 AM
Did'nt this person have a yahoo group?

then it was shut down? I could be thinking of the wrong name.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 03:49 AM
As far as I have found Patriot....yes, but as you mentioned, it was shut-down.
He has reappeared though and is proclaiming messages again.
I have also found were he went by the name "Salah Aldeen".


posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 03:53 AM
Seekerof is right.

Jim your post came in just before mine... I was referring to the statement in his last post, not yours.

I am asking him to make a stand on whether he believes this active internet user calling himself 'Daleel Almojahid' is actually an Al Qaeda operative. His answer would make the purpose of his posts more clear. If the answer from Seekerof is in the affirmative, it would also help to show us just how open Al Qaeda are in sharing their terrorist philosophy and strategies with internet users at large. That co-operative approach obviously helps a caring government under threat to reduce and control the spectre of terrorism. It all makes perfect sense that terrorists should post widely on the internet doesn't it.

So far Seekerof is not prepared to get off the fence.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 04:32 AM
Your asking me to say whether I believe this 'entity' is working with Al-Qaeda or some crazy moron?
Let me see if I have psychic abilities first before I "get off the fence".....

Personally, "I am asking" how about you, MA, provide evidence to say that this person is not with Al-Qaeda or is a fake. How about further explain your reasoning as to terrorist organizations, Al-Qaeda included, not using the internet and its resources, besides the obvious self evident, "it would be in broad view of everyone" stance.

Are you indicating that Al-Qaeda or any terrorist related organization does not publically flaunt itself on the internet for various reasons?
Explain Al-Qaeda's website (which has been hacked):

or Hamas's uses of the internet or numerous others.


"What are Al-Qaeda's capabilities?

"How al Qaeda put Internet to use"

I type in: "Al-Qaeda's use of the internet" and get amzing results:'s+use+of+the+internet&btnmeta%3Dsearch%3Dsearch=Search+the+Web

You want my personal opinion on this 'entity'?
I'm still formulating one though I tend to lean towards the none credible.
The questions, as I mentioned in the initial post was:
"Credible or not?
Is this credible to the extent that it can not be dismissed as garbage?
Just because a terrorist attack hasn't happened 'supposedly' since 9/11, does this make this threat less credible or simply to be dismissed?"

The point to asking this is for opinion....but as par, it leans to "credibility" of the poster and the information...........and yet, we can post threads with the same "vague" information and they go you MA?


posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
The point to asking this is for opinion....but as par, it leans to "credibility" of the poster and the information...........and yet, we can post threads with the same "vague" information and they go you MA?

Thanks for the detailed response. The only part that I did not understand was the last para, but I think you are indicating that sometimes my posts go unchallenged.

Actually I like a level of challenge, it is important to clarify one's own thinking as well as bringing more information to light. As we both know too often at this site the challenge instead comes as a petty insult from a personbehaving mindlessly who has not even taken the time to digest what it is that has been said, and then contributes nothing to the understanding.

This doesn't seem to be the case in this topic.

I also lean towards the individual you are discussing being non-credible as an operative in Al Qaeda, but the thinking itself is dangerous and disruptive and could inspire gullible people to believe it is credible (eg fearful US citizens or easily influenced young Arab men and women).

One of the articles you posted brought this to light:

".... A terrorism research group which monitors al Qaeda's Internet communications has provided The Post with chilling details of the high-tech recruitment drive in which potential fighters are bombarded with religious decrees and anti-U.S. propaganda as well as training manuals on how to be a terrorist.

Willing recruits are also being given specific instructions on how to go to Iraq through a maze of secret chat rooms.

In one particularly graphic exchange in a secret al Qaeda chat room on Sept. 3, an unknown Islamic fanatic, with the user name "Redemption Is Close," writes:

"Brothers, how do I go to Iraq for Jihad? Are there any army camps and is there someone who commands there?"

Four days later he gets a reply from a mystery man with the user name "Merciless Terrorist."

"Dear Brother, the road is wide open for you - there are many groups, go look for someone you trust, join him, he will be the protector of the Iraqi regions and with the help of Allah you will become one of the Mujahidin."

"Redemption is Close" then presses for more specific information on how he can become a jihad fighter in Iraq.

"Merciless Terrorist" sends him a propaganda video and instructs him to download software called Pal Talk, which enables users to communicate with each other by voice on the Internet. That will lead him to an impossible-to-monitor "talking chat room," where he can get details on how to sign up for jihad in Iraq...."

I have seen posts published from some Chat Rooms like that. They are very much un-Islamic. People who follow them have been corrupted and are no longer following core principles of Islamic faith.

Taking it a level further, it also causes you to have to review who the terrorism research organisation that finds this material is and what they stand for. The SITE Institute (Search For International Terrorist Entities) is getting increased prominence including with Director Rita Katz getting a FOX news spot toinight. May be worth watching.

SITE lists the following as the official websites for major terrorist organizations:


Content: This site is al-Qaeda�s official website. Mostly in Arabic, the site contains official statements from al-Qaeda�s various bureaus and leadership, including taking credit for several terrorist operations, such as September 11, the USS Cole bombing, and the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in East Africa.


Content: This site took over for the now defunct, the major distributor of al-Qaeda propaganda in English. was shut down several times for its radical propaganda. The website, in true tradition, contains interviews with top al-Qaeda leadership, like Ayman Al-Zawhiri, and has propaganda espousing hatred towards the West and glorifying martyrdom.


Content: contains the latest news of the al-Qaeda affiliated Mujahideen fighting in Chechnya. This site of the jihad in Chechnya has several pictures of injured mujahideen, as well as copious amounts of anti-West propaganda.


Content: Official website of the designated terrorist group, Hamas. The site issues press releases on behalf of Hamas and contains graphic pictures and detailed biographies of those �martyred� in their terrorist activities.


Content: Official website of the designated terrorist group, Hizbollah. The site espouses terrorist activities for the sake of Jihad, containing multimedia content such as pictures of people burning American flags and videos of terrorist operations.


Content: Official website of the military wing of the designated terrorist group, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). Images, music, and videos all related to jihad appear on the site, as well as proud proclamations of successful operations.

It is my view that on any and all of those websites there will be a mix of suggestive reinforcement of poor ideals, and complete disinformation. I also have to wonder how closely anyone that ever visits them would come under the microscope!

Thanks Seekerof. At these places I think you will find dozens of cyberentities broadcasting away, just like the guy referred to in your original post - and some of them will be real.

[Edited on 23-12-2003 by MaskedAvatar]

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 05:10 AM
Well MA, I certainly thank you for your imput, as always.
Your 'methods', to be perfectly honest, sometimes frustrate me, but do have a tendency to cause me to reflect also.

As such:
"It is my view that on any and all of those websites there will be a mix of suggestive reinforcement of poor ideals, and complete disinformation. I also have to wonder how closely anyone that ever visits them would come under the microscope! [Thanks Seekerof. At these places I think you will find dozens of cyberentities broadcasting away, just like the guy referred to in your original post - and some of them will be real."

I would have great tendency to agree with your premise, and I would also tend to agree that in all that so-called "chatter", there could be the possibility of a "message". This is merely my opinion and not proven to be absolute fact.
I have pretty much always enjoyed our conversations and points of views. Thank you for sharing yours in this thread.


posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Well MA, I certainly thank you for your imput, as always.
Your 'methods', to be perfectly honest, sometimes frustrate me, but do have a tendency to cause me to reflect also.

Good, on both counts.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 05:31 AM

I wanted to point one thing out that is kind of disturbing. When you read all this guy's blathers, they are usually at least coherent, even when illogical (if you know what I mean). But that one posting he had back a few weeks ago "Tactics of an Attack" was absolutely incoherent and unlike his others. This just leads me more and more to believe it was coded. I hope some one in a position that counts has cracked it!

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 05:46 AM
Yes, it has been speculated that within all the "chatter" lies the possibility(ies) of 'coded' messages, be they first letter of words or a mixture of other cryptic methods, regarding worded messages.

My thoughts on this is if 'yahoo' can shut this 'entity' down and then the 'entity' can re-register, would not the 'entity's' IP address be available or be able to be ascertained? I would hazard a guess and say that if this 'entity' has been spreading "messages", for some time, as reported, could this 'entity' be identified or apprehended or determined to be bogus? Why hasn't 'yahoo' not banned the 'entity's' IP addy or can they?
Maybe this 'entity' can not be traced or ascetained to a location. If so, why has the 'entity' not been questioned or identified?
I still lean towards a non-credible source but I do wonder also. In such, if it was me, I would definitely want to know who this 'entity' is, if at all possible.


posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 05:50 AM

I think you make good points. I can see yahoo not being able to ban his IP because he may be in a major city and that would block a lot of customers. BUT, the question becomes why hasn't the ISP dumped him. You know by now they have received complaints...probably even from yahoo. And even in a major city you eventually are going to run out of Maybe he hasn't gotten through the list yet

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