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The paracast

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posted on Feb, 28 2007 @ 09:28 PM
I was a member of the paracast forum and came away very disappointed. The host, well one of them, is a total jerk..David B. They say they are there to listen and claim to have an open mind about issues. I made comments on the fact that David B. is a very annoying host who acts like he has all the answers and continually cuts down other hosts of paranormal broadcast shows...I think it has something to do with envy and jealousy of thier success. God forbid you don't agree with he and his yes men on that forum otherwise you are looking at ban for life. If you go on there you will notice that it is only a few guys who continue to post on that forum and they are all the ones who continue to kiss his butt. That forum is the least credible due to fact that it is only the ones who agree with the hosts who are allowed to post without worrying about being banned. David B. has banned people who disagree with him and threatens everyone else with a ban when they have something different to say. If any one who has been on that forum and agrees please reply and if you don't reply anyways. I like this forum because they allow disageements to happen and long as they don't get out of hand.

posted on Feb, 28 2007 @ 09:34 PM
Glad you found us here at ATS....welcome!

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 09:34 PM
As co-host of The Paracast, I'm pleased to report that only a handful of members have been banned since our message boards were established a year ago, and that's for egregious violations of our very simple terms of service.

In fact, our board participation and membership continues to increase by leaps and bounds, but I suppose not everyone is going to like what we do or how we do it.

In saying that, David Biedny and I are enthusiastic readers and occasional participants here at Above Top Secret, and we're happy to recommend this place to anyone who wants to engage in the most wide-ranging discussions available anywhere.

[edit on 20-3-2007 by genesteinberg]

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 11:45 PM
Uhhh... I've met David on two seperate occasions and he absolutely does not act like he knows all the answers. From both listening to the Paracast and speaking with Biedny I've gathered that he is more reasonable than the majority of both debunkers and believers. And the fact that he goes after hoaxers like they owe him money is a breath of fresh air.

Gene and Dave damn well should go after other paranormal hosts. Other hosts just sit on their asses, say "uh huh" a lot, and collect big paychecks. Paranormal radio has become "Story Time with the Cool Voiced Host."

And as for getting banned, I don't know what to tell you about that. The only radio message board that I'm a member of is wackbag, and you'd have to curse out a mod's mother to get banned from there.
Did you support the Meier case? That should be enough to get you banned from anywhere...

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 08:46 PM
Gene and David are great hosts. I think they should have their own fm radio
show on every day.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 05:01 PM
There can great diversity of opinion and perspective on the same thing or person. Some think Biedny's a sincere and honest guy. I think he's duplicitous and dishonest.

I'm one of those "few" banned from their little message board. After being banned (so I was incapable of responding publicly) Biedny claimed it was done because I exposed my real name and that I'd "confessed" a motive to create chaos and disrupt. Substantively, both those were lies. I posted only that my full forum name was "Verum Peto"; as any reasonably educated man would know that's Latin for "seeker of truth". And I never confessed to any such motives. I was challenging Biedny to apply the same standard of truth to his own peculiar "experiences" as he subjects his guests.

To recap, if I may...he claims to have witnessed an enormous craft--"too large to comprehend" is how I believe he characterizes it--together with thousands of others over a major South American city. I questioned why he has not even a newspaper article to support that others (beyond his own brother) in fact saw this remarkable event. He and his co-host claim he's tried and can't find any documentation. He claims to have witnessed a faceless girl who vanished into thin air. He claims to have witnessed a daytime flying saucer over a major population area (near where I currently reside, coincidentally), followed by a helicopter which, I suppose in an attempt to be discreet, issued a public announcement to "Go into your houses". Again, no newspaper or other media reports of any sort. He claims a flying saucer tracked his family DOWN THE NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE. There's a clear pattern here of extraordinary, outlandish and completely unsupportable experiences.

Having listened to him assault guests with experiences far less extreme than his own, I questioned how he managed to do that with a straight face. I noted that his experiences had all the hallmarks of a psychotic episode; i.e., a classic break from reality. In his typically outrageous fashion he responded with vulgarity, lies (including that I'd called him a psychotic, as if he's unable to distinguish what I'd said) and relentless deviations from the real issue of his own experiences.

So, Biedny banned me. I followed that with an e-mail to Steinberg. Now my impression of Steinberg is that he is a mature, thoughtful, sincere and honest man. I advised him that Biedny had lied about my posting my "real name" and confessing an ulterior motive, and asked that he simply correct those misrepresentations. He never replied, either publicly or privately.

Now the message of this to me is that Biedny is not to be trusted at face value. I know from personal experience that he is not truthful, that he misrepresents, evades and attempts to bully dissent with a barrage of childish inanities, peppered with a 7th grader's taste for vulgarity. I would encourage anyone with an interest in examing Biedny's credibility first hand to go to The Paracast forums and read the posts directly. I have never posted anything vulgar or otherwise inappropriate. I was banned for challenging Biedny to apply a threshold of reasonableness to his own "experiences" before making a small career of castigating others.

And that is simply one man's perspective on Biedny. (Why are those who speak loudest for the truth and claim to be advocates for open dialogue the first to react like little dictators when any controversy swirls around their own heads?) I'd welcome a response from either Biedny or Steinberg here, in a forum which they can't control or in which they can't ban dissent or legitimate questioning. I understand their thirst for a real radio program. And perhaps Biedny's childishness is shtick to attempt to build an audience. But I suspect he is exactly what he appears to be. And that's someone whose veracity, judgement and maturity leave much to be desired.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 07:13 PM
Interesting event. I just went over to The Paracast forum. Lo and behold, a poster named Riggs put up a very funny link to a video in which an "interviewer" asks very basic questions of obviously ill-informed Americans. Biedny posts this, in response:

Another deep insight from Riggs. He links to a video with the kind of people who give the U.S. a bad name, implying that I'm a one of them.

I have two words for you, and they're not happy birthday.


A half hour later he claims Riggs insulted him and so--BADA BOOM!--Riggs gets banned!

By my count, their forum has only 75 posters with more than 50 posts, only 241 with more than 5...and 30 have been banned in just 22 months. And I'd give big odds that most of those were because of imagined (or maybe even real, whether deserved or not!) slights to the venerable Mr. Biedny. Hoisted and petards!

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 07:40 PM
Verum - Of course you failed to mention the name of the forum Riggs was banned from. David B wanted to know if everyone wanted him to leave the show. Riggs got personal and started calling him names. Instead of using constructive criticism, Riggs acted like a tool. He would have been banned on ATS or any other forum.

As for you Verum you apparently thought that every time David mentioned a listener that didn't like him, You thought he was talking about you personally. So off you go to the forums calling David out. Stirring up a bunch of crap.

I've told David MANY times on the forums and in personal PM's that he was being a tool and to knock it off. Many people have.

Also if your banned why are you hanging out over on the Paracasts little forum. Judging from the size of your 2 posts I'm sure your still pretty bitter about being banned and it probably still keeps you up at night. I mean you counted and did a statistical analysis of forum users on there forums for christsakes! Let it go dude, cause we've sure forgotten about you.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 05:38 PM
Mothra wrote..

Riggs got personal and started calling him names. Instead of using constructive criticism, Riggs acted like a tool.

Mothra, apparently you like Biedny, see nothing odd in his postings, stories or behavior. I can live with that. But, from what I can see, Riggs only posted twice, and I don't see anything indicating he called David any names. He was banned because Biedny is a remarkably thin skinned individual. Even the post to which you refer is absurd; his little "do you like me" survey is so self-indulgent and prepubescent for a grown man as to make one's skin crawl. What's wrong with this guy?

Everything I've written here is, as you're well-aware, accurate and true. I never "stirred up" anything. I raised legitimate questions about a very odd series of "experiences" that, instead of being addressed, are cleverly and falsely interpreted as personal attacks to enable Biedny and Steinberg to ban anyone who challenges them in any way. Of course, the record's all there on The Paracast forum, and I'd invite anyone to read it and come to their own conclusions. Biedny is THE source of vulgar accusations, near-maniacal attacks and some of the most peculiar postings by a "host" ever.

As for my taking the time to do a "statistical analysis" took a good 3 minutes and it's hardly statistical or an analysis. It's a simple count from their forum. Of course, if you bothered to reach into your critical thinking skills perhaps you'd be objective enough to see how ridiculous Biedny, his claims and his very transparent efforts to turn his "creations" into a commercial radio enterprise really are. There's something seriously wrong with the whole contrived foolishness.

As to my post here, I'd have gladly had the issue out to conclusion with Biedny at his own forum, but that's not how they play. They ban dissent, encourage only agreement and are the most preposterously hypocritical duo ever. (I join Steinberg in that because he clearly knows what Biedny's all about and continues to defend his absurd behavior and preposterous stories.)

Biedny is a phony, a liar, a self-important buffoon. He relentlessly dubs himself the world's leading Photoshop expert, yet has to go to South America for dental work because he can't afford U.S. dental work. He is on a search for the financial success which has eluded him his whole life, and his last best hope is trying to make money off their little podcast. Surely you've seen their "ads" appealing for people to sell their shows to terrestrial radio and to hawk commercials for them. Of course, there's nothing wrong with that. But doesn't it give rise to a question? Why is it no one ever heard of Biedny or his remarkable "experiences" until a year ago when he started claiming these absolutely extraordinary occurrences. Where has he been all those decades before his new-found passion for disclosure? Why is it that he never, in all those years before his "disclosures" started a year or so ago, even told his good friend Steinberg, a person he knew to be a long-time "researcher" of paranormal events. Had he ever publicly disclosed these "experiences" anywhere and to anyone before the inevitable, albeit highly unlikely, movement toward a commercial pot of radio gold?

At the end of the day, Biedny is a danger to any attempt to examine the truth. He is not only duplicitous and disingenuous but his motivations and "experiences" are more suspect than any now in public domain. At arms' length, and looking at all the facts and circumstances, Biedny's claims would immediately be discounted out-of-hand by any thinking person. He is not to be taken seriously. It is only a matter of time before his little house of cards comes crashing down around him. How many ridiculously bizarre stories can he offer before someone starts asking the hard questions...the ones they pretend to ask!

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 10:41 PM
So you don't like David??

I've ripped David a new one several times for his behavior. I told him he was acting like a child and yes I was irritated that he would give someone like Jeff Ritzman a pass and not anyone else. What evidence does Ritzman have in regards to his experiences. He has nothing. I hammered him for peddling the healer form South America, hell they devoted a whole show to it. Most the time it wasn't on the forums, but in emails and PM's.

I read Riggs post before it was deleted. He called David a fat slob and some other choice words.

Who cares were he gets his teeth fixed? Apparently you do.

yes you stirred up quite a bit. Spin it all you want, you were hostile and got banned.

Verum I've had a couple things happen to me in my life that would absolutely crush a normal person to dust. I don't have a forum to discuss these issues. If I started a podcast and started spilling my guts, would it make me any less credible? Would you come out and say I was a fraud because I was just now talking about it?

And lets get something straight. I wasn't defending David or the Paracast. Sometimes David irritates me to the point were I don't wanna listen anymore. I responded to your post because you weren't telling the whole side of the story. Going on a forum and flat out calling the Host and admin of a forum a liar many many times will get you banned anywhere.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 08:08 PM
Mothra wrote...

Going on a forum and flat out calling the Host and admin of a forum a liar many many times will get you banned anywhere.
Oh, now I get it. By playing the dual role of host/moderator and "experiencer" Biedny insulates himself from any challenge, not honestly--by debating the facts--but through the dishonest shorthand of BANNING the challenger. That's quite the little gambit, isn't it?

And just to set the record straight, Biedny is, as a simple matter of fact, dishonest, at least as it respects what he wrote about me and my "motivations" in posting on The Paracast forum. And I know that first hand, as does Steinberg. What he posted about me was untrue, posted only after he'd ensured I couldn't respond in that very same forum in which he published those untruths. However, I challenge you to post here a copy of any Paracast post in which I called Biedny a liar because of his experiences, or where I did anything more than vigorously pursue the facts and circumstances surrounding his earth-shatteringly extraordinary claims...for which he offers not a single shred of objective evidence.

He offers not even a newspaper article documenting that he was joined by thousands of people in Caracas witnessing an enormous craft over that city in broad daylight which simply "blinked out". I'm not asking for a photo or an artifact. I'm asking for the very basic threshold of documentation that these self-important hosts pretend to apply each week. Just show me the recounting of this remarkable event in a legitimate newspaper coincident with the timing of the sighting Biedny claims. Surely such an extraordinary event would have been reported SOMEWHERE. Even his own family didn't keep a copy of a newspaper article to document and record such a life-changing event? Time after time Biedny claims remarkable events yet offers not a scintilla of evidence. For the Caracas sighting he trots out his brother who hesitatingly agrees, under a volley of leading questions. For his vanishing faceless girl he brings out his friend who sort of remembers it that way. But never does he present something approaching verification, even when the events would have involved countless co-witnesses (as his two New Jersey sightings and, surely, the Caracas event).

All I am suggesting is that Biedny needs for his claims to be put to the test, to be subjected to the harsh rigors of evidence and proof. He should not be given a free pass because he is a podcast host, a forum moderator or a Photoshop expert. I am suggesting that his claims deserve extra scrutiny given their timing--only AFTER his podcast began--and an apparent motive--his clear search for a commercial pot of gold at the end of his radio rainbow. He was an invisible man, an unknown in "ufology" and the paranormal until his emergence and carefully timed dribbling out of self-proclaimed "cautious" disclosures about truly stunning claims. Perhaps that is all coincidence, driven by the happy fortuity of joining his old friend Gene in a podcast which offered a ready forum for such disclosures. Or perhaps there is another motivation, and for that there is a very plausible possibility. (And, since it seems to have missed its mark, I mentioned Biedny's self-announced trip to South America for dental work as support for the possibility that economics may be a motivator.)

Biedny and his cohorts, like you Mothra, help distract from the fundamental issues surrounding his claims. Let's move away from the idiocy and lies surrounding my banning (a fate shared by quite a few forum participants for reasons only Biedny and Steinberg know). Let's focus on his claims and, by virtue of his "believe me because of who I am" posture, his character. I say both are suspect. I say both need further review and consideration. I say both need to be viewed with a jaundiced eye...unless and until he offers some evidence to support what he asks us to believe. Simple enough?

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 04:12 AM
If you haven't worked it out yet Biedny is a plant to both muddy the waters and to also distract attention from the obvious reality of the actual origin of these so-called UFO's, namely secret government operations that have been underway to eventually stage a false 'Alien Invasion'. Biedny knows all this hence his diversionary tactics when it is becoming obvious that all these alleged UFO sightings occur within close proximity of military bases.

You will notice that Biedny is of a Marxist disposition, a dreamer, who is pushing the idea that these 'craft' are "inter-dimensional', thus in line with such tools that will be utilised in the coming "Alien Invasion" such as project Blue Beam and others.

He is also an ardent Zionist who regularly likes to interject, along with his largely Zionist Jewish guests, anti-Arab comments.

There is far more to Mr Biedny that meets the eye and I have plenty to contribute as to what his real agenda is.

Have you never suspected it odd that Biedny has contacts and friends in very high places? Remember his "close friend" who "thinks nothing of writing cheques out for 30 million dollars?"

Ever wondered what his farther was doing in South America?

Ever wonder who is alleged friend is who just happen to film the attacks on 911?

I know who he is reffering to, none other than a guy who boasts about being the grandson of the Jewish mobster Bugsy Siegel.

Ever wondered why he leaves his Zionist Jewish guests unmolested despite the obvious contradictions in what they are attempting to relate? Yet all guests who posess a somewhat Christian perspective are lambasted, even weeks after the interview?

One prime example is how he whined about Dr. Steven Greer "interupting him" weeks after to Leslie Kean, who quite frankly was not the person he should have been whining to, but rather Dr. Greer himself.

In fact during that particular interview with Dr. Greer, or should I say after, Biedny brings on one Jeremy Vaeni as if this fraud is actually a credible person to throw his crap into the mix.

I could go on but having carefuly listened to every broadcast to date, and doing a little homework behind the facade of what is called "The Paracast" what I now can say with absolute certainty is that this "show" along with others like the "Kevin Smith Show" are all CIA funded operations in the attempt to both muddy the waters and, more importantly, to help in the conditioning of the minds of intellectuals (opinion shapers are their target) for what is in store for us once the aims of a so-called New World Order are largely achieved, which is an "enemy" from either "outer space" or from some other dimension who must be defeated. This "defeat" of this contrived enemy (after large numbers of the planet's population are wiped out) will thus be followed by the "good Aliens"; again a contrived plan to "usher in the Zionist Messianic age), and if we happen to be still alive when this is unfolding then God help us all.

BTW, sincere as Gene Steinberg may be, ask yourself how he got to be in possesion of 100 million dollars.

These "hosts" and others are assisting the overall "herding" of the sheep (us) into the final pen to ultimate slaughter in keeping with the aims of those who seek total world domination.

It's no secret that most of their "guests" are CIA connected, such as Don Ecker who keeps telling everyone he was a cop when the documented fact is he was a lowley prison warden for a short time.

Stopped being manipulated by these crooks and frauds and do your homework.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by soulstealer2099
I was a member of the paracast forum and came away very disappointed. The host, well one of them, is a total jerk..David B. They say they are there to listen and claim to have an open mind about issues. I made comments on the fact that David B. is a very annoying host who acts like he has all the answers and continually cuts down other hosts of paranormal broadcast shows...I think it has something to do with envy and jealousy of thier success. God forbid you don't agree with he and his yes men on that forum otherwise you are looking at ban for life. If you go on there you will notice that it is only a few guys who continue to post on that forum and they are all the ones who continue to kiss his butt. That forum is the least credible due to fact that it is only the ones who agree with the hosts who are allowed to post without worrying about being banned. David B. has banned people who disagree with him and threatens everyone else with a ban when they have something different to say. If any one who has been on that forum and agrees please reply and if you don't reply anyways. I like this forum because they allow disageements to happen and long as they don't get out of hand.

You only have to listen to Paracast's last 'interview' with Dr Steven Greer to see their true colours. Turn the sound right up, and wait till the last 20 mins or so, and you can actually hear what sound like their drugs being consumed.

I wouldn't trust their research skills or integrity as far as I could throw them.


posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 05:23 AM
I listen to the paracast and quite enjoy it despite some of the contradictions that pop up throughout the conversations. I can see how they sometimes mix up the distinction between hosting a podcast and then expressing experiences that puts them in the position of being like guests on their own podcast.

And the conversational format sometimes brings in contradictions like the episode where they seem to have a go at richard hoagland and then have on Mac Tonnies who then basically seems to agree with most, not all, but most of the stuff that hoagland says about mars anomalies and previous inhabitants.

I also pick up that sometimes their previous radio experience (I think that they mentioned previous radio experience but I'm not 100 percent sure) sometimes bleeds over into the way they do the paracast, hence claiming to move away from the paranormal as 'entertainment' or 'religion' while every now and then doing things that fall into these categories.

I find that after a few listens you can see where they make the distinctions. Furthermore I find it interesting as they comment on the podcast process. They might bag out coast 2 coast but then at the sametime they give credit to coast 2 coast when talking about how hard it is to schedule guests and interviews once a week let alone 7 times a week.

Oh and I've been spontaneously yelling out.. ATTACK! ......of the Rockoids.. That ad has to be somewhat tongue in cheek otherwise I'm scared!

Anyhooo, didn't mean to get too off topic but thought I'd share my views.

[edit on 2008-8-25 by primamateria]

[edit on 2008-8-25 by primamateria]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 12:50 AM
god, i'm glad biedny banned these two a**-hats.

Verum, thanks for sharing to the world that you've apparently got some kind of butthurt complex and will spend a ridiculous amount of time basically whining. Nothing that you said was remotely true.

the first poster obviously doesnt even belong on the internet

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 04:44 AM
Jesus Christ Verum, get over it. Biedny has said so many times that doesnt care if anyone believes him. Hes not trying to convince you or me or anyone that any of his stuff is true.,.. hes just telling it the way it is.

And like he says whether you or anyone believes him or not doesnt change the reality of the situation either way - whether it happened or not.

You just sound like a big baby told to sit outside for being naughty.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 08:05 PM
Wow, that Anonymous ATS poster who says I'm a fraud and The Paracast is a CIA job... much applause, friend. You figured it out. Best line:

"BTW, sincere as Gene Steinberg may be, ask yourself how he got to be in possesion [sic] of 100 million dollars."

That is so true I don't know where to begin. Well, maybe by thanking Gene. Gene, thank you for gifting me that 20 million to help with my lower back issues. I stuffed it under my mattress pad and it contoured to my body so well I've stopped snoring!


So thank you again for that.

And the mink-skin pillow helped too. Where did you get the money? Disinformation sure does pay.


posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 09:24 AM
I just listened to the Paracast's interview of Paola Harris and was embarrassed for them and by them for their attitudes towards this woman who appears to be doing her honest best and brings forth much fascinating information through her hard work. She was amazingly patient and tolerant with her hosts, who certainly did not treat her like a guest. Really, they only discredit themselves for being so obviously out to "get" somebody. It is a shame when people who are interested in the same subject feel such a necessity to divide themselves into small warring groups rather than pool information and treat each other with respect.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 05:22 PM
So I just found this thread, I'm late to the party.

That long anon post made me snarf, I laughed so hard. Comedy gold!

And not to get into ALL the issues of why I went to Argentina to get my teeth done, it's a simple equation:

Dental work in US - $32,000 +
Dental work in Buenos Aires - $8500, including airfare, apartment rentals, food (and WHAT food, OMG), taxis, gifts, everything.

Quality of dental work: wonderful. As good, if not better, than what I'd get here.

You'd be an idiot - or scared of going overseas - NOT to go to Argentina to get the work done. And given that I speak totally fluent Spanish, it was a blast not to be an American for a few weeks. VERY educational. And I hooked up with some old friends who live down there, I was treated like a king, taken to dinner practically every night, had the time of my life. I'd go back down in a heartbeat, Buenos Aires is an AMAZING city, I fell in love with it and the Argentinian people.

And we were mean to Paola Harris? The woman is a moron, a detriment to serious discussion of UFOs. She dug her own grave, we just handed her the shovel. She is as ignorant as the day is long, and her research consists of name-dropping and platitudes that are totally meaningless. The Paracast will continue to take down the Paranormal Paparazzi™, we will take no prisoners. You can quote me on that.

Anyway, proceed. I am actually a spy from the other dimensions, sent here to piss off troglodytes. Verum, how's it hangin, [snip]?


[edit on 18-12-2008 by davidbiedny]

[edit on 18-12-2008 by davidbiedny]


Removed offensive word.

[edit on 6/3/10 by masqua]

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 09:34 PM
Paola Harris actually believes the Billy Meiers crap he's peddling. I mean seriously, who could possibly think those pictures are real, jeez. And Steven Greer is just a modern version of a snake oil salesman so who cares if they nail his bullcrap to the carpet. I don't get it, if you don't like the program don't go listen to it. Dave annoys the heck out of me sometimes as well, but he also has some really good points ocassionaly and calls people to the carpet for their actions. Yes he sometimes goes to far and gets a little preachy, but his good outweighs the bad. And seriously, CIA operative, give me a break.

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