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Plans moving forward to create a North American Union

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posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 12:37 PM
From the American Policy Center
Tom DeWeese, President
70 Main Street, Suite 23
Warrenton, VA 20186


I know you have fought hard to preserve and protect the freedoms of
our beloved nation, the United States.

But I must tell you now that if you and I don't take immediate,
strong action, no other issues will ever matter again because there
will not be a United States of America to defend.

Those are not idle words.

I'm sorry to tell you that the Administration of President George W.
Bush is moving rapidly, and in secret, to create a North American
Union with Mexico and Canada.

The facts cannot be denied.

On March 23, 2005, President Bush, Vicente Fox, President of Mexico
and (then) Canadian Prime Minster Paul Martin agreed to create
the "Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP).

Since then, over 20 "working groups" have been established to
implement a blueprint for a North American Union. That blueprint was
written by the Council on Foreign Relations.

And the working groups, operating out of the Department of
Commerce -on your tax dollars, have been following that blueprint
almost to the letter.

They are creating a European Union in America. You and I must
move immediately to stop them - or lose our nation forever.

First, I have prepared a special report to provide you with
all of the facts. Please read it - and then pass it on to all of your
friends and family and contacts.

Second, I have included addresses and phone numbers for
President Bush and to both the House and Senate leadership, Call them
and demand they stop this effort immediately. See all the details

There is no time to lose.

If we don't stop the North American Union, all will be lost.
Issues like property rights, privacy rights, illegal immigration,
voluntary prayer will all be lost at one time.

It's urgent that you and I sound the alarm and expose it.

You and I must stop the North American Union - or it will be
the end of the dreams of Washington, Jefferson and the great men who
founded this nation. And it's the end of your dreams of living in
freedom. It is the end of the United States.

North American Union Fact Sheet

The effort is in its infancy, however the Bush Administration
has been operating in secret for at least two years to establish what
can only be described as a North American Union with Mexico and
Canada, along the same lines as the European Union. It eventually
means an end to the U.S. Constitution as our ruling document,
replaced instead with a new North American Government.

It will eventually lead to the surrender of U.S. sovereignty,
independence, and national borders. It will result in the
establishment of a North American currency called the "Amero," as the
dollar is junked.

The U.S. will provide the army for defense. The U.S. will
provide Social Security benefits for those who are now citizens of
Mexico and Canada. Gone will be U.S. citizenship. Gone will be any
kind of border control between the three nations of North America.

Plans are well underway to establish a NAFTA Super Highway,
to be the width of eight football fields. It will run from Mexico to
Canada, running through the middle of the United States. No tariffs
or no inspections will be enforced as trucks from Mexico and Canada
drive through this nation.

Kansas City, MO has been tapped to serve as an "inland port"
to handle imports and exports among the three nations. Operating
quietly, Kansas City has already designated $2.5 million of its
taxpayer's money to establish the port. Now, some say the land the
port sits on will become officially Mexican sovereign territory.

The effort began on March 23, 2005, after a summit, held in
Waco, TX. It was attended by President Bush, Mexican President
Vicente Fox, and (then) Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin. The
three leaders signed an agreement to create common policies
concerning various economic and security areas among the three

For obvious cover of official deniability, the term "North
American Union" is not being used. Instead, the agreement officially
authorized eight tri-national "working groups" to establish
the "Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP). The concept is being
sold as simply a new framework within which the member nations can
create free trade and security within the North American continent.
However, based on working documents, the intent to create the North
American Union is impossible to hide.

The trilateral agreement, signed as a joint declaration, has
not been submitted to Congress for review. There is no congressional

Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP)

The joint statement on the SPP, issued on March, 23, 2005
described it as an initiative to: ".establish a common approach to
security to protect North America from external threats, prevent and
respond to threats within North America, and further streamline the
security and efficient movement of legitimate, low-risk traffic
across our shared borders."

The working groups are now laying the foundation for a
European Union-style integration of the North American continent.

The White House has established the SPP office in the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) office in the U.S. Department
of Commerce, where it has worked in virtual secrecy for two years. As
the process proceeds, the SPP groups have not released public reports
on their activities.

Over the past two years, at least 20 SPP working groups have
produced a number of memorandums of understanding and trilateral
declarations of agreement. These agreements cover a wide variety of
issues including, e-commerce, aviation policy, border and immigration
policy, and the means for multiple governmental agencies to interact.
They may be viewed on the Internet at

Council on Foreign Relations Blue Print

Many SPP working groups appear to be working toward achieving
specific objectives as defined by a May, 2005 Council on Foreign
Relations(CFR) task force report, which presented a blueprint for
expanding the SPP agreement into a North American Union that would
merge the U.S., Canada and Mexico into a new governmental form.

The CFR report is entitled "Building a North American
Community," and is essentially a five year plan for implementing the
North American Union. It may be viewed at the CFR Internet web sight

A member of the CFR taskforce, Dr. Robert Pastor, wrote a
book, published in 2001, titled "Toward a North American Commission."
The CFR taskforce report and the official SPP agreement carry almost
identical language as the Pastor's book.

The book, the CFR task force and the SPP agreement call for
the establishment of a North American Competitiveness Council to pull
in the private sector to the SPP process. In addition, all three call
for the establishment of a "North American Advisory Council," which
is to be an "independent body of advisors," composed of "eminent
persons from outside the government."

In 2002, Dr. Pastor addressed the Trilateral Commission,
calling for the establishment of a North American Investment Fund
that would supplement World Bank funds expended in a trilateral
effort to develop Mexico economically. The May, 2005 CFR report
called for the same fund. Efforts are now underway in the SPP to
officially establish the fund.

The CFR Task Force calls for the "creation by 2010 of a North
American community to enhance security, prosperity, and opportunity.
We propose a community based on the principle affirmed in the March,
2005 Joint Statement of the three leaders (of the three nations)
that 'our security and prosperity are mutually dependent and
complementary.' Its boundaries will be defined by a common external
tariff and an outer security perimeter within the movement of people,
products and capital will be legal, orderly, and safe."

To those ends, the CFR report called for establishment of a
common security border perimeter around North America by 2010, along
with free movement of people, commerce and capital to be facilitated
by the establishment of a North American Border Pass that would
replace a U.S. passport for travel between the U.S., Canada and

Also envisioned by the CFR task force include a North
American Court, a North American inter-parliamentary group, A North
American Executive Commission, a North American Military Defense
Command, a North American Customs Office and a North American
Development Bank.

The task force report is important to the debate over the
official Security and Prosperity Partnership because the language
used in the CFR task force report and SPP documents, so far, have
proven to be nearly identical. Clearly the CFR task force report is
being used as the blue print to establish the North American Union.

No Congressional Authorization or Oversight

To date, Congress has passed no specific legislation to authorize the
activities of the SPP, nor to funds it is spending. Congress has had
no official involvement in the process and has no oversight.

Congressman Tom Tancredo, (R-Colo) has demanded that the Bush
Administration fully disclose the activities of the SPP working
groups, including revealing the names of the members of those groups.
No answers to his demands have yet been received from the Bush
Administration, though the activity continues to move forward.

NAFTA Super Highway

Quietly, the Bush Administration is working to advance a plan to
build super highways through the heart of the United States to
transport goods from Mexico and Canada. The highways are part of the
original North American Free Trade Agreement, (NAFTA). The plan is
now being advanced through an operation called "North America's
SuperCorridor Coalition, Inc" (NASCO). Since being exposed to the
general public, NASCO is now denying it is building the highways, but
plans go forward.

Beginning at the southern tip of Mexico, passing through Laredo, TX,
the highway heads to an "inland port" in Kansas City, where a "Sentry
System" will electronically inspect the cargos, before they head East
or West, or continue on North through Duluth, Minnesota and into

The Super Transnational System includes multiple lanes for cars and
trucks. Speed limits will be relaxed as well as safety inspections
for vehicles from Mexico and Canada. Trucks will be allowed to carry
extra tonnage and be extra long. A Railway system will travel up the
center of the highway.

Several such highways are contemplated. Environmental impact studies
have already been completed. In Texas, efforts are already underway
as 584,000 acres have been targets for takings through Eminent

Kansas City Customs Port to be Mexican Soil

Kansas City will serve as an "inland port" for the NAFTA
Superhighway. It will be the first, and perhaps ONLY check point and
disbursement center for trucks bringing their cargos into this
country from Mexico and Canada. The official organization in charge
of setting up the port is KCSmartPort.

As part of the inland port, a Mexican Customs office is being
established. The Kansas City Council has voted a $2.5 million loan to
KCSmartPort to build the Mexican customs facility in the West Bottoms
near Kemper Area on city-owned land east of Liberty Street and mostly
south of Interstate 670.

According to e-mails and other documents obtained by World
Net Daily, top executives with the KCSmartPort project, suggest the
facility "would need to be designated as Mexican sovereign territory
and meet certain requirements."

The negotiations with Mexico and the U.S. State Department for the
final approval of the Mexican Customs office are proceeding in

The "Amero," Merging U.S., Canadian and Mexican Currencies

Though it will take some years to finalize, plans are being laid to
create a new currency for the coming North American Union, much like
the Euro replaced the currencies of individual countries of the
European Union. The Amero would replace the U.S. Dollar, Peso and
Canadian Dollar.

The plan has been specifically promoted through Dr. Pastor's book,
the blueprint for the rest of the SPP plan, and now may be officially
moving through the establishment of a new SPP effort called
the "Financial Services Work Group." To date, it is too early to tell
exactly when such a change would move forward, but it is being
discussed in high places.

The issue is so controversial that U.S. officials deny it has even
been discussed.

A new government for North America

Many Americans simply do not believe that the United States would
voluntarily give up its sovereignty to a North American Union. Those
who think this way somehow believe that there will be a vote of the
American people to decide.

It is little understood that such actions are done incrementally,
behind closed doors, until the plans are so far along that stopping
them becomes nearly impossible. The North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) was sold as simply a way for American producers to
broaden their markets. So too, was the European Union sold to the
proud, ancient nations of that continent. Today, a new, socialist
government rules them, complete with a ruling body, a new currency, a
tax system, court system and a defense system -- all the ingredients
necessary for a government.

Operating in secret, SPP working groups are efficiently laying the
groundwork for the destruction of the United States of America. Once
the North American Union is in place, we will then have to compromise
our very unique nation of protected freedoms with the socialist
nations of Mexico and Canada, where property rights, justice,
economics and natural rights are not recognized. Government decides.

The Security and Prosperity Partnership is about neither. It is not a
plan simply to help sell American goods to larger markets. It is not
a plan to help keep our nation safer in a security partnership with
Mexico and Canada. Shutting our borders, not opening them, would do
far more to accomplish that goal. The SPP is about creating a
continental government.

The SPP is an invasion of our culture and our economy. It's about the
redistribution of American wealth and industry. It is the end of over
250 years of an historic experiment in freedom - unless Americans
across the nation say no - now.

This report is produced by The American Policy Center, 70 Main
Street, Suite 23, Warrenton, VA 20186. 540-341-8911 . Much of the information for this
report was contained in material produced by investigative journalist
Jerome Corsi. His reports on the North American Union may be found
on World Net Daily, Human Events, More information was provided by Dr.
Steven Yates, "The United States of North America," The ecologic
Powerhouse, The blueprint for the North
American Union may be viewed in it's entirety on the web site of the
Council on Foreign Relations, and the official
reports of the SPP working groups, now operating out of the U.S.
Department of Commerce, may be viewed at

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 04:02 PM
They may be trying to do this to save the "fall of the US" - if there is such a thing.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 09:02 PM
This is obviously happening and they are keeping it hush hush. The info is out there.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 09:29 PM
Maybe America and Canada want to use Mexico for cheap labour factories that could rival China's. This would eradicate the 100billion dollar trading deficit the US now has with China and reduce the amount of money China has to spend on military equipment.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 11:13 PM
This will be a nessecity for the US to escape the coming USD crash and implement the Amero Dollar. I think in the long haul it will be a good thing as perhaps some balance can be applied to the US military and its ever increasing willingness to invade other countries eg: Vietnam, Korea, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan and possibly Iran in the coming years.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 11:42 PM
wow this is really interesting stuff talk about a way to end illegal imigration just make the whole country legal. but seriously all 3 countries could benefit from each other creating a better world for us here in north america just because you are united doenst mean that the countries dont exists anymore look at the EU map it still show all of the countries that were there before the union

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 12:25 AM
are you people nuts ???

this means an end to private property rights, socialist goverments dont respect private property rights like the USA does. if the goverment needs your house, it just takes it. and it sounds like thats going to happen in texas to allow for the highway to be built.

a crappy social medical system (just ask canada how wonderful it is to wait 2 years to have an operation).

social security benefits for all...umm do you think your going to get nearly as much money at retirement with 100 million mexicans on the plan as well ?

minimum wages - you think there's even gonna be such a term in existence with the cheap labor that will be utilized in Mexico ???

Bill of Rights - a uniquely american idea...we actually have the guarentee of pursuit of happiness ! You think any Bill of rights will exist after this union is formed ?

finally, dont the founding father's sacrifices mean anything to you all ? they fought against an unfair tax system and ruling elite. and for what, so so the same families (rothschilds) could sneak back in and take it all back ?

i dont know whats scarier, the loss of my country or the moronic posts here saying it wont be that bad.

wake up fools, this is the beginning of the end. its time for open revolt

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 02:40 AM
I especially liked the first sentence

Originally posted by admriker444
are you people nuts ???

finally, dont the founding father's sacrifices mean anything to you all ? they fought against an unfair tax system and ruling elite. and for what, so so the same families (rothschilds) could sneak back in and take it all back ?

i dont know whats scarier, the loss of my country or the moronic posts here saying it wont be that bad.

wake up fools, this is the beginning of the end. its time for open revolt

Revolt it is my friend. Where's the nearest pawn shop I need some ammo

I'm not sure that enough people would take up arms yet. Unfortunately, the majority is still sleeping. It will have to take an educated minority to pull this thing off.

I'm already on the bandwagon, hop on brother.


posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 03:49 PM
I am dumbfounded as to why anyone would think that the North American Union would be a good thing. It will destroy the basic foundations of our democracy and America as we know it.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 03:52 PM
maybe if we pretend there not in charge all at once we can trick them

posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by jblaze
It will destroy the basic foundations of our democracy and America as we know it.

I'd say a democracy based on a 49% to 51% vote is as close to chaos as it comes.No dout the media and government manipulate the masses to acheive this,the lines are drawn red and blue.Already your government has elimited your democracy.The opposition will apose a good idea not wanting to give their opposites any credibility for actually solving a problem.This does not reflect the best intrists of its people,therefore is no longer a government for the people by the people which I belive is the goal democracy.

posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 05:55 PM
Why is it that all you Yankies see to have cotton wool between your ears, for your arrogance has reached Himalayan scales. Just because the Bush administration is pushing ahead with the North American Union doesn't mean that Canada will accept it and, without Canada, all it amounts to is the takeover of Mexico.

It was the PREVIOUS Liberal Prime Minister who was agreeable to it. The current Tory one under Harper sends representatives along to the meeting, nods in the right palces and then junks any such propostiions on the most minor technicality once they get back to their office.

The Harper Adminsitration up here has NO INTEREST in the NAU and only went a long so far in the meetings so as not to piss off the Yankies and ensure that we can sell our soft wood lumber down there. With that now secure, they will be gently backing our in a sort of slow, first gear reverse.

And as for all these "scret meetings" of industrialists, no-one here gives a monkey's about them because the state up here is so blockheaded that it is almost entirely deaf to anyone in private business.

You Yankies are so dumb to think that your northern neighbours would buy the Brooklyn Bridge from you. Remeber, teh Cnadians are reasonable about everything, but when it comes to the crunch, they told you where to get off in 1776, 1812 and joinedboth world wars long before you did.

Furthermore, if any of you wanted to stop the NAU, you would see that a "scorched earth" defence was the best way to bring it down... namely convince the Canuks to dump it rather than bashing your head against a brick wall with Bush.

Finally, I do know what I am taling about her. My girlfriend actually works in the Ministry associated with this and NO-ONE there and I mean NO-ONE there wants it and they really do just go along to the meetings to nod in the right places jsut to keep the Yankies happy so they'll buy our lumber,but back at the office are working flat out to see how to sabotage it.

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by nobodyelse
Why is it that all you Yankies see to have cotton wool between your ears, for your arrogance has reached Himalayan scales. Just because the Bush administration is pushing ahead with the North American Union doesn't mean that Canada will accept it and, without Canada, all it amounts to is the takeover of Mexico.

It was the PREVIOUS Liberal Prime Minister who was agreeable to it. The current Tory one under Harper sends representatives along to the meeting, nods in the right palces and then junks any such propostiions on the most minor technicality once they get back to their office.

The Harper Adminsitration up here has NO INTEREST in the NAU and only went a long so far in the meetings so as not to piss off the Yankies and ensure that we can sell our soft wood lumber down there. With that now secure, they will be gently backing our in a sort of slow, first gear reverse.

And as for all these "scret meetings" of industrialists, no-one here gives a monkey's about them because the state up here is so blockheaded that it is almost entirely deaf to anyone in private business.

You Yankies are so dumb to think that your northern neighbours would buy the Brooklyn Bridge from you. Remeber, teh Cnadians are reasonable about everything, but when it comes to the crunch, they told you where to get off in 1776, 1812 and joinedboth world wars long before you did.

Furthermore, if any of you wanted to stop the NAU, you would see that a "scorched earth" defence was the best way to bring it down... namely convince the Canuks to dump it rather than bashing your head against a brick wall with Bush.

Finally, I do know what I am taling about her. My girlfriend actually works in the Ministry associated with this and NO-ONE there and I mean NO-ONE there wants it and they really do just go along to the meetings to nod in the right places jsut to keep the Yankies happy so they'll buy our lumber,but back at the office are working flat out to see how to sabotage it.

Now there's a good idea. Everyone in Canada and the U.S. who are against this should come together and form a collective group to fight it.

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Jessicamsa
Now there's a good idea. Everyone in Canada and the U.S. who are against this should come together and form a collective group to fight it.

I would never join Canada, just the same as I'd never join Mexico... and that has nothing to do with whether or not one of the three are better than the other... it only has to deal with me being an American.

If I wanted to be a Canadian, or a Mexican, I'd move to those countries and become a citizen... which is the base argument to the North American Union. Their reasoning for joining the three countries is a false front to convince people to join this union. We don't need this union to better each other... there is an alternative motive behind everything these governmental bodies are doing.

Get educated.

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Infoholic

Originally posted by Jessicamsa
Now there's a good idea. Everyone in Canada and the U.S. who are against this should come together and form a collective group to fight it.

I would never join Canada, just the same as I'd never join Mexico... and that has nothing to do with whether or not one of the three are better than the other... it only has to deal with me being an American.

If I wanted to be a Canadian, or a Mexican, I'd move to those countries and become a citizen... which is the base argument to the North American Union. Their reasoning for joining the three countries is a false front to convince people to join this union. We don't need this union to better each other... there is an alternative motive behind everything these governmental bodies are doing.

Get educated.

Huh? I'm already against the NAU. I'm just saying if everyone in the two countries who are against the NAU work together then we'd have better success at defeating it.

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