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Candidate Declaration: neformore, Democratic

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posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 07:42 AM

neformore for President

I, neformore, hereby declare that I am running for the office of President of The United States and are running for the Democratic party.

In short, my platform is simple:
A simple platform.
A strong America is one that looks after its own, and sets an example to others.
An America that walks the talk, is a beacon to the world.
Great power holds great responsibility. Its time to face that responsibility.

To expand:
The world today is in a state of flux, probably more than in any other time in history.

The choices made within the next decade are likely to shape the world for at least the next century, maybe longer.

We need to make the right decisions now to ensure both our own prosperity, and the prosperity of those around us.

In the media age, where information is a premium, news travels fast and time is of the essence every decision we make as a nation is watched, valued and interpreted globally.

We need to be sending out the right message and, at this time - sadly - I am not convinced we do.

Do we, as a nation, wish to be judged on a "do what we say, not what we do" basis?

At home, we need to ensure that we look after our own people, in terms of standard of living, healthcare and education. We need to make sure every person is valued, that our economy is strong, and the skills each person has are used effectively.

But - when we have people who cannot afford basic healthcare, or are homeless, or resort to drugs and alchohol abuse to escape the realities of the world, then we are failing

In terms of security and the military arena we need to be able to look both our allies and enemies squarely in the eye and say "what we are doing is true to our values".

But - when we adopt the standards of those we choose to depose, we are failing.

In terms of our place globally, we need to lead by example, spread our values, help the less fortunate to help themselves and make a difference. As the worlds leading technological and scientific power this nation can make a huge difference to people across the globe.

But, when we bury our heads in the sand, when we exploit the weakness and ignorance of others for our own commercial gain, we are failing.

And we are judged on our failures.

Our way of life, our military actions, our global position - all judged on failures.

Human nature is quick to dismiss the good and always looks at the bad.

America needs to be a symbol of consistent hope, of achievement and effective decision making in a fair and just manner.

I propose;

A national project, with due rewards, to remove our reliance on fossil fuels once and for all, and give something back to the world that all Americans can be proud of.

A review of our position globally, taking into consideration the views of our closest allies, in order to strengthen our position.

A systematic and total review of welfare at home, including new programmes for basic health care, shelter and the provision of treatment if needs be for all sections of the community.

A complete review of homeland security, in order to ensure that our borders are protected, that our defences are strong and that we can sleep safely at night whilst knowing that the basic freedoms we have come to know and love are protected by checks and balances to ensure fairness and constitutional rights.

Bold ventures in diplomacy. Engagement does not have to mean military involvement. There is time to listen and learn from other cultures as well as to spread our own views. It is far, far easier, and less costly in terms of human life to talk.

The phased removal of our troops from Iraq, in accordance with the wishes of the new Iraqi administration, in line with a comprehensive review of policies in the Middle East.

The closure of the controversial base and detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, and the absoprtion of the detainees into our legal system, for fair trial and appropriate sentencing if found guilty.

Ratification of our place in the global community with regards to the environment and international law. This does not mean throwing our rights away, or capitulating to outside pressure, rather it is a means to enagage, learn, educate and offer assistance where we can.

A review of the economy, moves to strenghthen our industrial base and Keep Things American. By working together with common goals we can reduce our debts, reduce our taxes and move towards a self sustaining economy.

I welcome all questions on these policies - and other issues which you deem important - and I will do my best to answer all questions put to me in time.

I thank you for reading and wish all candiates from all paries the best of luck.

As a candidate for this office, running on this website, I promise the following:

I will uphold the Terms & Conditions of at all times

I will conduct a campaign that focuses on issues

I will seek to always answer issue-based questions with direct honesty and integrity

I will not, through my actions, communicate libelous or slanderous statements or advertising messages directed toward other candidates in the primaries or general election

I will not, through my inaction, allow libelous or slanderous statements or advertising messages directed toward other candidates to be made on my behalf

I will participate in every debate and avail myself to questions from the general population

If selected in a primary election, I will accept the nomination to run for my party for The President of The United States and select a capable running mate for my Vice President

I understand that if I fail to live up to the higher standards described herein, I may voluntarily or forcibly be required to end my candidacy or Presidency if elected.

[edit on 26/0207/07 by neformore]

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 09:29 AM
QUESTION - your locaton says UK ... are you an American? If not, tell me why I should vote for a non-American to run my country. Convince me.

Other questions .. I am asking everyone.

1 - Your stand on the rights of Americans to own and bear arms....

2 - Your stand on abortion laws ....

3 - Your stand on changing the Constitution to exclude gay marriage .....

4 - Your economic platform ....

5 - Your stand on the 'death tax' .....

6 - Your stand on the war in Iraq and how/when (IF?) to end it .....

7 - Your stand on our security wall on the southern US border (and then on the Northern border?) ...

8 - Your stand on other security issues such as security in our ports etc ...

9 - Your stand on intelligence gathering within the USA in regards to terrorism and constitutional rights -

10 - Your VP and cabinet appointments?

11 - Your education in America fix? (or does it need it?) Your thoughts on what to do with 'no child left behind'....

12 - Your policy for foreign aid and 'forgiving debts' .....

13 - What federal funding, if any, would you put into medical research etc etc? Including FETAL stem cell use yes or no??

14 - Afghanistan? Your policy there ....

15 - Oil companies, pharmacuticals, etc etc? Any thoughts in that area as far as your administration goes?

16 - The United Nations .... Your policy and thoughts in regards to that and how your administration would deal with them??

17 - Amnesty for illegals or send them back (anchor babies and all)??

18 - NASA ... further funding, more funding, less funding, a complete change ??? What would you and your administration support in this area?

19 - ANWAR ... drill or not drill? Alaska's state right to drill (they want to) or will your administration forbid it due to the possibilty that the Refuge could be damaged in the future?

20 - Alternative energies .... Solar, wind mill farms, etc ... what are your thoughts and plans in this area to make us no longer at the mercy of anti-American oil rich countires?

[edit on 2/26/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
QUESTION - your locaton says UK ... are you an American? If not, tell me why I should vote for a non-American to run my country. Convince me.
[edit on 2/26/2007 by FlyersFan]

I'm going to answer this one specifically first, and my other answers to your questions will follow later.

My answer is as follows.

You shouldn't. We both know that the electoral rules in the US forbid non-American citizens from running for President of the United States of America.

But then, this is ATS and not America, and here we are all equal.

By raising the question you plant a false-flag in the whole debate. You add an air of xenophobia where none is needed.

Its not about whether I'm American or not, its about who has the best ideas and best policies that people want to vote for.

Its certainly not about predjudicing someone because they are from outside the US. As I've stated on another thread, the question itself is not within the spirit of SO's initial post, or the election as a whole.

As such I refuse to try and defend a position that does not need raising. You would not/have not asked candidates to answer a similar question based on their race, gender or sexual orientation.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by neformore
you plant a false-flag in the whole debate. You add an air of xenophobia ...the question itself is not within the spirit of ...

Wrong. It's a viable question. Convince me to vote for you as my president.

I refuse to try and defend a position ...

Actually, your dodge answers everything. Good luck with that 'refuse to answer' stuff ...

Its not about whether I'm American or not, its about who has the best ideas and best policies that people want to vote for.

THAT is an answer. Not so hard when you try, eh?

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 12:51 PM
Your avatar represents your nations flag well!

What is your stance on separation of church and state? Should there be prayer in school, ten commandments on public property?

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Wrong. It's a viable question. Convince me to vote for you as my president.

Ok. I'll be diplomatic. Flyers, if, on an international public forum, someones nationality is an issue, please don't vote for me. Its simple

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Your avatar represents your nations flag well!

What is your stance on separation of church and state? Should there be prayer in school, ten commandments on public property?

Well I could change my avatar to have her in the Stars and Stripes, but I thought that might be a little pretentious

To answer your question.....

I think that education should be seperate from religion. Whilst I respect peoples belief systems, I see no practical and fair way to teach all of them in an education system, and to miss any out shows bias and favouritism.

I also believe that government should also be seperate from religon, for similar reasons. Religions divide people. We can see from the world around us that differing interpretations of the same religion divide people even more - driving some to violence.

It is only by discussion, and finding common ground, that we can move forward as a nation in the global community. I say respect all beliefs, but do not pander to them.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 05:43 PM
I will answer Flyers questions in a few parts, as I can't commit the time to answering them all right now, and whilst I do not agree with her views on the nationality of the candidates, I do think the question set is excellent and all the points merit discussion.

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Other questions .. I am asking everyone.

1 - Your stand on the rights of Americans to own and bear arms....

I see no reason why Americans should not continue in the time honoured tradition of being able to bear arms. I DO think that checks need to be put in place to restrict the ownership and useage of fire arms around minors on a national level and not with a state to state variance. I believe consistency is the key.

2 - Your stand on abortion laws ....

A woman should have a right to choose. It is not the states place - or anyone else's to intervene in the right of a person to make a decision about their own health, wellbeing and body. The states place is to inform and provide the support necessary for either the commitment or the abortion.

3 - Your stand on changing the Constitution to exclude gay marriage .....

With certain limitations, where it comes to threats to other peoples property, livelihood and life, the state has no place in interfering with how people choose to live their life, be they straight or gay. Why restrict something that enables people to express themselves in the best possible way, and feel good about their lives? Why not just let people be? Government of the people, by the people, for the people. Not government for a select few and the rest be excluded.

4 - Your economic platform ....

Keep Things American. A nation the size and complexity of the US need not rely on imported goods. The United States of America has the technology, resources and manpower to be a fully self sustaining country that can be proud of its achievements and repay its trade deficits through use of high quality goods exports, valuable technological development and manpower expertise. A system of trade allowances/tariffs on imported goods needs to be implemented to give US companies incentives to price goods at competitive levels whilst keeping employess pay and conditions at high standards.

5 - Your stand on the 'death tax' .....

A tax on inheritance is, possibly, the lowest form of taxation. The family of ther deceased should have full access to any and all proceeds of the estate. I say no to "death tax"

6 - Your stand on the war in Iraq and how/when (IF?) to end it .....

Whilst I do not believe in any way shape or form that Saddam Hussein was not guilty of the charges levied against him with regards to crimes against humanity, I do believe that the war in Iraq was undertaken under a false premise, in order to further an agenda that thinks in the short term for immediate capital gain, and the securing of oil reserves.

And whilst the armed forces of the United States have proved themselves in battle time and time again, they have paid a heavy price for a short term goal.

Its time to bring them home, all of them, in a phased withdrawl over a period of a year that allows the people of Iraq time to ready themselves for the future.

I have no doubt that a civil war is looming in Iraq following our withdrawal, but it is the Iraqi's right to determine their own future now that Saddam Hussein has been removed, and I think all that America can, and should do, is be there to offer assistance and humanitarian aid when the fighting ceases, and be a neutral party and facilitator in any diplomatic discussions that need to be undertaken.

Six questions, six answers. More answers to follow tomorrow.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
7 - Your stand on our security wall on the southern US border (and then on the Northern border?) ...

I believe that America needs a secure border to the South, and I believe the way to attain it is to redeploy those armed forces currently in Iraq, as part of their phased withdrawl, to maintain the security of the border, and help deal with the flood of illegal immigrants into the country.

As for the Northern border, I believe that we need to move to fully trust and strengthen our tires with our closest allies any stringent moves to place massive barriers between the two countries will weaken the bonds we already have. We should work with the Canadians to ensure that their borders are as strong as our own, and that our intelligence and security services work in equal partnership with theirs. That way, we have less to fear.

8 - Your stand on other security issues such as security in our ports etc ...

Its similar to the above. We have forces deployed overseas that are more than capable of providing the security we seek, and yet the current administraion has chosen to put them at risk in Iraq and Afghanistan instead of actually protecting the citizens of our country.

9 - Your stand on intelligence gathering within the USA in regards to terrorism and constitutional rights -

I am against violations of constitutional rights unless a clear and immediate case is presented. I believe that a standing panel of legal experts and judiciary members needs to formed, cleared to the highest level to work hand in hand with the intelligence services to determine when - if necessary - individual freedoms may need to be curtailed in order to prevent acts of terrorism. This panel should report to a cross party congressional security panel on a regular basis as a check and balance to the system.

10 - Your VP and cabinet appointments?

At this time I am unable to provide such information. These are only the primary stages of the election and as such I am undecided on a running mate at this time

11 - Your education in America fix? (or does it need it?) Your thoughts on what to do with 'no child left behind'....

"I believe that children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride to make it easier. Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be."

Well Whitney sang it - and I couldn't put it better. Of course, the practice and the reality of ensuring a sound education for every child in the United States is a difficult one. I do believe in strong family ties, and I do believe that children learn better if the education programme caters to them as individuals, rather than "en bloc" with, say, a national curriculum. I do believe that school should be a safe and secure environment to learn in, and if this means there is a need for better security and the use of contracts of behaviour between the school and the child and the parents then so be it. It is the states job to provide the basic building blocks for the common good of the people and more funding is needed in education to allow the growth required in our educational facilities in order to accomodate such changes.

12 - Your policy for foreign aid and 'forgiving debts' .....

Lead by example. The United States of America is one of the largest, richest and most technologically advanced countries in the world. There is no reason why we cannot provide substantial, effective aid to countries who require it, without preconditions. Aid donations need to be monitored though, to ensure they are being used effectively. The message should be made clear that we are not here to line the pockets of dictators or corrupt governments. We should be prepared, as humanitarian champions, to defend the rights of those less fortunate than ourselves, if necessary working towards protected enclaves and diplomatic solutions hand in hand with our allies and the United Nations.

As for "forgiving debts", the only way - and I do mean the only way - to aid the third world in my opinion is to remove the debt placed upon it. BUT, that debt removal needs to come with assurances on disarming hostile factions and introducing reform programmes to settle territorial disputes and provide equal aid to all parties that require aid and assistance. The removal of Third World debt requires a global solution, and we need to stand proud as a contributor to that solution.

13 - What federal funding, if any, would you put into medical research etc etc? Including FETAL stem cell use yes or no??

Tough question.

If my childs life was threatened with a disease, some form of genetic problem, or sudden complication, I would not want any obstacles placed in the way of a doctor, or scientist, in order to develop a cure or a solution.

As such I have no problems with medical research, including the use of animal testing, and the use of and research into fetal stem cells, in order to better develop our understanding of human physiology and provide a better quality of life for those that need it.

I do not believe religion has any place in arguments over medical research, because, to be frank, too many people have prayed for miracles that have not happened.

I DO believe, that ethical checks and balances need to be implented to ensure that abuse of position does not occur. To that end ethical standards

Thank you for reading once again. I will endeavour to answer the final seven questions this evening.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 03:20 PM
I'll be asking all candidates this.

What is your opinion the current election age, that is having to be at least
35 to become president, should it be lowered, raised or stay the same?

What are your thoughts on the requirement that one must be born in the
United States to become president, should it be changed or stay the

posted on Feb, 28 2007 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by iori_komei
I'll be asking all candidates this.

What is your opinion the current election age, that is having to be at least
35 to become president, should it be lowered, raised or stay the same?

I think its fine as it is! I'm only a little older myself.

What are your thoughts on the requirement that one must be born in the
United States to become president, should it be changed or stay the

Well, I'm sure you can guess I'm not American by my avatar!

I'll give you an honest answer. I don't believe that a person who has not been born in the USA, experienced fully American culture and the American lifestyle is qualified to become the actual President of the United States of America, no matter how naturalised they have become.

However, I'm standing as a candidate in the ATS elections to become ATS president of the United States. In the ATS world, we're all citizens of the same place, and thus my candidacy is valid.

posted on Feb, 28 2007 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

14 - Afghanistan? Your policy there ....

Same as Iraq. We've been in and done our bit. Its not our fight anymore.

15 - Oil companies, pharmacuticals, etc etc? Any thoughts in that area as far as your administration goes?

As far as oil companies go, I believe that a portion of their profits needs to be manditorly donated to the national project to remove reliance on fossil fuels. This portion can be controlled by the companies themselves, but MUST be fed into alternate energey research, and pollution clean up costs. No cooperation, no operating licenses. The oil is finite, and its time to move forward.

Pharmacutical companies and the drug industry need to be given a clear message of corporate responsibility for the introduction of new medicines, and clear guidelines on profiteering from their processes. Making money out of medicine is a necessarry evil in order for the companies to exist however excessive pricing of drugs removes the ability to treat certain sections of society that may not be able to afford the associated costs. IN an enlightened and prosperous society that kind of segregation due to finance is ridiculous.

16 - The United Nations .... Your policy and thoughts in regards to that and how your administration would deal with them??

Whether certain sections of the political spectrum like it or not, The United States of America is one country out of approximately 198 in the world today. We may be a large and prosperous member, but that does not place us above any other member.

Being more fortunate does not make us better. What it does make us is more capable to assist and help others develop.

So in answer to "how would I deal with them", I would deal WITH them. Wholeheartedly. I want the whole world to look to the USA as a shining example of what can be achieved through strong spirit, democracy and continual progress, and that CANNOT be achieved by isolation from the international community, gung-ho warmongering and ignorance of our responsibilities ona global scale.

17 - Amnesty for illegals or send them back (anchor babies and all)??

Amnesty for those who have been in the country for greater than five years and hold full time meaningful employemnt. Anyone who has been here for less, or cannot prove that they qualify for the amnesty will be given the chance to contribute in a meaningful manner to the society they live in or face repatriation. ALL illegals will be required to learn English to a basic minimum standard, because it is our national language.

Once the southern border is secure, immigration quotas will be set up, but immigrants will be allocated only to places where their skills fit.

18 - NASA ... further funding, more funding, less funding, a complete change ??? What would you and your administration support in this area?

NASA needs to undergo a complete and total review of its organisational structure and management. When a private individual such as Burt Rutan can develop the basis of a successful two stage to orbit vehicle, and yet a nationally funded organisation struggles to do it, then something is drastically wrong. I support the revised Moon programme, and a possible trip to Mars, but not under the current NASA set-up. Its too archaic, too bogged down in its own importance and needs drastic revision.

19 - ANWAR ... drill or not drill? Alaska's state right to drill (they want to) or will your administration forbid it due to the possibilty that the Refuge could be damaged in the future?

Not drill. I don't think its needed, for the reasons outlined below.

20 - Alternative energies .... Solar, wind mill farms, etc ... what are your thoughts and plans in this area to make us no longer at the mercy of anti-American oil rich countires?

To paraphrase a great man

I believe that this great nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of developing useful, clean energy sources that remove our dependence on fossil fuels. No other project in this time will be more impressive, or relevant to the future of mankind.

We would choose to do this not because it is easy, but because it is HARD.

I propose this becomes a national project. Something that America can give back to the world, that we can be justifiably be proud of, and that will ensure a legacy for our children, show our commitment to the environment and put us at the forefront of technological innovation. There is a solid foundation and basis for renewable energies, and I would suggest that with education, a sound strategy, appropriate funding and a diversion from oil obsession we can literally change the world.


Finally, all 20 questions answered. Apologies for the time its taken. I hope at least a few people like my answers. I will, of course, answer any further ones given to me. Thank you for reading

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