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Real Talk about White Privilege

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posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 11:21 AM
So, a lot of people don't like the term "pig."

So what. I will call cops pigs whenever I feel like it. Equating it with racism shows how desperate some are to prove their nonsense.

Many people despise strippers. Does that equate to hating ALL Latino people?
Please. Straw-grasping at its worst.

Though the penelopes are not the subject of this thread, I'll talk a little about them. They deserve no respect. When they show up "promptly" 3 hours later after being called in some neighborhoods, plant evidence on people (check out the Houston PD
), throw their weight around like they're gods among men, racially profile people, BEAT, TASER, and KILL people, who should respect them?

Serve and protect my ass.

Back to the topic now...

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by truthseeka
So, a lot of people don't like the term "pig."

I don't care one way or another about the term. I don't hate cops and I'm not a cop. I was using it to point out hypocrisy and to show that blacks have privileges they aren't willing to admit.

So what. I will call cops pigs whenever I feel like it.

Obviously. And I don't care. What bothers me is that you will call a group of people a derogatory and hateful name "whenever you feel like it", but when someone calls your group by a derogatory and hateful name, you throw a fit.

Equating it with racism shows how desperate some are to prove their nonsense.

I have nothing to prove. And no one has yet explained how racial hatred is different than any other hatred. Care to give it a go? I didn't think so.

Many people despise strippers. Does that equate to hating ALL Latino people?

I made no such analogy. If you called strippers a derogatory and hateful name, though (such as skank or slut), it would be the same as calling Latinos a spic or border bunny.

If not, tell me what's the difference? Yeah, one disrespects the woman and one disrespects the race. But there isn't any real difference. If there is, tell me what it is.

Though the penelopes are not the subject of this thread, I'll talk a little about them. They deserve no respect.

My objection (I know you don't care, but I'm saying it anyway) is that you group cops in a group and spew hatred and disrespect toward them. Which is fine. But when you are the object of such action, you cry "racism" and "white privilege" and say how unfairly you're treated by the "dominant culture"...

When they show up "promptly" 3 hours later after being called in some neighborhoods, plant evidence on people (check out the Houston PD
), throw their weight around like they're gods among men, racially profile people, BEAT, TASER, and KILL people, who should respect them?

I'm not saying you should respect them! I'm saying you shouldn't group them and apply a derogatory and hateful term. Because hear this example:

When blacks sell crack to kids and get them hooked, get their women pregnant and leave them without ever paying a dime
, lay on their lazy asses all day smoking crack, join their gangs, steal guns and kill innocent people in their drive-bys, make "songs" about killing the cops and beating their women and wear blood diamonds on their teeth, and fill up the prisons, who should respect them?

What's the difference?

[edit on 1-3-2007 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I don't care one way or another about the term. I don't hate cops and I'm not a cop. I was using it to point out hypocrisy and to show that blacks have privileges they aren't willing to admit.

Case in point.

Anything to deflect real talk about white privilege.
Apparently, black people are the ONLY people who can/do call cops "pigs."
So...BH, how do you explain phoenix's use of the term? Oh, right, he's half black, so he has this "privilege."

Obviously. And I don't care. What bothers me is that you will call a group of people a derogatory and hateful name "whenever you feel like it", but when someone calls your group by a derogatory and hateful name, you throw a fit.

Stick to your oranges, BH.

In case you didn't know, all cops are not white.
So, you are clearly grasping at short straws here. Were I to call Asians a derogatory name, for example, you would have a point. But, stick to your straw-grabbing, it's entertaining.

I have nothing to prove. And no one has yet explained how racial hatred is different than any other hatred. Care to give it a go? I didn't think so.

Hmmm, ahhh, ummm, let me think...

America was founded on this particular hatred. Thus, this hatred has a LONG legacy in American society that exists to this DAY. If you can't understand that, I don't know what to tell you.

If not, tell me what's the difference? Yeah, one disrespects the woman and one disrespects the race. But there isn't any real difference. If there is, tell me what it is.

Still clinging those straws. Tell me, is hating onions the same thing as hating Muslims?

My objection (I know you don't care, but I'm saying it anyway) is that you group cops in a group and spew hatred and disrespect toward them. Which is fine. But when you are the object of such action, you cry "racism" and "white privilege" and say how unfairly you're treated by the "dominant culture"...

Notice how non-whites are always "crying," "whining," or "bitching" when they talk about racism. Just wanted to point that out.

I'm not saying you should respect them! I'm saying you shouldn't group them and apply a derogatory and hateful term.

Yes, you are. Pig is a disrespectful term for cops. It is NOT a racial slur. I have friends and family who are cops; so what? I can still refer to cops as pigs if I want.

Enough about the po pos.
Back to white privilege.

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 01:47 PM
I don't think cops, the man, Five-o are pigs.

I think they are really great. I tell them so with my bumper sticker that I hope will make them think twice about pulling me over when I'm speeding.

Well maybe guys from Georgia who look like Boss Hogg

PS "Pig" is not a racial slur, the only people other than cops who get offended by this are pigs

[edit on 1-3-2007 by Royal76]

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I don't care one way or another about the term. I don't hate cops and I'm not a cop. I was using it to point out hypocrisy and to show that blacks have privileges they aren't willing to admit.

Case in point.

Anything to deflect real talk about white privilege.
Apparently, black people are the ONLY people who can/do call cops "pigs."
So...BH, how do you explain phoenix's use of the term? Oh, right, he's half black, so he has this "privilege."

Obviously. And I don't care. What bothers me is that you will call a group of people a derogatory and hateful name "whenever you feel like it", but when someone calls your group by a derogatory and hateful name, you throw a fit.

Stick to your oranges, BH.

In case you didn't know, all cops are not white.
So, you are clearly grasping at short straws here. Were I to call Asians a derogatory name, for example, you would have a point. But, stick to your straw-grabbing, it's entertaining.

I have nothing to prove. And no one has yet explained how racial hatred is different than any other hatred. Care to give it a go? I didn't think so.

Hmmm, ahhh, ummm, let me think...

America was founded on this particular hatred. Thus, this hatred has a LONG legacy in American society that exists to this DAY. If you can't understand that, I don't know what to tell you.

If not, tell me what's the difference? Yeah, one disrespects the woman and one disrespects the race. But there isn't any real difference. If there is, tell me what it is.

Still clinging those straws. Tell me, is hating onions the same thing as hating Muslims?

My objection (I know you don't care, but I'm saying it anyway) is that you group cops in a group and spew hatred and disrespect toward them. Which is fine. But when you are the object of such action, you cry "racism" and "white privilege" and say how unfairly you're treated by the "dominant culture"...

Notice how non-whites are always "crying," "whining," or "bitching" when they talk about racism. Just wanted to point that out.

I'm not saying you should respect them! I'm saying you shouldn't group them and apply a derogatory and hateful term.

Yes, you are. Pig is a disrespectful term for cops. It is NOT a racial slur. I have friends and family who are cops; so what? I can still refer to cops as pigs if I want.

Enough about the po pos.
Back to white privilege.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but just to clarify this for myself......

What you are saying is the reason that racism is a more "important" type of hatred is because America was "America was founded on it", and it still exists today?

Not trying to be condescending....just trying to understand.

My personal take on this is that each group has various "privileges" associated with it.... For instance...I couldn't walk up to a large group of black dudes playing basketball with huge clothes, big chains, and a grill, then proceed to say "yo, sup nigga"(not that I would ever want to do any of that) without getting shot, beaten to a pulp, stabbed, or at very least ridiculed and called a dumb white boy.

Why is it okay for things like that to happen? Why can the majority of black people i know pick on me and make fun of me because I am a business oriented young white male, but if I said anything to them about how hypocritical they are being when always saying how racism isn't fair and they are discriminated against it's just another one of my white privileges?

What would you like to see happen? What can I, Brandon, do to show you that I am trying my best to level the playing field?

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
America was founded on this particular hatred. Thus, this hatred has a LONG legacy in American society that exists to this DAY. If you can't understand that, I don't know what to tell you.

You still haven't got it, have you, truthceeca? America was not built upon the backs of slaves. America was not founded upon slavery. It wasn't as important as you want it to be. It was no more than a fart in a windstorm, as far as historical events go.

As far as your use of the term "pig", well, that's about what we've come to expect from you. Feels good to be able to say "ca-ca, poo-poo", doesn't it? Makes you feel all grown up, does it?

[edit on 1-3-2007 by jsobecky]

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Royal76
PS "Pig" is not a racial slur, the only people other than cops who get offended by this are pigs

Really? I've got family and friends who are in law enforcement. I don't like it when they are called pigs. So you're saying I'm a pig?

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 12:45 AM
Just popped my head in and I see the defenders of the 'white priviledge' theory have now degenerated into throwing a hissy fit and calling police officers 'pigs'.

Regrettably, I can`t say as that I`m suprised.

BH, you mentioned that it seemed there was an agenda behind the people pushing the 'institutional racism' theories- well, this should make the agenda pretty clear. These people detest anyone they percieve as an authority figure, regardless of the accuracy of their perceptions. 'White people' seem like a symbol of authority, along with 'cops'.

When you debate these people long enough, you see the real motive come out- sublimated adolescent rebellion.

I think their behavior on this thread makes that overly apparent.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by wagnerian21
BH, you mentioned that it seemed there was an agenda behind the people pushing the 'institutional racism' theories-

To be fair and clear, the agenda I mentioned is 2-sided. The desired result is to keep the discussion focused on race ONLY (and not class, wealth, sexism, homophobia, religious or any other bigotry). You had asked why, when these other factors are brought up, they get shouted down. And my response is that some have an agenda to keep this discussion firstly about race (excluding class and wealth) and secondly to make racial hatred somehow worse than other hatred and other bigotry, it seems.

My point wasn't about institutionlal racism. Just to clarify.

Something else occurs to me this morning. I have been involved is SO many of these race discussions. The subject interests me. And I have a lot of challenging questions. Unfortunately, it seems that a lot of my questions aren't so easy for people to answer. And it seems that people get angry simply because I don't already know the answer.. And when I ask, I apparently don't deserve an answer. What a convenient Catch-22!

So, to those of you who start these threads, claiming that you want to "talk" about race, racism, race relations and so on: If you think the white people are so ignorant about what you have to say, then why don't you answer the questions we have??? Because they're hard questions? Well, what did you think would happen when you started the thread? Did you think we would all just listen and exclaim over the vast knowledge (other people's knowledge) that you were imparting to us?

What do you think we are, a bunch of dullards? Don't answer that... I think I know the answer...

You KNOW race is a difficult subject. Did you ever think someone might ask a question like "What's special about racial discrimination"?

"What's the difference between feeling hatred when you see a cop uniform and feeling hatred when you see a dark-skinned person"? What's the REAL difference?

Did you think, truthseeka, that no one would call you on your own hatred and "black privilege"? Because that's what I'm doing. You have a privilege to hate a group of people (cops, whites, whatever) and spew resentment and loathing and NOT be called a name for it. Supposedly, because your hatred is justified. But if I hate a group, I'm a racist or a bigot.

You say there's only white privilege and I'm calling you out on it. And your response is to make (stupid) jokes, try your hand at sarcasm, laugh at and deride me the best you can, send me a nasty U2U and then run. WTF?

"You" started this thread about white privilege, I guess not expecting anyone to counter. Because when someone does, instead of having an intelligent discussion (of which I firmly believe you are capable) you find some silly reason to "refuse to answer".

With this thread, "you" seem to want to teach everyone about something that we already have opinions on. We are intelligent people. Many of us have been around a lot longer than you have and we've had lots and lots of life experience that you have no clue about yet, and we have formed opinions. (Ok, I'm ready for another age dig - those always help the discussion). I'm not saying we're right, I'm saying we have opinions. It's going to take more than
and a bunch of juvenile remarks to convince us otherwise!

But if you're in this to "win" (as your U2U suggests) and make someone else "lose", this thread and others like it are worthless. Because we're not going to just follow like sheep because of the color of your skin. This is not a game that your "team captain" is going to win or lose. If you can't intelligently debate and discuss your points, without taking everything personally and attacking the other people here, you've already lost.

If, on the other hand, you're in it to better race relations, then you have to answer the questions put forth. Otherwise, it's just a bunch of catfights. Then again, maybe that's what you really wanted in the first place... And if that's the case, you lose.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 09:29 AM
BH, BH, You're Glib... You Don't Even Know What White privelege Is

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

"What's the difference between feeling hatred when you see a cop uniform and feeling hatred when you see a dark-skinned person"? What's the REAL difference?

Like I have tried explaining to you, the term based on the pigs is not based on hatred. To everyone else out there who insists that it's based on hate, then tell me why the term is derived from the english/scotish term "The filth"?

From the filth, we get the pig, as in an animal who wallows in his own filth, not unlike a cop who claims to "serve and protect" all the while lying in bed with the most vicious criminals.

Tell me something then, according to all of your logic of course--If I call someone a fat-ass, does that mean that I have hate for all fat people? Does that represent centuries of systemic "genocide" against fat people?

Along the same lines, if I call someone an ugly biaatch, does that mean that I hate all ugly people? Is that representing hundreds of years of systemic oppression against ugly people?

No, it does'nt ! There is a difference between terms that are meant to degrade, and terms that are meant to represent entire lines of thought. You know this, and so do I. I don't want to say that you are playing dumb per se...but I do feel like Tom Cruise whilst talking to Matt. (2:57 on the clip)

[edit on 2-3-2007 by phoenixhasrisin]

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by phoenixhasrisin
You're Being Glib

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Like I have tried explaining to you, the term based on the pigs is not based on hatred. To everyone else out there who insists that it's based on hate, then tell me why the term is derived from the english/scotish term "The filth"?

From the filth, we get the pig, as in an animal who wallows in his own filth, not unlike a cop who claims to "serve and protect" all the while lying in bed with the most vicious criminals.

Tell me something then, according to all of your logic of course--If I call someone a fat-ass, does that mean that I have hate for all fat people?

No this just means that you do not have a vocabulary or that you have been defeated in the debate and that you have no other words to use and you don't have enough humility to admit that you are wrong so you basically start name calling ...IF YOU DISAGREE WITH THIS TELL ME WHEN IS THE OPPORTUNE TIME FOR YOU TO CALL SOMEONE THOSE BAD THINGS THAT YOU HAVE SAID ??? Come on let me hear your rebuttle on when it is ok to call someone a FAT SLOB ... And would it be for you or for them ??? My guess is for you because you are trying to basically get back at them for something. Otherwise you would be trying to help thier OBESITY !

Tell me something then, according to all of your logic of course--If I call someone a fat-ass, does that mean that I have hate for all fat people? Does that represent centuries of systematic "genocide" against fat people? Along the same lines if I call someone an ugly biatch, does that mean that I hate all ugly people, and am representing hundreds of years of systemic oppression against ugly people?
SO again I ask WHY WOULD YOU EVER DO THIS ???Other than you don't want to take responsibility for your actions.

[edit on 2-3-2007 by Deus_Brandon]

[edit on 2-3-2007 by Deus_Brandon]

[edit on 2-3-2007 by Deus_Brandon]

[edit on 2-3-2007 by Deus_Brandon]

[edit on 2-3-2007 by Deus_Brandon]

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by Deus_Brandon
No this just means that you do not have a vocabulary or that you have been defeated in the debate and that you have no other words to use and you don't have enough humility to admit that you are wrong so you basically start name calling ...IF YOU DISAGREE WITH THIS TELL ME WHEN IS THE OPPORTUNE TIME FOR YOU TO CALL SOMEONE THOSE BAD THINGS THAT YOU HAVE SAID ??? Come on let me hear your rebuttle on when it is ok to call someone a FAT SLOB ... And would it be for you or for them ??? My guess is for you because you are trying to basically get back at them for something. Otherwise you would be trying to help thier OBESITY !

You are missing the point entirely as well. I am not saying that name calling is ever right. If you want to know the truth, I don't think name calling is that bad though either...Now what?

Most interestingly, you did not address whether or not that is representative of centuries of systemic genocide...convenient.

SO again I ask WHY WOULD YOU EVER DO THIS ???Other than you don't want to take responsibility for your actions.

I never said that I would do this. Why are you trying to distract from the thread?

[edit on 2-3-2007 by phoenixhasrisin]

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Deus_Brandon

Not trying to be mean, but please try to fix your quote tags.

It's not fair that I be expected to not only respond, but also translate your words as

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 09:53 AM
There is no DISTRACTMENT .... Centuries of genocide ... Has been going on for centuries ... We came here because the Puritans were basically being slaves to the Catholic Church ... But you don't see us telling you that we came here or some of us had no other option but to come here to try and start a new life. If you want to let years of Opression take over and ruin your life ... Then by all means DO IT ... If you want to move forward and raise your kids with what we NOW KNOW. That we are all created equal ... and we can do anything with our lifes that we set out to do then BY ALL MEANS ... Raise your kids the right way ... I know some of my closest black friends mom ... tells/TOLD him on a daily occasion when he was growing up that he would never be as good as the white people at his school ... If anything helped OPRESS HIM it was his own MOMMA except the fact that he didn't listen and was embarassed even now that is is 22 to take me to his house because his mom is STILL STUCK IN SLAVERY within herself ... Actually if you wanna know my opinion she has been given everythign in her life ever since her husband dies she gets 500 a month food stamps ... She is on HUD Housing program ... and doesn't have to do anything .. Yet she still has money to go out and by Alchohol and stay inebriated ... everytime I see her ... The only reason that I know this ... so in depth is because this guy which was my good friend is now my Brother-n-Law ... And to this day he will tell you that his mom is a racist even tho she will not EXCLAIM HERSLEF TO BE ....

[edit on 2-3-2007 by Deus_Brandon]

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by phoenixhasrisin

Originally posted by Deus_Brandon

Not trying to be mean, but please try to fix your quote tags.

It's not fair that I be expected to not only respond, but also translate your words as

This is not fair I am at work and don't have time to re-read over my Posts. I am sorry for this ... as I lost some information sometimes and have to re -type my whole posts so I tend to Type and send very fast. Anyways, I will type my response on MS WORD... From now on before I post it on here so you will not have any trouble comprehending what I am trying to CONVEY. Thanks

[edit on 2-3-2007 by Deus_Brandon]

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Deus_Brandon
There is no DISTRACTMENT .... Centuries of genocide ... Has been going on for centuries ... We came here because the Puritans were basically being slaves to the Catholic Church
... But you don't see us telling you that we came here or some of us had no other option but to come here to try and start a new life.

Another flase analogy, how convenient.

If you want to let years of Opression take over and ruin your life ... Then by all means DO IT ... If you want to move forward and raise your kids with what we NOW KNOW. That we are all created equal ... and we can do anything with our lifes that we set out to do then BY ALL MEANS ... Raise your kids the right way ...

Well, seeing that I am mixed race, I really don't have a choice now do I?

I know some of my closest black friends mom ... tells/TOLD him on a daily occasion when he was growing up that he would never be as good as the white people at his school ... If anything helped OPRESS HIM it was his own MOMMA

More obfuscation, that's fine though. WHy don't you ever wonder where his Moma got that notion from?

Actually if you wanna know my opinion she has been given everythign in her life ever since her husband dies she gets 500 a month food stamps ... She is on HUD Housing program ... and doesn't have to do anything ..

Are you kidding me? Is that supposed to be signifigant? I spend more than that a week on "urban groceries" if you catch my drift.

Yet she still has money to go out and by Alchohol and stay inebriated ... everytime I see her

Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that I can get a 40 oz of malt liquor for cheaper than I can get a 12 oz bottle of H2O at the nearest corner store, perhaps not?

And to this day he will tell you that his mom is a racist even tho she will not EXCLAIM HERSLEF TO BE ....

If she is black, that does not surprise me. Many black people are racist, and don't realize it. Are you trying to tell me something I don't know? Did I not speak of "The War"?

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
You still haven't got it, have you, truthceeca? America was not built upon the backs of slaves. America was not founded upon slavery. It wasn't as important as you want it to be. It was no more than a fart in a windstorm, as far as historical events go.

Like I said, I was not born last night.

No big deal, slavery was, you say? No big deal, even though this is primarily why the South was willing to become another COUNTRY, then. I get it. It was no big deal, gotcha.

Lest you forget, America was stolen from its original inhabitants. And guess what? These guys were "inferior" to the Europeans, too. So, a country taken from one group of "savages" and built up using another group of "savages" does not have racist beginnings? Please.

As far as your use of the term "pig", well, that's about what we've come to expect from you. Feels good to be able to say "ca-ca, poo-poo", doesn't it? Makes you feel all grown up, does it?
[edit on 1-3-2007 by jsobecky]

I could care less what "y'all," as you say, expect from me. If you don't want white privilege shoved in your face, don't read this thread, okay? You can go somewhere else with your antics, or you can keep derailing the thread. I don't give a damn what you do; you're not one of my concerns.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by phoenixhasrisin

If you want to let years of Opression take over and ruin your life ... Then by all means DO IT ... If you want to move forward and raise your kids with what we NOW KNOW. That we are all created equal ... and we can do anything with our lifes that we set out to do then BY ALL MEANS ... Raise your kids the right way ...

Well, seeing that I am mixed race, I really don't have a choice now do I?

If you let that Ruin your life ... Then NO ... If you say oh .. I am the minority and play that role then NO ... You will always get taken advantage of ... But if you stand up for yourself and do the best that you can do ... I bet you could be a Leader in our country. As you have or could have the power to reach people that noone else could reach .... Especially those Racial Radicals that say just cause your this color you can't do this .. or that ... Everything happens in this world for a reason ... and If you just search out your path in life ... You will never be Opressed unless it is yourself doing the OPRESSING !

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 10:09 AM

[edit on 2-3-2007 by Deus_Brandon]

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by wagnerian21
Just popped my head in and I see the defenders of the 'white priviledge' theory have now degenerated into throwing a hissy fit and calling police officers 'pigs'.

Regrettably, I can`t say as that I`m suprised.

BH, you mentioned that it seemed there was an agenda behind the people pushing the 'institutional racism' theories- well, this should make the agenda pretty clear. These people detest anyone they percieve as an authority figure, regardless of the accuracy of their perceptions. 'White people' seem like a symbol of authority, along with 'cops'.

When you debate these people long enough, you see the real motive come out- sublimated adolescent rebellion.

I think their behavior on this thread makes that overly apparent.

I like how you keep mentioning "theories." Ah, well...I've had enough of the theory definition debate in the origins forum. Whatever, though.

As for detesting authority figures, please. Can you tell me where to get a crystal ball, so I can know everyone's thoughts, like you do?

Pigs are not heroes. Firefighters are REAL heroes. Detectives who track down criminals are heroes. Pigs are not. See how that works?

You and becky keep focusing on my use of the term. I don't care. If I rescind it, y'all won't talk about white privilege. If I don't, you'll keep bringing up pig. Either way, you won't talk about white privilege, so who cares.

When I have time, I'll REALLY show you some examples of white privilege, I mean, this "theory."

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