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Paul Conspired to Hijack Christianity and Succeeded

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posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 05:00 PM
All the nonsence aside this is important.

The people most important in the New Testament aside from Jesus are Peter John James and Paul in that order.

Paul is responsible for either having most contributiuons in the New Testament (in his letters to young churches) or in the documents produced specifically to explain the religion to Roman authorities the books of Luke and Acts when Paul was presenting a case to Ceasar.

Paul was a Jewish as you can get and as a disciple of Gamaelial and up and coming in Jerusalem was well on his way to becoming one of the top Rabbi in the Jewish system of relgion.

Now i want to digress to make a point; In a Pakistani book about Islamic culture it was explaining why Taliban style believers do things I read the reason why Muslims have breads (in Islam there is Quran and many books called Hadith and if there was any mention anywhere in these the author would have told us)
So what is that reason- it it this- Christains do not have beards so We do.

So i want to ask this question; why do Jewish men cover their heads when they pray ? Well having studied the impact of Paul on relgious culture both Christain and Jewish my tenative answer is this;
When Paul as a Rabbi taught in his first (published) Corinthian letter that women should cover their heads when praying and prophecying and from the Law explained why- and when he likewise has taught that men should not have their heads covered when praying- and from the Law explained why... the result i suggest is that as a result the entire Jewish religion has done the opposite.

Right now lets get back to the question of Paul hijacking the Christian religion as a smaller latter paul i will here now speak on his behalf.

Paul loved his own Jewish people (he was from the tribe of Benjamin) he gave his own life for them and his last misguded visit to Jerusalem (going against prophets in every town who warned him what would happen) was an expression of his love and devotion to his people.
So in Ceasarea immediately after he had been locked up for safe protection while still in the land of Isreal he wrote specifically for his own people the book of Hebrews.
Jesus promised the giving of the Holy Spirit (John 16) in the context of being thrown out of synagoges.
aul NEVER EVER preached to the nations (Greeks Syrians etc) before he had first been to the local synangoge and on being thrown out and explored the possibilites of his own relgion first. Paul's boasting to you today is this- that he was stonned to death and left for dead three times in an act exactly the same as that which he wittnessed at the death of Stephen. Futhermore he would tell you that he only had a revelation of some different way of interpreteing the Old Testament when Jesus himself meet him on the raod to Damascus. Then spending time in exile as a tent maker in Arabia he was able to completely rethink all the aspects of the relgion of his forefathers as no other Rabbi has been able to do so then nor since. (and his Arabic "Qama" gospel involves no Death and Resurrection rather a oneword concept in Greek Stratos..which involves and completes both in Jesus being raised up)

Thus Paul would say to you today- and i am speaking on his behalf- that he had no idea that the nations would so tightly embace this new Jewish sect of an ancient relgion so as to within one or two centuries attempted to cut away from it's Jewish heritage. He never forsaw that; never ever wanted that to happen...and now as I advocate on his behalf....then let me say... THAT process is coming to an end and the return to Jewish relgion is now occuring.
Finally Paul is embaressed at the way in which the so called New Testament is been compiled with so many of his private and personal letters to his churches and his disciples included. He would say- look at what the other apostles did.... and he would conclude by saying once again that he is "the greatest sinner" his opinion on that has not changed.

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 10:13 PM
Paul is one of those very rare creatures in any religion;
highly intelligent yet highly spiritual and very very humble.

Paul tries out the intelligence style when he was lecturing to the political and philiosophical elite at Athens in sermon where he paraphases part of what Moses had said about the relationship of the nations to Israel as well as passing comment on the Greek multigod approach to relgion.

Then (and this is an observation that has been around for at least 50 years so if you hear me saying it i give credit to someone else for the insight) then on going to Corinth Paul takes the uttely foolish approach to reigion (the approach you American believer will know best) and gets quite different results thus in the first chapters of first Corithians we have several chapters where this sort of thing is the theme of what Paul is saying "God has used the foolish things of this world to confound the wise"

Therefore in these sorts of discussions (they have been around for at least the past 18 hundred years especially as it was Paul who did most to establish the Church of Rome and so if anyone should have the title as the first Pope it should be Paul.....) in these sorts of discussions a bunch of intellectuals attempt to pass judgement on the conduct and teaching of Paul which at times despite his intellectual background is utterly foolish.

forexample pray tell me what has a line in the law about allowing an ox treading the grain have to do with a church official recieving a wage ?

My part in this debate therefore is to play the role of someone who is as foolish as my namesake. And if work and reputation is anything to judge a man by I share with Paul other talents as well....
To imagine that Paul is schemeing out some evil plan to destroy his own deeply loved Jewish religion demonstrates that a person has not read the text; nor seen in going back and going back and going back to his own people inspite of their manifold attempts to kill him...his maddness of love for his own Jewish people.
If you are a Jewish Rabbi and are reading this- then there are some things in the Christian New Testament which for the past 18 centuries Christians do not understand but you dear brother Rabbi do;
when the late Pro Yadin explained the meaning of the words of Jesus "do you not understand" when his followers were complaing about having no bread and Jesus said how many baskets full of scraps did you gather (7 and 12) the Jewish background of our wise former chief of staff came into play to explain the vital difference in doctrine between those who followed the school of Herod (The Temple) and those who followed the Pharissess (the Priesthood)

Only when Christians either humble themselves and come and sit at your feet to learn again the meaning of their religion.....or are humiliated by the events about to occur can we get into the correct position of assessing the teaching of Rabbi Saul of Tarsus.

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 10:02 PM
What an interesting discussion.
My obervations are that;
1. The Gospels were written about 100 years after the death of Jesus.
2. There is a definate clash between Paul and the actual disciples of Jesus, as you have Paul warning his followers about "false prophets" preaching "another Jesus" - who was that? At the same time you have Peter and John traveling around preaching, and coincidently, are warning people about the "antichrist." Christ meant "annointed one" a term referring to the next in line to be king (of the Jews presumably). We know Paul was pro-Rome and told his followers to accept the authority of Rome as from God, so a case could be made that Paul was Anti-Christ, or against the Jews reestablishing a king on throne - hence the conflict between the real disciples of Jesus (Peter, James and John in particular) and Paul's new version of Jesus which he borrowed heavily from Mithraism and combined Old Testaments prophesies to invent.
3. The Essenes, a zealot group advocating the restoration of the Davidic kingship, which Jesus was aparently a part of along with James, Peter and John, were wiped out in 70 AD immediately following the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple.
4. The war against the zealots in 70 AD culminating in the destruction of the temple and the Essenes and all the other Jewish groups that were anti-Rome, were effectively wiped out, leaving a vaccume for Paul's pro-Roman version of Christianity to take hold.
5. With virtually no one left to contradict the disciples of Paul and their version of Jesus, the Gospels were written as a backdrop to validate Paul's teachings of a supernatural god-man Jesus who instead of dying trying to oust the Romans and reclaim the kingship effectively diverted people away from zealotry for the pursuit of spiritual salvation - Paul's goals achieved.

So I'd agree Paul's version of Christianity effectively did hijack the real Jesus, who was JEWISH not Christian by the way

One last note, a distinction could be made between authors of the letters of John and the Gospel of John, so when I mention John the actual disciple of Jesus I do not mean the author of the Gospel of John who wrote decades after the disciple John had died.

Edited after for spelling and a couple of gramatical mistakes...

[edit on 11-6-2007 by CultMindControl]

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 10:57 PM

originally posted by: Icarus Rising
Animal sacrifices were ended because the 2nd Temple was destroyed by the Romans, along with the genealogies of the Levitical priesthood. No more priests means no more sacrifices.

Please realize, I am not disputing that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, nor that He is my Lord and Savior, just that some of the historical records surrounding his life and ministry have been skewed in favor of the Davidic Kingship.

Remember, David was descended from Ruth, a Moabitess. Boaz must have forgotten Deuteronomy 23:3 when he "went in unto her."

Deuteronomy 23:3
An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter the congregation of the Lord; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord for ever.

Three generations later we get David.

I know this thread is very old and mostly dead, but I enjoy this topic and wrote extensively on how Paul usurped the Messianic faith. Ruth was NOT a Moabite, but and Israelite who lived in Moab. Here's the proof:


The Bible records historical proof that the Amorites and Moabites were pushed out of the land of Moab. So the people who lived in Moab were THE ISRAELITES. This means Ruth was from an Israelite tribe. Below is the proof:

Ruth 1:2 reads,

“In the days when the Judges ruled in Israel, a severe famine came upon the land. So a man from Bethlehem in Judah left his home and went to live in the country of Moab, taking his wife and two sons with him.

God promised Judah “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes…” (Genesis 49:10).
edit on 18-9-2015 by UnifiedSerenity because: forgot source

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 11:07 PM

originally posted by: SpeakerofTruth
Sailghoti,I certainly personally believe that Christianity has been hi-jacked. I am just not sure who the culprit is.

When one discusses such topics as this, the first thing that comes to my mind is not Peter,Paul,Matthew Mark,Luke or John, but the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D.

I suggest that maybe you start from there and work your way to the present. That is just my opinion...

The Council of Nicaea was actually the nail in the coffin so to speak. It got rid of keeping the feasts. It separated completely from it's Jewish Roots of its Jewish Messiah! The group that did this was the interloper children of Cain. They do this trick all the time. Anytime a serious force comes up against their power, they infiltrate and steer it into a direction they can control and they found the perfect vessel to move their plans to the next stage for Rome could only go so far, but Christianity could be used to join many people together of differing tongues and tribes. Now, Christianity has gone as far as possible and it's time for the next step of a new Messiah who joins all religions together into one new super faith with the Catholic church leading it defacto though really serving Lucifer, hence why the church lifts him up so much even to the point of naming their beloved star watcher telescope L.U.C.I.F.E.R..

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: CultMindControl

Good stuff...check out the book Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity by Hyam MacCoby (1998) which details the hijacking of Nazorean Christianity (aka the Ebionim ('poor ones') headed up by James the brother of Jesus (who waS NOT A DISCIPLE) after his execution by crucifixion) who preached circumcision and kashrut dietary laws (salvation by works - the so-called Doctrine of the Two Ways expounded by the Dead Sea Scroll Covenanters - their bishops were based on their Daviddic bloodline) v. Saul of Tarsus (where Mithraism was imported from Persia into Rome via Cilician Pirates) who subverted the original Nazorean message reflected in the letter of James (salvation by works) by preaching a doctrine palatable to gentiles (goyim) without kashrut, circumcision or adherence to the Torah of Moses ('salvation by faith')

Either way, most Christianities practiced today are Pauline Christianities not the Jewish-Nazorean Ebionite Christianity of Jesus and later James etal. since as it was already pointed out on this thread that rthe 1st failed Jewish War against Rome (66-72 CE) virtually wiped out the Ebionim with the destruction of Jerusalem, leaving the power vacuum for Paul's warped message of salvation by faith alone to flourish without impediment from the Nazoreans who were reduced by the War...

See the Gosdpel of Thomas : "And they ask him, to whom shall we turn after you leave us? And Iesous said to them, you are to go to Yakkov haTsadiq (James the Just, i.e. Jesus' brother) for whose sake heaven and earth came into being..."

Just my $.02

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 11:25 AM
cool, but the gospel of Thomas is a little the others left out....Paul kinda plows deep......put it writing for all to see deeply.....what is inside everyones head going back and forth.....
also of ones walk in this life, the RELATIONSHIP is pro-active for truth daily.....
Scripture says in the next life we'll be SERVING, huh!!

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: sailghoti

Instead of being publicly acknowledged by Christ as a chosen apostle we have only Paul's word that Christ chose him to be an apostle. Instead of espousing a Christianity in perfect accord with the teachings and example of Jesus Paul turned Christianity toward a more harsh and judgmental path. A perfect example of this is that while Jesus was a pioneer in the respect he showed and dignity he accorded women Paul was a shameless misogynist. We have only the word of Paul that he was chosen by God to write God's word for man. So great was the conflict between Paul's brand of Christianity and that taught by Jesus prior to his crucifixion there was much animosity, open conflict and even outright rejection between Paul and several of the disciples chosen and publicly acknowledged by Christ.

I noted that in your Saul/Paul bash that you included Luke. Was that because Luke was the companion of Saul/Paul? By disowning Luke because he recorded Saul/Paul you realize that you have also discarded much of the biblical history of the church from your mind or are you not concerned with that?

Beyond the unique twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, there were also apostles in a generic sense. Barnabas is referred to as an “apostle” in Acts 13:2 and 14:4. Andronicus and Junias are possibly identified as apostles in Romans 16:7. The same Greek word usually translated “apostle” is used to refer to Titus in 2 Corinthians 8:23 and Epaphroditus in Philippians 2:25. So, there definitely seems to be room for the term apostle being used to refer to someone besides the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. Anyone who was “sent” could be called an apostle.

Also it is written that Paul acknowledged his being a misfit --

1Corinthians_9:1,2 -
(1) I am free, am I not? I am an apostle, am I not? I have seen Jesus our Lord, haven't I? You are the result of my work in the Lord, aren't you?
(2) If I am not an apostle to other people, surely I am one to you, for you are the evidence of my apostolic authority from the Lord.

1Corinthians _15:9 For I am the least of the apostles and not even fit to be called an apostle because I persecuted God's church.

Jesus came not first for the Gentiles but ministered first to the the house of Judaism. Saul/Paul was not commissioned to the house of Judaism but was sent to the Gentiles. Two very distinct purposes with two very distinct methods. Paul nor any one could teach the gentiles as they would a Jew simply because the gentiles had no knowledge or faith in the Judaic structure. Luke (who you disown) records that Saul/Paul was chosen, by Jesus, to be an apostle to the gentiles. Is that why you have chosen to bash Luke as well as Paul? What gives you the authority to authorize any apostle to be an apostle of Christ Jesus? By doing so then you have shown that you have usurped the authority of Christ Jesus and became the judge in this literature.

"we have only Paul's word that Christ chose him to be an apostle."

Not true at all. !st Corinthians is Pseudepigraphal Cepher to the Corinthians from Philippi by Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus and Timotheus. Paul did not write this at all. It was written in Paul's favor but not by Paul. By your bashing Paul you also must bash those who loved and embraced Paul which also include the Apostle Peter, the Apostle Timothy, the Apostle Luke, the author of the Cepher Philemon who is Onesimus as well as the author of the Cepher Ephesians who was Tychicus, the author of the Cepher Philippians who was Epaphroditus, the author of the Cepher Colossians who were Tychicus and Onesimus as well as many others who were filled with the spirit of Christ Jesus.

You do not understand that if these many saints who worked with Paul to establish the church and were filled with the Holy Ghost and wrote of him, also wrote that Paul indeed was an apostle of the Christ Jesus. Not just the word of Paul as you have misled but many others who verified that he (Paul) was indeed a chosen vessel to the gentiles.

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: Seede


See if you can buy the book entitled: Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity by Hyam MacCoby (1998) which details the hijacking of Nazorean Christianity (aka the Ebionim ('poor ones') headed up by James the brother of Jesus (who waS NOT A DISCIPLE) after his execution by crucifixion) who preached circumcision and kashrut dietary laws (salvation by works - the so-called Doctrine of the Two Ways expounded by the Dead Sea Scroll Covenanters - their bishops were based on their Daviddic bloodline) v. Saul of Tarsus (where Mithraism was imported from Persia into Rome via Cilician Pirates) who subverted the original Nazorean message reflected in the letter of James (salvation by works) by preaching a doctrine palatable to gentiles (goyim) without kashrut, circumcision or adherence to the Torah of Moses ('salvation by faith') -

The book shows how all the Pauline Christianities (with their emphasis on salvation by faith alone) basically are divorced from the 'sal;vation by works' Nazorean roots established by "Jesus" (= Yehoshua) and his brother "James" (= Yakkov) ;

As for Peter and Paul being essentially sworn enemies, see Acts chapter 15 for a whitewashed version of the schism and the Greek of Paul's letter to Galatians in chapter 2 where he sneered at Peter ("Cephas and John, the so-called Pillars [of the Church] ...") -

As you must know, Saul of Tarsus (the capital of western Mithraism which used baptism by blood and a eucharist for their disciples) never met 'Jesus" in the flesh, only in dreams and visions (like my cook) and called himself an 'apostle' in a very self serving way in his letters...

It is better not to refer to Christianity (or Judaism for that matter) in the singular, since there were many Christianties practiced in antiquity (as today) as well as many Judaisms, e.f. Zadokites ("sadduccees"), Ebionim (Ebionites) , Ossim (Gk/ Esenoi). Parasim (=Pharasees) etc. each with their own theologies and claim to authentic teaching.

FYI The Gospel of Thomas exists in fragments in an early form in Greek (e,g. in the Oxyrhynchus Fragments in Egypt) and more or less complete in a later Coptic version found at Nag Hammadi ('These are the secret words that Iesous spake when he was alive and Judas Didymos Thomas ( = Judah the Twin, Aram. haToma) wrote down : may he who can expound the interpretation of these sayings never taste death...")

But the so-called Gospel of Thomas does shed some light on other cool sayings not included in the later canon (which was quite fluid among all the different Christianities, up to day) e.g. Logion 19

"Amen Amen I say unto you, he who becomes my disciple and listens to my words the very stones will rise to serve you. For there are five trees in reserve for you in Paradise which remain fruitful both in summer and winter and whose leaves never fall - likewise whosoever tastes of their fruit will never die..."

The Coptic version is a bad translation from the Greek which is itself a bad translation from an Aramaic source, but it's the best we have...

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 11:20 PM
One cannot leave our Luke if one is talking about Paul for Luke was his scribe. There is a very good reason to believe Luke was Plutarch, and I found this article incredibly interesting regarding Plutarch:

Plutarch's Parable


About three years ago I was rereading Luke’s gospel and came upon the story of Anna the prophetess (Luke 2:36). I was struck by the strangeness of that story and began to wonder what in the world a woman was permitted to do in a Jewish temple ceremony in Jerusalem at the time Jesus was born. I decided to do some research and write a short article about what I found.

But I immediately ran into a problem: I couldn’t get past Anna’s age: 84. Why in the world did Luke find it necessary to report her age? It just wasn’t critical to the story.

I had been studying “Sacred Numbers” and the various manipulations permitted by Plato and Pythagoras to solve their puzzles. And that may have been the reason I had an urge to multiply Anna’s age by pi (22/7). The answer was 264. And by a sheer coincidence I had just finished reading a book by Bruce Cathie, The Energy Grid, in which he quoted Buckminister Fuller’s work on DNA/RNA behaviors pertaining to the “birth process,” and what is known as “the birth unzipping angle.”1

“The Birth Unzipping Angle of the DNA/RNA behaviors” is 26,400 seconds of arc, a “harmonic” of 264.2

So what I discovered in Anna’s age was a “harmonic” of the “birth unzipping angle,” described by Buckminister Fuller (which corresponds with the Watson-Crick model) and quoted by Bruce Cathie. (Evidence of knowledge of DNA in ancient times is discussed in the Notes section following this chapter.) 4

Notice the “coincidence” here: Fuller’s birth unzipping angle, and Luke’s story of the ceremony surrounding the birth of Jesus are “harmonics”: 264; 26,400.

Coincidence? Maybe. There was only one way to find out, and that was to see if any of the other numbers scattered throughout Luke’s gospel also revealed similar “coincidences.”

That was the beginning of a research project into the numbers to see if this “birth harmonics coincidence” was just a fluke, or if there was something everyone had missed for over two thousand years. What happened next changed my life forever.

I went to chapter one to look for more numbers. There are only five scattered throughout the eighty verses in chapter one: 5, 6, 6, 3, 8. (These numbers can be found in the context of the biblical verses at the end of this chapter. 3 )

I had an urge to multiply the numbers in chapter one:

5 x 6 x 6 x 3 x 8 = 4320. I immediately recognized that number from my study of “Sacred Numbers.” I knew it was considered “sacred” for this reason:

Divide 4320 by 2 to get the diameter of the moon (2,160 miles);

multiply 432,000 by 2 to get the diameter of the sun (864,000 miles);

square 432 to get the speed of light (186,624 miles per second).

One number, 432, with and/or without one or more zeros, and applying just one mathematical function, reveals the light that shines at night, the light that shines by day, and light itself. I learned from research for writing this book that there are other equally significant meanings applied to 432. Those come later.

Luke means light; Lux was the goddess of Light in ancient mythology, and there is evidence that a group associated with the sect of the Nazarenes referred to themselves as The Children of Light. There is also evidence that the Nazarenes were one of the groups that later became better known as the “Church-denigrated” gnostics. Gnostic simply means knowledge, and the knowledge these Nazarene Gnostics possessed was scientific and astronomical. And it was about the role light plays in creating matter (E=mc2).

These numbers that Luke threw out right off the bat in chapter one led to, and supports, the foundation of this work: Luke hid the Truth in coded numbers and words — parables — and anyone who seeks to know the truth must be willing to look for it by decoding Luke’s puzzle clues. Luke wrote a great mystery novel, based on historical events, but a mystery nevertheless. And the 432 code is just one example of the evidence presented in my previous book, Gabriel’s Gift: The Message and Mysteries in Luke and Acts, and this book, that suggests there is more to the stories than meets the eye. “Those with ears to hear and eyes to see” will quickly recognize there is indeed much, much more.

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 11:20 PM

Studied in light of this realization, Luke’s opening paragraphs in both his works, Luke and Acts, provide far more information than appears on the surface:

Luke 1:1-4: “Since many have undertaken to set down an orderly account of the events that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed on to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word, I too decided, after investigating everything carefully from the very first, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the truth concerning the things about which you have been instructed.” (Emphasis added.)

Acts 1:1-2: “In the first book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus did and taught from the beginning until the day when he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen.

Many have wondered who Theophilus might have been. Once I prove that Luke-Acts contain coded messages, it will become clear that Theophilus is a code word that addresses you and me and anyone else who loves the study of religion. Theo is Greek for things religious (theology), and philus is Greek for love.

By the time you finish this book, and I do hope you’ll finish it even if the biblical quotes seem tedious at times, it will be clear that Luke-Acts was written during a time of great persecution, that those being persecuted were the Nazarenes, and that Luke believed that the only way the truth was going to be preserved was if he could sneak it past those who were determined to destroy it. He succeeded so well that it’s taken two thousand years for the code to be discovered. Perhaps his ploy was too good! But perhaps the timing is by design, too.THE MAGIC NUMBER FOR LIGHT

About three years ago I was rereading Luke’s gospel and came upon the story of Anna the prophetess (Luke 2:36). I was struck by the strangeness of that story and began to wonder what in the world a woman was permitted to do in a Jewish temple ceremony in Jerusalem at the time Jesus was born. I decided to do some research and write a short article about what I found.

But I immediately ran into a problem: I couldn’t get past Anna’s age: 84. Why in the world did Luke find it necessary to report her age? It just wasn’t critical to the story.

I had been studying “Sacred Numbers” and the various manipulations permitted by Plato and Pythagoras to solve their puzzles. And that may have been the reason I had an urge to multiply Anna’s age by pi (22/7). The answer was 264. And by a sheer coincidence I had just finished reading a book by Bruce Cathie, The Energy Grid, in which he quoted Buckminister Fuller’s work on DNA/RNA behaviors pertaining to the “birth process,” and what is known as “the birth unzipping angle.”1

“The Birth Unzipping Angle of the DNA/RNA behaviors” is 26,400 seconds of arc, a “harmonic” of 264.2

So what I discovered in Anna’s age was a “harmonic” of the “birth unzipping angle,” described by Buckminister Fuller (which corresponds with the Watson-Crick model) and quoted by Bruce Cathie. (Evidence of knowledge of DNA in ancient times is discussed in the Notes section following this chapter.) 4

Notice the “coincidence” here: Fuller’s birth unzipping angle, and Luke’s story of the ceremony surrounding the birth of Jesus are “harmonics”: 264; 26,400.

Coincidence? Maybe. There was only one way to find out, and that was to see if any of the other numbers scattered throughout Luke’s gospel also revealed similar “coincidences.”

That was the beginning of a research project into the numbers to see if this “birth harmonics coincidence” was just a fluke, or if there was something everyone had missed for over two thousand years. What happened next changed my life forever.

I went to chapter one to look for more numbers. There are only five scattered throughout the eighty verses in chapter one: 5, 6, 6, 3, 8. (These numbers can be found in the context of the biblical verses at the end of this chapter. 3 )

I had an urge to multiply the numbers in chapter one:

5 x 6 x 6 x 3 x 8 = 4320. I immediately recognized that number from my study of “Sacred Numbers.” I knew it was considered “sacred” for this reason:

Divide 4320 by 2 to get the diameter of the moon (2,160 miles);

multiply 432,000 by 2 to get the diameter of the sun (864,000 miles);

square 432 to get the speed of light (186,624 miles per second).

One number, 432, with and/or without one or more zeros, and applying just one mathematical function, reveals the light that shines at night, the light that shines by day, and light itself. I learned from research for writing this book that there are other equally significant meanings applied to 432. Those come later.

Luke means light; Lux was the goddess of Light in ancient mythology, and there is evidence that a group associated with the sect of the Nazarenes referred to themselves as The Children of Light. There is also evidence that the Nazarenes were one of the groups that later became better known as the “Church-denigrated” gnostics. Gnostic simply means knowledge, and the knowledge these Nazarene Gnostics possessed was scientific and astronomical. And it was about the role light plays in creating matter (E=mc2).

These numbers that Luke threw out right off the bat in chapter one led to, and supports, the foundation of this work: Luke hid the Truth in coded numbers and words — parables — and anyone who seeks to know the truth must be willing to look for it by decoding Luke’s puzzle clues. Luke wrote a great mystery novel, based on historical events, but a mystery nevertheless. And the 432 code is just one example of the evidence presented in my previous book, Gabriel’s Gift: The Message and Mysteries in Luke and Acts, and this book, that suggests there is more to the stories than meets the eye. “Those with ears to hear and eyes to see” will quickly recognize there is indeed much, much more.

Studied in light of this realization, Luke’s opening paragraphs in both his works, Luke and Acts, provide far more information than appears on the surface:

Luke 1:1-4: “Since many have undertaken to set down an orderly account of the events that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed on to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word, I too decided, after investigating everything carefully from the very first, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the truth concerning the things about which you have been instructed.” (Emphasis added.)

Acts 1:1-2: “In the first book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus did and taught from the beginning until the day when he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen.

Many have wondered who Theophilus might have been. Once I prove that Luke-Acts contain coded messages, it will become clear that Theophilus is a code word that addresses you and me and anyone else who loves the study of religion. Theo is Greek for things religious (theology), and philus is Greek for love.

By the time you finish this book, and I do hope you’ll finish it even if the biblical quotes seem tedious at times, it will be clear that Luke-Acts was written during a time of great persecution, that those being persecuted were the Nazarenes, and that Luke believed that the only way the truth was going to be preserved was if he could sneak it past those who were determined to destroy it. He succeeded so well that it’s taken two thousand years for the code to be discovered. Perhaps his ploy was too good! But perhaps the timing is by design, too.

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 11:26 PM
Then there was a very interesting read about Luke and his hidden message about Paul. Read the whole thing HERE

It appears as Luke the scribe wanted to get the truth out about Paul, and he wrote the account of Paul's conversion. Short passage I will quote, and am very curious as to those who read the whole account linked above will be affected by this information.

Remember: Luke wrote all three of these accounts! It matters not that he put two of the versions into the mouth of Saul, who was by then known as Paul. LUKE WROTE ALL THREE VERSIONS!

Luke also wrote the following just four chapters before the first “Conversion” story:

Acts 5:3: “`Ananias,’ Peter asked, `why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit?'”

And Luke also mentioned the very important name, Pyrrhus:

Acts 20:4-6: “[Paul] was accompanied by Sopater, son of Pyrrhus of Beroea…these went ahead and were waiting for us at Troas…where we stayed for seven days.”

One of the early translators did a strange thing with the name, Pyrrhus: He omitted it! And the King James Version did the same.

Who was Pyrrhus to the Greeks? Pyrrhus, The Fool of Hope, was a story Plutarch wrote and titled at about the same time Luke’s gospel was being penned. It includes the following:

“Pyrrhus also sent some agents, who pretended to be Macedonians. These spies spread the suggestion that now the time had come to be liberated from the harsh rule of Demetrius by joining Pyrrhus, who was a gracious friendof soldiers.”

“And so without fighting, Pyrrhusbecame King of Macedonia…” (Emphases added.)

Another piece of information about Pyrrhus is of great importance, and it’s probably the reason his name was expunged from early biblical texts: According to the Legend of Troy as told by Homer, Pyrrhus was one of the soldiers who participated in the Trojan horse saga. And that is the best-known legacy from the legend of Troy. It’s what everyone thinks of when Troy and the Trojan War are mentioned. The name Pyrrhus was inserted here in Luke’s gospel in the same sentence as Troas to direct the reader to the legend of the Trojan Horse. According to both Homer and Plutarch, Pyrrhus was the most famous spy in history at the time Luke’s gospel was being written!

Plutarch wrote Pyrrhus, The Fool of Hope after the early churches had begun using Paul’s epistles as their “gospel.” Luke wrote about this Fool of Hope to alert “Theophilus” to the truth about Paul, knowing that some would eventually see the parallel he had drawn between Pyrrhus and Paul.

Some excerpts from one of Paul’s letters that offer support for this astonishing claim:

2 Corinthians 13:11: “I have been a fool! You forced me to it, for I ought to have been commended by you. For I was not at all inferior to these superlative apostles, even though I am nothing.”

Also notable here is the underlying purpose behind Paul’s writing of this letter: he was trying to “set the record straight” about his status among Jesus’ apostles. It seems that the Corinthians considered Paul to be inferior to the Apostles and their doctrine, and he was offended.

Paul also refers to himself as “a fool” at 2 Corinthians 11:16-29: “I repeat, let no one think that I am a fool; but if you do, then accept me as a fool, so that I too may boast a little. What I am saying in regard to this boastful confidence, I am saying not with the Lord’s authority, but as a fool; since many boast according to human standards, I will also boast. For you gladly put up with fools, being wise yourselves! For you put up with it when someone makes slaves of you, or preys upon you, or takes advantage of you, or puts on airs, or gives you a slap in the face. To my shame, I must say, we were too weak for that! But whatever any dares to boast of–I am speaking as a fool–I also dare to boast of that. Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they descendants of Abraham? So am I. Are they ministers of Christ? I am talking like a madman–I am a better one: with far greater labors, far more imprisonments, with countless floggings, and often near death.”

Luke has Paul say, Acts 23:6: “. . . I am on trial concerning the hope of the resurrection of the dead.”

Paul speaks again when Luke writes at Acts 24:15: “I have a hope in God–a hope that they themselves also accept . . .”

Paul again, Acts 26:6-7: “. . . I stand here on trial on account of my hope in the promise made by God to our ancestors, a promise that our twelve tribes hope to attain, as they earnestly worship day and night. It is for this hope, your Excellency, that I am accused by Jews!”

And again, Acts 28:20: “. . . it is for the sake of the hope of Israel . . .” (Emphases added.)

Luke put quite a lot of effort into connecting Paul to Pyrrhus, the “fool of hope” who was in fact an infiltrator. Paul called himself a fool in a ranting essay to the Corinthians that sounds as if it came from the mind and mouth of a madman, and he says so himself. Luke also has Paul speak of “hope” repeatedly in a relatively small space in Acts. More than any other of the coded messages, it seems that Luke wanted to convey the message that learning about Pyrrhus will reveal the truth about Paul.

Luke couldn’t write a story called Paul: The Spy Who Pretended to be Jesus’ Apostle Who Infiltrated the Movement and Destroyed It from Within. That story would have been censored by the Orthodox Church leaders supporting Paul. So he did the next best thing. He associated Paul with Pyrrhus in such a way that the connection could not be missed. No wonder the name Pyrrhus was removed from some of the translations of the Bible. Any fool could pick up on the message because virtually everyone knew that Pyrrhus hid inside the Trojan Horse! It was fortunate that some earlier texts were salvaged, saved, and passed on through time. Otherwise, this story could not be told even today.

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