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BBC2 Conspiracy Series

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posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 03:42 PM
Anyone else watching/watched this?

I wasnt expecting them to come out with the hardcore facts and stuff but this is just an outrage... They are just taking the P!ss out of the evidence.

-There still defending the Pancake effect of the collapse. and not showing any evidence against it.

-No mention of prior knowledge

What you all think of it? You think this will open anyones eyes?

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 03:45 PM
they make loose change maker, out to be someone really stupid and uneducated. they also project alex jones as a nutcase, just getting emotional like evangelists, do in usa.

i have never seen loose change, but no offence to the geezer who did it, they make him look really stupid.

well its half way through now, and its not gettin better.

now they are bringing out anti semetic line, about jews.

[edit on 2/18/2007 by andy1033]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 03:48 PM
Might be best if you at least watch through to the end before commenting
on the programme.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 03:53 PM

And they're using that same 'dreamy woman story teller' voice again......
When you allready know the truth you can see just how the BBC are twisting the facts here, then again i TOTALLY expcted them to do this, they're under orders of MI5.hopefully people will see more than they're putting forward, but i'd say its anoteher cleverly presented PR job.


posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:00 PM
I wonder how much the Writer of the X-Files is getting paid for his comments

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:06 PM
compared to that, bill o'reilly comes out better. at least bill just calls people lunatics outright, instead of playing with peoples minds.

owned by government funding, and mi5, thats all i would say. how come they never got a structural engineer to talk about the twin towers falling down, could they not find one, that debunked the fact that it was demolished. they never even got educated people to debunk the stuff.

i wonder did this program wake anyone up, lol.

[edit on 2/18/2007 by andy1033]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:11 PM

i wonder did this program wake anyone up, lol.

Not a chance

If anything this has just convinced the ignorant people of the official story.. these people wont budge from there belief now.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:12 PM
I found it shocking, a complete and utter white wash. They chose the most loose conspiracy theory's there are, making out that the truth seekers are "not right". I can't believe they did the 4000 jews one, and have a sister of a victim say there all wrong and they shouldn't believe in this. Alex Jones comments were taken out and edited, making him just seem like a ranting loon, when its further from the truth. Im just so annoyed at what the BBC have put out, the last word "Conpiracy Theories are just that, theories, with no evidance to support them". They left out so many important facts its crazy and filled it up with people saying "there wrong", what the hell does the director of x-files know? all he did was make people who want to know the truth feel like there worthless and thick. Grrrr im angry because this was just a complete and utter white wash.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:12 PM
Just saw it myself.

Blattenly tried to discredit the 'Loose Change' director.

Even with the official report, it still leaves the hole were the government could have controlled it, weren't most the supposed 'hijackers' located in Saudi Arabia? Why did we not invade SA, well because there stuffed so far up Bush's ass.

The people who benifited from 9/11 were the government(s).

My dad watched this with me as well, he is a hardcore athiest anti-conspiritualist, he refuses to look at the other side and prefers to laugh at it.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:14 PM
I'm wondering if that was funded by the creators of
'Screw Loose Change' it seemed far too biaised towards making
Dylan Avery look like a muppet.
It was like 'let's show how this young college 'drop out' loser type
has made money out of these ridiculous claims.
Whatever you think about 'Loose Change' or Avery the programme promised to examine the alternative theories surrounding the events of 9/11 and they wheel out Fetzer who is more interested in telling the world his opinions of what happened and how he won't be silenced in his quest for the truth than anything else.
Also If you were a neutral who had never even considered the fact that there might be an alternative to the official story and you tuned into that broadcast to see Alex Jones doing his loud rally cry I'm sure you would just think 'who is that nutcase?' and immediately start to side with the theme of the programme which was that if you believe in any sort of a conspiracy theory you are a) in the minority and b) supporting theories which lack credible evidence.

[edit on 18-2-2007 by pmexplorer]

[edit on 18-2-2007 by pmexplorer]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:30 PM

Where was the science on the buildings?
The first hand accounts from the fire service?
They chose a 21 year old "drop out" (with a perceived grudge against society and film school) and a slightly emotional professor of Philosophy to make the case.

A shame they didnt try to get a few of the other "scholars" on film.
The BBC phone in the other day concentrated mainly on plane holograms, and tonight we had the X Files.

Serious journalism? Do they think we're all stupid?
The answers are no and yes, respectively.

Hang on, Britneys shaved her head, must run............

Suspicions confirmed.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:32 PM
Very good program, BBC on it's best! I never believed all these conspiracy crap about 9/11 and I still don't after this. But obviously people will continue to try everyone to believe there is a conspiracy about the 9/11 and it has all been set up
The only conspiracy is the many mistakes the US goverment made to forcome this and is trying to cover that up.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:36 PM
rai76- how come if you live in holland you saw it, do you get bbc2 over there.

do you not think they should of got some qualified people to at least debunk the stuff, discovery does a better job at that, at least they had scholars and structural engineers.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:37 PM
You think the murder of 3000 people is funny?
The laughter emoticon has no place in this forum.
Whoever caused it to happen.

Take a good look at yourself and try to THINK before you type.
Please allow your hubris to take a back seat, at least on here.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by rai76
Very good program, BBC on it's best! I never believed all these conspiracy crap about 9/11 and I still don't after this. But obviously people will continue to try everyone to believe there is a conspiracy about the 9/11 and it has all been set up
The only conspiracy is the many mistakes the US goverment made to forcome this and is trying to cover that up.

So do you work for the CIA or something?

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:41 PM
Is the search facility down, this is already being covered:

BBC explores 9/11 conspiracy

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
rai76- how come if you live in holland you saw it, do you get bbc2 over there.

do you not think they should of got some qualified people to at least debunk the stuff, discovery does a better job at that, at least they had scholars and structural engineers.

Why should they. To me it seems very much that the conspiracy people about 9/11 only believe in their own truth and simply just won't accept the truth and deal with it and make sure it never happens again. They should blame their goverment for the mistakes they made to forecome this terrible event instead of believing they have set it all up.

Andy I have BBC 1,2,3 and 4, as well as BBC Prime and BBC World.

sorry for the smiley. Your right, it's not in honour of the people that died.

[edit on 18/2/2007 by rai76]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:49 PM
I know this slightly off-topic (and generally, something I don't think a great deal about) but did anyone notice the big number '33' on the runway in the very final scene, as the aircraft took-off?

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by coughymachine
I know this slightly off-topic (and generally, something I don't think a great deal about) but did anyone notice the big number '33' on the runway in the very final scene, as the aircraft took-off?

are you trying to say, some numerolgy here or something. do you have any meaning, or is it the number 33 you are just saying it is funny they would show that number.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:54 PM
I just sat here and watched this. I knew they were going to make an attempt at debunking us but this was just horrible. I should really detail in this post every lie, every manipulation, and every filthy trick the BBC just promoted; but I cannot. The BBC were so overbearingly foul with this operation that I need several days for the rage to subside.

(Cut to 7 Footage. Cue condescending Female Scriptreader.)

"This does actually look like a controlled demolition, but Conspiracy theorists are still unsophistacated Arabs who hate Jews."

I just can't believe it... Well, actually I can, but I somehow can't at the same time -- if you can understand that. This will set us back Months -- just exposing the BBC's foul gamesmanship alone.

[edit on 18-2-2007 by MassiveOrigamiRacoon]

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