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UFO's: Shoot at them till we down one of them!

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posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 12:17 PM
Yep, shoot them all! With whatever you got! Pistols, rifles... even RPG's?


I don't care! The problem is, we've been putting up with them for ages. And they sit up there in their fancy little ships, spying down on us, abducting us, implanting strange devices in our nasal cavities, and causing more controversy than Dubya. It's time to lay this for rest, once and for all!

We wanna know! And if the governments can't come clean and clue us all in, then we have a right to find out on our own! So shoot em. Until someone gets lucky enough to put a bullet through just the right spot on one of those flying little anti-gravity buggers. Besides, it's prolly one of the cheap models, built by outsourced labor from the planet next door! (They have been studying the way we do things around here, right?) So that means they skimped on armour and electronics, leaving them open for a bullet up the ying yang.

Now, many of you are probably wondering: What if we accidentally killed one of them, and they got all pissed off? Well, run your ass off until you're out of range of their suction beams!

And if you manage to crash a ship, killing em all? Then just chalk it up to a scientific necessity to confirm that they do exist! Put it out of your head, go get your wheelbarrel, and cart em back to the shed. A few digital camera shots of that, and you can bet you'll keep the hardcore skeptics and debunkers at ATS busy for months!

Yup yup, shoot em all, cause we have a right to know! We didn't invite em here, so welcome to hell, ET.

[edit on 10-2-2007 by TrueAmerican]

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 12:25 PM
Precisely the reason why they don't interact with us in the first place.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 12:33 PM
what do u think our govts been doing? haha it would be a waste of time to fire conventional weapons at them

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Incognito C
Precisely the reason why they don't interact with us in the first place.

LOL, agreed. It's like a human wanting to go into the wild and negotiate peacefully and intelligently with a pride of hungry and territorial lions. We're smarter than that, and so are they. Doesn't take much to recognize what a barbaric, volatile race of beings we are.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 12:38 PM
LMAO you have just confirmed every stereotype of americans, the fact your screen name is trueamerican just makes this all the more funny.

Why not shoot them? Why the hell should we shoot them! If they even exist that is, then maybe they are studying us like we study animals. If an intelligent race is visiting us then the first act we take should not be shooting at them.

This is like the arguement of shooting bigfoot (if that exists), would you shoot a bigfoot just to prove it's a real entity? Don't you think it seems a little wrong to do such a thing?

[edit on 10-2-2007 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
This is like the arguement of shooting bigfoot (if that exists), would you shoot a bigfoot just to prove it's a real entity? Don't you think it seems a little wrong to do such a thing?

Not after all this time, no, I don't! Over 2000 years, untold emotional destruction on thousands, all those crop losses with their silly little crop circles, abducting us, experimenting on us, and then, as if that wasn't enough, making secret arrangements with our governments behind our backs!

Shoot em I say!

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:05 PM
I can honestly say if we turned up on their planet and got upto the things they did, they'd sort us out in short order.

If what is written is true they deserve to be removed from this planet forcibly. Oh yeah were a bunch of animals for reacting like that when there supposed to be busy abducting and experimenting on humans. There the ones who are uncivilised especially when there supposed to be so superior, superior hah! I doubt it very much.


posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:06 PM
In my honest opinion the idea of firing conventional weopons into the air for the sole purpose of hitting a UFO which may or may not exist and may or may not be piloted by living beings to be one of the most absurd and plain stupid ideas I have ever heard. For a number of reasons its a bad idea and I feel stupid for wasting my time explaining why but I assume the OP Was making a Joke so this thread should be moved to the jokes section?

We have our airplanes and helicopters up their and also no documented evidence have ever been varified to show aliens attacking us from UFO's so we would be in the wrong to attack them first. No person on ATS can prove with certainty that aliens are hostile and no person has proved they truly exist but one sure way or scaring them away or causing further delay to disclosure would be agressive actions taken by us. When and if we progress to the ability to sustain peace and justice along with the merging of religion and science into being able to accept things like extra terrestrials then contact will be possible but its still very far from now if attitudes like the OP's remain.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
Doesn't take much to recognize what a barbaric, volatile race of beings we are.

I take pride in that.

They come to our home uninvited, they wake us up in the middle of the night, they kidnap childs, they probe us, they insert devices in our body, ruin our crops, manipulate our societies. What the heck do you expect? Do you expect us to open our arms in a loving embrace and say "welcome" ?

Let's put nuclear weapons in orbit and fire at anything that moves. Pity than in the famous "Tether incident" we didn't rig some nuclear explosives and blow the heck out of them. Let's find were do they come from (planet, dimension, timeline) and liberate them from their ill mannered attitudes.

Sorry guys, but they better put us in quarantine for the next 50.000 years, because with their supposed present day attitude the only welcome they should receive is a good spank in their puny little touchés.

[edit on 10-2-2007 by Celtibero]

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:22 PM
By all means, shoot 'em. Fair game, I say.
Bigfoot, on the other hand. Well, he's an "endangered species". In California, anyway. Go figure.

My 2 cent,

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Slickinfinity
For a number of reasons its a bad idea and I feel stupid for wasting my time explaining why but I assume the OP Was making a Joke so this thread should be moved to the jokes section?

I am sort of joking, but I am sort of not. It is a satire of sorts to rid myself of feeling like some bumbling slave, forced by government silence to go begging at their feet for this knowledge which they withold. And to know that I am paying them my tax dollars to do it makes it even more unbearable. I guess it was Valhall that said "I do not pay taxes to buy lies." Amen to that.

And for every bad reason you come up with, I'll come up with another why it is justified at this point. Enough is enough. I am sick of the bickering back and forth, the controversy it causes, all the TV documentaries on UFOs and everything else. And then you see the Disclosure Project conference, where they challenged Congress to hold hearings on it, with arguably credible witnesses- and nothing.

This site is about conspiracies. And that's gotta be the biggest of them all: The governmental conspiracy to make pacts with aliens, and withhold their existence from the public. So shoot em. Someone will eventually get lucky and we'll find out for ourselves. And this appeal is not just to civilians, either. Of course it would take a rogue element in the military to have the balls and shoot anything really destructive at one of these things. They'd have to go against the grand conspiracy to do it.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:26 PM
on one hand I agree with you on shooting them down. they come here on our planet and do what they want, abduct us, whatever...and do it all in secretcy.
So many think that if a race is more advanced then us they know whats best for us. We dont know what there real agenda is. Who says we should treat them with respect. How much respect do they show us. We humans live in fear of them, and they use that fear against us. They dont deserve no respect. If they want something, they should communicate with the whole world and ask permission. If they dont want our permission and take what they want then thats enough for me to decide to start shooting them down. If you dont agree then just bend over and smile. is there a middle ground?

I personally would like to know more about them, and be civil, but spying on us and raping our race is an act of war. Maybe there is a war going on with our military and them for just that reason. who knows....

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:26 PM
Nice piece of fishing there true American, you just knew you were going to get a nice great big BITE coming out of the gate with not so much the statement but the attitude you have dangling on your hook!! I would say if people took the emotion out of it then 90% would agree with you!! How do we get them to stop??..I dunno...Is a gun the answer??..dunno that either...I am sure though, that one day they will be held to account for their actions..(treating the human race like guinea pigs...) and then they are going to let out a great big..."Oh..#... we dinna think of that" As they become the ones who are sliced, diced, probed and indeed..prodded.."

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:28 PM
Why relly on weapons when you can just as easily use your fists, knees, and elbows. The day when non terrestrial civilizations, those that are hostile, decide to openly attack the world, I'll be there first in line to make sure that I break atleast 4 or 5 of them. One thing people miss is that they are just as fragile as you and me, atleast the ones that are most often mentioned or encountered and just as scared. But, to be honest, they really can just wipe us out in a heart beat, but they wont yet because they probably still need us. As for the friendlys, I'll open my door for them and open a Beck's for them.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by origin
on one hand I agree with you on shooting them down. they come here on our planet and do what they want, abduct us, whatever...and do it all in secretcy.
So many think that if a race is more advanced then us they know whats best for us. We dont know what there real agenda is. Who says we should treat them with respect. How much respect do they show us. We humans live in fear of them, and they use that fear against us. They dont deserve no respect. If they want something, they should communicate with the whole world and ask permission. If they dont want our permission and take what they want then thats enough for me to decide to start shooting them down. If you dont agree then just bend over and smile. is there a middle ground?

I personally would like to know more about them, and be civil, but spying on us and raping our race is an act of war. Maybe there is a war going on with our military and them for just that reason. who knows....

exactly, yeah they seem pleasnt now and are all friendly but they are smarter than us and could easily manipulate us for their gains

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Spica
Nice piece of fishing there true American, you just knew you were going to get a nice great big BITE coming out of the gate with not so much the statement but the attitude you have dangling on your hook!!

Fishing? lol, like I really need the points? Puhleeeeease! But I do have my style, and a boring old "shoot the UFO's" just ain't me. It was intended to be a serious subject with a bit of sarcasm is all. Sorry to make ya laugh.

I would say if people took the emotion out of it then 90% would agree with you!!

So you think 90% of people would agree to shoot at UFO's eh? Hmm, ok, next time, I promise to make this as boring and mundane as possible. But so far in this thread, it's kinda like the other way around. So it seems your critique of my sarcasm and emotion doesn't seem to ring true. Yet.

How do we get them to stop??..I dunno...Is a gun the answer??..dunno that either...I am sure though, that one day they will be held to account for their actions..(treating the human race like guinea pigs...) and then they are going to let out a great big..."Oh..#... we dinna think of that" As they become the ones who are sliced, diced, probed and indeed..prodded.."

Well, as others pointed out, a gun is not likely gonna cut the mustard against a UFO.
But hell, if we don't get one eventually, it won't be for lack of trying. Anyone got an extra AP round?

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

Well, as others pointed out, a gun is not likely gonna cut the mustard against a UFO.
But hell, if we don't get one eventually, it won't be for lack of trying. Anyone got an extra AP round?

If you have read the disclosure project, you would know that those weapons already exists, and yes crafts have been downed in the past before, even using conventional weapons.
fixed quote

[edit on 10/2/07 by masqua]

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 02:08 PM
shooting at targets above the horizon is extremely dangerous, rifle bullets travel a long distance and you have no idea what you will hit, so potshots are out of the question, the only time opening fire is justfied is if they pose a credible threat - - but beware chances are you'll hit some top secret super expensive experimental craft and the air force will not be pleased.

edit: just a disclaimer for anyone who pretends not to get it and is somehow 'inspired' by the approach..

[edit on 10-2-2007 by Long Lance]

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by souls
If you have read the disclosure project, you would know that those weapons already exists, and yes crafts have been downed in the past before, even using conventional weapons.

lol souls, you seem so sure. Then where are they? Hidden away in some bunker at Wright Patterson AFB? Or at A51?

Maybe you don't understand what I am saying here, bud. The government ain't givin up nuttin. Except for lotsa lies and coverups. Is it any wonder that the public would have to resort to this very action of the thread title to find out for themselves? Because that is what is coming to. If we really wanna know, we are going to have to find out for ourselves. And unless you know who sells a good UFO trap, then I still say, shoot em!

And Long Lance, needless to say, caution is paramount. On the other hand, most sightings seem to occur in rural areas, away from lighted areas, making a potshot at one less dangerous. "It's only justified if they pose a credible threat?" Lol, I would think that abducting your kids, experimenting on them, and killing crops and livestock would qualify? Guess not...jeez.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 02:50 PM
We're talking about an alien species that has existed with superior technology, for as long as man could record history. Considering we discovered how to fly spacecrafts less than a hundred years ago, and they've been doing it for many thousands of years, there's no telling what they have at their disposal or how far their technology has developed.

Besides, in all likely hood, the ones that do visit Earth are no more than astronauts or scientists who've come to study us, so shooting at them wouldn't open very good relations with their kind.

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