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Jewish Control of Internet forums (specifically conspiracy boards)

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posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 12:45 PM
Talking bad about the jews is bad mojo man. To talk bad about the masters can have great consequences. They might send their secret police after you. Hannukah man will unlease his fury on you.

Sorry I just couldn't help it. In my defense I was raised by a clan of sarcastic smart @$$es.

PS I've now got that Adam Sandler Hannukah song in my head and it wont leave. Thanks alot

[edit on 7-2-2007 by Royal76]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Dock6
Images of these little old ladies hovering over their keyboards, armed with a list of suggested 'diversionary and defamatory' tactics, made me chuckle.

Although it sounds absolutely paranoid and crazy I often wondered if groups like the ADL and NAACP had people surfing the net looking for "troublemakers" to squash (or at least make note of and/or keep tabs on).
Crazier things in this world have surfaced. Nothing surprises me anymore, to be honest.

[edit on 7-2-2007 by rocknroll]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Royal76
Talking bad about the jews is bad mojo man. To talk bad about the masters can have great consequences. They might send their secret police after you. Hannukah man will unlease his fury on you.

Sorry I just couldn't help it. In my defense I was raised by a clan of sarcastic smart @$$es.

that's Hannukah Harry and your name is now on The List

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 12:50 PM
You know... it's very interesting because as a SuperModerator I have access to the trash bin and can view all deleted threads dating back more than 4 and a half years, and I find nothing from you at all. Not matching the description of the topic you said, nor anything else for that matter.

You have zero posts in the trash bin.

Would you like to clarify this for me? You've attracted my interest.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by spines
There are threads which contain much more ignorance and hate towards those of other religious, ethnic or social class; if the OP is banned without any of that in his post then one third of this forum should be wiped away.

I agree. I've seen threads here that seem to condone a generalized hate against Arab religions, even read areas where posters claimed Africans should thank those who imposed apartheid on them and none of that was deleted.

I think there is an extreme oversensitivity when it comes to complaints regarding Israel and some of it's policies. What I find odd is that calls of racism are dismissed as whining yet calls of antisemitism aren't. There's a difference between criticism and antisemitism. Look at former President Carter.

As far as a message board conspiracy...that I don't know. I will listen to the OP's arguments though as I did the other posts that actually offended me.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 12:54 PM

You know... it's very interesting because as a SuperModerator I have access to the trash bin and can view all deleted threads dating back more than 4 and a half years, and I find nothing from you at all. Not matching the description of the topic you said, nor anything else for that matter.

You have zero posts in the trash bin.

Would you like to clarify this for me? You've attracted my interest.


Looks like the Big guy called your bluff. Maybe its time to look at possibly joining another forum.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by rocknroll
Although it sounds absolutely paranoid and crazy I often wondered if groups like the ADL and NAACP had people surfing the net looking for "troublemakers" to squash (or at least make note of and/or keep tabs on).
Crazier things in this world have surfaced. Nothing surprises me anymore, to be honest.

[edit on 7-2-2007 by rocknroll]

I doubt it.

I'm sure the government monitors "hate groups" internet activities but I doubt anyone is looking for the average poster.

Now remarks regarding George Bush...well...the Secret Service has knocked on a few doors.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Djarums
You know... it's very interesting because as a SuperModerator I have access to the trash bin and can view all deleted threads dating back more than 4 and a half years, and I find nothing from you at all. Not matching the description of the topic you said, nor anything else for that matter.

You have zero posts in the trash bin.

Would you like to clarify this for me? You've attracted my interest.

you must be jewish. how come I didn't see you at the last seder?

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by lee anoma
I doubt it.
Now remarks regarding George Bush...well...the Secret Service has knocked on a few doors.

Like I said, anything is possible.
I hang out at (a toy collecting forum). Months ago two guys got into a weird discussion (I don't recall the subject), which became heated. One of the guys was pissing off the other with sleazy remarks. He mentions he liked eating babies. Now I've known this guy on this forum for months. He's young and he's a smartass, and he loves being silly, inane and obtuse.

Anyway, he got a visit from the FBI at his house in regards to cannibalism. Weird, huh?
It totally freaked him out. He explained, "I'm a joker and I like ruffling people's feathers. Yes, my comment was in bad taste, but I meant it to be funny. I was being silly. OMG!" He has no idea how they zeroed in on him. This was a toy/collector forum that is mostly guys in their late 20's to mid 40's.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 01:38 PM
All I can think of is When You Wish Upon a Weinstein.

Giggity giggity goo...

Family Guy Monkeys, not just for Stewie-isms anymore...

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 02:14 PM
well it seems like no one can pick on isreal without being labeled an anti -semite or there story being mistranslated in some way

its almost the same thing as thinking (will use the example of blacks) that because a group of people at a period in time were singled out and killed , they must be aquitted of any future wrong doings because of history. if this was true there would be no labeling murders as blacks, just americans, there would be no racial profiling and people wouldn't be able to agree that "blacks are better in basketball and football" why would jewish people be omitted from being criticized, or labeled as a group.

especially when what is causing the uprising is often taken out of context by zionists themselves to get a emotional rise out of there own citizens

an example

remember when the NEW YORK TIMES ran an article about tehran wanting to "WIPE ISREAL OFF THE MAP" remember this attention grabbing headline
written by MEMRI which is headed by a former isreali intelligents officer

Ahmadinejad did not call for Israel to be “wiped off the map.” Instead, he quoted Khomeini who declared the “regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time."

but the zionists (and neo cons) decided to sellout/manipulate there own citizens again

by writing this in a way to rehash old fears and create worry in there own "citizens" to forward an agenda the pattern repeats

[edit on 7-2-2007 by cpdaman]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by cpdaman
well it seems like no one can pick on isreal without being labeled an anti -semite or there story being mistranslated in some way

I'm sorry, explain how the OP's claim that his threads being deleted are a jewish conspiracy is related to someone being labeled an anti-semite for picking on Israel.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
All I can think of is When You Wish Upon a Weinstein.

Interesting that you should mention that:

External Source

Snippet from an interview with Family Guy's Seth McFarlane:

UGO: Was the problem with the episode that never aired ["When You Wish upon a Weinstein"] was that it made too many Jewish jokes?

SM: That episode is, ironically, not the edgiest episode we ever did.

UGO: I saw a download of it.

SM: The episode we did with the Pope ["Holy Crap," season 1 episode 11], I think, was a lot more offensive to Catholics than the "Weinstein" was to Jews. I think more of it had to do with internal politics.

UGO: So it didn't air because Jews run Hollywood?

SM: That could be one theory [laughs]. I think it was that hearing the story described scared a lot of people. It was one of those situations where every executive told us privately that they think it's hysterical, but it can't be aired. It makes for a good extra feature for the next DVD set.

Here's the rest of the interview:

Seems like a big double-standard going on in Hollywood these days.
You better laugh, Seth. If you want to keep your job.
Get a clue people.

[edit on 7-2-2007 by rocknroll]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur
some shred of proof that old ladies

I'm an old lady and I have called this thread 'bunk' ... but I'm not 86!

Originally posted by Djarums
I have access to the trash bin and can view all deleted threads ... You have zero posts in the trash bin.

Nailed! This is just another hoax! :shk:

Unless of course Djarums is actually part of the alleged elaborate jewish plot here at ATS to make Israel look good.
If so, I have to tell ya', you guys are doing a lousy job of beefing up Israel's image here!

Case closed.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 03:07 PM

Israel ups the stakes in the propaganda war

Following its invasion of Lebanon this summer, Israel was said to have largely lost the PR battle to Hizbullah, but armed with a major web offensive, it's fighting back



posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by rocknroll
UGO: Was the problem with the episode that never aired ["When You Wish upon a Weinstein"] was that it made too many Jewish jokes?

That it has been aired on FOX, TBS, and Cartoon Network.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
That it has been aired on FOX, TBS, and Cartoon Network.

It wasn't aired when it was first originally scheduled. It was pulled.
But you're right, eventually it made it on.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by cpdaman
well it seems like no one can pick on isreal without being labeled an anti -semite or there story being mistranslated in some way

People can pick on Israel and publically disagree with their policies as loudly as they want to. Its when people become anit-semetic that the problems start.
Honestly, I read through about half of your post and then realized that I wanted to be sick. Dude, six million people were murdered because of their beliefs and their heriatage. And this wasnt a couple hundred years ago, this was seventy years ago. Some wounds take a while to heal.

As long as you want to express your political beliefs, I will back you 100% even if I disagree with you. However, the second that you defame my people in a hateful way.... then we'll have problems.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Mezzanine

Originally posted by cpdaman
well it seems like no one can pick on isreal without being labeled an anti -semite or there story being mistranslated in some way
Dude, six million people were murdered because of their beliefs and their heriatage. And this wasnt a couple hundred years ago, this was seventy years ago. Some wounds take a while to heal.

As long as you want to express your political beliefs, I will back you 100% even if I disagree with you. However, the second that you defame my people in a hateful way.... then we'll have problems.
the 1939 World Almanac shows there were 15,688,259 Jews in the world. And yet, nine years later the New York Times reports that there were then between 15,600,000 and 18,700,000 Jews in existence. If Hitler killed 6 million of them, then why was there no less in 1948 than there were in 1939 ? Furthermore; the same sources report the Jews in Germany in 1938, prior to the supposed killings, totaled only 500,000. If Germans killed 38% of all the Jews in the world, it must mean the 9,688,259 left spawned 6-9 million children within nine years. It takes most cultures 100 years to double in size. Yet the Jews do it in nine ! And have never accomplished this again since !

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 05:01 PM
I read this the other day, slightly off topic sorry.

Ilya Ehrenberg - The Man Who Invented The 'Six Million

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