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Black death conspiracy

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posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by epeorus
bubonic plague
yestis pesilissal, .

there is plenty of medical literature confronting the fact that the bubonic plague wasnt neccisarily the bubonic plague, and theirs alot of propaganda of what went on. There are actually not alot of first case documents available, considering they are all looked up in the vatican.

es yersinia pestis tu es loco

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[edit on 7-2-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 09:20 PM
the black death was a visious poison released on certian populations, most accordingly on the heretical and liberal peasant populations in the south of france. Thsi was chemical warfare of the vainist type, used for non other then the INCREASE IN WEALTH AND POWER.
Ya aya ya ya ay a disease that was spread by a marching marauding band of rats wandering across the country side looking " for just a littloe bit of bread madam", while unknowingly carrying the great plague on earth known to man kind.....

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 09:27 PM
I've been reading this thread with some interest.
Various members have come out and questioned your theory.
You say you have done research to back up your ideas.

Care to share your sources with us?

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 09:28 PM
It definetly was the rath of god. The gods of earth who have roamed these lands for as long as there has been mankind. they coordinated together to produce one of the most lethal chemical weapons then the gods had known before, Im sure gun powder was also god sent.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 09:33 PM
Please, share your research with us.
I'm curious where you get your information.

BTW, the Plague started much earlier than has been mentioned.

Although still debated by historians, the plague has been responsible for at least three great pandemics and multiple epidemics in history. The first pandemic, known as the Justinian plague (541-544 CE), began in Egypt and spread throughout the Middle East and Mediterranean areas. Eventually, the entire known world was affected. By the 8th century, plague receded into scattered endemic areas. The second pandemic began in 1347, when traders from central Asia (via the Silk Road) introduced plague into ports of Sicily. *snip*

The third pandemic began in Hong Kong in 1894 and continues to the present. Alexandre Yersin discovered the plague bacillus, Yersinia pestis, and effective antibiotics were introduced in the early 1940s; however, plague remains endemic in many parts of the world.

[edit on 7-2-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 09:53 PM
Yes the plague is a very old phenomana.

It appeared in ancient greece around the time of the pellopennse war. It was much more localized but had devistating effects. My argument does pertain to just the middle ages.
The suspicius arrival of the black death in ancient greece accorded nice with the great wars, and all that military technolgy everone cares so much about

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 09:56 PM
my theory doesn't only pertain to the middle ages, but also to the outbreak in ancient greece. The funny thing is, it was the same gods then, olympus,helios, helena, and the likes, as was in the middle ages, under a mor complex and developed guise.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 10:04 PM
Do you see the symbology

"That Omnipotence which has called the world with all its living creatures into one animated being, especially reveals Himself in the desolation of great pestilences. The powers of creation come into violent collision; the sultry dryness of the atmosphere; the subterraneous thunders; the mist of overflowing waters, are the harbingers of destruction. Nature is not satisfied with the ordinary alternations of life and death, and the destroying angel waves over man and beast his flaming sword.
These revolutions are performed in vast cycles, which the spirit of man, limited, as it is, to a narrow circle of perception, is unable to explore. They are, however, greater terrestrial events than any of those which proceed from the discord, the distress, or the passions of nations. By annihilations they awaken new life; and when the tumult above and below the earth is past, nature is renovated, and the mind awakens from torpor and depression to the consciousness of an intellectual existence"

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[edit on 7/2/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 10:08 PM
on second thought, i dont see it either, bad pick, i was trying to play that whole source game, but it was not what i wanted

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 10:15 PM
The black death was chemical warfare.
A eugenics policy directed against the hertical populations, it wasnt the first or the last.

the truth is the focus, it has massive implications for the human race.

to understand this kind of evil is to begin the process of deevilition,
that is to abolish such " unnessary" evil from planet earth.

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 01:02 AM
Ok. I'm confused!

What was the original intention of this thread?

I mean firstly you impose that the plague was a kind of biological terrorism.

Then we pan over to god knows what....something about the pope engaging in beastility with rats.

Now you start blaming ancient gods.

Next it will be rats who, i don't know, planned world domination by using the plague.


posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 04:52 AM
Nice theory, i like it.

Black Death
Bubonic Plague
Bio Warfare

lots of B's.

I will see what i can come up with later.

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by epeorus

The black death was chemical warfare.
A eugenics policy directed against the hertical populations, it wasnt the first or the last.

the truth is the focus, it has massive implications for the human race.

to understand this kind of evil is to begin the process of deevilition,
that is to abolish such " unnessary" evil from planet earth.

Fascinating stuff "epe".

I've had a read through the book you use as a sourceThe Black Death

Hmmmm........A book written in 1832 supports your theory????

Well the writer Justus Friedrich Karl Hecker is very strong on using original descriptions of the events.

He links earthquakes, famines, and floods as events that have affected the "atmosphere" and brought forth the plague.

How very medieval!!

It's just that his interpretation of these sources, exposes how little medicine and natural sciences in the early 19 centuary had advanced from the middle ages.

"Bring me my leeches!!!"

Whilst he mentions Edward Jenner and smallpox at the end of his piece, it wasnt until 1859 that Louis Pasteur finally laid to rest "The theory of spontaneous generation" of disease.

What I'm saying is, that baseing your theory on a book from 1832 whilst ignoring all that has been discovered subsequently, in both the medical and historical fields, is a little short sighted.

As a start at modern sources try Philip Zieglers "The Black Death", excellent read! Theres much more been published since then, even quite a lot on the net!!

all the best


pip pip!!!

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 11:12 AM
Here are a few specific quotes from Justus fredrich book.
These quotes are used to highlight the fact that the common therories of the black bulboses that formed on the body were not the main symtoms of the death. This is imporatant because often we are only told about these gross disgusting maladies of the disease, when truly it had much less unhumanly more common symtomes then we are lead to believe.

"It appears that buboes and inflammatory boils did not at first come out at all, but that the disease, in the form of carbuncular (anthrax-artigen) affection of the lungs, effected the destruction of life before the other symptoms were developed."

Again the appearence of the disease seems very strategic when confronting the religious wars at the time. Lets not forget, the arrival of the black death in avinion coincides with the catholic persecution of heretical sects, excpesially in the south of france.

"Thus did the plague rage in Avignon for six or eight weeks, and the pestilential breath of the sick, who expectorated blood, caused a terrible contagion far and near;"

The catholic church was not fond of any kind of liberal thinking what so ever

"its incredible fatality in Florence, the seat of the revival of science,"

again a discrepency of symptoms

"Thus the chronicles of Strasburg, which only take notice of boils and glandular swellings in the axillae and groins, are opposed by another account, according to which the mortal spitting of blood was met with in Germany;"

"In Austria, and especially in Vienna, the plague was fully as malignant as anywhere,"

Here is the seat of mercantilism in the low lands of upper europe, in this region very wealthy and powerful families were made very rich by the textile industry and also eventually created protastantism.

"very frequent sudden deaths occurred on the coasts of the North Sea and in Westphalia, without any further development of the malady."

And of coarse england, where not even a 100 years earlier, the signing of the magna carta took place, one of the most liberal documments.

"In England the malady appeared, as at Avignon, with spitting of blood, and with the same fatality, so that the sick who were afflicted either with this symptom or with vomiting of blood, died in some cases immediately"

So in conclusion the catholic church was faced with the greatest challenge it had ever confronted by an organizing and developing society, and so with the help of powerful organizations, Catholicm unleashed one of the greatest travesties on man kind..........

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[edit on 8-2-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 12:38 PM
check this out, its a scary thought. alot more serious then any potential alien threat

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by epeorus
So in conclusion the catholic church was faced with the greatest challenge it had ever confronted by an organizing and developing society, and so with the help of powerful organizations, Catholicm unleashed one of the greatest travesties on man kind..........

.....which precipitated the decline of the Catholic Church!!!

Try reading this wiki article black death

It gives a good over view of the cause and effects .

The socio-economic changes led ultimately to the rennaisance and reformation, both of which reduced the Catholic Church's power and influence over large parts of Europe.

Another hole in your theory is that no one in the 14 centuary knew what caused the black death.

If you dont know what causes it, how can you spread it?

The theory in those days was "miasma".... bad air

I can see it now......Italy isolated monastry........

"your Holiness, so glad you could make it"

"so Cardinal, how goes our plan for world domination?"

"Well your Holiness, we've got these highly infected Genoese merchants, just off the boats from Caffa.
We're getting them to blow up pigs bladders, to fill them full of miasma. Then we'll deliver the bladders to all the football teams around Europe. When the bladders are kicked they will burst, thus releasing the miasma on to the players and into the crowds!!!!
Before you know it the whole of Europe will be infected with Black Death.
This will force the peasants to turn to the Church for solice!!!"

"Christ on a bike Cardinal, thats pure evil genius!!!!"

"I knew you'd like it Holy Father!"

"Well must go now, keep up the good work Cardinal.Ciao!"

"Ciao, Holy Father!"

The Vatican...... 2007..........

"Holy Father we have a problem, some one has discovered our Black Death Conspiracy"

"OH BOLLOX, and we'd have gotten away with it , if it was'nt for those meddling ATS'ers!!!!!!"


Cardinal beagle

pip pip!!

mod edit, fix link

[edit on 8-2-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 08:30 PM
We keep reiterating that because we didnt know at the time what the black death was, or that they didnt know what germs were, or that we were not advanced enough to understand the sickness.......
well thats bullox, because we musnt forget the advancment of the secret alchemist societies. These were not crazy scientists in some dark cave trying to turn rock to gold, No, they were highly advanced intellectual societies that had decended through aristocratic bloodlines and had access to thousands of years of medical research.

We were advanced in understanding chemicals, and we were able to isolate and study particular bacterias and elements and thus even during the middle ages, we were capable of producing very contagious inffectious diseases, ie the black death

im hoome

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