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Freemasons, your time is up!

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posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 05:59 PM
Tamahu, greenman's are you guys going to continue to derail this thread?

I hope that this is it.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 06:02 PM
So Tamuh..

This.. cross in the galactic sky is going to murder "black lodge" - which does not exist, and ... evil Jews?

And I have to be a Born Again what? A Born Again Christian?

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 06:02 PM
This is the most ridicules thread I've seen.
Kind of gives bad image to the cospiracy theory, it would not surprise me
if the starter of the thread is a masson, so he can make a point and make it look like the masonic conspiracy is a joke.
Shame on you.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 06:04 PM
I derailed a long time ago...
and this subject is a derailment

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Indellkoffer
Part of that is what the Mayans wrote (the cosmic cross is the embodiment of the sacred tree of life) and part of it is just stuff people made up in the last 20 years.

The Nahuas and Mayans speak of 13 Katuns, or periods of time, within which every humanity has to be developed.

We are now in the 12th Katun. In 2040 we enter the 13th Katun, the final step, the end of our civilization, which will last maybe 2000 years. Even the beginning of this Katun means destruction - and so entry into this period implies a complete change in nature due to a great sacrifice that will be performed by the fire.

The Cross:

The Universal Cosmic Drama as seen in Christian art (c. 1350) and Aztec art (c. 1500).

In both images the Virgin Mother lies upon her back and from her womb is born the Tree of Life. Atop the tree is the pelican (left) medieval symbol of the Christ, and the Quetzal (right) the Aztec symbol of the Christ (Quetzalcoatl). The tree in both images is born of the blood of supreme sacrifice; on the left, this blood flows from the wounds of crucifixion, and on the right from the phallus of Quetzalcoatl and his twin brother. In Christian symbolism Jesus was crucified at Calvary (latin for "skull") or Golgotha (Aramaic for "skull") while the Aztec mother goddess is related to a place called "Skull." For more information, refer to Aztec Christic Magic by Samael Aun Weor.

The Cross in Movement:

A "counter clockwise" swastika is not inherently negative. The clock wise swastika is the symbol of Cosmic Christ leaving the bosom of the Absolute in order to create or initiate the Mahamanvantara. The counter clockwise swastika is when it returns back to the absolute.

Originally posted by Rockpuck
So Tamuh..

This.. cross in the galactic sky is going to murder "black lodge" - which does not exist, and ... evil Jews?

I'm not saying that the Final Catastrophe will be as described in the original post of this thread.

But it is near.

Zionism is the Synagogue of Satan: Those who say they are the real Jews, and are not.

And I have to be a Born Again what? A Born Again Christian?

To Be Born Again is to Build the Merkabah, Solar-Sahu, To Soma Heliakon, etc.

Master Jesus taught it symbolically in the Gospels and Pistis Sophia.

To Be Christified is not about belief only.

Buddhism and Indian Tantra teach it as well.

It is the Raising of the Kundalini.

In Taoism, it is found in the Mystery of the Golden Blossom or Secret of the Golden Flower.


posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
Tamahu, greenman's are you guys going to continue to derail this thread?

I hope that this is it.

I'm still talking about the final catastrophe(the original object of this thread), I don't know about everyone else in this thread though.

I just happen to disagree with the way it is said that it is supposedly going to happen in the original post of this thread.

And am offering another perspective on it.

[edit on 6-2-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu
Who are referring to?


He's the only one on this page 2 of this thread who seems to be talking trash about Masons.

No i was discussing the person who originated this thread and others.

Vitchilo just gave me a laugh, he was irreverent which appeals to my sense of humour so i responded in kind.

Tamahu I think your actually trying to bring up a valid opinion and some interesting info and i applaud you for that.


posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 06:25 PM
so I can raise my kundulini upon will..does that mean I will be body will be spirit will be saved
do we need to be able to raise all of the kundulini serpents with in us..or is just one or two ok..

even great masters spend a lifetime trying to raise all of them and few succeed,so if thats the case we are all gone..??

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 06:32 PM
OK, posting isn't working, u2u's aren't working so we'll have to go with the obvious.

Tamahu and greenmansmind ATS isn't your podium, if you continue to jack this thread you WILL be warned or further action will be taken.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 06:37 PM
thank you for the does it feel to be human
and it a nice feeling..does it make you feel good..typical human!are your emotions bubbling,is your mind over anal eysing.(:
thanks for the warnings.
peace with in only

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 06:44 PM

I suggest you read, or reread the T&C.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by greenmansmind
so I can raise my kundulini upon will..does that mean I will be body will be spirit will be saved


There are many cases investigated by the likes of Carl Jung, there are books by Gopi Krishna, an Indian man who claimed no spiritual work but supposed had his kundalini awakened all of the sudden, etc etc There are thousands who claim to have awakened the kundalini - none are verifiable, none are consistent, none are in alignment with the teachings of White Tantrism.

In some cases, the person is experiencing shocks or vibrations in the spine due to nervous damage from psychological problems. This can result in hallucinations (supposed spiritual experiences), etc.

Some people perform pranayamas or meditation and experience "sparks" which they interpret as the awakening of the Kundalini.

Some people create a "psychosomatic" awakening: i.e they imagine it.

In some cases, the person is experiencing the awakening of the Kundabuffer, which, due to the degeneration of the psyche, may be felt or experienced and interpreted as the kundalini, but it is not.

We all know very well that the Kundalini only awakens with moral purity, sanctity in the marriage of man and woman, and the successful completion of the required ordeals. It can never awaken mechanically, by meditation, by accident, because of dharma, because of pranayama, because of hatha yoga, because of diet, what country we live in, what religion we subscribe to, what books we read, we mantras we use, whether we wear our hair long or short, or sit on a pole for 15 years, etc. None of these things have any impact on the awakening of the Kundalini.

A traitor, one who betrays his guru, can never awaken the kundalini.

A fornicator cannot awaken the kundalini.

A single person (without a marriage) cannot awaken the kundalini.

Those confused people who claim to have the Kundalini awakened are very confused, because the ones who have it, earned it through conscious works and voluntary sufferings, at a high price, and they know very well what they have and how they got it, and they can never be the fruity flighty flaky spiritualists that are so common nowadays.

To awaken the kundalini, one must have PSYCHOLOGICAL EQUILIBRIUM.

This is not easy to achieve.

do we need to be able to raise all of the kundulini serpents with in us..or is just one or two ok..

From what I've learned, we need to Raise at least Three of the Seven Serpents of Fire.

To Build the Solar Astral Body, or Solar Eidolon, "Illusory Body", etc.

However, if we are close, it is said that the Great Law may have Mercy and allow us more oppertunity, as the Law is not completely mechanical.

even great masters spend a lifetime trying to raise all of them and few succeed,so if thats the case we are all gone..??

That's right.

But we have had plenty of oppertunities.

The sentence of the Gods was: To the abyss! To the abyss! To the abyss!


posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
OK, posting isn't working, u2u's aren't working so we'll have to go with the obvious.

Tamahu and greenmansmind ATS isn't your podium, if you continue to jack this thread you WILL be warned or further action will be taken.

Um, okay.

I just barely saw this.

No way to see if I've got new U2U's with the new design...

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by greenmansmind
thank you for the does it feel to be human
and it a nice feeling..does it make you feel good..typical human!are your emotions bubbling,is your mind over anal eysing.(:
thanks for the warnings.
peace with in only

Backup greenmansmind your running into a brick wall.

Intrepid doesn't want to censure you, but your flouting his authority.

edit: sorry he already has censured you


[edit on 6-2-2007 by carslake]

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 07:03 PM
yes this is true,though to get there I can not agree that we have this..many enlightened people go through hell to get there and once there they may not allways seem so at peace..they can be very obscure,such as the man in the story of the silent warrior(I may have that wrong).I am reading a book now on sages/mystics and enlightened people..

I dont have a dilusional problem when it comes to awakening kundulini..
the path I chose at a very young age has been filled with syncronicities with meeting spiritual people who have great knowledge and accomplishments...and a vast amount of other great people.
I have even been through the dimensional doorways,many years in a row at the time they are accessible,where men become gods and recently offered to travel to a tibetan monestary called leaping goat to help them on a project

none of which is a hallucination

thanks Tamu,I allways enjoy your post
and occasionally a warning or two

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 07:09 PM
What in the world does this gnosistic crap have to do with the OP. Unless.. your saying his pathetic rant was actually something you believe in? When will we see the mass majical executions begin Tamuh? .. When are all those evil joos gunna die??

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 07:21 PM
You're obviously not paying attention to my posts(as usual, for example: You are ignoring that I'm differentiating between Jews and Zionists); posts which are about the Final Catastrophe(and how to avoid it) in relation to Astrological events, the Tree of Life, and the Cross.

But, I guess posting about the end-times in relation to Astrological events, the Tree of Life, and the Cross is off topic(and posting about anti-Mason rants is apparently more acceptable)...


[edit on 6-2-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 07:50 PM
Why do religious crackpots always fall into the trap of setting dates ?
As soon as you do that you have created a situation you cannot spin yourself out of.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 08:00 PM
Greetings RWPBR

Not sure if you're referring to my posts as well...

Either way, here's some important info:

Regarding Prophecy

This prophetic prediction of Nostradamus must be interpreted Kabbalistically:

1999 = 28 = 10

10 = is the Wheel of Reoccurrence. The great catastrophe is a recurrent cosmic event that will happen inevitably. Believe it or not!

Unfortunately, people do not know how to comprehend the profound meaning of some prophesies. They interpret — lamentably — everything literally.

"The year 1999, seventh month,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror.
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck."...

..."Nevertheless, in spite of not knowing the exact date of the imminent and terrifying catastrophe — only the Father knows the time and day.

"However, we know by direct experience that the end times have already arrived, and they are here.

"It is not our intention to argue with the partisans of such a date. We only want to state that the Bible, in spite of containing the revelation of all human history (throughout it, there is an anthology of all peoples), it never says that in the year 1999 the Aryan race (the present humanity) will perish.

"The scholars, however, can in no way ignore that in the Bible there is an in extenso narration of the journey every great cyclic generation makes.

"Humanity is completely mature for the supreme punishment.

"The end of this shameful humanity is near.

"The kabalist analysis demonstrates that in the numbers two (2), five (5), zero (0), and zero (0), the secret of the great catastrophe is enclosed. Whoso ever has understanding let him understand, for there is wisdom within....

"Unfortunately, people do not know how to comprehend the profound meaning of some kabalist numbers. They interpret — lamentably — everything literally.

Jesus Stated:

"But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.

"Watch ye therefore; for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, (neither the date, nor the year) at even, or at midnight, or at c*** crowing, or in the morning:

"Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping (that is, with your onsciousness sleeping).

"And what I say unto you I say unto all, watch (awaken your Consciousness)."

Samael Aun Weor


King of Terror from the Sky: Hercolubus(Barnard Star)?

King of the Mongols: H.H. the Dalai Lama returning to his Throne in Lhasa?

Mars: Geburah/Samael Aun Weor?


[edit on 6-2-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by whiteshadow325

Originally posted by Connected

Originally posted by Nygdan
This poster doesn't appear to even be on the same continent as that other poster, VCR.

So lets not slam this poster for something that they didn't do.

So have you ever herd of a proxy?

That's true. Someone like this has a pretty hard time giving up..

OK guy's, I've checked it too and it isn't a proxy. VCR is in western North America and this poster is in the UK.

Can we put this to bed now?

Certainly, man. I was only trying to help you out. I apologize; I didn't mean to tell you how to do your job.

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