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Philadelphia Experiment is it possible to make something invisible ?

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posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 03:10 PM
Tim Ventura here, from - I've added a number of links to new information on the Philadelphia Experiment & Nazi-Bell stories to the Wikipedia Entry under the "Alternative Theories" section. In short, a lot of new information is coming out about this story, including:

- Einstein's documented involvement, from his FBI file that places him in 1943 at the Philadelphia Navy Yard working on "a device to explode a torpedo under a ship"

- A detailed technical summary of how the Philadelphia Experiment might be recreated, published by James Corum:

- The revelation that "Rhinehart" was in fact that name of a real scientist working at the Philadelphia Navy in '43, who specialized in Naval Degaussing Equipment (ie: big electromagnetic coils)

- Firm connections to the Nazi-Bell Project through Einstein's 1928 revision of the Unified Field Theory, which both the Allies & Axis had copies of (through Walther Gerlach, Nazi oversight for the Bell Project, who had helped Einstein vet the theory in the 20's).

- Engineering-level knowledge of Unified Field-Theory effects, as described by GE scientist Gabriel Kron, which could have easily been couple with Einstein's unfinished UFT.

- Knowledge of gas-plasma absorption of radar, which was later developed further by Northrup for inclusion in the B-2 bomber (NOTE: that this would almost have to be required for the B2, because even if the aircraft itself absorbed radar, the moving air around it would still reflect signals & show up on doppler radar. Radar-absorption of gas plasmas was also further researched during the space-program, as it is the reason that contact is temporarily lost with space capsules upon re-entry.)

A good resource to start with is "Einstein's Antigravity", atL


Tim Ventura

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:13 AM


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