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What would you say about a White History Month?

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posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Royal76
The United Kingdom is one to talk.

How many people left you guys because the were being discriminatied against

Who really has a bigger history of putting its foot on other necks. Should I bring up India, Africa, Austrialia, "The America's".

So lets not get all self rightous

You don't stop judging people do you.

I live in the UK and so you choose to throw their imperialistic history in my face. Thanks for this very topical reaction, giving me a prime example to the discussion we find ourselves in.

The British have a great deal to answer for you will never hear me deny that, in fact you will hear me blame the British for a great many of the ills which mankind now face.

Stop trying to argue the poster as opposed to the argument, you may want to take into consideration my last post, or did you think I was specifically talking about your good self?

[edit on 5-2-2007 by Koka]

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
How do you come to that conclusion? Is it white history because it was recorded by whites? or does it have to involve whites to be considered white history?
just wondering

well, i'm just saying that because all african american history is squeezed into that one month
and the history of all the other "minorities" is pretty much ignored
all that is left is white history

here's my opinion
black history month is merely a cop-out
a way to pretend to make up for past injustices

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Harassment101
Hi Scrub.
Hi FlyersFan.
Hi Royal76.
HI SpeakerofTruth.
HI FlyersFan
Hi Royal76

It's not enough that I'm white, I feel left out all over again...


Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
It seems to me that there is a general lack of understanding as to what the goal of "Black history" month actually is...

I understand perfectly what BHM is for. The idea of WHM doesn't have to be a direct take off of BHM. My idea for it is less in response to BHM as it is a desire to learn more and more accurate history about our nation.

Hey! It could be called "American History Month" and then all Americans could be included! Black, white, red, brown, etc...

Am I on global ignore

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Hey! It could be called "American History Month" and then all Americans could be included! Black, white, red, brown, etc...

It's a little more complex than that. The Underground Railroad ended in Canada. We also screwed over the aboriginal peoples. Maybe it should be North American History, to get the FULL grasp of everything.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 06:22 PM
It's so complex.

How about United States History Month?
Nah! That sounds foopid.

How about History Inaccuracies Corrected Month? Aw! That's worse!

I know! How about ________ Awareness Month???
I'm an idiot...

Maybe we should just forget it. I don't need a month. I don't have a problem with anyone who wants to have one.

Carry on.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Maybe we should just forget it. I don't need a month. I don't have a problem with anyone who wants to have one.

Carry on.

I'm with you on that.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Maybe we should just forget it. I don't need a month. I don't have a problem with anyone who wants to have one.

Carry on.

I 2nd that.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
How about History Inaccuracies Corrected Month?

That would need to be History Inaccuracies Corrected DECADE.
I think it would take more than a month. But good idea!!

Maybe we should just forget it.

The best idea of all. No separations. Just 'history'.
All together, like we SHOULD be.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 12:53 AM
This might be a provactive response, but let's take the proposal seriously.

1)What is there to be gained by having a "White History Month"?

What would be done? Would you celebrate "white" dignitaries and politicians for forwarding the needs of the white race?

Would there be educational specials promoting the celebration of whites in America?

Would there be special celebrations that explore the legacy of white people in America?

What type of teaching materials would be created to educate children as well as the United States populace about "White History Month" in America?

2)How would you celebrate "White History Month"?

By parades (especially with bands playing Perry Como's rendition of "You are the Sunshine of My Life")? What would these parades consist of?

By concerts (who would be invited? Enimem? Ted Nugent? Boston Pops? Wayne Newton? My Chemical Romance?)?

What symbols would you use to denote "Whiteness" in a multi-cultural society?

3)Who would be "allowed" to participate in "White History Month"?

Would you allow all whites from different perspectives to participate in "educating" the American populace on "White History"?

Would people of color be allowed to participate in "White History month"?

4)Why is having a "White History Month" important?

Is it to simply celebrate the "achievements" of White people? Is it to note that White people have benefitted from the successes and milestones from others of their race? Is it to remind all Americans how important White people are?

5)What more do we need to know about Whites that we already don't?

We do have a plethora of historical, sociological, psychological, anthropological, artistic, ethno-musicological and other disciplines examining the history, activities, politics, economics and thoughts of white people.

However, the only thing that isn't explored is how White people have benefitted from institutional racism, how they have used these "benefits" to assert their superiority over all other areas of thought in society and how they see their "whiteness" in comparison to others. Most importantly, there has been only a little research into the "culture of whiteness" and the notion of "white privilege". Now, that might be interesting if it were included within the "celebration" of White History month.

6) Who would be the spokespersons or groups that sponsor "White History Month"?

Patrick Buchanan (he always talks about the achievements of white people in America)?

Trent Lott (Most notable for trying to have Jefferson Davis honored as the leader of the Confederacy; member of the CCC; denied a black person admittance to his fraternity while at Ole Miss; got FEMA funds before the poor survivors of Hurricane Katrina did)?

Daughters of the American Revolution (Notorious for denying people of color admittance into their organization until recently; most notable for trying to deny Marian Anderson the right to sing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial)?

Katherine Harris (Most notable for the voting disenfranchisement of African-Americans and Jewish in Florida; also known for losing a lawsuit in Florida in regards to voter disenfranchisement in the 2000 elections)?

Such a suggestion becomes quite more complicated than just wanting it to be done.

[edit on 6-2-2007 by ceci2006]

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 12:57 AM
A white history month would continue to divide the races.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 02:12 AM
I'm a vintage toy collector.
How about Toy & Game History Month?
Where we all connect with our inner child and leave the squabbling adult behind.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by ceci2006
This might be a provactive response,

Geee .. ya’ think? :shk:

Would you celebrate "white" dignitaries and politicians for forwarding the needs of the white race?

You would assume that, wouldn’t you.
White people who have done great things for America – that’s who.

What symbols would you use to denote "Whiteness" in a multi-cultural society?

What symbols do blacks use to promote ‘blackness’ in a multi-cultural society?

Would you allow all whites from different perspectives to participate in "educating" the American populace on "White History"?

Do you ‘allow’ all blacks from different perspectives to participate in “educating” the American populace on “black history”?

Would people of color be allowed to participate in "White History month"?

People of all colors participate in black history month and MLK day celebrations.

What more do we need to know about Whites that we already don't?

Obviously a whole lot since some continually fail to see past their own anti-white racism.

the only thing that isn't explored is …

:shk: Perhaps for black history month we should all be discussing murders by the Black Panthers. The Kwanza scam. Welfare queens. The rate of black male abandonment of their children (~ %70). Etc etc.

Generally you use good examples to help inspire people to reach those same type of goals.

Who would be the spokespersons or groups that sponsor "White History Month"?

Oh how predictable. You pick bad examples. :shk:

Geee, I can do that too. How about having the Black Panthers be spokespersons for black history month? Or another winner … that idiot criminal who invented the scam of Kwanza? Hey … there’s always Al Sharpton and his shady financial dealings, and the fallback of Jesse ‘shakedown’ Jackson as well.

There are plenty of Americans of white skin color who are wonderful, selfless, giving people who have helped this country.

If you had bothered to read this thread you would have seen that most everyone feels that _________ history months (fill in the blanks) are unnecessary and segregating, and therefore having a white history month would be of no use. But you just wanted to be 'provacative', didn't ya'?

edited ONCE for spelling

[edit on 2/6/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by ceci2006
Would you celebrate ... educational specials? ... special celebrations?

Sure. Would there be a problem with that?

By parades (especially with bands playing Perry Como's rendition of "You are the Sunshine of My Life")?

Why would we use a song written by a black guy?
There are plenty of white songwriters and singers to choose from. Got a problem with Perry singing that song?

What symbols would you use to denote "Whiteness" in a multi-cultural society?

I'm sure we could come up with something. We're pretty resourceful as a group.
How about a smiley face?

3)Who would be "allowed" to participate in "White History Month"?

Why anyone. of course.

Would you allow all whites from different perspectives to participate in "educating" the American populace on "White History"?

It's a free country.

4)Why is having a "White History Month" important?

It's already been covered in this thread. It's not really that important. It's just an idea. Is it all right with you if we talk about it? Thanks.

White people have benefitted from institutional racism, how they have used these "benefits" to assert their superiority over all other areas of thought in society and how they see their "whiteness" in comparison to others.

In my opinion, that statement is AT LEAST as provocative as the "White Power" statement made earlier.

People get dinged for saying "White Power", but generalize and slam the white race all you wish without consequence.

Thanks for demonstrating the double standard used in race baiting in this country. Not only that, but another reason for having a WHM. Because anybody can slam "whites" but stand up and be proud of your whiteness and you get chastised... :shk:

5)What more do we need to know about Whites that we already don't?

I'm not saying that you do. But perhaps there are those who would like to know more. Is this a problem?

We do have a plethora of historical, sociological, psychological, anthropological, artistic, ethno-musicological and other disciplines examining the history, activities, politics, economics and thoughts of white people.

We have that for other races, too, but they still have months.

6) Who would be the spokespersons or groups that sponsor "White History Month"?

Oh, God! There are thousands to choose from! Certainly not the idiots you mentioned. Interesting that you associate whiteness with people like Trent Lott, an OBVIOUS racist. I guess if you associate the white race with overt racism, that would be who you would suggest. :shk: (pssst - Your intense animosity is showing)

That would be like me suggesting as a spokesman for BHM -

Louis Farrakhan - In his Nation of Islam days...
Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale - The founders of the Black Panthers
Maybe Eldridge Cleaver?
How about Snoop Dogg? or The Game?

Wonderful black representatives!

Such a suggestion becomes quite more complicated than just wanting it to be done.

Only to those who are so militant and bitter in their feelings against the people it would represent.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Last night in the Super Bowl I heard over and over first black coach is going to win.. then his victory speech, forget about players the most important thing is he was black!

We should clap every time a black man ties his shoes.

You must not know much about football.

Else, you would know that, while there are plenty of black players, there are VERY FEW black head coaches. THAT'S why they made a big deal about it; it makes the league look good.

I don't care if you didn't like hearing it, because a whole lot more people did. Now get to clapping, I just tied my shoes.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 09:30 AM
I'm sorry for causing your morning fit, BH. I didn't mean to offend you or the others. I was asking general questions about how this was to be done.

Otoh, now you know how it feels when white people ask those questions of Black people and try to force the issue that they find BHM being "divisive". Year after year, Black people have had to suffer the remarks, the questions and the speeches demeaning their experiences and history when related to this month. It has happened over and over. And no one gives a damn about that.

Frankly, I'm not militant. I'm not possessing intense animosity. Where would you get that idea?

I am slightly amused because every year without fail someone always has to bring up White History month as a response to Black History Month.

Otherwise, what I asked were legitimate questions. I thank you for answering them despite your "acting out".

[edit on 6-2-2007 by ceci2006]

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 09:35 AM
You don't like the Panthers, eh, BH?

I STILL say "Free Huey!"
(oh, right, Huey's dead...I guess I'll have to settle with "Fight the Power!")

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 09:39 AM
Maybe, truthseeka, it's "Power to the People!"

That needs to be added to the sayings, don't you think?

[edit on 6-2-2007 by ceci2006]

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 09:44 AM
Like I said, FF, I gave you a WATS. You have to trust me, though, because the confirmation isn't showing up for some reason.

I like how you handled Tea a couple pages back. But remember, you better buy yourself a steel umbrella, cuz the sky will crash down on our heads any time now.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 09:45 AM
It's so important because I am proud of my past decades of parents that have fought the oceans in ships without engine's ... Just using the natural wind of the ocean to blow them from one place to another ... I am proud of my grandfather who fought in the civil war for the South side to never Abolish slavery that we couldn't run our farms without slaves ... What you think we are Mexicans popping out 100 children ?? LOL ... Sorry couldn't help that Pablo ... Any how ...I am proud of my WHITE heritage and can proudly say I am PURE BRED ... Besides that 4th cousin removed ... But hey .. Who's counting that ... Why is there a Need for ... the other days that are out there ... Because people are proud of what they are .... and what makes the WHITE MAN any different ... ??? ...

******* How is it I am in the same threads with the same names .. Over and Over and Over again /./??? Just coincidenccccceeee ?????? I think not ... I have come to the conclusion you are all bots ... LOL !!!

So lets make a National Bot day ... Hmmm .. Who's up for it ?

[edit on 6-2-2007 by Deus_Brandon]

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by ceci2006
Maybe, truthseeka, it's "Power to the People!"

That needs to be added to the sayings, don't you think?

[edit on 6-2-2007 by ceci2006]

Yeah, yeah, fa sho, ceci.

After all, that IS what the Panthers were all about. We tend to forget all the good things the Panthers did for the community (breakfasts in the hood, making sure the punk pig penelope po pos didn't beat you to a pulp when they stopped you, etc.), due to their militant stance. But, they were all for power to the people.

Thanks again, ceci; you seem to never run out of good stuff on these boards.

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